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79. Aylor, D.M. (1993), “The Effect of a Seawater Environment on the Galvanic Corrosion Behaviour of Graphite/Epoxy Composites Coupled to Metals”, High Temperature and Environmental Effects on Polymeric Composites, ASTM STP 1174, C.E. Harris and T.S. Gates, eds., American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), pp. 81-94.

80. Bellucci, F. (1991), “Galvanic Corrosion between Nonmetallic Composites and Metals: I. Effect of Metal and of Temperature”, Corrosion, National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), 47(10), pp. 808-819.

81. Bellucci, F. (1992), “Galvanic Corrosion between Nonmetallic Composites and Metals: II. Effect of Area Ratio and Environmental Degradation”, Corrosion, National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), 48(4), pp. 281-291.

82. Bonk, R.B., Ostendorf, J.F., Ambrosio, A.M., Pettenger, B.L. and Froelich, K.A. (1996), “Evaluation of Adhesives for Adhering Carbon/Epoxy Composites to Various Metallic Substrates”, Proceedings of the 41st International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA, March 24-28, 1996, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), pp. 1472-1485.

83. Boyd, J., Chang, G., Webb, W., Speak, S., Gerth, D. and Reck, B. (1991), “Galvanic Corrosion Effects on Carbon Fiber Composites”, Proceedings of the 36th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, April 15-18, 1991, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), pp. 1217-1231.

84. Bourban, P.E., McKnight, S.H., Shulley, S.B., Karbhari, V.M. and Gillespie, J.W. Jr., (1994), “Durability of Steel/Composite Bonds for Rehabilitation of Structural Components,” Proceedings of the 1994 ASCE Materials Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 295-302.

85. Ceriolo, L., Di Tommaso, A. (2001). Cast Iron Bridge Failure Due to Impact: reduced Vulnerability through FRP Composite Materials Strengthening. In National Conf. on Structure failures and reliability of civil constructions, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, 6 - 7 December.

86. Colombi P, Fanesi E, Fava G, Poggi C. Steel elements strengthened by FRP materials:

87. durability under mechanical and environmental loads. In Di Tommaso A, editor. Mechanics of masonry structures strengthened with FRP - materials modelling, testing, design, control, Padova (I): Libreria Cortina; 2004, p. 387-398.

88. Gettings, M. and Kinloch, A.J. (1977), “Surface Analysis of Polysiloxane/Metal Oxide Interfaces”, Journal of Materials Science, 12(12), pp. 2511-2518.

89. Karbhari, V. M., and Shulley, S. B. 1995. Use of Composites for Rehabilitation of Steel Structures - Determination of Bond Durability, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 4(7): from 239-245.

90. Moy, S. S. J. 2002. Early Age Curing under Cyclic Loading - an Investigation into Stiffness Development in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Steel Beams. In Proc., ACIC 2002, Southampton University, UK, 15-17April, edited by R. A. Shenoi, S. S. J. Moy, L. C. Hollaway. Thomas Telford.

91. Rajagopalan, G., Immordino, K.I. and Gillespie, J.W. Jr. (1996), “Adhesive Selection Methodology for Rehabilitation of Steel Bridges with Composite Materials”, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites 11th Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 7-9, 1996, Technomic, pp. 222-230.

92. Shulley, S.B., Huang, X., Karbhari, V.M. and Gillespie, J.W. Jr., (1994) “Fundamental

93. Considerations of Design and Durability in Composite Rehabilitation Schemes for Steel Girders With Web Distress,” Proceedings of the 1994 ASCE Materials Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 1187-1194.

94. Tavakkolizadeh, M., and Saadatmanesh, H. 2001. Galvanic Corrosion of Carbon and Steel in Aggressive Environment, Journal of Composites for constructionConstruction, ASCE, 3(5): from 200-210.

95. Tucker, W. C., and Brown, R. 1989. Blister Formation on Graphite/Polymer Composites Galvanically Coupled with Steel in Seawater, Journal of composite Composite Mmaterials, ASCETechnomic, 4(23): from 227-238389-395.

96. Tucker, W.C., Brown, R. and Russell, L. (1990), “Corrosion between a Graphite/Polymer Composite and Metal”, Journal of Composite Materials, Technomic, 24(1), pp. 92-102.

97. Wetzel, E. (1995), “Assessment of Heating Techniques for Metal to Composite Bonding in Infrastructure Rehabilitation”, B.S. Thesis, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

98. West, T.D. (2001), “Enhancements to the Bond between Advanced Composite Materials and Steel for Bridge Rehabilitation,” M.S. Thesis, University of Delaware (U.S.A.), pp. 16-85.


1. Ovchinnikov I.G., Pochtman M.Ju. Tonkostennye konstrukcii v uslovijah korrozionnogo iznosa. Raschet i optimizacija (monografija). Dnepropetrovsk: Izd-vo DGU, 1995.192 s.

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9. Jekspertnoe zakljuchenie na STO 2256-002-2011. «Sistema vneshnego armirovanija iz polimernyh kompozitov FibARM dlja remonta i usilenija stroitel'nyh konstrukcij. Obshhie trebovanija. Tehnologija ustrojstva. ZAO «Prepreg-SKM».M. 2011. 16 s.». Filial OAO CNIIS «NIC Mosty». 2011. 5 s.

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81. Bellucci, F. (1991), “Galvanic Corrosion between Nonmetallic Composites and Metals: I. Effect of Metal and of Temperature”, Corrosion, National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), 47(10), pp. 808-819.

82. Bellucci, F. (1992), “Galvanic Corrosion between Nonmetallic Composites and Metals: II. Effect of Area Ratio and Environmental Degradation”, Corrosion, National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), 48(4), pp. 281-291.

83. Bonk, R.B., Ostendorf, J.F., Ambrosio, A.M., Pettenger, B.L. and Froelich, K.A. (1996), “Evaluation of Adhesives for Adhering Carbon/Epoxy Composites to Various

84. Metallic Substrates”, Proceedings of the 41st International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA, March 24-28, 1996, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), pp. 1472-1485.

85. Boyd, J., Chang, G., Webb, W., Speak, S., Gerth, D. and Reck, B. (1991), “Galvanic Corrosion Effects on Carbon Fiber Composites”, Proceedings of the 36th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, April 15-18, 1991, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), pp. 1217-1231.

86. Bourban, P.E., McKnight, S.H., Shulley, S.B., Karbhari, V.M. and Gillespie, J.W. Jr., (1994), “Durability of Steel/Composite Bonds for Rehabilitation of Structural Components,” Proceedings of the 1994 ASCE Materials Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 295-302.

87. Ceriolo, L., Di Tommaso, A. (2001). Cast Iron Bridge Failure Due to Impact: reduced Vulnerability through FRP Composite Materials Strengthening. In National Conf. on Structure failures and reliability of civil constructions, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, 6 - 7 December.

88. Colombi P, Fanesi E, Fava G, Poggi C. Steel elements strengthened by FRP materials:

89. durability under mechanical and environmental loads. In Di Tommaso A, editor. Mechanics of masonry structures strengthened with FRP - materials modelling, testing, design, control, Padova (I): Libreria Cortina; 2004, p. 387-398.

90. Gettings, M. and Kinloch, A.J. (1977), “Surface Analysis of Polysiloxane/Metal Oxide Interfaces”, Journal of Materials Science, 12(12), pp. 2511-2518.

91. Karbhari, V. M., and Shulley, S. B. 1995. Use of Composites for Rehabilitation of Steel Structures - Determination of Bond Durability, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 4(7): from 239-245.

92. Moy, S. S. J. 2002. Early Age Curing under Cyclic Loading - an Investigation into Stiffness Development in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Steel Beams. In Proc., ACIC 2002, Southampton University, UK, 15-17April, edited by R. A. Shenoi, S. S. J. Moy, L. C. Hollaway. Thomas Telford.

93. Rajagopalan, G., Immordino, K.I. and Gillespie, J.W. Jr. (1996), “Adhesive Selection Methodology for Rehabilitation of Steel Bridges with Composite Materials”, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites 11th Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 7-9, 1996, Technomic, pp. 222-230.

94. Shulley, S.B., Huang, X., Karbhari, V.M. and Gillespie, J.W. Jr., (1994) “Fundamental Considerations of Design and Durability in Composite Rehabilitation Schemes for Steel Girders With Web Distress,” Proceedings of the 1994 ASCE Materials Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 1187-1194.

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