Logistics cost optimization strategy within the context of risk management in international construction projects by the of Power of Siberia Gas pipeline case
The specifics of international construction projects. Supply chain management in the oil and gas industry. Practical steps to optimize SCM costs in the context of risk management in international construction projects by the Siberian gas pipeline.
Рубрика | Строительство и архитектура |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.09.2018 |
Размер файла | 7,4 M |
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Selectionofriskresponsestrategy (method) isdoneusing the risk materiality/manageability matrix. Risk materiality/manageabilitymatrixgives an idea of possible priority strategiesfor risk response in the context of risk level materiality and risk manageability.
The scheme of response method selection using the risk materiality/manageability matrix is presented in the (fig. 14).
Figure 14. Presentation of priority risk response strategy (method) selection
Riskmanageabilityis assessed by expert judgement using the criteria with reference to influence area and company control, possible impact and control of risk factors (table 15)
Table 15.Risk response matrix.
Critical |
Customer/Investor did not make planned scheduled financing of the supplier Customer/Investor did not make planned scheduled financing of the infrastructure owner Customer/Investor did not make planned scheduled financing of the carrier 2 Customer/Investor did not make planned scheduled financing of the carrier 3 Customer/Investor did not make timely delivery contract Customer/Investor did not make timely cargo storage and transshipment agreement Customer/Investor did not make timely transportation agreement |
Significant |
Due to climatic factors Carrier 3 cannot transfer Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to climatic factors Infrastructure owner cannot transfer Physical resources to Carrier 2 in planned volumes at target date Due to climatic factors Carrier 2 cannot accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to climatic factors Carrier 2 cannot transport Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to climatic factors Carrier 3 cannot accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to climatic factors Construction Contractor cannot execute works in planned volumes at target date Force-major for Carrier 2 Force-major for supplier Force-major for Carrier 1 Force-major for Infrastructure owner |
Infrastructure owner did not supply Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Carrie 2 did not transport Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to improper coordination and lack of timely data Carrier 3 cannot accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Carrier 3 did not transport Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to improper coordination Infrastructure owner is not ready to accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Carrier 1 did not supply Physical resources in planned volumes at target date (moreover due to delay of shipment) Due to improper coordination and lack of timely data Carrier 2 cannot accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to poor qualification of Carrier 2 the physical resources were partially or completely damaged Carrier 2 provided Physical resources of poor quality Due to improper process coordination Carrier 3 transported physical resources to a wrong destination point Carrier 3 provided Physical resources of poor quality Due to poor qualification of Construction Contractor the physical resources were partially or completely damaged Due to lack of coordination Carrier 3 transported physical resources to a wrong destination point |
Customer/Investor did not make timely contraction agreement Customer/Investor did not make financing of Construction Contractor in planned volumes at target date Customer/Investor did not make timely transportation agreement |
Minor |
Due to climatic factors the Physical resources, stored or reshipped at the Infrastructure owner, were partially or completely damaged 1 Commercial risks of supplier Commercial risks of Carrier 1 Commercial risks of Infrastructure owner Commercial risks of Carrier 2 Commercial risks of Carrier 3 Commercial risks of Construction Contractor Due to climatic factors the Physical resources, transported by Carrie 3, were partially or completely damaged Force-major for Carrier 3 Force-major for Construction Contractor Intended counter-effort of 3 parties against Carrier 1 Intended counter-effort of 3 parties against Infrastructure owner Intended counter-effort of 3 parties against Carrier 2 Intended counter-effort of 3 parties against Carrier 3 Intended counter-effort of 3 parties against Construction Contractor |
Supplier did not submit Physical resources in time Due to improper coordination and lack of timely data Infrastructure owner cannot transfer Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Carrier 2 is not ready to accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Infrastructure owner supplied cargo of poor quality (defective) Carrier 3 is not ready to accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to improper process coordination Carrier 2 transported physical resources to a wrong destination point Construction contractor is not ready to accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to poor qualification of Carrier 3 the physical resources were partially or completely damaged Carrier 1 supplied physical resources (partially) of poor quality (defective) Infrastructure owner (station/port) is not ready to accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date Due to improper coordination and lack of timely data Construction contractor cannot accept Physical resources in planned volumes at target date |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Conditions for risk response strategy (method) application as well as possible list of risk management measures, which can be implemented within application of risk response strategy (method), are listed in the table16.
To implement the selected risk response method (except for risk acceptance) the risk management measures should be developed, ensuring implementation of the selected response method. List of risk management measures, which can be implemented within application of risk response strategy (method)is presented in the table 16.
Table 16.Risk response strategies (methods)
Response method |
Application conditions |
Examples of risk control measures |
Avoidance |
Red area risk (matrix top right corner) of the risk matrix; Use of other response methods is impossible or makes no sense for a number of reasons |
Rejection of business, process or execution of part of works (under the project); Change of requirements to scope and terms of works; Rejection of cooperation with contractors, suppliers, materials and technologies, and other |
Decrease |
Red or yellow area risk; Risk can be decreased by means of risk decreasing measures; Use of decreasing strategy makes more sense than application of other strategies. |
Process regulation, increase of procedure control; Execution of additional processes; Creation of security barriers and protection systems; Careful choice of equipment, technologies, materials; Selection and training of staff, differentiation of duties, confirming liability, limitation of authorities, access restriction. |
Transfer |
Red or yellow area risk in the risk matrix; Risk can be assessed quantitatively, there are counter parties ready to accept the risk for reasonable remuneration; Risk transfer method makes more sense than use of other strategies. |
Insurance; Outsourcing; Alteration of contract conditions. |
Acceptance |
Yellow or green area risk in the risk matrix; Use of other control strategies for yellow area risks is not possible |
Cover of losses from current monetary assets or borrowings; Back up; Self-insurance. |
Thepresentstudyfocusesonrisks, appearing andrising as a result of thesupplyscheme optimization, described in section 2.2. Upon analyses and estimation of possible measures for control and compensation of their negative effect, we can assess the financial costs of elimination inclusively(See calculation in annex 5).
Upon results of assessment of risk elimination costs, arising due to optimization of the supply chain, the additional costs for offsetting which is 172,752,798 rubles andabout3% (See calculation in annex 5) of the transportation logistics costs (5,256,338,000 rubles). Optimization of the supply chain for the 1st part of the Cross-country gas pipeline “Power of Siberia” gives 10% cost saving for transportation logistics.Thus, thereispositiveeconomiceffectresultingfromthesupply scheme optimization.
Nevertheless,itshouldbenoted, thatcontinuous risk monitoring is of great importance for implementation of logistical support projects in pipeline construction, as well as the follow-up of balance (ratio) of cost saving due to optimization and inevitable increase and occurrence of new related risks, causing extra expenditures.
- On the one side, it is necessary to settle a block of tasks addressing optimization of inventory stocks, studied in the 1st chapter of the present paper, within assessment of specific character of logistics for the international Oil and gas construction objects.
- On the other side, control of costs and deadlines should assume continuous follow-up of risk component, caused by such optimization, for each separate construction site and cost of its management/offsetting.
Forexample, economiceffectofexcessiveoptimizationwith regard to logistic component will be reduced to zero due to increase of other project costs. Moreover, someofthemostrisk-relateddecisionscanmake it business unviable altogether. Onthecontrary, reasonableoptimizationsaves substantial volume of inventories and life capabilities.
2.5 Monitoringofrisksandstatus of risk control measures
Monitoring ofrisksandstatusofriskcontrolmeasures (hereinafter - riskandmeasuresmonitoring) assumes regular update of data on risks and status of risk control measures, and is done by means of assessment of the current risk level and the residual risks level. Monitoring of risks and measures allows to:
- Identify new risks;
- Maketimelyrevaluation of risk materiality;
- Analyze efficiency of measures taken for risk management;
- Accumulatedataonmaterialized risks;
- Accumulatedata (experience) formakingdecisions on risk assessment, selection of methods and ways of risk management
- Riskandmeasuresmonitoringtarget is reasonable guarantee that:
- allrisksareundercontrol;
- newrisksaretimelyidentified;
- risks are offset by adequate response methods and risk management measures;
- the deadlines for riskmanagementmeasuresare kept;
- resource provision of risk management measures is efficient;
- risk assessment takes regard of occurred substantial changes of factors
- Control system is arranged under the below principles:
- maximum focus on key project risks and separate parts of logistic chain;
- updateofreportingdataon risk management
Risk control is based on the inherent risk matrix, implying analyses and assessment of detected logistical risks of the project (fig.15) and the residual risk matrix (fig.16). Comparison of inherent and residual risks matrix allows visualization of risk management results, identification of number of the most relevant risks, which are not managed efficiently or require development and implementation of additional risk management measures by the time of the risk matrix arrangement.
Figure 15.Risk response presentation
Figure 16.Residual risk matrix presentation
Based on analyses of the inherent risks matrix, presented in figure 16., we conclude that 3 groups of risks (yellow area) are deemed to be a threat and require attention on behalf of the Management and response in order to decrease up to acceptable level. As above stated, the yellow matrix area contains risks, requiring management measures with economic efficiency principle applied, the green area shows risks of no substantial threat for objective achievement.
Example of the residual risks matrix is presented in figure 16. Upon results of reassessment and analyses the residual risks matrix depicts risks after applicationoftheirmanagementmeasures. Asallthestudiedlogisticalrisksoftheproject (arisingorincreasingasaresultofsupplyschemeoptimizationandtransportationlogisticscostssaving)arelocatedintheyellowandgreenareasoftheriskmatrixuponresultsoftheperformedanalyses, andassumeacceptanceasoneoftheresponsestrategiesinclusively, namelycoveringoflossesfromthecurrentmonetaryassetsorborrowings, orreservationofextrasources, calculated and included into the total costs of risk elimination, it is fair to say that upon results of risk management and minimization measures applied, the allocation of risks within the acceptable limits in the green area can be achieved.
Within the framework of this study to solve the tasks it was performed the followingtheset of steps:
- Review of domestic and foreign approaches to definition of logistics and supply chains management
- Analyses of specific character of the supply chain management in international oil and gas construction objects. Finally, the list of features, typical of such scale projects, was defined:
- Individuality and uniqueness of every construction site,
- Temporary character of infrastructural objects and working places,
- Lack of specialized warehouse in the construction site,
- Significant uncertainty factor,
- High level of cooperation.
- Review of different approaches to definition and classification of logistic costs in construction, as well as their cost cutting by way of supply chains optimization. The task for supply scheme optimization was completed based on the 1st site of construction of the international gas pipeline “Power of Siberia”. As a result we have got cost saving for Material Resources transportation in the amount of 10% of the transportation logistics budget.
- Review of approaches to definition of logistical risks, their identification, classification and analyses methods. Following the results of the studied methodologies, we suggested and tested the analytical logistical risks identification model (risks, arising and increasing due to supply chain optimization). Based on the 1st site of construction of the international gas pipeline “Power of Siberia” within the suggested model we identified (and consequently developed individual classifier of the project logistical risks), as well as performed preliminary risk assessment in the context of their occurrence probability and level of negative effect. Further we suggested the response procedures for elimination of negative effect of every risk and estimated their cost.
Comparison of achieved economy on MR transportation in the amount of 10% of the transportation logistics budget (due to supply chain optimization) and costs of the related logistical risks elimination in the amount of 3% of the same budget. Finally, we have not onlytested hypothesis that,optimization of the supply chain inevitably leads to an increase in logistics risks and as a result to a reduction in savings, and assessment of relevant logistics risks gives an opportunity to define limits of rational Supply Cain cost optimization, but also confirmed the economic feasibility of the transportation scheme optimization on the one part, and the importance of continuous risk component control, caused by such optimization, on the other part.
During the project logistical risks assessment, the author interviewed the top-managers of all companies - parties of the supply chain (See the questions of interview in annex 6)
Thedevelopedandtestedmodel, aswellasthe methods, proposedinthepresentpaper, canbeusedforanalysesofdecision practicability in the transportation logistics optimization sphere (in the context of economy/risk analysis) for the strategic construction projects at international level.
Limitations and Further development
Hereunderwetookanaimtoanalyzethestrategyofcostsavingforlogisticsoftheinternationalconstructionobjectbymeansofsupplyschemeoptimizationwithdueregardofincreaseandoccurrenceofnewlogisticalrisks, causingextracostsforeliminationofnegative effect.
Thekeyrestraint of the study is focus on logistical risks, occurring and increasing as a result of optimization
Thepresentpaperdoesnotcoversocial-economicandpoliticalaspects, implying occurrence of budget increase or schedule overrun risks.
Theappliedsenseofthepresentpaperistheweightedestimateofsupply chains optimization practicability in the international construction objects in the context of increasing and new arising risks.
Thepresentstudyandtheanalyticalmodel,developedhereunder,canbefurtherenlargedthroughreviewofdependence on reputational and consequent commercial risks, caused by cost optimization for logistics and construction in the international oil and gas construction object. Asaresult, itisfairtospeakabouttheeconomicfeasibility and applicability of cost saving optimization in the context of the risk component at international level within the enterprise development strategy.
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80. Кулаговская Т.А. (2014) Управление логистическими рисками промышленных предприятий. Экономика, управление и инвестиции.1 (3).
81. Кулаговская Т.А., (2012) Анализ и оценка рисков в процессе управления товарно-материальными запасами. Вестник Северо-Кавказского гуманитарного института. 4.
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100. Yktimes.ru. (2013) В якутском поселке Витим построят причал выгрузки нефтепродуктов http://www.yktimes.ru/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/v-yakutskom-poselke-vitim-postroyat-prichal-vyigruzki-nefteproduktov/
For the construction of one kilometer of a gas pipeline 1 thousand tons of pipe is required.
Table 1 Delivery cost of materials and equipment to the pipe-welding bases according to plan
Name |
Unit |
Sector 1 Chayanda |
Sector 2 |
Sector 3 |
Sector 4 |
Sector 5 |
Sector 6 |
Sector 7 |
Sector 8 |
Port Lensk |
Total |
Volume of cargo transported |
ton |
25000 |
26000 |
26000 |
26000 |
26000 |
26000 |
26000 |
26000 |
207 |
Distance to the pipe welding base |
km |
182 |
156 |
130 |
104 |
78 |
52 |
26 |
20 |
The delivery cost of required volume of cargo to the pipe-welding base |
thousand rubles |
231 478 |
207 272 |
174 148 |
141 024 |
107 900 |
74 776 |
41 652 |
8 528 |
986 778 |
Table2 Delivery cost of materials and equipment to the pipe-welding bases according to proposed model
Name |
Unit |
Vitim/ Peleduy |
Sector 1 Chayanda |
Sector 2 |
Sector 3 |
Sector 4 |
Sector 5 |
Sector 6 |
Sector 7 |
Sector 8 |
Port Lensk |
Total |
Volume of cargo transported |
ton |
30000 |
29000 |
18000 |
26000 |
26000 |
26000 |
26000 |
26000 |
207 |
Distance (Vitim/Lensk) to the pipe welding base |
km |
153 |
30 |
29 |
148 |
130 |
104 |
78 |
52 |
26 |
20 |
Distance (Peleduy) to the pipe welding base |
19 |
_ |
_ |
_ |
_ |
_ |
_ |
_ |
_ |
_ |
The delivery cost of required volume of cargo to the pipe-welding base |
thousand rubles |
75 276 |
124 433 |
120 564 |
141 024 |
107 900 |
74 776 |
41 652 |
8 528 |
694 153 |
In accordance with the initial data, we cannot start construction in the first year. This is due to the need to prepare a construction site (clearing the forest belt, mobilizing the contractors, creating a temporary technological infrastructure).That is why we have a choice for the first year, to accumulate a pipe on green field (in the taiga) on temporary storage bases or not to accumulate and build from two ends.Storage in port of Lensk and in temporary facilities ongreen field is technologically related operations. The cargo is gradually being delivered to the port of Lensk along the river during the summer navigation period. From Lensk to temporary facilities ongreen field it can be moved only in winter (By temporary winter road).
Table 1 Cost of temporary storage of all materials and equipment according to plan
Name |
Unit |
Quantity |
The price of temporary storage of 1 ton of cargo in a warehouse in Lensk per day |
rubles per day |
8 |
Volume of the first consignment of stored cargo |
ton |
160 000 |
Term of temporary storage of the first consignment of cargo in a warehouse in Lensk |
day |
150 |
The cost of temporary storage of the first consignment of cargo in a warehouse in Lensk |
thousands rubles |
192 000 |
Volume of the second consignment of stored cargo |
ton |
62 000 |
Term of temporary storage of the second consignment of cargo in a warehouse in Lensk |
day |
150 |
The cost of temporary storage of the second consignment of cargo in a warehouse in Lensk |
thousands rubles |
74 400 |
The price of temporary storage of 1 ton of cargo in to temporary facilities on green field |
rubles per day |
4 |
Volume of the first consignment of cargo stored in to temporary facilities on green field |
ton |
160 000 |
Term of temporary storage of the first consignment of cargo in temporary facilities on green field |
day |
365 |
The cost of temporary storage of the first consignment of cargo in temporary facilities on green field |
thousands rubles |
233 600 |
Total cost of temporary storage of all volume of cargo |
thousands rubles |
500 000 |
Table 2 Cost of temporary storage of all materials and equipment according to proposed model
Name |
Unit |
Quantity |
The price of temporary storage of 1 ton of cargo in a warehouse in Lensk per day |
rubles per day |
8 |
Volume of stored cargo |
ton |
160 000 |
Term of temporary storage of cargo in a warehouse in Lensk |
day |
150 |
The cost of temporary storage of cargo in a warehouse in Lensk |
thousand rubles |
192 000 |
The price of temporary storage of 1 ton of cargo in storage facilities in Vitim/ Peleduy |
rubles per day |
4 |
Volume of stored cargo |
ton |
62 000 |
Term of temporary storage of 1 ton of cargo in storage facilities in Vitim/ Peleduy |
day |
150 |
The cost of temporary storage of cargo in storage facilities in Vitim/ Peleduy |
thousand rubles |
37 200 |
Total cost of temporary storage of all volume of cargo |
thousand rubles |
229 200 |
Table 1 Shipping cost according to plan
Name |
Unit |
Quantity |
Volume of cargo transported by river to port Lensk |
ton |
222 000 |
The cost of transportation by river to port Lensk |
rubles per ton |
16 980 |
The cost of delivering of cargo from the railway station in Ust-Kut by river transport to port Lensk |
thousand rubles |
3 769 560 |
Table2 Shipping cost according to proposed model
Name |
Unit |
Quantity |
Volume of cargo transported by river to port Lensk |
ton |
160 000 |
The cost of transportation by river to port Lensk |
rubles per ton |
16 980 |
The cost of delivering of cargo from the railway station in Ust-Kut by river transport to port Lensk |
thousand rubles |
2 716 800 |
Volume of cargo transported by river to Vitim/ Peleduy |
ton |
62 000 |
The cost of transportation by river to Vitim/ Peleduy |
rubles per ton |
15 400 |
The cost of delivering of cargo from the railway station in Ust-Kut by river transport to Vitim/ Peleduy |
thousand rubles |
954 800 |
Total cost of transportation by river |
thousand rubles |
3 671 600 |
Table 1Total costs of supplying according to plan
Name |
Unit |
Costs |
The delivery cost of required volume of cargo to the pipe-welding base |
thousand rubles |
986 778 |
Total cost of temporary storage of all volume of cargo |
thousand rubles |
500 000 |
The cost of delivering of cargo from the railway station in Ust-Kut by river transport to port Lensk |
thousand rubles |
3 769 560 |
Total costs of supplying pipe-welding bases by required materials and equipment |
thousand rubles |
5 256 338 |
Table 2Total costs of supplying according to proposed model
Name |
Unit |
Costs |
The delivery cost of required volume of cargo to the pipe-welding base |
thousand rubles |
694 153 |
Total cost of temporary storage of all volume of cargo |
thousand rubles |
229 200 |
Total cost of transportation by river |
thousand rubles |
3 671 600 |
Construction of temporary storage facilities in Vitim/ Peleduy |
thousand rubles |
150 000 |
Total costs of supplying pipe-welding bases by required materials and equipment |
thousand rubles |
4 744 953 |
As the above mentioned supply chain is mostly sensitive to plan non-execution by Carrier 2 due to specifics of additional resources involvement (vessels are rented prior to the whole navigation period), and one vessel transports 1% of all supplied Physical resources per route, the minimum orderable cargo quantity is the quantity, transported by one vessel with ordinary loading, equal to 200 tons. Thus, risks are quantified through this quantity.
Since thepresentstudyfocusesonrisks, appearing and rising as a result of thesupplyscheme optimization, described in subchapter 2.2 we analyze and estimate possible measures for control and compensation of their negative effect, and can assess the financial costs of elimination inclusively. The effect of non-relevant due to optimization risks were excluded from analysis.
№ |
Risk |
Subject or source of risk |
Risk level |
Risk response level |
Risk management measures |
Cost of risk offsetting |
Change resulting from supply scheme optimization |
Offsetting costs/management cargo 1 (rubles) |
Offsetting costs/management cargo 2 (rubles) |
5 |
Supplier didn't deliver Physical Resources in time |
Carrier 1 |
Minor |
Acceptance transfer |
1. Reservation (Forward arrangement of reserve stock equal to 3% of the total cargo volume) (stored with the supplier) 2. Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
Cost of 1 ton of Physical Resources * total cargo volume * % reserve stock * intrinsic value of money*risk occurrence probability |
Increasing |
7153920 |
1620000 |
6 |
Infrastructure owner (Station/port) is not ready to Physical Resources in planned volume on target date |
Carrier 1 |
Minor |
Acceptance transfer |
Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
0 |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
10 |
Carrier 1 didn't supply Physical Resources on target date in planned volume (more often due to delay of dispatch)* |
Infrastructure owner |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (emergency delivery of part of the reserve stock at express freight rate) |
2* cost of Physical Resources |
Increasing |
79488000 |
18000000 |
17 |
Due to improper coordination Infrastructure owner is not ready to accept Physical Resources on target date in planned volume |
Infrastructure owner |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (Progressive rate for storage of the present cargo lot) |
Storageandreshipment cost* 1,25 |
Increasing |
248400 |
56250 |
19 |
Due to improper process coordination and lack of timely data the Infrastructure owner cannot transfer Physical Resources on target date in planned volume |
Infrastructure owner |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (Progressive rate for reshipment of the present cargo lot) |
Storage and reshipment cost * 1,25 |
Increasing |
99360 |
22500 |
21 |
Carrier 2 is not ready to accept Physical Resources on target date in planned volume |
Infrastructure owner |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
0 |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
22 |
Infrastructure owner by his fault did not supply Physical Resources on target date in planned volume |
Carrier 2 |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
0 |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
28 |
Carrier 3 is not ready to accept Physical Resources on target date in planned volume 2 2 |
Carrier 2 |
Minor |
Acceptance transfer |
Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
0 |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
32 |
Due to improper process coordination and lack of timely data Carrier 2 cannot accept Physical Resources on target date in planned volume 3 2 |
Carrier 2 |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (transportation at express freight rate) |
2* transportation cost |
Increasing |
13248000 |
3000000 |
34 |
Due to improper process coordination Carrier 2 transported Physical Resources to a wrong destination point 1 3 |
Carrier 2 |
Minor |
Acceptance |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (transportation at express freight rate) |
2* transportation cost |
Increasing |
5299200 |
1200000 |
35 |
Carrier 2 didn't transfer Physical Resources on target date in planned volume 3 2 |
Carrier 3 |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
0 |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
42 |
Construction contractor is not ready to accept Physical Resources on target date in planned volume 1 2 |
Carrier 3 |
Minor |
Acceptance transfer |
Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
0 |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
45 |
Due to improper process coordination and lack of timely data Carrier 3 cannot accept Physical Resources on target date in planned volume 4 2 |
Carrier 3 |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (transportation at express freight rate) |
2* transportation cost |
Increasing |
21196800 |
4800000 |
48 |
Due to improper process coordination Carrier 3 transported Physical Resources to a wrong destination point 3 2 |
Carrier 3 |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
0 |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
49 |
Carrier 3 didn't transfer Physical Resources on target date in planned volume 3 2 |
Construction contractor |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Change of contract conditions (Penalties under the contract for obligation default) |
0 |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
51 |
Customer/Investor didn't make financing on target date in planned volume 3 2 |
Construction contractor |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (involvement of resources from other objects or borrowed resources) |
9% (WACC or short-term bank loan) * cost of transportation services |
Increasing |
0 |
0 |
57 |
Due to improper process coordination and lack of timely data Constructional contractor is not ready to accept Physical Resources on target date in planned volume 1 2 |
Construction contractor |
Minor |
Acceptance |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (payment under overtime rate) |
2* cost of services |
Increasing |
39744 |
9000 |
59 |
Due to improper process coordination Carrier 3 Physical Resources to a wrong destination point 3 2 |
Construction contractor |
Substantial |
Decrease / transfer / Acceptance |
Cover of losses by current monetary assets or borrowings (payment under overtime rate) |
2* cost of services |
Increasing |
13248000 |
3000000 |
Offsetting cost for cargo 1 (140,856,048 rubles) + Offsetting cost for cargo 2 (31,896,750 rubles) = 172,752,798 rubles
Questions for Interview
1. What risks do you see for your company as for a participant of the supply chain of the first site of Power of Siberia main pipeline construction project?
2. How do the listed by you risks in your opinion relate to the risks for the project as a whole?
3. How do you assess the probability of the listed by you risks?
4. Please estimate the level of negative consequences for the project from each of the listed risks on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is minor and 5 is critical?
5. What measures do you think should be taken to prevent, manage or compensate the consequences of each risk listed by you?
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