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Solving the problem of lack of territories for housing construction in the center of large cities of Ukraine, associated with the introduction of restrictions on the height of buildings, increasing standards for the area of recreational areas and landscaping. Improving the environmental situation in Ukraine through the use of energy efficient technologies and recycling of raw materials. Addressing the effects of floods and inundations caused by climate change through the construction of floating houses on pontoons.

The purpose of the article: to search for the most rational design and technological solutions and to propose solutions for the development of projects of energy-efficient floating houses on pontoons in Ukraine. The research methodology is based on the analysis and systematization of domestic and foreign experience in designing and building energy-efficient floating houses on pontoons. A comparative analysis of structural solutions of pontoons made of reinforced concrete prefabricated elements, quality steel, wood, plastic, berglass, in order to identify advantages and disadvantages. Recommendations on the use of energy efficient technologies and justification of the need for construction of such buildings in Ukraine are provided.

Modern architectural and planning principles and technological means of forming energy-efficient floating houses on pontoons are revealed. The expediency of construction of modern energy-efficient floating houses on pontoons on reservoirs of Ukraine is proved. Solving the problem of energy saving and energy supply, saving natural resources, ecology, freeing up land on the surface for construction and recreational areas. Expansion of comfortable and sa housing in large cities, overpopulation of which causes an acute shortage of land. The use of architectural block modules makes it possible to design on the water a comfortable modern comfortable and high quality housing of any shape and configuration.

Key words: floating home; pontoons; modular buildings; wind generators; solar panels; diesel generators

(Problem statement)

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(Analysis of recent research and publications)

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17. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Organization and construction management Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro

18. Assistant of the Department of Architecture Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro

19. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Organization and construction management Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro



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