Research of biotechnological potential of milk whey and prospects for its use in beverages

Milk whey as a complex biological object used in modern food production technologies. Analysis of the biotechnological potential of milk whey and prospects for its use in beverages. Assessment of nutritional and biological value of the product.

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State Biotechnological University

Research of biotechnological potential of milk whey and prospects for its use in beverages

Penkina N., Kolesnyk V., Polupan V.,

Penkin A., Veretennikov S., Veretennikov O.


Researchers in the food industry pay considerable attention to the use of secondary raw materials in food technology, which can simultaneously perform several functions: increase the nutritional and biological value of the product, improve consumption properties, stabilize quality and extend the shelf life. One of these types of secondary raw materials is whey - it is a product of milk processing, which is obtained during the production of hard cheeses and sour milk cheese.

Whey is a complex biological object that is used in modern food production technologies. Such indicators as preservation, low concentration of dry substances, heterogeneity with pronounced selectivity by molecular weight and size, ionic strength, the presence of specific aromatic components that are transferred to the final products during processing, provoke wide use for food purposes. At the same time, whey is a source of valuable food nutrients, including functional ones.

The modern concept in the field of healthy nutrition acquires a new perspective on the biotechnological potential of whey, which allows it to be used to create functional food products [1].

Presenting main material

According to statistical studies, the volume of whey in the world is about 140 million tons, and the problem of processing this type of raw material into food products remains relevant for most countries. In today's conditions, there is a constant lack of protein and minerals in the diet of the population of most of the globe, and a significant amount of milk whey is not processed [2].

Whey is of great importance in nutrition, it contains more than 50% of dry matter, including 30% of proteins, more than 200 trace elements, vitamins and vital substances, which, with daily use, compensate for 2/3 of the body's daily need for calcium, 1/2 -- in potassium, 80% -- in vitamin B2, 1/3 -- in vitamins B1, B6, B12 [3].

Traditional methods of separating milk are based on biotechnology (ferments, enzymes) and the use of chemical reagents (acids, alkalis, salts), which ensure the production of under-cheese and under-cheese whey. The degree of transition of the main components of milk into whey is determined mainly by their size. The composition and properties of whey are determined by the type and chemical composition of the raw material, as well as the hardware design of the process [4]. Different types of whey differ in the content of lactose, proteins, peptides, amino acids, and vitamins, so they are raw materials with different chemical and mineral composition [5]. Research and comparative characteristics of different types of milk serum are becoming relevant.

The purpose of the work is to determine the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of various types of whey. The chemical composition of the experimental samples is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Chemical composition of different types of whey (р>0,95, n=5)

Constituent part (component)

Cheese whey

Whey from sour milk cheese




Water, %



Protein, %



Fats, g



Carbohydrates, g lactose



Organic acids, g



Ash, g



Microelements, mg Sodium















Microelements, pg Iron





















Vitamins, pg /kg B-carotene
























According to Table 1, it can be said that the moisture content of the two types of serum is almost the same and ranges from 94% to 95%. The main component of whey dry matter is lactose, the content of which is 4,0% (cheese whey), 4,9% (whey from sour milk cheese). The content of protein compounds ranges from 1,01-1,21%, this indicator proportionally depends on the method of coagulation of milk protein, which was used during the production of the main product. Whey contains a small amount of fat, from 0,22 g in whey from sour milk cheese to 0,41 g in cheese whey. Organic acids in the volume of 0,261 g are contained in the sample of cheese whey, in the whey from sour milk cheese there are 0,288 g of organic acids. Almost all salts and trace elements of milk, as well as salts introduced during the production of the main product, are included in the research product. The absolute composition of ash elements in whey is as follows - 0,56 g (cheese whey) and 0,92 g (whey from sour milk cheese). The content of trace elements is within the following limits: potassium 128-130 mg, calcium 56-65 mg, magnesium 5,5-6,5 mg, phosphorus 61-80 mg, according to the data obtained, the leader in terms of the content of ash minerals is serum whey from sour milk cheese. Mineral substances in whey are represented by the following elements, which vary within the range: iron 65-70 pg, zinc 300-310 pg, copper 1,02-1,15 pg (higher content in whey from sour milk cheese), manganese content is 5,5 mcg, chromium 1,5 pg - identical in both samples, cobalt 0,74-0,82 pg, nickel 1,15-1,2 pg (higher content in cheese whey). Milk whey contains a fairly significant amount of vitamins, P-carotene is in the range from 13 (in a sample of cheese whey) to 75 pg/kg (in whey from sour milk cheese), there is a noticeable significant difference in the content of vitamin A, cheese whey contains 22 pg/kg kg, and whey from sour milk cheese 110 pg/kg, the leader in terms of vitamin B1 content is the sample of cheese whey, the content of this element varies from 263 to 315 pg/kg, the same situation with the content of vitamin B2 - 1107-1389 pg/kg, and Be - 478-524 pg/kg. The content of vitamin C is identical in both samples and is 500 pg/kg, the content of vitamin E ranges from 227 to 315 pg/kg (the serum sample whey from sour milk cheese has a higher content). Analyzing literary and experimental data, it can be stated that the energy value of whey is slightly lower than that of whole milk, and the biological value is almost the same, which determines the rationality of further use of this product.

Currently, the prospects of using milk whey in various branches of the food industry are being actively explored. But, if we pay attention to the experience of foreign developers, then there is a tendency to increase the production and consumption of low-calorie products, during the production of which secondary dairy raw materials are used. A diverse assortment of drinks for direct consumption, semi-finished products for making desserts, ice cream, jelly-like products is produced from whey. Biological methods of processing whey are expanding, which expands the field of its use.

The nutritional value and biological properties make it possible to use whey directly as a drink or, after pretreatment, as a raw material for the production of various alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. Depending on the type of drink, natural whey or clarified (free from proteins) is used.

Drinks made from natural whey have a significant biological value, but they are opaque because they contain sediment in the form of flakes. Drinks of this category have certain dietary and medicinal properties, due to the preservation of all components of milk whey. In the technology of preparing such drinks, to improve the taste and increase the nutritional and biological value of whey, biological processing and the introduction of fillers are used.

Separation of a significant part of the proteins from the whey makes it possible to obtain transparent refreshing drinks. Proteins give opacity to the liquid, reduce stability during storage and weaken the refreshing effect. In clarified whey the specific whey taste is reduced. The main method of extracting whey proteins is thermal denaturation.

The immunostimulating effect of whey can be explained by the composition of (indispensable) amino acids of whey protein. Compared to casein, it contains 4 times more cysteine and 19 times more tryptophan, which ensures the regeneration of liver proteins, the formation of hemoglobin and blood plasma proteins. As a result, decay processes, gas formation and absorption of toxic decay products in the body slow down. It has been proven [5] that whey protein increases the level of glutathione, one of the most important antioxidants in the body [6].

Studies of the antioxidant activity of different types of serum are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Antioxidant activity of different types of whey. (р>0,95, n=5)


Antioxidant activity of whey (mg /ml)

Unclarified whey

Clarified whey by thermal method

Dry whey

Cheese whey




Whey from sour milk cheese




biotechnological milk whey beverage

According to Table 2, it was investigated that the maximum antioxidant activity is observed in unclarified whey, and during the influence of heat treatment, the antioxidant activity significantly decreases.

When using whey, it should be taken into account that its chemical composition, content of mineral and biologically active substances, indicators of antioxidant activity can vary significantly depending on the period of the year when the milk is obtained. The maximum content of the investigated indicators in dairy products is observed in the period from August to October (during the direct conduct of the research). This pattern is explained by the presence of green fodder in the diet of animals, which contains a significant amount of proteins, vitamins and natural antioxidants. Therefore, it is rational to obtain whey from milk during this period for further processing.

Summarizing the above data, for further use during the production of functional drinks, whey from sour milk cheese was selected.

The use of the biotechnological potential of the appropriate whey is a priority direction of further research, namely, a comprehensive assessment of the composition of fractionated and concentrated forms obtained as a result of its modification using membrane methods.

The main component of the concentrates is lactose, which is characterized by prebiotic properties (Table 3, 4), in addition, the concentrate has a large set of macro-, microelements, and vitamins. These nutrients, according to Potter's theory, define a new perspective on whey as an object for creating functional and enriched beverages [7].

Table 3

Chemical composition of the obtained concentrates (р>0,95, n=5)


Mass fate, %

Concentrated form of whey

Dry form of whey




Protein, including Protein nitrogenous



substances Non-protein



nitrogenous substances






Lactic acid






The high stability of the dispersed system obtained by reverse osmosis concentration of the whey from sour milk cheese was established, which is confirmed by the increase in the ionic strength of the thickened concentrate by 2.5 times compared to milk. In the concentrate, lactose and water-soluble vitamins are in a molecularly dispersed state, salts dissociate and form hydrated ions, which are connected to each other due to the «salt balance» of milk.

Table 4

Вміст макро-, мікроелементів та вітамінів, (р>0,95, n=5)


Mass fate, %

Concentrated form

Dry form of

of whey


Macronutrients, including












Magnesium Phosphorus



Micronutrients, including






Copper Zinc



Vitamins, including













The data shown in Tables 3 and 4 refer to factors that are of fundamental importance for the use of thickened concentrate in the production of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages (providing a refreshing effect and colloidal stability, replacing recipe components - sucrose and food acids while simultaneously enriching beverages with functional ingredients).


In connection with the above, the development of innovative formulations of functional drinks using fractionated and concentrated forms of whey from sour- milk cheese and their production on an industrial scale is a promising direction for the development of the food industry.


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