Екологічні особливості інтродукції представників мікробоценозу (Рaenibacillus та Еnterobacter) в кореневу систему культурних рослин в умовах застосування пестицидів

Динаміка зберігання життєздатності бактеріального інокулянта на протруєному насінні. Вплив протруйників на приживання інокулянта в ризосфері і розвиток еколого-трофічних груп бактерій ризосфери, як біологічного індикатора екологічного стану ґрунту.

Рубрика Экология и охрана природы
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 05.08.2014
Размер файла 69,0 K

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Ключевые слова: почвенные бактерии, инсектициды, фунгициды, бактериальные препараты, урожайность.


Pishchur I.M. Ecological peculiarities of the microbocenosis representatives introduction (Paenibacillus and Enterobacter) into the root system of the cultivated plants under the condition of pesticides application. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate's degree of agricultural sciences in speciality 03.00.16 - Ecology. Dniepropetrovsk State Agrarian University, Dniepropetrovsk, 2005.

The dissertation is devoted to theoretical grounds and research ecological peculiarities the combination of the agricultural plants seeds inoculation with the associative phosphorus-mobilizing and nitrogen-fixing bacteria as well as seed's treatment by means of selection the disinfectant resistant and indifferent bacteria strains. This combination considerably increases the workability of the ecologically safety bacterial preparations for the growth of the agricultural plants crop capacity and promotes the improvement of the soil ecological state due to the reduction of the fertilizers doses.

The bacteria strains have been selected by the following criteria:

· protection of the viability and agronomicaly-useful physiological properties under the influence of the technological pesticides concentrations;

· prolonged preservation of a great number of viable cells on the disinfected seed;

· taking root in the rhizosphere by sowing disinfected and inoculated seed into the soil, positive influence on the crop capacity and crop quality.

It is proposed to conduct the selection of the effective and resistant bacteria strains in order to create the bacterial preparations, which can be used together with seed treatment.

Key word: soil bacteria, insecticides, fungicides, bacterial preparation, crop capacity.

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