Уровень аккумуляции и формы нахождения тяжелых металлов в донных отложениях малых озер урбанизированной среды (Карелия)

Анализ эколого-геохимических особенностей донных отложений малых озер. Оценка уровня аккумуляции и форм нахождения тяжелых металлов в донных отложениях при помощи рентгенофлуорисцентного спектрометра и масс-спектрометра с индуктивно связанной плазмой.

Рубрика Экология и охрана природы
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Дата добавления 03.06.2021
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Hosono, T., Alvarez, K., Kuwae, M. (2016). Lead isotope ratios in six lake sediment cores from Japan Archipelago: Historical record of trans-boundary pollution sources. Science of The Total Environment, 559, 24-37.

Keinonen, M. (1992). The isotopic composition of lead in man and the environment in Finland 1966-1987: isotope ratios of lead as indicators of pollutant source. Science of The Total Environment, 113(3), 251268. https://doi.org/10.1016/0048-9697(92)90004-C

Kuwae, M., Tsugeki, N. K., Agusa, T., Toyoda, K., Tani, Y., Ueda, S., Tanabe, S., Urabe, J. (2013) Sedimentary records of metal deposition in Japanese alpine lakes for the last 250 years: Recent enrichment of airborne Sb and In in East Asia. Science of the Total Environment, 442, 189-197. https//doi.org/10.1016/j. scitotenv.2012.10.037

Li, X., Shen, Z., Wai, O. W H., Li, Y.-S. (2001). Chemical forms of Pb, Zn and Cu in the sediment profiles of the Pearl River Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42 (3), 215-223.

Lopez, D. L., Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., Hollenkamp, C. (2010). Geochemical Mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals in a lake affected by acid mine drainage: Lake Hope, Vinton County, Ohio. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 213, 27-45.

McConnell, J. R., Edwards, R. (2008). Coal burning leaves toxic heavy metal legacy in the Arctic. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 34, 12140-12144.

Moiseenko, T I. (2015). Impact of geochemical factors of aquatic environment on the metal bioaccumulation in fish. Geochemistry International, 53(3), 213-223. https://doi.org/10.1134/S001670291503009X

Mьller, G. (1979). Schwermetalle in den Sedimenten des Rheins. -- Verдnderungen seit 1971. Umschau in Wissenschaft and Technik, 79, 778-783. (In German)

Norton, S., Dillon, P., Evans, R. (1990). The history of atmospheric deposition of Cd, Hg and Pb in North America: Evidence from lake and peat bog sediments. Acidic Precipitation, 73-101. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-1-4612-4454-7_4

Nriagu, J. O. (1990). The rise and fall of leaded gasoline. Science of The Total Environment, 92, 13-28. https:// doi.org/10.1016/0048-9697(90)90318-0

Rainbow, P. S., Hildrew, A. G., Smith, B. D., Geatches, T., Luoma, S. N. (2012). Caddisflies as biomonitors identifying thresholds of toxic metal bioavailability that affect the stream benthos. Environmental Pollution, 166, 196-207.

Rognerud, S., Hongve, D., Fjeld, E., Ottesen, R. T (2000). Trace metal concentrations in lake and overbank sediments in southern Norway. Environmental Geology, 39 (7), 723-732.

Shevchenko, V P, Dolotov, Y. S., Filatov, N. N., Alexeeva, T. N., Filippov, A. S., Nothig, E.-M., Novigatsky, A. N., Pautova, L. A., Platonov, A. V, Politova, N. V, Rat'kova, T. N., Stein, R. (2005). Biogeochemistry of the Kem' River estuary, White Sea (Russia). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 57-66.

Slukovskii, Z. I. (2015). Geoecological Assessment of Small Rivers in the Big Industrial City Based on the Data on Heavy Metal Con tent in Bottom Sediments. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 40 (6), 420426. https://doi.org/10.3103/S1068373915060084

Slukovskii, Z. I., Medvedev, M. A., Siroezhko, E. V (2020). Long-range heavy metal aerosols transport as a factor of the formation of the geochemical characteristics of current lake bottom sediments from the southwestern republic of Karelia (exemplified by lake Ukonlampi, Lahdenpohja district). Journal of Elementology, 25 (1). https://doi.org/10.5601/jelem.2019.24.1.1816

Stankevica, K., Klavins, M., Rutina, L. (2012). Accumulation of metals in sapropel. Material science and applied chemistry, 26, 99-105.

Tessier, A., Campbell, P G., Bisson M. (1979). Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of particulate trace metals. Analytical Chemistry, 51(7), 844-851.

Thomas, V (1995). The elimination of lead in gasoline. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 20, 301-324.

Tokarev, I. V, Borodulina, G. S., Blazhennikova, I. V, Avramenko, I. A. (2015). Isotope-geochemical data on ferruginous mineral waters: Conditions of formation of “Marcial Waters” resort, Karelia. Geochemistry International, 53, 83-86. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016702914110093

Verta, M., Tolonen, K., Simola, H. (1998). History of heavy metal pollution in Finland as recorded by lake sediments. Science of The Total Environment, 87/88, 1-18.

Vierikko, K., Yli-Pelkonen, V (2019). Seasonality in recreation supply and demand in an urban lake ecosystem in Finland. Urban Ecosystems, 22, 769-783. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-019-00849-7

Vinogradova, A., Kotova, E., Topchaya, V (2017). Atmospheric transport of heavy metals to regions of the North of the European territory of Russia. Geography and Natural Resources, 38(1), 78-85. https://doi. org/10.1134/S1875372817010103

Violante, A., Krishnamurti, G. S. R., Pigna, M. (2007). Factors affecting the sorption desorption of trace elements in soil environments. In: A., Violante, P. M., Huang, G. M., Gadd, ed., Biophysico-chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments. Wiley IUPAC, Ser. “Biophysico-chemical Processes in Environmental Systems”, 169-214.

Virkutyte, J., Vadakojyte, S., Sinkevicius, S., Sillanpдд, M. (2008). Heavy metal distribution and chemical partitioning in Lake Saimaa (SE Finland) sediments and moss Pleuroziumschreberi. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 24(2), 119-132. https://doi.org/10.1080/02757540801920105


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Hosono, T., Alvarez, K., Kuwae, M. (2016). Lead isotope ratios in six lake sediment cores from Japan Archipelago: Historical record of trans-boundary pollution sources. Science of The Total Environment, 559, 24-37.

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Keinonen, M. (1992). The isotopic composition of lead in man and the environment in Finland 1966-1987: isotope ratios of lead as indicators of pollutant source. Science of The Total Environment, 113(3), 251268. https://doi.org/10.1016/0048-9697(92)90004-C

Krutskih, N. V., Borodulina, G. S., Kaznina, N. M., Batova, Y. V., Ryazancev, P. A., Ahmetova, G. V., Novikov, S. G., Kravchenko, I. Y. (2016). Geoecological bases of the organization of monitoring of northern urbanized territories (on the example of Petrozavodsk). Trudy Karelskogo nauchnogo centra, 12, 52-67. (In Russian)

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Kuwae, M., Tsugeki, N. K., Agusa, T., Toyoda, K., Tani, Y., Ueda, S., Tanabe, S., Urabe, J. (2013) Sedimentary records of metal deposition in Japanese alpine lakes for the last 250 years: Recent enrichment of airborne Sb and In in East Asia. Science of the Total Environment, 442, 189-197. https//doi.org/10.1016/j. scitotenv.2012.10.037

Latushkina, E. N., Rasskazov, A. A. (2013). Mineralogical genesis of microelements of modern bottom sediments of rivers in urbanized areas experiencing a high man-made load (using the example of the Moscow River and small rivers of the Moscow Region). Vestnik Buriatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 4, 16-24. (In Russian)

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Lopez, D. L., Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., Hollenkamp, C. (2010). Geochemical Mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals in a lake affected by acid mine drainage: Lake Hope, Vinton County, Ohio. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 213, 27-45.

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Moiseenko, T. I. (2015). Impact of geochemical factors of aquatic environment on the metal bioaccumulation in fish. Geochemistry International, 53(3), 213-223. https://doi.org/10.1134/S001670291503009X

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Tokarev, I. V., Borodulina, G. S., Blazhennikova, I. V, Avramenko, I. A. (2015). Isotope-geochemical data on ferruginous mineral waters: Conditions of formation of “Marcial Waters” resort, Karelia. Geochemistry International, 53, 83-86. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016702914110093 Verta, M., Tolonen, K., Simola, H. (1998). History of heavy metal pollution in Finland as recorded by lake sediments. Science of The Total Environment, 87/88, 1-18.

Vierikko, K., Yli-Pelkonen, V. (2019). Seasonality in recreation supply and demand in an urban lake ecosystem in Finland. Urban Ecosystems, 22, 769-783. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-019-00849-7 Vinogradova, A., Kotova, E., Topchaya, V. (2017). Atmospheric transport of heavy metals to regions of the North of the European territory of Russia. Geography and Natural Resources, 38(1), 78-85. https://doi. org/10.1134/S1875372817010103

Violante, A., Krishnamurti, G. S. R., Pigna, M. (2007). Factors affecting the sorption desorption of trace elements in soil environments. In: A., Violante, P. M., Huang, G. M., Gadd, ed., Biophysico-chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments. Wiley IUPAC, Series “Biophysico-chemical Processes in Environmental Systems”, 169-214.

Virkutyte, J., Vadakojyte, S., Sinkevicius, S., Sillanpдд, M. (2008). Heavy metal distribution and chemical partitioning in Lake Saimaa (SE Finland) sediments and moss Pleuroziumschreberi. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 24(2), 119-132. https://doi.org/10.1080/02757540801920105 Water objects of Petrozavodsk. (2013). Petrozavodsk: Karelskii nauchnyi tsentr RAN Publ. (In Russian) Yanin, Y. P. (2011). Forms of cadmium in man-made muds of the Pakhra River and assessment of its migration abilities. Geografiia i prirodnye resursy, 1, 42-46. (In Russian)

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