Using scientific approaches to implement the working platform of the Danube commission for fleet modernisation
Reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere in European countries. Adoption of the econavigation program by the Danube Commission with environmental organizations of inland European rivers. Reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
Рубрика | Экология и охрана природы |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 497,2 K |
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Danube Institute of National University "Odessa Maritime Academy"
Using scientific approaches to implement the working platform of the danube commission for fleet modernisation
Danilyan Anatoliy Grigorievich Senior Lecturer,
Maslov Igor Zakharovich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Almost 8 years have passed since the Paris Conference on environmental protection and CO2 regulations were adopted at the 9th Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe" on 7 November 2022. In the summary part of the resolution adopted at the conference it was noted that the EU values on PM 2.5, CO2, NOx, are tending to decrease, though in the Asian countries these values are increasing at a fast pace. Despite the reduction of harmful emissions in the European countries, it was noted at the conference that lung diseases are on the rise in the EU and it was therefore proposed to toughen the existing requirements on these indicators.
The Danube Commission, with the environmental organisations of the inland European rivers and sea coastal waters, adopted a common eco-navigation programme, which envisages a significant reduction in harmful emissions into the atmosphere. At the United Nations, the Economic Commission for Europe has adopted a document (NAYADA III) for the period 2021-2027 on the reduction of harmful emissions to the atmosphere. This document envisages the conversion of 75% of land transport to inland European rivers by 2050. The implementation of such a programme for the Danube Commission and the European Inland Rivers Administration requires the utmost effort, both in choosing the right solution algorithm and in directly implementing modern knowledge-based technologies to significantly reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
It must be recognised that Europe's river fleet is, for the most part, old ships with outdated diesel-fuelled propulsion systems. All the new programmes, which have been phased in, focus on carbon-free fuels.
The Danube Commission in the first phase of the task together with the Danube Institute NU "OMA", carried out a series of research works on the ships of the Danube Shipping Company in India on the fishing fleet using catalysts of the Scientific Production Company "Eco-Auto-Titan" Ukraine where encouraging results were obtained in reducing nitrogen oxide NOx, CO, PM 2.5 and significant fuel savings on Indian ships. Recently the Danube Commission has been actively studying the best practices of European companies and research centres on conversion to hydrogen fuel, which will be the final solution in the programme of the Danube Commission and the European River carriers.
Keywords: "Eco-Auto-Titan" Ukraine, Danube Institute NU "OMA", nitrogen oxide, Nayada 3, Danube Commission.
Данилян Анатолій Григорович старший викладач, Дунайський інститут Національного університету «Одеська морська академія»
Маслов Ігор Захарович кандидат технічних наук, доцент, Дунайський інститут Національного університету "Одеська морська академія"
Пройшло майже 8 років від дня Паризької Конференції із захисту навколишнього середовища та положення щодо викидів СО2, йде малими темпами це підтвердження було отримано на 9 Конференції міністрів «Довкілля для Європи» 7 листопада 2022 року. У констатуючій частині прийнятої резолюції на конференції було зазначено, що показники ЄС щодо шкідливих викидів в атмосферу РМ 2,5, СО2, NOx мають тенденцію до зниження, хоча в Азіатських країнах ці показники збільшуються швидкими темпами. Незважаючи на зниження шкідливих викидів в атмосферу в Європейських країнах, на конференції було зазначено, що зростання легеневих захворювань у ЄС зростає і у зв'язку з цим запропоновано було посилити існуючі вимоги за даними показниками.
Дунайська Комісія з екологічними організаціями внутрішніх Європейських річок та морських прибережних вод прийняла загальну програму еконавігації, яка передбачає значне зниження шкідливих викидів в атмосферу. В Організації Об'єднаних Націй Європейською економічною комісією було ухвалено документ (НАЯДИ III) на період 2021-2027 років щодо зниження шкідливих викидів в атмосферу. Цей документ передбачає переведення 75% перевезень наземного транспорту до 2050 року на річковий транспорт внутрішніх Європейських рік. Реалізація подібної програми для Дунайської комісії та Європейської адміністрації внутрішніх рік вимагає максимальних зусиль, як у виборі правильного алгоритму вирішення, так і безпосереднього впровадження сучасних наукомістких технологій зі значного зниження шкідливих викидів в атмосферу.Треба визнати, що річковий флот Європи - це здебільшого старі судна зі застарілою конструкцією енергетичних установок, що працюють на дизельному паливі. Всі нові програми, які розбиті за своїм поетапним виконанням, орієнтовані на безвуглецеве паливо.
Дунайська комісія на першому етапі вирішення поставленого завдання спільно з Дунайським інститутом НУ «ОМА», провела низку науково- дослідних робіт на судах Дунайського пароплавства в Індії на морських суднах рибальського флоту з використанням каталізаторів Науково-виробничої компанії «Еко-Авто-Титан» Україна, де були отримані обнадійливі результати зниження оксиду азоту NOx, CO, PM 2,5, а також була отримана значна економія палива на індійських судах. Останнім часом Дунайська комісія активно вивчає передовий досвід Європейських компаній та наукових центрів щодо переходу на водневе паливо, яке стане фінальним рішенням у програмі Дунайської комісії та Європейських річкових перевізників.
Ключові слова: Еко-Авто-Титан Україна, Дунайський інститут НУ «ОМА», оксид азоту, Наяда 3, Дунайська комісія.
Statement of the problem
A feature of the last decade, issues of environmental safety in the maritime and river fleet have become prominent. This is dictated by the onset of climate degradation due to the pace of growth in global industry and transport, which has led to drastic climate change in all corners of the earth. Massive respiratory illnesses and cancers in all countries are a consequence of the uncontrollable accumulation of toxic substances in the atmosphere and on the earth's surface.
The previously unaccounted for CO2, carbon dioxide, which destroys the earth's ozone layer, has led to climatic "OMA" changes in our habitat. Humanity is on the brink of global warming, which will lead to irreversible processes.
Industry and road transport are responsible for the largest share of atmospheric emissions, while river and sea transport accounts for 11% of total emissions. Nevertheless, the issue has received considerable impetus for the river fleet covering almost all European countries in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, where a key document has been adopted: “Boosting the future of European inland navigation (NAYADA III): Action plan for inland navigation 2021-2027”. This plan also has a long perspective, so that by 2050 all land transport, to the extent of 75%, will be transferred to the inland river fleet. The final objective of the plan is to achieve zero pollutants and contaminants in the atmosphere. In this respect, the Danube Commission, together with the European Maritime Administration, is continually carrying out research and organisational work on implementing the latest technology and on refurbishing the coastal inland navigation fleet.
An analysis of the latest research and publications
MAN Energy Solutions, in partnership with a number of other European companies and institutes, has started to develop a medium-speed hybrid marine engine that runs on both diesel fuel and liquid ammonia. The question of ammonia usage in marine fuel, becomes more and more priority - it is not accidental, ammonia fuel excludes carbon, which will give an opportunity to take off tension of greenhouse effect problem of our planet.
Maritime and river transport currently accounts for 90% of all goods transported on the world market and this figure is on the rise. Hydrocarbon fuels could become
Although transition to ammonia fuel will take some time and could be used in the beginning on ammonia-carrying gas carriers.
The catalysts for reduction of harmful emissions into atmosphere of exhaust gases of ship engines produced by NPK "Eco-Auto-Titan" Ukraine have proved themselves well after the conducted researches in the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company and on fishing vessels in India.
The aim of the article is to investigate the problem of environmental pollution in European rivers and coastal waters. In this context, the Danube Commission, together with the European Regulatory Organisations, is preparing a holistic programme to reduce harmful exhaust emissions from inland diesel engines operating on ships. atmosphere environmental river
Presentation of the background material
Over the last decade, the International Danube Commission has been active in the field of marine engine emission abatement. The first tests were carried out in Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company with active participation of Danube Institute of National University of Odessa Maritime Academy. As an element reducing harmful emissions of diesel gases into the atmosphere, the products of Scientific and Production Company "Eco-Auto-Titan" Ukraine were investigated. The results of these tests gave good results with the use of Fuel Well FCFO 14 DM catalyst. The catalyst itself, is a filter element with a dispersed cell of titanium mesh and a set of cartridges of salts of various metals. As shown in Figure 1. the restructuring of the fuel entering the catalyst is clearly visible, with changing intermolecular bond distances.
Over the years, various engines installed on the vessels of the shipping company have been tested where the load characteristics of the engines and the performance of the vessels have changed. All tests were monitored by a third party, Kiev Institute of Ecology and Energy Saving. The tests were performed on port tugboats and large river dry cargo vessels with the approval of the testing programme by the Ukrainian Register of Shipping, which was developed by the Danube Institute NU "OMA"; the institute also developed a catalyst connection and test process control scheme. The catalyst connection scheme itself for different types of ships and their engines is universal and allows the catalyst to be switched from one engine to another without stopping them. The scheme is equipped with the additional device - a measuring tank for comparison of the expense of fuel with a regular flow meter of fuel of the main engines that allows with greater accuracy, to define a fuel expense at various modes of work of engines.
Test results (Fig. 3, 4), monitored by a third party, gave the reduction of harmful emissions in exhaust gases of main engines: NOx - 35 %, PM 2.5 - 55 %, carbon monoxide CO - 50 %, fuel economy - 3 %, carbon dioxide CO2 - 7 %. The obtained results could have been better if it were not for low life of the tested engines and their insufficient technical condition. Before the tests, the engines were indicated, which showed
large changes of direct and indirect indicators of the main diesel engines operation, operation of fuel injection equipment during hydraulic tests, decreased pressure of fuel injectors and high pressure fuel pumps from the regulatory requirements of the builder's plant, which was reflected in the catalyst test results obtained.
Fig. 1. Change in fuel oil molecular structure
Fig. 2. Fuel oil catalyst Fuel well FCFO 14 DM
Fig. 3. FOFC connections to river ships engines undertrials
Fig. 4. Diagram showing black (soot) emissions reduction from shipboard engines
Fig. 5. NOx emission control on m/v Kapitan Zhidkov
Materials of the tests carried out in the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company were considered at the meeting of the International Danube Commission and recommended for consideration in nine Danube countries, as well as shipowners working on European inland rivers were informed [1].
The Danube Commission is currently faced with the difficult task of tackling fundamental changes in scientific approaches to reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, dictated by the regulations of the UN and EU countries. The European Union's objectives focus on eco-navigation of inland waterway vessels and offshore vessels operating in the coastal zone.
The issue of eco-navigation has become deeply urgent, based on the deteriorating environmental condition of European countries. The main reason is air pollution caused by residues from hydrocarbon fuel combustion processes. Intense river and ship traffic on the inland European rivers: Danube, Oder, Main, Vistula, Mass, Seine and others [2].
Modern ships have a very high level of traffic on the inland rivers of the European Union, which in the last decade has had a negative impact on the habitat of the population. Cancer, respiratory diseases have increased significantly, rainfall with heavy metals and oxides in rain water has shown its deleterious effect on flora and fauna.
Eco-navigation issues found their first beginning in the Danube Commission documents, taking into account the provisions of the European Energy U-turn and the European Green Deal, the Danube Commission (DC) developed a "Working Platform on Fleet Modernisation..." (project) based on the documents on this topic that are being actively discussed in the European inland waterway transport (IWT) sector under GRENDEL (completed), PLATINA 3; NAIADES III, etc. [3].
The Danube Commission has proposed two scenarios for the reduction of harmful emissions from marine diesel exhaust gases:
conservative, up to 2035, with a 35% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (including all types of gaseous harmful emissions) and a 35% reduction in "air polluting particles" compared to 2015;
an innovative scenario, until 2050, with substantial (up to 90%) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and "air pollutant particles" as compared to 2015.
The conservative scenario may not be acceptable, given the increasing requirements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Leading European countries want to convert all transport to electric motors and hydrogen engines by 2030. However, the beginning of the global production crisis and the surge in energy prices may derail these plans, although the latter should on the contrary, the latter should stimulate a more rapid conversion to alternative fuels, with hydrogen being a high priority. The main pollutant of the atmosphere, carbon dioxide CO2, leading to the greenhouse effect and consequent global warming, as well as the inclusion of poisonous emissions in the exhaust gases: nitrogen oxide NOx, carbon monoxide CO, soot, unburned fuel residues of hydrocarbon group Cx Hu, heavy metals, etc.
After a lengthy review of the project, the Danube Commission emphasised the long-term perspective in the use of hydrogen fuel on inland waterway vessels. To this end, proposals of world leading companies for construction of modern marine engines were considered and a document updating the draft Working Platform of the Danube Commission for DC Fleet Modernisation in accordance with the "Green Deal" concept and ES-TRIN standard and taking into account GRENDEL project results and main lines of PLATINA 3 was prepared. This project also takes into account the results of the survey of the DC member states on this topic [4].
Europe's largest transport, engineering and science centres: Heineken, ING, ENGIE, Port of Rotterdam, CCT, Wartsila, Eneco and BCTN have formed the Green Circles Coalition. Already in 2019, it aims to use modular energy concepts (MEC) to achieve zero emissions in inland shipping. To this end, it has commissioned four zero-emission demonstration vessels in the South Holland Green Corridor. This will be up to 50 vessels between 2020 and 2025. The innovation will be reflected in the technology used for transport, this project also includes energy fuel storage. Delft University of Technology, TATA Steel and the Port of Amsterdam, have launched the H2 CARGOSHIP hydrogen pilot project within the Private Transport Cooperative (PTC). The pilot project will be carried out with a hydrogen-powered ship, where hydrogen is stored in powder form. The aim of the project is to establish whether hydrogen fuel cells are financially, technically and operationally feasible and scalable for ships. The project will also investigate the handling and storage of hydrogen in bulk and the port facilities required for this, in cooperation with shippers, cargo companies, cooperatives and scientific institutions. The project will continue until 2025.
Twynstra Gudde, NMT, the association of ferry operators VEEON, the municipality of Amsterdam, the province of South Holland and the province of Oveissel have formed a zero-emission ferry coalition that is developing four zeroemission case studies of demonstration projects to be commissioned no later than 2023. To this end, the partners are setting up a national programme supported by public and private parties at national, regional and local levels with the participation of European countries [5].
The Danube Commission, working closely with the navigation administrations on the rivers: Mass, Main, Rhine, Oder, their joint work is driven by the Eco-Navigation requirements for all European countries. The requirements themselves do not include the use of specific energy fuels, they clearly state the emission standards of the UN, its committee for the protection of the environment.
It must be recognised that a number of European countries, unlike Germany, adhere to the extensive use of different fuels, such as biofuels, ethyl, methane. The German choice of "green energy" is not accidental, this choice is dictated by the large German investments in the development of the hydrogen fuel industry (more than 30 billion euros). The Danube Commission is focused on using a mixture of hydrogen fuel with diesel fuel in its first phase of operations and converting the fleet to hydrogen at a later stage.
Recent worldwide developments by scientific centres, prove that the most promising carbon-free fuel, is ammonia, it mixes well with hydrogen (up to 3.5%) and gasoline. At the moment a number of leading maritime powers are urgently preparing to convert their fleets to ammonia.
The International Danube Commission has carried out a lot of research and organisational work in line with all the International Programmes on Environmental Protection against Global Warming. However, the Danube Commission's work does not end with Danube river shipping, but also includes the sea-going coastal vessels which call at the river's mouths. Vessels running on alternative fuels, such as ammonia, methane, will require bunkering, maintenance and safe stay in ports. Any conversion of ships to alternative fuels must be supported by infrastructure, logistics and competent shore-based personnel.
1. Danylyan A. On the research work on the implementation of NPF "Eco-Auto-Titan" Ukraine NPF filter to reduce harmful emissions in exhaust gases of marine diesel engines. Ismail: DI NU "OMA", 2018. 22 с.
2. European Union targets for eco-navigation of inland and offshore vessels operating in the coastal zone. Danube Commission, 2022. 2 с.
3. UN. Stimulating Future Resilient European Inland Navigation (NAYADA III): an action plan for inland water transport for the period 2021-2027. UNITED NATIONS, 2021. 22 с.
5. Assessment of opportunities to modernise the Danube shipping fleet under agreed scenarios based on the Working Platform . Danube Commission, April 2022. 5 с.
6. Green Deal on Maritime and Inland Shipping and Ports Heineken, ING, ENGIE, Port of Rotterdam, CCT, Wartsila, Eneco and BCTN have formed the Green Circles coalition, 2022. 4 с
1. Данилян А. Он The ресеарч ворк он The імплементатіон оф НПФ "Есо-Ауто-Тітан" Украіне НПФ філтер то редуце хармфул еміссіонс ін ехзауст гасес оф маріне діесел енгінес. Ісмаіл : ДІ НУ "ОМА", 2018. 22 с.
2. European Union targets for eco-navigation of inland and offshore vessels operating in the coastal zone. Danube Commission, 2022. 2 с.
3. УН. Стімулатінг Футуре Ресіліент Еуропеан Інланд Навігатіон (НАЯДА ІІІ): ан астіон план фор інланд ватер транспорт фор тііе період 2021-2027. УНІТЕД НАТІОНС, 22 с.
5. Ассессмент оф оппортунітіес то модернісе The Данубе шіппінг флеет ундер агреед сценаріос басед он тііе Воркінг Платформ . Данубе Сомміссіон, Апріл 2022. 5 с.
6. Греен Деал он Марітіме анд Інланд Шіппінг анд Портс Неінекен, ІНГ, ЕНГІЕ, Порт оф Роттердам, ССТ, Вартсіла, Енесо анд БСТН хаве формед тхе Греен Цірслес соалітіон, 4 с.
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