Regulatory and legal content of the regional environmental policy

Definition of the concept of environmental safety as a component of regional environmental policy. Ensuring a rational approach to the use of natural resources. Analysis of the use of natural resources and the provision of environmental protection.

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Дата добавления 31.01.2024
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University of Customs and Finance

Regulatory and legal content of the regional environmental policy

Ye.V. Zhadan, post-doctor student of the department of public law and private law


The research methodology consists in the use of a system of general philosophical, general scientific and special scientific methods of cognition, where the method ofphilosophical dialectics is singled out as the main research method. The purpose of the article is to define the concept of environmental safety as a component of regional environmental policy. It was determined that an important part of the implementation of the regional environmental policy is the provision of a rational approach to the use of natural resources, it is worth focusing research attention on establishing the content of such an interdisciplinary scientific and practical institute. It is emphasized that for a long time there has been an approach that rationality means the economic profitability of economic activity in the field of nature management. It was concluded that in today's conditions, the challenges of implementing regional environmental policy are the issue of achieving a reasonable balance between ecological, economic, social and other needs of man, society and the state in the context of rational use of natural resources. It is emphasized that the relationship between the rational use of natural resources and ensuring the protection of the natural environment is indeed an ambiguous and difficult task. It is justified that the main aspects of this relationship should include: economic aspects; ecological aspects; social aspects; legislative and regulatory aspects; innovations and technologies. It is emphasized that in modern conditions it is really impossible to consider the rational use of natural resources as a separate category from the protection of the natural environment, which requires a complex approach that can ensure a balance between the needs of today's and future generations, as well as between the development of society and the preservation of nature. environmental safety natural resource

Key words: greening of production, environmental damage, normative and legal regulation, legal relations, rational use of natural resources, regional environmental policy, sustainable development.


Є. В. Жадан. Нормативно-правовий зміст регіональної екологічної політики

Методологія дослідження полягає у використанні системи загальнофілософських, загальнонаукових та спеціально-наукових методів пізнання, де основним методом дослідження виокремлено метод філософської діалектики. Метою статті є визначення поняття екологічна безпека як складової регіональної екологічної політики. Визначено, що важливою частиною здійснення регіональної екологічної політики є забезпечення раціонального підходу із використання природних ресурсів, варто дослідницьку увагу зосередити на встановленню змісту такого міжгалузевого науково-практичного інституту. Підкреслено, що тривалий час спостерігався підхід, що раціональність означає економічну прибутковість господарської діяльності у сфері природокористування. Зроблено висновок, що в умовах сьогодення викликами здійснення регіональної екологічної політики є питанням досягнення обґрунтованого співвідношення між екологічними, економічними, соціальними та іншими потребами людини, суспільства та держави в контексті раціонального використання природних ресурсів. Наголошено, що співвідношення між раціональним використанням природних ресурсів і забезпеченням охорони навколишнього природного середовища дійсно є неоднозначним і складним завданням. Обґрунтовано, що основні аспекти цього співвідношення мають включати: економічні аспекти; екологічні аспекти; соціальні аспекти; законодавчі та нормативні аспекти; інновації і технології. Акцентовано, що у сучасних умовах дійсно неможливо розглядати раціональне використання природних ресурсів як відокремлену категорію від охорони навколишнього природного середовища, що вимагає комплексності підходів, які здатні забезпечити баланс між потребами сьогоднішнього та майбутніх поколінь, а також між розвитком суспільства і збереженням природи.

Ключові слова: екологізація виробництва, екологічна шкода, нормативно-правове регулювання, правові відносини, раціональне використання природних ресурсів, регіональна екологічна політика, сталий розвиток.

Formulation of the problem

In the context of the ongoing full-scale invasion, it has negatively affected the state of environmental protection. According to preliminary estimates, the state of the environment is defined as threatening more than a third of the territory of Ukraine, and the amount of environmental damage exceeds more than $9 billion. As a result of the presence of a polluted environment, 30,000-35,000 people die annually, and the economic damage caused is at least 10% of the value of the gross domestic product. These statistical data on the state of the environment and natural resources indicate that environmental protection measures are not effective enough. Nature conservation and rational use of resources are important to ensure sustainable development and preserve the health of citizens. This highlights the importance of taking action to reduce pollution and improve the environment. To improve the situation, it is necessary to take urgent measures to protect the environment, reduce pollution and rational use of natural resources. This could include strict environmental safety standards, support for renewable energy, incentives for efficient use of resources, and public engagement in environmental stewardship. These circumstances enhance the relevance of this publication.

The state of scientific development of the problem is defined as not containing an integrated approach to establishing the content of regional environmental policy and characterizing the regulatory framework for its implementation. But at the same time, issues of ensuring the rational use of natural resources are constantly being pursued and are relevant. It is worth highlighting the publications of R. S. Kirin [1], V. V. Kostitsky [2], V. A. Zuev [3], Yu.A. Leheza [4] and others.

But there is a lack of comprehensive studies of the current state of regional environmental policy and the challenges of the present, which determined the purpose of this publication.

Consequently, the purpose of the article is to define the concept of environmental safety as a component of regional environmental policy.

Presentation of the main material. The implementation of environmental policy is provided through the implementation of measures to protect the environment and measures to ensure the rational use of natural resources.

The effectiveness of the implementation of regional policy in the field of environmental protection and measures to ensure the rational use of natural resources is an indicator of the ownership of the functioning of the system of environmental rights of the individual. One of the main environmental rights of an individual is established by Art. 50 of the Constitution of Ukraine is the right of everyone to a safe environment [5].

The implementation of the human right to a safe environment requires the state to comply with the requirements of national environmental safety, which is associated with the prevention of environmental emergencies and their consequences, the prevention of environmental offenses and environmental crimes, which in a complex set are criteria for the effectiveness of the implementation of both regional and national policies.

Indeed, the issue of establishing the content of the category “environmental safety” refers to complex intersectoral structures that require scientific research not only within the framework of the science of environmental law, but also such branches of law as constitutional, administrative, economic, and civil.

The underlying fundamental principles for understanding the category “environmental safety” are set out in the scientific developments of Academician V.I. Andreytseva [6, p. 24-26; 7, p. 8-11], where scientists substantiate that the main task of ensuring environmental safety is to overcome existing environmental risks, as well as to help avoid situations of their occurrence.

One of the first searches for optimizing the system for ensuring environmental safety requirements was carried out in the research of Yu.S. Shemshuchenko, V.F. Pogorelka, where special attention was paid to the issues of guaranteeing ownership of the exercise, including subjective human rights [8]. In particular, in the scientific works of Yu.S. Shemshuchenko emphasizes that it is the provision and guarantee of subjective human rights to a safe environment that is a unique indicator of achieving the effectiveness of state and regional environmental policies [8, p. 56-60].

However, I would like to note that despite the publication of the above scientific works back in the 70s, the construction of state policy in the field of use of natural resources was not characterized as a policy of greening production. For a long time, the understanding of rational environmental management as the profitability of business associated with the use of natural resources, including through environmental pollution, has remained a priority.

Only since the beginning of the 2000s has the issue of creating and implementing effective mechanisms for introducing administrative and legal support for the implementation of subjective environmental rights become especially acute, which is associated with satisfying public interest in the rational use of natural resources, which should be understood as guaranteeing depletion and degradation of the environment. Such a mechanism should help balance the environmental and economic interests of society, guaranteeing the implementation of the subjective rights of a social person to a safe environment for life [4, p. 95-101].

Issues of environmental interest were studied in the scientific works of V S. Shakhov. For scientists, environmental interest is both determined by external factors influencing the needs of a social person and society as a whole, which guarantees the high-quality physical existence of a person. The direction of realizing environmental interests is associated with overcoming the manifestations of intensification of environmental management in the direction of introducing the concept of sustainable development [9, p. 214].

In the studies of V.A. Bogacheva defines environmental interest as a result of the objectification of the subjective right to a safe environment. The right to a safe environment is not only the right to safe use of natural resources, but also ensuring the quality of the environment as the basis of the environment [10, p. 15].

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Protection”, the system of subjective environmental rights of an individual includes the right of a person to access public information about the state of the environment, the right to create environmental associations and participate in their activities; the right to environmental education, etc.[11].

Thus, subjective environmental rights are objectified in public environmental interest, which determines the content of state and regional policies in the field of environmental protection.

Subjective environmental law must be understood as a normatively established possibility of realizing a social person in the implementation of the environmental function of the state.


Thus, the implementation of subjective environmental law must occur in compliance with the requirements of national security, which is understood as the timely and prompt overcoming of the negative consequences of emergency situations, including those related to Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine.


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3. Зуєв В. А. Організаційно-правові аспекти природокористування та охорони навколишнього природного середовища : дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.06. Київ : НУВС, 2002. 215 с.

4. Легеза Ю. О. Визначення змісту екологічної функції держави. Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. 2012. № 1. С. 95-101.

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