Біохімічні механізми та фізіологічні наслідки токсичної дії іонів срібла і ртуті на вищі рослини

Розвиток промислового виробництва й транспорту, забруднення біосфери важкими металами. Аналіз результатів сучасних досліджень механізмів і наслідків негативного впливу іонів срібла і ртуті на рослинні організми. Шляхи потрапляння ртуті в біосферу.

Рубрика Экология и охрана природы
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71. Sadok W, Sinclair TR. 2010. Transpiration response of “slow-wilting” and commercial soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) genotypes to three aquaporin inhibitors. J. Exp. Bot. 61 (3) : 821-829.

72. Samson G., Popovic R. 1990. Inhibitory effects of mercury on photosystem II photochemistry in Dunaliella tertiolecta under in vivo conditions. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology. 5 (3-4) : 303-310.

73. Shabnam N., Sharmila P., Kim H., Pardha-Saradhi P. 2017. Differential response of floating and submerged leaves of longleaf pondweed to silver ions. Front. Plant Sci. 8 : 1052.

74. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01052

75. Shahid M., Dumat C., Khalid S., Schreck E., Xiong T., Niazi N.K. 2017. Foliar heavy metal uptake, toxicity and detoxification in plants: A comparison of foliar and root metal uptake. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 325 (5) : 36-58.

76. Shabnam N., Sharmila P., Pardha-Saradhi P. 2017. Impact of ionic and nanoparticle speciation states of silver on light harnessing photosynthetic events in Spirodela polyrhiza. Int. J. Phytoremediation. 19 (1) : 80-86.

77. Shafer M. M., Overdier J.T., Armstong D.E. 1998. Removal, partitioning, and fate of silver and other metals in wastewater treatment plants and effluentreceiving streams. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17 (4) : 630-641.

78. Sharma A., Kumar, V., Shahzad, B. M. Ramakrishnan, Sidhu G.P.S., Bali A.S., Handa N., Kapoor D., Yadav P., Khanna K., Bakshi P., Rehman A., Kohli S.K., Khan E.A., Parihar R.D., Yuan H., Thukral A.K., Bhardwaj R., Zheng B. 2020. Photosynthetic response of plants under different abiotic stresses: a review. J. Plant Growth Regul. 39 (2) : 509-531.

79. Sharma P., Bhatt D., Zaidi M.G.H., Saradhi P.P., Khanna P.K., Arora S. 2012. Silver nanoparticle-mediated enhancement in growth and antioxidant status of Brassica juncea. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 167 (8) : 2225-2233.

80. Shelar G.B., Chavan A.M. 2015. Myco-synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Trichoderma harzianum and its impact on germination status of oil seed. Biolife. 3(1) : 109-113.

81. Singh D.P., Khare P., Bisen P.S. 1989. Effect of Ni2+, Hg2+ and Cu2+ on growth, oxygen evolution and photosynthetic electron transport in Cylindrosper- mum IU 942. J. Plant Physiol. 134 (4) : 406-412.

82. Singh R., Dubey G., Singh V.P. Srivastava P.K., Kumar S., Prasad S.M. 2012. High light intensity augments mercury toxicity in cyanobacterium Nos- toc muscorum. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 149 (2) : 262272.

83. Souri Z., Cardoso A.A., da-Silva C.J. De Oliveira L., Dari B., Sihi D., Karim N. 2019. Heavy metals and photosynthesis: recent developments. In: Photosynthesis, Productivity, and Environmental Stress. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 107-134.

84. Stefanic P.P., Cvjetko P., Biba R. Domijan A.-M., Letofsky-Papst I., Tkalec M. , Sikic S., Cindric M., Balen B. 2018. Physiological, ultrastructural and proteomic responses of tobacco seedlings exposed to silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate. Chemosphere. 209 : 640-653.

85. Stampoulis D., Sinha S.K., White J.C. 2009. Assaydependent phytotoxicity of nanoparticles to plants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43 (24) : 9473-9479.

86. Tangahu B.V., Sheikh Abdullah S.R., Basri H., Idris M., Anuar N., Mukhlisin M. 2011. A review on heavy metals (As, Pb, and Hg) uptake by plants through phytoremediation. Int. J. Chem. Engineering. 2011. 939161. https://doi.org/10.1155/2011/939161

87. Terashima I., Ono K. 2002. Effects of HgCl2 on CO2 dependence of leaf photosynthesis: evidence indicating involvement of aquaporins in CO2 diffusion across the plasma membrane. Plant Cell Physiol. 43 (1) : 70-78.

88. Timothy N., Williams E.T. 2019. Environmental pollution by heavy metal: an overview. Int. J. Environ. Chem. 3 (2) : 72-82.

89. Underwood C., Gould J.M. 1980. Proton efflux through the chloroplast ATP synthase (CF0- CF1) in the presence of sulfhydryl-modifying agents. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics. 589 (2) : 287298.

90. Van Assche F., Clijsters H. 1990. Effects of metals on enzyme activity in plants. Plant Cell Environ. 13 (3) : 195-206.

91. Vangronsveld J., Clijsters H. 1994. Toxic effects of metals. In: Plants and the chemical elements: biochemistry, uptake, tolerance and toxicity, Weinheim; New York; Basel; Cambridge; Tokyo : VCH, pp. 149-177..

92. Vannini C., Domingo G., Onelli E. et al. (2013). Morphological and proteomic responses of Eruca sativa exposed to silver nanoparticles or silver nitrate. PloS one, 8(7), e68752. https://doi.org/10.1371/ jour-

93. nal.pone.0068752

94. Vishwakarma K., Shweta, Upadhyay N., Singh J., Liu S., Singh V.P., Prasad S.M., Chauhan D.K., Tripathi D.K., Sharma S. 2017. Differential Phytotoxic Impact of Plant Mediated Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) and Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) on Brassica sp. Front. Plant Sci. 8 : 1501.

95. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01501

96. Wang J., Huang C.P., Pirestani D. 2003. Interactions of silver with wastewater constituents. Water Res. 37 (18) : 4444-4452.

97. Yan A., Chen Z. 2019. Impacts of silver nanoparticles on plants: a focus on the phytotoxicity and underlying mechanism. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20 (5) : 1003.

98. https://doi.org/10.3390/ij ms20051003

99. Yasur J., Rani P.U. 2013. Environmental effects of nanosilver: impact on castor seed germination, seedling growth, and plant physiology. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res. 20 : 8636-8648.

100. Yin L., Colman B.P., McGill B.M. Wright J.P., Bernhardt E.S. 2012. Effects of silver nanoparticle exposure on germination and early growth of eleven wetland plants. PloS one. 7 (10) : e47674.

101. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0047674

102. Zhang L., Goswami N., Xie J., Zhang B., He Y. 2017. Unraveling the molecular mechanism of photosynthetic toxicity of highly fluorescent silver nanoclusters to Scenedesmus obliquus. Sci. Rep. 7(1) :

103. 16432. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-16634-5


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67. Sadok W, Sinclair TR. 2010. Transpiration response of “slow-wilting” and commercial soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) genotypes to three aquaporin inhibitors. J. Exp. Bot. 61 (3) : 821-829.

68. Samson G., Popovic R. 1990. Inhibitory effects of mercury on photosystem II photochemistry in Dunaliella tertiolecta under in vivo conditions. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology. 5 (3-4) : 303-310.

69. Shabnam N., Sharmila P., Kim H., Pardha-Saradhi P. 2017. Differential response of floating and submerged leaves of longleaf pondweed to silver ions. Front. Plant Sci. 8 : 1052.

70. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01052

71. Shahid M., Dumat C., Khalid S., Schreck E., Xiong T., Niazi N.K. 2017. Foliar heavy metal uptake, toxicity and detoxification in plants: A comparison of foliar and root metal uptake. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 325 (5) : 36-58.

72. Shabnam N., Sharmila P., Pardha-Saradhi P. 2017. Impact of ionic and nanoparticle speciation states of silver on light harnessing photosynthetic events in Spirodela polyrhiza. Int. J. Phytoremediation. 19 (1) : 80-86.

73. Shafer M. M., Overdier J.T., Armstong D.E. 1998. Removal, partitioning, and fate of silver and other metals in wastewater treatment plants and effluentreceiving streams. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17 (4) : 630-641.

74. Sharma A., Kumar, V., Shahzad, B. M. Ramakrishnan, Sidhu G.P.S., Bali A.S., Handa N., Kapoor D., Yadav P., Khanna K., Bakshi P., Rehman A., Kohli S.K., Khan E.A., Parihar R.D., Yuan H., Thukral A.K., Bhardwaj R., Zheng B. 2020. Photosynthetic response of plants under different abiotic stresses: a review. J. Plant Growth Regul. 39 (2) : 509-531.

75. Sharma P., Bhatt D., Zaidi M.G.H., Saradhi P.P., Khanna P.K., Arora S. 2012. Silver nanoparticle-mediated enhancement in growth and antioxidant status of Brassica juncea. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 167 (8) : 2225-2233.

76. Shelar G.B., Chavan A.M. 2015. Myco-synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Trichoderma harzianum and its impact on germination status of oil seed. Biolife. 3(1) : 109-113.

77. Singh D.P., Khare P., Bisen P.S. 1989. Effect of Ni2+, Hg2' and Cu2+ on growth, oxygen evolution and photosynthetic electron transport in Cylindrosper- mum IU 942. J. Plant Physiol. 134 (4) : 406-412.

78. Singh R., Dubey G., Singh V.P. Srivastava P.K., Kumar S., Prasad S.M. 2012. High light intensity augments mercury toxicity in cyanobacterium Nos- toc muscorum. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 149 (2) : 262272.

79. Souri Z., Cardoso A.A., da-Silva C.J. De Oliveira L., Dari B., Sihi D., Karim N. 2019. Heavy metals and photosynthesis: recent developments. In: Photosynthesis, Productivity, and Environmental Stress. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 107-134.

80. Stefanic P.P., Cvjetko P., Biba R. Domijan A.-M., Letofsky-Papst I., Tkalec M. , Sikic S., Cindric M., Balen B. 2018. Physiological, ultrastructural and proteomic responses of tobacco seedlings exposed to silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate. Chemosphere. 209 : 640-653.

81. Stampoulis D., Sinha S.K., White J.C. 2009. Assaydependent phytotoxicity of nanoparticles to plants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43 (24) : 9473-9479.

82. Tangahu B.V., Sheikh Abdullah S.R., Basri H., Idris M., Anuar N., Mukhlisin M. 2011. A review on heavy metals (As, Pb, and Hg) uptake by plants through phytoremediation. Int. J. Chem. Engineering. 2011. 939161. https://doi.org/10.1155/2011/939161

83. Terashima I., Ono K. 2002. Effects of HgCl2 on CO2 dependence of leaf photosynthesis: evidence indicating involvement of aquaporins in CO2 diffusion across the plasma membrane. Plant Cell Physiol. 43 (1) : 70-78.

84. Timothy N., Williams E.T. 2019. Environmental pollution by heavy metal: an overview. Int. J. Environ. Chem. 3 (2) : 72-82.

85. Underwood C., Gould J.M. 1980. Proton efflux through the chloroplast ATP synthase (CF0- CF1) in the presence of sulfhydryl-modifying agents. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics. 589 (2) : 287298.

86. Van Assche F., Clijsters H. 1990. Effects of metals on enzyme activity in plants. Plant Cell Environ. 13 (3) : 195-206.

87. Vangronsveld J., Clijsters H. 1994. Toxic effects of metals. In: Plants and the chemical elements: biochemistry, uptake, tolerance and toxicity, Weinheim; New York; Basel; Cambridge; Tokyo : VCH, pp. 149-177..

88. Vannini C., Domingo G., Onelli E. et al. (2013). Morphological and proteomic responses of Eruca sativa exposed to silver nanoparticles or silver nitrate. PloS one, 8(7), e68752. https://doi.org/10.1371/ jour-

89. nal.pone.0068752

90. Vishwakarma K., Shweta, Upadhyay N., Singh J., Liu S., Singh V.P., Prasad S.M., Chauhan D.K., Tripathi D.K., Sharma S. 2017. Differential Phytotoxic Impact of Plant Mediated Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) and Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) on Brassica sp. Front. Plant Sci. 8 : 1501.

91. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01501

92. Wang J., Huang C.P., Pirestani D. 2003. Interactions of silver with wastewater constituents. Water Res. 37 (18) : 4444-4452.

93. Yan A., Chen Z. 2019. Impacts of silver nanoparticles on plants: a focus on the phytotoxicity and underlying mechanism. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20 (5) : 1003.

94. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20051003

95. Yasur J., Rani P.U. 2013. Environmental effects of nanosilver: impact on castor seed germination, seedling growth, and plant physiology. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res. 20 : 8636-8648.

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    дипломная работа [1,6 M], добавлен 18.05.2011

  • Оцінка впливу агрохімікатів на агроекосистему. Аналіз результатів біотестування впливу мінеральних добрив на ґрунт, а також реакції біологічних індикаторів на забруднення ґрунту. Загальна характеристика показників рівня небезпечності мінеральних добрив.

    реферат [105,4 K], добавлен 09.11.2010

  • Роль живої речовини у географічній оболонці та поняття біосфери. Прогнозування можливих наслідків впливу людської діяльності на природу. Уявлення про функції живих організмів на планеті. Вчення Вернадського про походження, будову та еволюцію біосфери.

    курсовая работа [89,8 K], добавлен 25.10.2010

  • Розробка методу оцінки екологічного стану ґрунту на основі fuzzy-теорії за виміряними значеннями концентрацій важких металів, що дає змогу вибору місця видобування екологічно чистої води. Забруднення ґрунтів важкими металами. Шкала оцінки стану ґрунтів.

    статья [1,3 M], добавлен 05.08.2013

  • Предмет, завдання і види сучасної екології. Загальні закономірності впливу екологічних факторів на живі організми. Біосфера як глобальна екосистема. Забруднення навколишнього природного середовища та його охорона. Проблеми відходів людської діяльності.

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