Radiation and ecological studies of vegetation of Lutsk district of Volyn region
Study of the content of radionuclides and heavy metals in agricultural products in the settlements of the Lutsk district of the Volyn region. Optimization of nature use and implementation of measures and projects to strengthen eco-environmental safety.
Рубрика | Экология и охрана природы |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 27,5 K |
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Lutsk National Technical University
Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
Department of Tourism and Hotel Management
Radiation and ecological studies of vegetation of Lutsk district of Volyn region
O. Hromyk, C. Geogr. Sci., Ass. Professor
O. Ilyina, C. Geogr. Sci., Ass. Professor
The content of radionuclides of 137Gs, 90Sr and heavy metals in vegetation and agricultural products was found out in the settlements of Lutsk district of Volyn region. The results of our own field expeditionary research, as well as the results of generalization of stock materials of the Laboratory of Ecological Land Safety and Product Quality of the Volyn branch of the state institution “Institute for Soil Protection of Ukraine” (Lutsk) are the basis of the research. The plant products contain a small content of radioactive elements in the settlements of the Lutsk district of the Volyn region.
The greatest pollution of plant products was found in the settlements of Sytnytsia and Omefiano. The content of the 137Gs, 90Sr does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations for the content of heavy metal salts was found in potatoes in the villages of Pozharky, Vesele. The results of the radiation-ecological study can be taken into account for the optimization of nature management and are necessary for state emergency management bodies of natural-technogenic content, for the possibility of reasonable planning and effective implementation of measures and projects for strengthening eco- environmental safety. The data obtained are important for the development of the National Concept to overcome the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster on the contamination of agricultural products with radionuclides and heavy metals.
Key words: radionuclides, radiation safety, heavy metals, maximum permissible concentration, radioactive contamination.
Громик О., Ільїна О. Радіаційно-екологічні дослідження рослинності Луцького району Волинської області
З'ясовано вміст радіонуклідів 137Gs, 90Sr та важких металів у рослинності та сільськогосподарській продукції в межах населених пунктів Луцького району Волинської області. В основу досліджень покладено результати власних польових експедиційних досліджень, а також результати узагальнення фондових матеріалів Лабораторії екологічної безпеки земель і якості продукції Волинської філії державної установи «Інститут охорони ґрунтів України» (м. Луцьк). У рослинній продукції населених пунктів Луцького району Волинської області зосереджено незначний вміст радіоактивних елементів.
Найбільше забруднена рослинна продукція була виявлена у населених пунктах с. Ситниця, с. Омельяно. Уміст 137Cs, 90Sr не перевищує гранично допустимих концентрацій. Встановлено значний вміст солей важких металів та перевищення гранично допустимих концентрацій для картоплі с. Пожарки та с. Веселе. Результати радіаційно-екологічного дослідження можуть бути враховані для оптимізації природокористування й необхідні для державних органів керування надзвичайними ситуаціями природно-техногенного характеру, для можливості обґрунтованого планування й ефективної реалізації заходів і проєктів посилення екосередовищної безпеки. Отримані дані щодо забруднення сільськогосподарської продукції радіонуклідами й важкими металами важливі для розробки Загальнодержавної концепції щодо подолання наслідків Чорнобильської катастрофи.
Ключові слова: радіонукліди, радіаційна безпека, важкі метали, гранично допустима концентрація, радіоактивне забруднення.
Relevance of the research topic
The article deals with an important issue of rational use of water bodies and lands under conditions of technogenic load on the environment, in particular, optimization of environmental use in the zone of radioactive contamination. Information on conditions and dynamics is required for ecological-geographical and constructive-geographical justification of optimization of agrolandscapеs. The nature of agro-environmental problems requires attention to the negative aspects of the environmentally safe development of agro-industrial production. It is necessary to change the priorities of environmental policy, which in turn requires a perfect integrated analysis of the state, trends and features of the development and functioning of agro-ecosystems.
The threat of internal exposure of the local population by long-lived radionuclides constantly exists in the territory of the Volyn region [1]. Radiation and ecological aspects of the rational use of polluted areas consist in the mandatory consideration of the possibility of guaranteed production of radio-ecologically safe agricultural products. These aspects are aimed at reducing both the individual effective radiation dose by not exceeding the current hygienic standards [8] in food products, and the collective dose for certain population groups by reducing the intensity of radionuclide flows with crop yields [6; 7].
The task of dosimetric and radiometric monitoring of various pollution objects was presented to specialists. This applies primarily to crop and livestock products. The goal is to reduce the intake and accumulation of radioactive substances and obtain products with permissible quality levels.
The study is aimed at solving one of the most important problems - the improvement of eco-environment, which is focused on creating safe human living conditions.
Analysis of the latest research and publications on the research topic. A significant number of works are devoted to the problem of contamination of the territory of the study with toxic substances. Special attention is paid to the works of V.M. Samoilenko, who proposed the complex zoning of radioactive-contaminated territories and the possible radioecological consequences of resource use [18], Yu.S. Tavrova, who identified the most ecologically dangerous local complexes and types of use of water, biological and land resources of the geosystems of the reservoirs of Polissia and the north of the Forest-steppe [19], L.D. Romanchuk, who carried out a radioecological assessment of the formation of the dose load of residents of rural areas of Polissia Ukraine [17] etc.
However, important spatio-temporal aspects of the spread, accumulation and concentration of pollutants, especially radionuclides and heavy metals, require local research.
The purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of the study is to find out the content of radionuclides 137Cs, 90Sr and heavy metals in vegetation within the settlements of the Lutsk district of the Volyn region.
Research methods and materials. The source materials of the study were stock materials of the Laboratory of Environmental Safety of Lands and Quality of Products of the Volyn Branch of the State Institution “Institute for Soil Protection of Ukraine” (Lutsk) and the results of our own preliminary generalizations on the study of the state of radioactive contamination of nature components of Volyn region [9-13; 20; 21]. Traditional research methods used in landscape science, soil science, landscape geochemistry have been applied [2; 3; 5; 8; 15; 16]. The basis of the study is spatial-temporal analysis and synthesis of ecological-geographical information on radioactive contamination using comparative-geographical, analytical and other methods. Standard methods for sampling and measuring samples according to the current methods of radiochemical, radiospectrometric, hydrochemical, statistical analyses were applied during field and laboratory studies.
Main results
The intake of the main radionuclides, 137Gs and 90Sr into the human body with food mainly occurs as a result of their transition from soil to plants, and then into crop production. 137Gs is a chemical analogue of potassium. It participates in all metabolism reactions in plants and organisms of animals and humans, is biologically very mobile and is relatively quickly excreted from the body. The greatest radioactive hazard is created by long-lived radioisotopes of 137Gs and 90Sr, which have a significant half-life and are actively involved in the process of biological migration.
Natural cesium is represented by one stable isotope 133Cs. Distribution products include two radioisotopes 137Cs і 134Cs. 90Sr has significant radiological significance only in the territory adjacent to the exclusion zone. It is an analogue of calcium, characterized by high digestibility of living organisms, slowly excreted from the body, as it accumulates in bone tissue. Natural strontium consists of 4 stable isotopes with mass numbers 84, 86, 87 and 88. Two radioisotopes are included in the distribution products: 90Sr belongs to the number of the most biologically mobile and 89Sr is a shorter-lived radionuclide. The contribution of 90Sr to the load per person, compared to 137Cs is much less in the polluted areas of the Volyn region [12].
Agricultural activities are an integral part of the life of the rural population. Therefore, its residence on areas contaminated with radioactive substances is advisable and possible only on the condition that the radiation state allows for work in agriculture and animal husbandry and is safe for health. As well as production of products suitable for unlimited use both in nutrition and in industry in private farms [14].
59852 hе was surveyed in 2018 to control the migration of radioactive elementiv137Cs and 90Sr. The surveyed arable land area was 38,897 hectares, meadows and pastures - 20,955 hectares. The pollution density 137Cs all surveyed farmland is up to 1 Ki/km2 and 90Sr up to 0.02 Ki/km2.
The results of analysis of vegetation contamination with radionuclides and heavy metals (lead, zinc, copper, cadmium, mercury) in the controlled areas in settlements showed that 137Cs contamination ranges from 2.5-3.8 Bq/kg, 90Sr - 0.5-1.2 Bq/kg. The maximum content of radionuclide accumulation in plant products was recorded in the villages of Sytnytsia (3.8 Ki/km2) and Omeliano (Table 1).
Table 1
Contents of 137Cs, 90Sr in plant products within settlements
№ p/p |
Settlement |
Coordinates |
Plant name |
137Cs (Bq/kg) |
90Sr (Bq/kg) |
north latitude |
east longitude |
1 |
Vesele |
500 47' 073'' |
240 59' 825'' |
potato |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
2 |
Gremiache |
510 51' 324'' |
250 56' 478'' |
perennial herbs |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
3 |
Zhuravnyki |
500 26' 148'' |
240 41' 858'' |
wheat straw |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
4 |
Krupa |
500 42' 180'' |
250 25' 867'' |
perennial herbs |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
5 |
Omeliano |
500 58' 865'' |
250 34' 907'' |
perennial herbs |
3,4 |
1,2 |
6 |
Perespa |
500 59' 213'' |
250 09' 088'' |
perennial herbs |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
7 |
Pidgaitsi |
500 44' 322'' |
250 24' 170'' |
perennial herbs |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
8 |
Pozharky |
500 44' 5 94'' |
250 20' 874'' |
potato |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
9 |
Rokyni |
500 50' 538'' |
250 16' 394'' |
perennial herbs |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
10 |
Sytnytsia |
510 03' 06'' |
250 36' 52'' |
perennial herbs |
3,8 |
1,2 |
11 |
Ughryniv |
500 34' 845'' |
250 02' 880'' |
perennial herbs |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
12 |
Tsuman Forestry |
500 54' 190'' |
250 53' 111'' |
perennial herbs |
<2,5 |
<0,5 |
Exceeding the content of radionuclides in potatoes - 20 Bq/kg 137Cs and 60 Bq/kg 90Sr [8], according to the results of studies, was not found.
The results of the analysis of the content of heavy metal salts in plant products showed that the maximum permissible concentrations were exceeded [4; 5; 16]. The residual amount of lead exceeds the permissible levels by 1.7 times, with a norm of 0.1 mg/kg, and is 0.17 mg/kg in the studied potato samples in the village of Vesele. The content of copper, cadmium and mercury in the samples is lower than the maximum permissible concentration copper - 6.1-7.4 mg/kg, cadmium - 0.012-0.015 mg/kg, mercury - 0.002 mg/kg (Table 2).
Table 2
Content of heavy metal salts in plant products within settlements
№ p/p |
Settlement |
Plant name |
Content of heavy metal salts (mg/kg) |
Cu |
Pb |
Cd |
Zn |
Hg |
1 |
Vesele |
potato |
6,1 |
0,17 |
0,015 |
13,4 |
<0,002 |
2 |
Gremiache |
perennial herbs |
8,4 |
0,27 |
0,007 |
18,4 |
<0,002 |
3 |
Zhuravnyki |
wheat straw |
3,4 |
0,28 |
0,017 |
18,8 |
<0,002 |
4 |
Krupa |
perennial herbs |
8,5 |
0,2 |
0,044 |
26,3 |
<0,002 |
5 |
Omeliano |
perennial herbs |
6,2 |
0,14 |
0,034 |
9,7 |
<0,002 |
6 |
Perespa |
perennial herbs |
5,0 |
0,17 |
0,062 |
22,7 |
<0,002 |
7 |
Pidgaitsi |
perennial herbs |
4,7 |
0,24 |
0,041 |
9,2 |
<0,002 |
8 |
Pozharky |
potato |
7,4 |
0,09 |
0,012 |
24,0 |
<0,002 |
9 |
Rokyni |
perennial herbs |
4,7 |
0,31 |
0,037 |
25,7 |
<0,002 |
10 |
Sytnytsia |
perennial herbs |
5,2 |
0,11 |
0,028 |
14,2 |
<0,002 |
11 |
Ughryniv |
perennial herbs |
6,0 |
0,18 |
0,028 |
9,0 |
<0,002 |
12 |
Tsuman Forestry |
perennial herbs |
4,5 |
0,26 |
0,036 |
42,0 |
<0,002 |
The simplest and most effective way to reduce the content of radionuclides in plant products is to select crops and their varieties in potentially contaminated areas. Application of soil protection treatment with minimization elements is quite effective. This will increase the number of nutrient residues on the soil surface and increase wind resistance. Anti-erosion measures will ensure the maximum possible preservation of the humus horizon and create prerequisites for fixing the main part of radionuclides.
Exceptional attention should be paid to the creation of cultivated pastures, namely: the improvement of natural grasses, the improvement of old crops of perennial grasses, the increase of areas of new crops. It is necessary to carry out a number of measures aimed at reducing the content of radionuclides in plants, namely: take into account the main patterns of radionuclides coming from the soil into plants; rationally place crops on soils with different agrochemical properties and levels of radioactive contamination; properly organize systems of rational use of haymakers and pastures. Take into account all factors affecting radioactive contamination of products as much as possible.
Modern approaches to radioprotective nutrition include: maximum possible reduction of radionuclide intake with food, inhibition of absorption and accumulation of radionuclides in the body, adherence to the principles of rational nutrition. The use of the simplest means of primary decontamination and technological treatment for radioactive contamination is the main feature of preparing crop products directly for use or for further processing.
radionuclide heavy metal agricultural safety environment
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Insignificant content of radioactive elements was detected during the study of the content of radionuclides in plant products. The greatest pollution of plant products was found in the settlements of Sytnytsia and Omeliano. The content of the 137Cs, 90Sr does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations for the content of heavy metal salts was found in potatoes in the villages of Pozharky, Vesele. The obtained results will serve as the basis for rational environmental use in the zone of radioactive contamination of the region; to optimize the use of natural resources and environmental protection; to enable sound planning and effective implementation of activities and projects in order to enhance eco-environment security. Prospects for further radiological studies of the region should be considered: a deeper knowledge of anthropogenic factors (industrial, agricultural, radiation) solving environmental problems and improving ecosituations in polluted areas, implementation of measures and projects to strengthen the eco-safety of local water and resource use in order to obtain radiation clean products.
The scientific novelty of the conducted research is the analysis of the content of radionuclides and heavy metals in plants and agricultural products within the settlements of the Lutsk district of the Volyn region.
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