Інформаційно-методичне забезпечення обґрунтування управлінських рішень малих та середніх підприємств машинобудування

Особливі умови діяльності малих і середніх підприємств в Україні та характерні риси управління ними. Розробка методичних і практичних рекомендацій щодо організації процесу обґрунтування управлінських рішень на основі елементів інформаційної платформи.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 06.09.2013
Размер файла 90,3 K

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Ключевые слова: управленческий процесс, информационно-методическое обеспечение, обоснование управленческих решений, машиностроительное предприятие, матрица ответственности, финансовая диагностика, критерии, информационная платформа, программное обеспечение.


Nazarenko N. S. The information and methodical maintenance of substantiation of management decisions of small and middle mechanical engineering enterprises. - Manuscript.

It is the thesis on getting the master degree of a candidate of economic sciences at the speciality 08.00.04 - economics and management of enterprises (mechanical engineering). - Khmelnytsky National University, Khmelnytsky, 2008.

The special conditions of activity and distinctive peculiarities of management of small and middle enterprises in Ukraine are analysed in this thesis. As the result of the comparative analysis of typical features and peculiarities of great and small forms of enterprising the specificity of operating the last ones is proved. Usage of the instrumentation of the financial diagnostics for supporting management decisions on the basis of three approaches - financial, resourceful, and organizational - is systematized. The methodical recommendations in organization of the process of substantiation of management decisions on the basis of constituents of the information platform are worked up. The sequence is proved, and the content of the stages of formation and introduction of criteria of the information and methodical maintenance into the management process of an enterprise is set. The information and methodical maintenance of substantiation of management decisions to determine influence of the indicators of separate criteria or factors at the general level of providing and the range comparison with other competitors of one market and one sphere of the activity is estimated. The monitoring of functional possibilities of the most known programme items is held, and the principal criteria of their choice are fixed. Key words: management process, information and methodical maintenance, substantiation of management decisions, a mechanical engineering enterprise, a matrix of responsibility, financial diagnostics, criteria, an information platform, programme providing.

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