Система економічного управління лікувальною установою як суб'єктом медичного страхування

Розробка цільової підсистеми економічного управління лікувально-профілактичною установою. Аналіз особливостей функціонування систем управління медичними установами в умовах трансформаційної економіки. Розробка моделі розрахунку вартості медичних послуг.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2015
Размер файла 40,9 K

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Matskiv O.I. System of Economic Management at Medical - Prophylactic Establishment Treated as the Subject of Obligatory Medical Insurance. - A manuscript.

Thesis for obtaining a degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.00.04 - Economy and Management of Enterprises. Odessa State Economic University of Education and Research Ministry of Ukraine, Odessa, 2009.

The automatic specific subsystem of economic management in a medical establishment is developed in this dissertation at theoretical, methodological and tool-designed levels. The structure of tasks functional complexes in the subsystem is revealed; the blocks of information computer processing are supplied to the personnel's places by external device.

The software ASEM MPE is offered to be exercised on the basis of self-working places of experts. To compensate incomplete formalized circuits of management and to improve the modification program it has been proposed to include the applied expert systems into the APM's structure. The breadboard model of an Excel-environment of an expert system is offered to be used as a toolkit of the applied designing. The mini-expert of a department and the mini-expert of wages' calculation have been created.

The economic benefit is reached at the expense two things: MPE management tasks automation under the sub-definite conditions of medical insurance; and saving the monetary resources when developing the applied expert systems that make components of the APM's system due to Excel-environment expert system introduction.

Key words: Applied expert system, system of economic management, medical insurance, medical-preventive establishment.

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