Особливості забезпечення економічної безпеки підприємства в умовах викликів та загроз воєнного часу

Характеристика ефективного фінансового управління для розвитку економічної діяльності та застосування механізму, що охоплює заходи превентивного й реактивного характеру. Основні типи та види загроз відповідно до основних економічних тенденцій у країні.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид статья
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 19.12.2023
Размер файла 42,4 K

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15. President of Ukraine. (2022). On the imposition of martial law in Ukraine (Decree No. 64/2022, February 24).

16. Public organization “Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultations”. (2022, December). New monthly survey of enterprises.

17. Yurchyshyn, V. (2023, January 9). About comparing the financial results of enterprises.

18. Ero, O. (2022, June 1). What are the changes in taxes and their payment for micro businesses during the war? EBA.

19. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2022). On the approval of the Procedurefor providing the employer with compensation for labor costs for the employment of internally displaced persons as a result of hostilities during martial law in Ukraine (Decree No. 331, March 20).

20. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2022). On the approval of the plan of emergency measures for the relocation, if necessary, of the production capacities of business entities from territories where hostilities are ongoing and/or there is a threat of hostilities to a safe territory (Decree No. 246-r, March 25).

21. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2022). About the peculiarities of the work of the joint-stock company “Ukrposhta” in the conditions of martial law (Decree No. 305, March 17).

22. Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. (n. d.). Enterprise relocation program.

23. Diia. Business. (n. d.). A single platform of digital interaction to assist in business relocation.

24. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2022). Some issues of granting business grants (Decree No. 738, June 21).

25. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2022). Some issues of granting grants for processing enterprises (Decree No. 739, June 21).

26. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2022). On the implementation of an experimental project on the provision of competitive financial support to startups in Ukraine, including in thefieldof information technologies (Decree No. 736, June 24).

27. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2022). On amendments to the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 24, 2020 No. 28 and 29 (Decree No. 313, March 18).

28. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. (2022, December 26). Ministry of Finance: 17,359 concessional loans worth UAH 72.24 billion were issued during the period of martial law within the State Program “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%”.

29. National Bank of Ukraine. (2022, December 14). The Financial Stability Board has identified priority areas for joint efforts to overcome the challenges posed by full-scale war.

30. National Bank of Ukraine. (2022). Report on financial stability. December 2022.

31. Diia. Business. (n. d.). Business support in wartime.

32. UFP. (n. d.). Ukrainian companies ready to work remotely for you.

33. The Supply Chain Resilience (SCR) platform. (n. d.).

34. Ukrainian Food Platform. (n. d.).

35. Nazovni. (n. d.). We help businesses to go beyond.

36. Public space. (2023). Acceptance of grant applications for the implementation of business continuity support and recovery activities.

37. ITFC. (2022, July 1). Support for women's businesses in action: the first 16 businesses will receive assistance.

38. Diia. (n. d.). Receiving a micro-grant from EU4Business.

39. The Women's Entrepreneurship Empowerment Program is open for registration again! (2022, June 8).

40. GURT. (2022, July 21). Mini-grants competition for Ukrainian entrepreneurs.

41. Kyiv School of Economics. (n. d.). RE: start. Free offices andconsultingfor businesses relocating to Kyiv.

42. Facebook. (2022). TERRA. A course on sustainable development.

43. ITFC. (2022, June 30). “Business Sustainability Platform” seminars are a vector of development for women's entrepreneurship in wartime conditions.

44. 203,000 FOPs for the year, the growth of purchases in online stores and the average check in cafes: December's digest. (2023, January 9).

45. PrivatBank. (2022, December 9). PrivatBank joined the partner program of the Export Credit Agency.

46. Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. (2022, December 16). The International Financial Corporation will finance lending to Ukrainian businesses for $2 billion.

47. Government Portal. (2022, December 21). Ministry of Finance: The Entrepreneurship Development Fund will finance SME investments in the field of energy supply and energy efficiency together with JSC “UKRGAZBANK”.

48. Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. (2022, December 26). Employment: as part of the 12th wave of the “Own Business” program, 626 winners will receive grants worth over UAH 148 million.

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