Economic inequality of the regional development of Poland, Spain and Ukraine

Analysis of uneven regional economic development in Poland, Spain and Ukraine. Assessment of index of the unevenness of the economic development of the countries, the dynamics of changes in the population and comparison of regional economic statistics.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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Economic inequality of regional development in Poland, Spain and Ukraine can cover various aspects, taking into account the specific context of each country. V. Hryhorkiv, A. Verstiak, O. Verstiak, and M. Hryhorkiv, (2017) focus on the features of convergence or divergence for the regions of the country under study, while D.A. Tirado, A. Dfez-Minguela, J. MartfnezGalarraga, (2015) investigate regional GDP per capita inequalities.

Summarizing the results of the study, we will determine the need for the use of integral indicators such as coefficient of variation or Williamson's coefficient of variation, weighted coefficient of variation, relative mean deviation and Theil Index during research of the uneven economic development of the respective country. The use of these indicators, in our opinion, will identify inequalities in regional economic development and justify possible ways to smooth or level them for the integrated development of the state and regions of Poland, Spain and Ukraine.

The study of economic inequality in Poland, Spain and Ukraine is a prerequisite for the development of the national concept of the digital economy, which will create preconditions for improving living conditions in the regions of the researched countries, providing enhanced opportunities for job search, distance education, entrepreneurship and promotion of goods and services.

In addition, the study of anthropogenic factors of the economic development of Poland, Spain and Ukraine will allow to compare their impact on economic inequality of the studied countries.


Thus, we considered the features of economic inequality in the regions of Ukraine, Poland and Spain. The studied countries combine the experience of local government reform and territorial decentralization of power in general. Spain began the process of decentralization in 1978 to reduce regional and ethnic tensions and preserve the country's unity as all of Spain's autonomous communities differ in history, culture, language, and economic conditions in particular. At the same time, in 1999 in Poland, the territorial communities were united into financially viable voivodships.

At the same time, in 2014 decentralization reform in Ukraine was launched to ensure a comfortable living environment and business activity for the local population, and continues to this day [33]. We agree that decentralization of power in general reduces regional disparities in the economic development of Ukraine, Poland and Spain, but its effect depends on the level of economic development of the researched countries [34]. In addition, countries with significant economic inequalities in regional development should understand what and how to decentralize [35].

It should be noted that the study for Ukraine was conducted before the start of the war which, of course, will significantly affect the economic environment of Ukraine itself as well as Poland and Spain which provided significant financial and military assistance. In the future, it will be interesting to explore the state of economic inequality in the postwar period.

The economic decline of certain regions of any researched country inevitably contributes to the migration of local populations to other developing regions or the migration of local populations outside the country. The regions of the country in decline are left first of all by the economically active population, while the most vulnerable are the socially vulnerable groups of the local population - children and the elderly - remain. Despite the reduction of the region's economic potential and budget revenues, local budget expenditures on social protection are present in the region. In addition, the migration of the economically active population to other regions or countries causes not only the relocation of economic activity centres in the region or in the country, in particular, but also creates additional burdens on the housing market and social infrastructure in the region or country where population migrates to.

Poland, Spain and Ukraine have the best developing regions with industrial or post-industrial economic structures, high levels of urbanization, which are also capable of mutually beneficial foreign economic cooperation in investment, trade, and technological cooperation. In turn, the agrarian and industrial-agrarian regions of the researched countries in the conditions of decentralization of Poland, Spain and Ukraine, unfortunately, are less competitive as they are inferior to the regions of Poland, Spain and Ukraine which have comparative competitive advantages. In addition, inequalities in the distribution of benefits from decentralization may exacerbate economic disparities among the regions of the study countries in terms of employment and unemployment, deteriorating living conditions of local households, and slow down socioeconomic development as well as reduce the competitiveness of the researched countries in international trade.


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