Internal crises in the countries of the soviet bloc in contexts of European security

Analyzes the internal crises experienced by the Soviet bloc countries during the Cold War. Noted that the internal crises that erupted in the Soviet bloc, along with the casualties of the population and the threat to the stability of European security.

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At the XIII session of the UN General Assembly (September 16 - December 13, 1958), the United States presented a draft resolution expressing regret that the USSR and Hungary refused to cooperate with the UN Special Committee, executed I. Nagy, P. Maleter and other prominent politicians, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was being violated in the country. Moscow and Budapest were condemned for ignoring General Assembly resolutions and called for “respect for Hungary's freedom and political independence”. The resolution established a special rapporteur to inform Member States before the next regular session of the General Assembly on the situation in the country (agreed to be chaired by the President of the XII session of the UN General Assembly L. Munro (New Zealand)).

Analyzing the results of the XIII session of the UN General Assembly, Moscow noted the activity of the delegations of Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania. The Polish delegation “began to remain silent when discussing pressing issues”. Yugoslavia remained neutral, but voted against the resolution on the “Hungarian question”.

In 1959-1960, a partial amnesty was declared in Hungary, and concentration camps were closed. In 1962, the Central Committee adopted a resolution condemning the cult of personality, according to which M. Rakosi, E. Gero and their associates were expelled from the party. The amnesty gave Kadar the opportunity to positively position his own international reputation, and in 1960, he addressed a session of the UN General Assembly. The “Hungarian question” was removed from the agenda in 1963: the country was fully returned to the UN.

As for the events of the Prague Spring, discussions in the UN Security Council on the situation in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic began in the evening of August 21, 1968, and continued for the next few days. During this period, a number of draft resolutions were proposed, which described the actions of the five socialist states as a violation of the UN Charter. All these projects were not accepted because one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council - the USSR - vetoed them. On August 27, 1968, the Soviet mission to the UN asked the chairman of the Security Council to remove the “Czechoslovak question” from the agenda in connection with the agreement reached between the USSR and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic during talks in Moscow on August 23-26, 1968. But at XXIII Session of the UN General Assembly, which began on September 24, 1968 the United States and its supporters have repeatedly tried to include the “Czechoslovak question” on the agenda of the session. Thanks to the efforts of the USSR, the socialist and some states that supported it, these efforts were unsuccessful [19, s. 994].

In parallel with the events in Czechoslovakia, there was a political crisis in Poland in 1968, which witnessed the catastrophic loss of power by W. Gomulka, which led to his final loss of authority and transfer of power in 1970 to E. Gierek (who also failed to stop destructive processes in the socialist system of Poland).

In Yugoslavia, amid exacerbating economic problems in the early 1970s, disparities in the development of Slovenia and Croatia, on the one hand, and other Yugoslav republics, on the other, increased, and national contradictions deepened.

Participants in the riots in Croatia in November 1971 demanded the separation of the republic from the SFRY.

After the defeat of the “Prague Spring”, events in Poland and Yugoslavia began to strengthen totalitarian regimes in Eastern Europe. Economic reforms have virtually come to a halt, and emerging market relations have either been eliminated or severely curtailed. The dissident movement intensified. The lag behind the developed countries of the West was growing. To quell discontent, the ruling Communist Party strengthened armies, law enforcement agencies, and state security.

Thus, we can conclude that the internal crises in the countries of the socialist camp were threatening to the European security system, which was just in its infancy and had to respond to the new challenges of the Cold War. It became clear that the Soviet system was unable to offer at least some acceptable solution to the problems that arose in the countries of the socialist camp, where calls for democratization, liberalization, and so on were increasingly heard. And Western countries, due to the division of spheres of influence that followed the Second World War, were unable to influence the situation in any way, and the Cold War framework of that time would not allow their intervention due to the real threat of global conflict between the two systems (the process of balancing “on the border” in the 50-60's of the XX century was the main characteristic of the then international relations).

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