Structure and staff of the administrative economic financial department and internal prison of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944–1946

The structure of the administrative-economic-financial department and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB, their structural transformation. Study of the structure and staffing of the AGFS and the internal prison in the Ternopil region in 1944–1946.

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Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk national pedagogical university

Structure and staff of the administrative economic financial department and internal prison of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944-1946

Mykola Moskaliuk,

PhD hab. (history), professor of the department of history of Ukraine, archeology and special branches of historical sciences

Roman Pyrozhyshyn,

postgraduate student of the department of history of Ukraine, archeology and special branches of historical sciences



In the article, based on historical original sources and monographs, there has been analyzed the structure and staff of the administrative economic financial department and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944-1946, and there has been characterized their structural transformation. The purpose of the research is to outline the structure and its transformation, to describe the staff composition of the Administative Economic Financial Department (AEFD) and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944-1946. The research methodology is based on the principles of objectivity and historicism. A historical comparative method has been applied, which made it possible to trace and compare the structure of the NKGB-MDB at all stages of transformation and development, as well as methods of statistics, analysis and synthesis, which served for quantitative and qualitative characterization of personnel and systematization of the obtained results. The scientific novelty is thatfor the first time the study has been carried out on the structure and equipment of the AGFS and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944-1946. The Conclusion The authors classify the chronological framework of the research into three stages, distinguishing regularities in quantitative and qualitative composition. At the first stage, according to two staff lists of 1944, there was a shortage of qualified personnel in the structures of the NKGB in Ternopil region, and the departments consisted of the Russians. Hence, according to the staff list of May of1944, there were 37positions vacant, and in 6 departments out of 9, the Russians prevailed, in 1 - the Ukrainians, and in two more departments there were no emploees at all. According to the staff list of November of1944, the staff improved, as there were 35 vacancies. The Russians predominated in 5 out of 9 departments, the Ukrainians prevailed in 2 departments, and there were no employees in another 2 departments, i.e. the number of departments dominated by the Ukrainians proliferated. At the second stage, according to the staff list of 1945, the number of vacant positions decreased to 23, the Russians prevailed in five departments out of nine, the Ukrainians predominated in two, and there were no employees in another 2 departments. At the third stage, after the reform, according to the staff list of1946, the number of vacant positions increased to 36. The Russians prevailed in 7 departments out of 9, the Ukrainians - in two. There were new departments which were not recorded in the previous staff lists: the Department of Military and Economic Support, Chortkiv inter-district internal prison and Kremenets inter-district internal prison. It has been found that the departments and branches were staffed, for the most part, by the Russians, by transferring them to Ternopil region from the Asian and Far Eastern regions of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), and by the Ukrainians, who worked in the eastern regions of the Ukrainian SSR or the RSFSR. A low educational level of the staff was noted, in the internal prison only medical employees had a secondary education certificate, the majority of employees finished only four - eight grades of school.

Key words: the NKGB, the MDB, department, branch, education, staffing.


Структура та комплектація адміністративно-господарсько-фінансового відділу і внутрішньої тюрми НКДБ-МДБ в Тернопільській області у 1944-1946 рр.

Микола Москалюк

докторісторичних наук, професор кафедри історії України, археології та спеціальних галузей історичних наук, Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка, вул. Карпенка 24а, м. Тернопіль, Україна

Роман Пирожишин

аспірант кафедри історії України, археології та спеціальних галузей історичних наук, Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка, вул. Івана Підкови 6, м. Тернопіль, Україна

У статті на основі історичних першоджерел та монографій досліджено структуру та комплектацію адміністративно-господарсько-фінансового відділу і внутрішньої тюрми НКДБ-МДБ в Тернопільській області у 1944-1946 рр., охарактеризовано їх структурну трансформацію. Мета дослідження - окреслити структуру та її трансформацію, дати характеристику комплектації АГФВ і внутрішньої тюрми НКДБ-МДБ в Тернопільській області у 1944-1946 рр. Методологія дослідження опирається на принципи об'єктивності, історизму. Застосовано історико-порівняльний метод, що дав можливість простежити і порівняти структуру НКДБ-МДБ на усіх стадіях трансформації та розвитку, а також методи статистики, аналізу та синтезу, які послужили для кількісної і якісної характеристики кадрів, а також систематизації отриманих результатів. Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що уперше здійснено дослідження структури і комплектації АГФВ та внутрішньої тюрми НКДБ-МДБ в Тернопільській області у 1944-1946 рр. Висновки. Автори розділяють хронологічні рамки дослідження на три етапи, виділяючи закономірності у кількісному та якісному складі. На першому етапі, згідно з двома штатними розписами 1944 р., у структурах НКДБ в Тернопільській області спостерігалася нестача кваліфікованих кадрів, а підрозділи формувалися, переважно, із росіян. Так, як видно зі штатного розпису від травня 1944 р., вільними були тридцять сім посад, у шести підрозділах з дев'яти, переважали росіяни, в одному - українці, а ще у двох працівників взагалі не було. Згідно зі штатним розписом від листопада 1944 р. комплектування поліпшиилось, оскільки вільними були тридцять п'ять вільних місць. У п'яти підрозділах з дев'яти переважали росіяни, у двох - українці, а ще у двох працівників взагалі не було, тобто кількість підрозділів, де переважали українці, збільшилася. На другому етапі, відповідно до штатного розпису від 1945 р., кількість вільних посад знизилася до двадцяти трьох, у п'яти підрозділах з дев'яти переважали росіяни, у двох - українці, а ще у двох працівників взагалі не було. На третьому етапі, після реформи, згіднозі штатного розпису від 1946 р., кількість вільних посад збільшилася до тридцяти шести. У семи підрозділах з дев'яти переважали росіяни, у двох - українці. З'явилися підрозділи, яких не було в попередніх штатних розписах: відділення військово-господарського забезпечення, Чортківська міжрайонна внутрішня тюрма та Кременецька міжрайонна внутрішня тюрма. З'ясовано, що відділи та відділення комплектувалися здебільшого росіянами, шляхом їх переведення до Тернопільської області з азійських та далекосхідних регіонів РРФСР, а також українцями, які працювали у східних областях УРСР, або РРФСР. Відзначено низький освітній рівень кадрів: середню освіту мали лише медики у внутрішній тюрмі, основна маса працівників закінчили від чотирьох до восьми класів шкільної освіти.

Ключові слова: НКДБ, МДБ, відділ, відділення, освіта, комплектація.

Main part

ternopil internal prison

The Problem Statement. The efficiency of state policy at local places depends on the structure and staff, which fill it. Implementation of the policy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the USSR), spread of the Soviet power in the western Ukrainian lands and destruction of insurgent movement depended on the number and quality of employees of the NKGB-MDB bodies. Owing to strict discipline and a well-thought-out personnel policy, the Soviet authorities managed to take the Ukrainian lands under their control. Taking into consideration the above-mentioned, there is topical the study on the topic of the structure and staff of the AEFD and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944-1946.

The Analysis of Recent Research and Publications. A small number of works were devoted to the study on the problems of the structure and staff of the city departments of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944-1947. The work, written by I. Bilas should be highlighted, in which the main emphasis was focused on the repression of the NKGB-MDB bodies against the local population. In addition, the author singled out the structural departments that were engaged in repression, as well as their personnel (Bilas, 1994). The issue concerning the imprisonment of the Ukrainians in the Gulag repressed by the state security bodies of the USSR was analyzed in the article «The Ukrainians in the Special Camps of the Gulag» (Allaniiazov 2018). In his articles Ya. Antoniuk covered the struggle of the OUN against the state security structures of the USSR and the underground activities of the OUN (Antoniuk, 2021), (Antoniuk, 2020). The repression of the NKGB-MDB against the civilian population was researched by Voronska in the article «The Civilian Population of Soviet Ukraine in the Viewpoint of Military Tribunals: Punitive Practices Regulation (1918-1959)» (Vronska, 2021). In his article Fedyk classified and analyzed the functions performed by women in the OUN-UPA (Fedyk, 2018). Appointment of the staff to the highest administration positions, we can come across in the work «Lubianka. Stalin and the MGB of the USSR», which contains the correspondence of the top leadership of the MGB with Stalin and the orders (Khaustov, 2007). The structure and personalities of the heads of the NKGB-MDB structures were analyzed in the work under the title: «Who Led the State Security Bodies, 1941-1954» (Petrov, 2010). It should be mentioned that the collections of documents became an important source for studying this issue (Serhiichuk, 2006), (Serhiichuk, 1998), (Novak, 1998). In particular, the researcher, V Ilnytskyi did research on the formation peculiarities of the punitive bodies in the Carpathian region and Ternopil region (Ilnytskyi, 2015). In the cases of the Sectoral State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine in Ternopil region, the structure, data on the personnel and equipment of the city departments were analyzed. However, the above-mentioned issue still remains understudied and requires further research.

The purpose of the research is to outline the structure and its transformation, to describe the composition of the AEFD and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944-1946. The chief objectives of the article are: to analyze and highlight the structure and staff of the AEFD and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB, and to do research on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the AEFD staff and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB.

The Results of the Research. After the Soviet army defeated the German army in the city of Ternopil on April 15, 1944, there began the restoration of the Soviet authorities in the city and the region, including the restoration of the NKGB structures. Hence, the first staff lists of the NKGB administration in Ternopil region emerged on May 15, 1944.

The Administrative Economic Financial Department (hereinafter referred to as the «AEFD») functioned in order to ensure the work of the main administration, city and district departments. According to the staff list, dated May 15, 1944, it consisted of the management staff that included three positions: the head of the department, the deputy head (also the head of the financial department) and a secretary-typist. The head of the department and the secretary - typist were the Ukrainians by nationality, the head had a secondary education certificate, and the secretary-typist had a vocational education certificate. The previous place of service was not stated (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 1, vol. 1, p. 21v).

In the administrative group, which was included into the department structure, there were two positions: a senior inspector and a typist, the post of a typist was vacant. The senior inspector was a Russian, had a vocational education diploma. Previously, he worked in a similar position in the logistics department in Poltava region (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 1, vol. 1, p. 21v).

In the department of material and technical support there were four positions: a head of the department, a senior inspector, an armorer, and a warehouse manager. An armorer position remained vacant. The Russians prevailed in the department, as there were two of them, a head of the department was a Ukrainian. Two employees had a vocational education diploma, there are no data on the education of the head of the department. The senior inspector was sent to work in Ternopil region, he occupied a similar position in Mykolaiv region, a warehouse manager was reinstated, there is no information about the head of the department (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 1, vol. 1, p. 21v).

In the financial department there were six positions: a head of the department, a senior inspector, a senior inspector-senior accountant, an inspector, an accountant-inspector and a treasurer. Only one position remained vacant - the position of a senior inspector. The Russians prevailed in the department, there were four Russians, a head of the department was a Ukrainian. Four employees had a lower secondary education certificate, and the department head finished only eight grades of school. A head of the department worked as a senior inspector at a similar department in Kharkiv region previously, a senior inspector-senior accountant worked previously as an accountant-inspector at the AEFD in the Tatar ASSR, an inspector held the position of operational commissioner in Zmiivsky District of Kharkiv region previously, there are no data on an accountant-inspector and a treasurer (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 1, vol. 1, p. 22).

In the commandant's office there were nineteen vacancies: a head of the commandant's office, an assistant commandant, two employees of the state permit bureau, a senior watchman, eight watchmen, two skilled workers, a janitor, and three attendants. Thirteen positions were unoccupied: a senior watchman, six watchmen, two qualified employees, a janitor and three service employees. The Russians prevailed in the department, there were five of them and one Ukrainian - a head of the department. Five employees had a lower secondary education certificate, data on the education of a head of the department were missing. The assistant commandant occupied a similar position in the Buriat-Mongolian ASSR, one of the employees of the State Bureau of Permits previously held a similar position in Chkaliv Region (nowadays - Orenburg Region, the RF), there are no data on the second employee. One watchman was sent to Ternopil region from Krasnoyarsky Krai, the other - from Mykolayiv region, information about the head of the department is missing (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 1, vol. 1, pp. 22-23).

In the auto-technical department there were fifteen positions: a head of the department, a mechanic, two orderlies, a storekeeper, a janitor, and nine drivers. The majority of the positions remained vacant, and only five vacancies were occupied: a head of the department and four drivers. There were two Russians in the department, there were no data about three other employees of the department. Two employees had a vocational education diploma, there are no data on the rest of the employees. One of the drivers was reinstated in his position, and the other was sent from a similar position in Krasnoyarsky Krai. The housing and repair group had one inspector-engineer position, which was not occupied (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 1, vol. 1, pp. 23-23v).

Thirty employees worked in the internal prison, their composition included the following positions: a head of the prison, a deputy head of the prison, three on-duty assistants to the prison warden, three wardens, three wardens of Category I, twelve wardens, a secretary-accountant, a doctor, a cook, a storekeeper, two drivers. Ten positions remained vacant: a deputy head of the prison, two senior wardens, a secretary-bookkeeper, a photo-fingerprint operator, a cook, a storekeeper, two drivers and a maid. In terms of ethnicity, there were thirteen Russians, three Kazakhs, two Ukrainians and Tatars, and one Mordovian. One employee finished only seven grades of school, seventeen employees had a lower secondary education certificate, two - primary education certificate and one had a secondary medical education diploma. The head of the internal prison occupied a post of an assistant to the head of the internal prison in the Azerbaijan SSR previously. Among three assistants to the head of the prison, two of them occupied a similar position in the Tajik SSR, there was no information about another employee. The senior warden occupied a similar position in Khabarovsk Krai previously. Among three wardens of Category I, one of them worked previously as a senior warden of the internal prison in Prymorsky Krai, i.e. he was demoted. One employee occupied a similar position in Khabarovsk Krai. One more employee worked as a warden in Omsk region, i.e. he received a promotion. Among twelve wardens, two of them occupied a similar position in Chkaliv region, two more - a similar position in West-Kazakh region. One of the wardens occupied a similar position in Alkmolynska region, one of them also occupied a similar position in Krasnoyarsk region. One of the employees was transferred from the position of a watchman in Voroshylovsky District of Prymorsky Krai. Employees of Omsk, Riazan, and Guryev regions were sent to occupy the position of a warden from similar positions. Another employee was sent from the Kazakh SSR. The doctor was sent from Kyiv region, he occupied a similar position (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 1, vol. 1, pp. 23v-24v).

Hence, according to the staff list dated May 15, 1944, in the AEFD there were fifty positions, twenty-six of which were vacant, that is equal to 52% of the total number. Fourteen Russians worked in the department, in the percentage ratio - 28%, six Ukrainians, which was 12%, there was no information about three more employees, they accounted for another 8%. In the internal prison there were thirty-one positions, ten positions remained vacant, which was equal to 33%. There were thirteen Russians in the internal prison, hence, they were the majority - 43%, three Kazakhs - 10%, two Ukrainians and Tatars - 6%, and one Mordvyn - 3%.

In November of 1944, a new staff list came into force, according to which the AEFD underwent reorganization, the structure of the department was subdivided into a management structure, which consisted of two positions: the head of the department and the deputy head. The post of deputy head remained vacant. There was one Ukrainian in the department, who had a secondary education certificate and was sent to work from the position of a senior operational officer from Department II of the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR, i.e. he was promoted. In the secretariat of the department there were three positions: a secretary-typist, a senior inspector of the group and a typist. The post of a typist remained vacant. There was one Ukrainian and one Russian in the department. The employees had a primary education certificate. The secretary - typist was sent from the position of the secretary of Department «B» of the NKGB in Saratov region, the senior inspector worked previously as an inspector at the AEFD in Poltava region (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 2, vol. 2, p. 69).

The department of material and technical support did not change structurally and quantitatively and there were four positions: a head of the department, a senior inspector, an armorer and a warehouse manager. The position of an armorer remained vacant. Everyone in the department was Russian by nationality. The head of the department had a secondary education certificate, the rest of the employees had a lower than secondary education certificate. The head of the department and the senior inspector worked previously in similar positions in Jalal-Abat region of the Kyrgyz ASSR and in Chkaliv region, respectively. The warehouse manager was rehired (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 2, vol. 2, pp. 69-70).

The financial department remained structurally and quantitatively unchanged and there were six positions: a deputy department head, a senior inspector, a senior inspector-senior accountant, an inspector, an accountant-inspector and a treasurer. Only one position remained vacant - the position of an inspector. The ethnic ratio was dominated by the Russians, there were four of them and one Ukrainian - the deputy head of the department. All employees had a lower than secondary education certificate. The deputy head of the department was promoted, as he worked previously as a senior inspector of the State Security Service in Stalin region, the senior inspector was transferred from the position of the operational officer of Zmiivsky District of the NKGB in Kharkiv region. The senior inspector-senior accountant worked previously as an accountant-inspector at the AEFD of the NKDB of the Tatar ASSR, the accountant-inspector worked previously as a controller in Moscow region, the treasurer was reinstated (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 2, vol. 2, pp. 70-71).

As in the previous staff list, in the commandant department there were nineteen vacancies: the head of the commandant department, an assistant commandant, two employees of the State Bureau of Permits, a senior watchman, eight watchmen, two skilled workers, a janitor, and three service employees. However, the staffing of the department improved significantly, only seven positions remained vacant: a senior watchman, two skilled workers, a janitor and three service employees. In the ethnic ratio, the Russians prevailed, there were eight of them and four Ukrainians, among them the head-commandant of the department. Two employees had a lower than secondary education certificate, seven employees had a lower education certificate, among them the head-commandant department, one of the employees finished only seven grades of school, another one finished five grades and another - four grades of school. The head-commandant of the department and the assistant commandant occupied similar positions in Izmail region and in the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR previously. Among the two employees of the State Bureau of Permits, one of them occupied a similar position in Chkaliv region, and the other - the position of a watchman in Chkaliv region. There were three watchmen among the eight, who occupied similar positions in Kyiv region, two more watchmen occupied the vacancies of the economic department employees in Kyiv region, three more employees occupied similar positions in Krasnoyarsk MV, Putylivskyi RV, Tula region and Voronezh region (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 2, vol. 2, pp. 71-72).

There were no changes in the auto-technical department and there were fifteen positions in the department: the head of the department, a mechanic, two orderlies, a storekeeper, a janitor and nine drivers. The majority positions remained vacant, and only six vacancies were occupied: the head of the mechanic department and four drivers. The ethnic ratio was dominated by the Ukrainians, there were four Ukrainians, among them the head of the department and two Russians. Two workers did not finish a secondary school, another three employees weren't educated enough, and one of the employees finished only six grades of school. The head of the department was assigned to the position after studying at the NKGB school in Baku, the mechanic occupied the position of a driver in Rostov region previously. There were two drivers among the four, who worked previously as secret service men and fighters of Medvedyev detachment, two more employees occupied similar positions in the ATV UNKDB of the Ukrainian SSR, the ATV AEFD in Dnipropetrovsk region (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 2, vol. 2, pp. 73-74).

In the housing and repair group there was one inspector-engineer position, which was not occupied. According to the new staff list, the structure of the AEFD also included a telephone office, which was not in the previous staff list. Its structure included five positions: a technician and five telephone operators, none of the positions was occupied (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 2, vol. 2, pp. 74-75).

According to the new staff list, as in the previous one, thirty-one employees worked in the internal prison, it included the following positions: a prison warden, a deputy prison warden, three on-duty assistants to the prison warden, three wardens, three wardens of Category I, twelve wardens, secretaries an accountant, a photo-fingerprinter, a doctor, a cook, a storekeeper, two drivers and a service employee. The staff list of the department improved, nine positions remained vacant: a warden of Category I, two wardens, a photo-fingerprint operator, a cook, a storekeeper, two drivers and a service employee. There were fourteen Russians, hence, the ethnic composition was dominated by the Russians, there were among them the head of the prison, two Ukrainians, two Tatars, two Kazakhs and one Mordovian. One of the employees had a secondary education certificate, three others had a lower than secondary education certificate, including a head of the prison, the rest of the employees finished four - eight grades of school. The head of the internal prison worked previously as an operational officer of Department «B» of the Azerbaijan SSR, the deputy head worked as a state assistant to the head of the internal prison in the Azerbaijan SSR. All three assistants of the head occupied a similar position in the Kazakhstan SSR, the Tajik ASSR, and Vinnytsia region previously. There were three senior wardens, two of them occupied a similar position in Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, one more employee was promoted because he worked as a warden in Omsk region previously. There were two wardens of Category I, one employee occupied a similar position in the Birobidzhan UNKDB, another one was promoted because he had worked as a warden in Omsk region previously. There were nine wardens, eight wardens previously occupied similar positions in West Kazakhstan region, Chkaliv region, Kazakhstan ASSR, Krasnoyarsk region, Akmola and Riazan regions previously. One of the employees occupied the post of a watchman in Prymorsky Krai. The secretary - bookkeeper was an intern in the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The doctor worked as a paramedic in Kyiv region previously (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 2, vol. 2, pp. 75-79).

The staff rotation could be also observed, even within one year. Comparing the heads of the AEFD and their departments and the internal prison, we should note that the head of the department of material and technical support and the internal prison was changed. It should be noted that according to the staff list of November of 1944, the majority were the Ukrainians by origin, only the heads of the department of material and technical support and the internal prison were the Russians (Petrov, 2010, p. 107).

Hence, according to the staff list dated November of 1944, in the AEFD there were fifty - five posts, which was five times more than in the staff list dated May 15, 1944, twenty - six of which were vacant, which corresponded to 47%. The Russians, there were eighteen, prevailed in the department, which was four more than in the previous staff list, and equal to 33%, the number of the Ukrainians also increased, from six to eleven, which corresponded to 20%. In the internal prison, as in the previous staff list, there were thirty-one positions, nine positions remained vacant, which corresponded to 30%. As a result, it was one position - 2% less than in the previous staff list, which indicated a better staffing. The ethnic composition was dominated by the Russians, there were fourteen of them, which corresponded to 45%, two Ukrainians, Tatars and Kazakhs each, which equaled to 6%, and one Mordvyn - 3%. During the year of 1944, there was a shortage of personnel in the AEFD and the internal prison of the NKGB, as some departments were half-staffed, or there were no employees. Thus, in the staff list of May of 1944, there were thirty-seven vacancies, and according to the list of November of 1944, there were thirty-five vacancies, thus, there was a gradual decrease in the personnel shortage. In the staff list of November of 1944, new departments were established: the housing and repair group and the telephone office. The administrative group, which was in the staff list dated May 15, 1944, was liquidated. The Russians predominated in the departments, especially in the internal prison. A pattern could be observed that in the internal prison there were significantly fewer Ukrainians in both staff lists and, in addition to the Russians and the Ukrainians, there were the Tatars, the Kazakhs, and the Mordvyns. The majority of the employees had a lower education diploma, few of the employees had a secondary education certificate, mostly, those were doctors in the internal prison. In general, a significant part of the employees finished only a few school grades. The staffing of structures took place by transfer from similar positions from other regions of the USSR, however, employees often received promotions. People, who were previously dismissed from the state bodies were also reinstated.

In February of 1945, a new staff list came into force, according to which the management staff of the AEFD did not undergo changes, it consisted of two positions: the head of the department and the deputy head. The position of department head was occupied. In the secretariat of the department, as in the previous staff list, there were three positions: a secretary - typist, a senior inspector of the group and a typist. There was only one vacant position - a typist. There was one Ukrainian and one Mariyets in the department. The employees were of different educational levels, the head of the department had a secondary education diploma, the secretary-typist had a lower secondary education diploma, and another employee finished only eight grades of school. The head of the department received a promotion because he was transferred from the position of a senior operational officer of Department II of the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR, the secretary-typist was transferred from Department «B» of Saratov region, the senior inspector of the group worked as an operational officer in Yanaul RV of the NKDB in the Bashkirska ASSR previously (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 3, vol. 1, p. 29).

The department of material and technical support did not change structurally and quantitatively and there were four positions: a head of the department, a senior inspector, an armorer and a warehouse manager. The composition of the department did not change, the position of an armorer remained vacant. The ethnic composition was homogeneous, all employees were the Russians. The head of the department had a secondary education diploma, two others had a lower than secondary education certificate. The head of the department and the senior inspector were sent from similar positions in the Kyrgyz SSR and Chkaliv region, the warehouse manager was reinstated (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 3, vol. 1, p. 29v).

The financial department did not change structurally and quantitatively and there were six positions: a head of the department, a senior inspector, a senior inspector-accountant, an inspector, an accountant-inspector and a treasurer. The staffing did not change, only one position remained vacant - an inspector position. The department was dominated by the Russians, there were four of them and one Ukrainian - the head of the department. The above-mentioned employees did not finish the secondary school. The head of the department worked as a senior inspector in Stalin region, the senior inspector was sent from the position of an operational officer of Zmiyivsky District of the NKGB in Kharkiv region, the senior inspector-accountant and the accountant-inspector held similar positions in the Tatar ASSR and Moscow region, and the treasurer was reinstated (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 3, vol. 1, p. 29v).

As in the previous staff list, in the commandant department there were nineteen vacancies: the head of the commandant department, an assistant commandant, two employees of the State Bureau of Permits, a senior watchman, eight watchmen, two skilled workers, a janitor, and three service employees. The composition of the department did not change, only seven positions remained vacant: a senior watchman, two skilled workers, a janitor and three service employees. In the ethnic ratio, the Russians predominated, there were six of them, five Ukrainians, among them the head of the department and one Mordvyn. In terms of education, two employees had a lower than secondary education certificate, eight had a lower than secondary education diploma, and two more finished only five and four grades of school. The head of the department-commandant, the assistant commandant and the duty Bureau of Permits occupied identical posts in Zhytomyr region, the Buriat-Mongolian ASSR and Chkaliv region. Another official of the Bureau of Permits was sent from the post of a watchman of Chkaliv region. There were five watchmen out of the eight, who occupied the same positions in Krasnoyarsky Krai, Kyiv and Tula Regions, two employees were sent from the vacancy of an employee of the economic department of Kyiv Region, another watchman headed Chapayev partisan detachment (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 3, vol. 1, pp. 29v-30).

The auto-technical department did not undergo any changes and there were fifteen positions: the head of the department, a mechanic, two orderlies, a storekeeper, a janitor and nine drivers. The staffing of the department improved significantly, only three positions remained vacant: a storekeeper, a janitor and one driver, whereas, according to the previous staff list, nine positions remained vacant. The Ukrainians prevailed in the department, there were eight of them, including the head of the department, and four Russians. In the department, two people had a secondary education certificate, three people had a lower than secondary education certificate, the head of the department and two others had a lower than secondary education certificate, the rest of the employees finished only five - nine grades of school. The head of the department was assigned to the position after studying at the NKGB school in Baku, the mechanic was sent from the position of a driver in Rostov region. Among the two orderlies, one occupied a similar position in Kyiv, and another one was a soldier of Medvedyev detachment. There were two drivers among the eight, who were previously intelligence members and Medvedyev detachment members, the rest of the employees occupied similar positions in the ATV of the UNKDB of the Ukrainian SSR, the ATV of the AEFD in Dnipropetrovsk region, Rostov, Stalin, and Novosybirsk regions and in Krasnoyarsky Krai (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 3, vol. 1, pp. 30v-31).

The housing and repair group did not undergo any changes, there was one inspector - engineer position, which was not occupied, as in the previous staff list. According to the new staff list, in the structure of the AEFD there was also a telephone office, which included five positions: a technician and five telephone operators, none of the positions was occupied, as in the previous staff list (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 3, vol. 1, p. 31).

According to a new staff list, as well as according to the previous one, thirty-one employees worked in the internal prison, their composition included the following positions: a prison warden, a deputy warden, three on-duty assistant wardens, three senior wardens, three wardens of Category I, twelve wardens, a secretary - an accountant, a photo-fingerprinter, a doctor, a cook, a storekeeper, two drivers and a service worker. The composition of the department did not change, nine positions remained vacant: a warden of Category I, two wardens, a photo-fingerprinting employee, a cook, a storekeeper, two drivers and an attendant. According to previous staff lists, the Russians predominated in the internal prison, there were fifteen of them, including the head of the prison, two Ukrainians, Kazakhs and Tatars, and one Mordvyn. In terms of an educational level, only one employee had a secondary education diploma, three more employees had a lower education diploma, including the head of the prison. The rest of the employees finished four - eight grades of school. The head of the internal prison and the deputy head were promoted, as they worked previously as operational officers in the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR and as an assistant to the head of the prison in the Azerbaijan SSR. All three on-duty assistants to the head of the prison were sent from similar positions in the Kazakhstan and Tajikistan SSRs and Vinnytsia region. The two senior wardens among three were sent from the same positions in Khabarovsk and Prymorsky Krai, and another employee was promoted, as he previously worked as a warden in Omsk Region. One of the two wardens of Category I occupied the same position in Omsk region, and another one was promoted because he worked as a warden in Omsk region previously. There were ten wardens, nine of them occupied the same positions in the Kazakhstan SSR, Akmola region, Krasnoyarsky Krai, Chkaliv region, Riazan and West Kazakh regions, one more warden was sent from the same position in Prymorsky Krai. The secretary-bookkeeper was an intern in the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The doctor worked as a paramedic in Kyiv region previously (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 3, vol. 1, p. 31-32v). There was no rotation among staff members (Petrov, 2010, p. 108).

Hence, in 1945, the staff members list of the AEFD improved, as only 15 vacancies remained unoccupied, which corresponded to 30%, while according to the staff list of November of 1944, there were 26 vacancies. The composition of the internal prison of the NKGB did not change, 9 vacancies were not occupied, which was equal to 30% of the total number. However, there were no employees in the housing and repair group and in the telephone office. The Russians predominated in the branches of the AEFD, there were 17 of them, which equaled to 34%, 16 Ukrainians - 32%, and one Mariyets and one Mordvyn - 4%. The internal prison was also dominated by the Russians, who numbered 15 - 48%, two Ukrainians, two Kazakhs and two Tatars, who accounted for 18%, and one Mordvyn - 4%. The majority of employees had a lower than secondary education certificate, the number of employees with a secondary education certificate increased. Although the majority of employees finished only a few grades of school. The staffing of structures took place by transfering from similar positions from other regions of the USSR, often employees received promotions. People, who were previously dismissed from the state bodies, as well as soldiers of partisan units, were also reinstated.

The NKGB of the USSR Order No. 00107 issued on March 22, 1946, in accordance with the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 15, 1946, the NKGB of the USSR was renamed to the Ministry of State Security of the USSR, and the local administrations and departments of the NKGB were also renamed to the administrations and departments of the MDB (Ministry of State Security) (Bilas, 1994, p. 274).

A radical expansion and change in the structure of the MDB of the USSR took place on May 4, 1946, when V.S. Abakumov was appointed instead of V.M. Merkulov as the Minister of State Security of the USSR, and the GUKR «Smersh» of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the USSR headed by him merged with the MDB of the USSR (Khaustov, 2007, p. 17).

According to the staff list of November of 1946, the management of the administrative and economic department consisted of three positions: a head of the department, a deputy head of the department (a head of the economic department) and a secretary-typist. All job positions were occupied. The Ukrainians prevailed in the department, there were two of them and one Russian - the head of the department. One of the employees had a lower than secondary education certificate, and two others had a lower than secondary education certificate, including the head of the department. The head of the department was sent from the position of the head of the internal prison, the deputy head of the department was demoted, since he worked as the head of the administrative and economic department previously, and the secretary-typist occupied a similar job position. The department included an administrative department, in which there were three positions: a head of the department (a commandant), a senior inspector, and an assistant commandant. All job positions were occupied. All employees were the Russians by nationality. Two of them had a lower than secondary education certificate, and the head of the department finished only seven grades of school. All employees occupied similar positions at the UMDB previously (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 4, vol. 1, p. 30).

The State Bureau of Permits consisted of sixteen positions: two on-duty permit bureaus, a senior watchman, eight watchmen, two qualified workers, a janitor, and three service employees. There were five positions, which remained vacant: two qualified workers, a janitor and two service employees. The Russians prevailed in the bureau, there were seven of them, among them an on-duty bureau employee, four Ukrainians and one Mordvyn. There were two employees, who had a lower secondary education diploma, eight had a lower education diploma, among them there were two on-duty bureau employees, two more finished seven and four grades of school. All employees occupied similar positions at the UMDB (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 4, vol. 1, pp. 31-32).

In the economic department there were twenty-three positions: a head of the department and his deputy, the deputy head of the department, a senior inspector, a mechanic, an orderly, a storekeeper, ten drivers, a telephone office technician, a senior telephone operator, three telephone operators, a chief of the sanitary department, a senior inspector-doctor and senior accountant of the sanitary department. There were nine positions, which remained vacant: the deputy head of the department, two drivers, a telephone office technician, a senior telephone operator, a telephone operator, the head of the sanitary department, a senior medical inspector and a senior accountant of the sanitary department. The ethnic ratio was dominated by the Russians, there were eight of them and seven Ukrainians, a Ukrainian was the head of the department. Two employees had a secondary education diploma, four had a lower secondary education certicate, seven employees had a lower than secondary education certificate, including the head of the department, and two more employees finished seven - six grades of school. The head of the department worked as the head of the administrative and economic department previously, the senior inspector was promoted, because he worked as an accountant-inspector at the AEFD previously, a mechanic, an orderly, a storekeeper and eight drivers occupied similar positions, two telephone operators were reinstated (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 4, vol. 1, pp. 33-35).

The financial department included eight positions: the head of the department, the deputy head of the department, two senior inspectors-accountants, two inspectors-accountants, a treasurer and a secretary-typist. One position of an inspector-accountant remained vacant. The Ukrainians prevailed in the department, there were four of them, in particular, the head of the department and three Russians. The head of the department had a secondary education diploma, four had less than a secondary education diploma, and two employees finished only seven grades of school. The head of the department received a promotion, as he worked as the deputy head of the UMDB AEFD previously, the rest of the employees occupied similar positions at the AEFD (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 4, vol. 1, pp. 35-36).

There appeared new structures, which were not in the previous staff-lists, in particular military and economic supply department and there were four positions: the head of the department, a senior inspector, an inspector-accountant, a head of the store-house. All job positions were occupied. All employees were the Russians by nationality, three of them had a lower than secondary education certificate, and one employee had a lower than secondary education certificate. The head of the department was sent from the position of a senior inspector of the financial department of the AEFD, the senior inspector occupied a similar position at the AEFD, and the accountant inspector was an intern in the financial department of the AEFD UMDB, the warehouse manager occupied a similar position (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 4, vol. 1, pp. 32-33).

Thirty-one employees worked in the internal prison, their following job positions were also included: a prison warden, a deputy prison warden, three on-duty assistant wardens, three senior wardens, three wardens of Category I, twelve wardens, a secretary-accountant, a photo-fingerprinter, a doctor, a deputy household, a cook, two drivers and a service employee. There were nine positions, which remained vacant: a senior warden, five wardens, a driver and a service employee. The Russians prevailed in the internal prison, there were seventeen of them, the Ukrainians numbered twelve, there was the head of the department among them, three Tatars and one from Mariyets. One of the employees had a secondary education diploma, two employees had a lower secondary education diploma, another nine employees had a lower education diploma and ten employees, who finished three - seven grades of school, there was the head of the prison among them. The majority of the employees occupied similar positions in the internal prison previously, except for the deputy household, who worked as a senior prison warden previously (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 4, vol. 1, pp. 36-39).

There were eighteen positions in Kremenets inter-district prison: the head of the prison, three senior wardens, three wardens of Category I, eight wardens, a paramedic, a cook and a service worker. There were six positions, which remained vacant: a senior supervisor, two supervisors of the first category, two supervisors and a service employee. Hence, 6 positions were vacant in Kremenets inter-district prison, which corresponded to 33%. The majority of them were the Russians, there were 7 of them - 39%, 4 Ukrainians - 22% and one Mariyets - 6%. One employee had a secondary education certificate, three employees had a lower than secondary education certificate, and another eight employees finished four - eight grades of school. All employees occupied similar positions previously (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 4, vol. 1, pp. 39-41).

There were eighteen positions in Chortkiv inter-district prison: the head of the prison, three senior wardens, three wardens of Category I, eight wardens, a paramedic, a cook and a service employee. Four positions remained vacant: a warden of Category I, two wardens and a service employee. There were 4 vacant positions, which corresponded to 23%. The majority were the Russians, who were 8, which was 45%, three employees obtained a secondary education diploma, four - obtained a lower than secondary education certificate, and another eight finished four - six grades of school. The head of the inter-district prison used to head the department of material and technical support of the AEFD. The rest of the employees occupied similar positions in the internal prison (BSA of SSU in the Ternopil region, f. 8, d. 1 (1944), c. 4, vol. 1, pp. 41-42).

A significant transformation of the structure of the AEFD and its departments and the internal prison took place after the reform of 1946. There was also a significant rotation, in particular, only Arkhypovych kept his position in the management hierarchy, but he was transferred from the position of the head of the internal prison to the position of the head of the AEFD. It should be noted that in terms of ethnicity, the Russians predominated, there were 5 of them and 3 Ukrainians (Petrov, 2010, p. 108).


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  • Изучение событий предшествующих началу войны в Молдавской ССР. Характеристкиа борьбы трудящихся Молдавии против немецко-румынских оккупантов (август 1941 - март 1944). Освобождение Молдавии от фашистского ига. Ясско-Кишинёвская операция (август 1944 год).

    реферат [38,7 K], добавлен 17.02.2010

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