Structure and staff of the administrative economic financial department and internal prison of the NKGB-MDB in Ternopil region, in 1944–1946

The structure of the administrative-economic-financial department and the internal prison of the NKGB-MDB, their structural transformation. Study of the structure and staffing of the AGFS and the internal prison in the Ternopil region in 1944–1946.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 31.03.2023
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Hence, according to the staff list of 1946 in the AEFD, in the internal prison of the NKGB and inter-district prisons, staffing deteriorated, thirty-four positions remained vacant, while according to the staff list of February of 1945, there were twenty-three vacant positions. There were 12 vacant positions in the AEFD, which corresponded to 23%, in the internal prison, as in the previous staff list, there were 9 vacant positions, or 29%. The positions of housing and repair group and telephone group were liquidated. The departments were dominated by the Russians, out of nine departments, seven were dominated by the Russians, and another two - by the Ukrainians. In the VGFV, the majority were the Russians, of whom there were 24, or 44%, 17 Ukrainians -31%, and one Mariyets - 2%. The Russians also predominated in the internal prison, there were 17 of them, or 40%, 12 Ukrainians - 29%, 3 Tatars - 7% and one Mordvyn - 2%. Employees had a lower than secondary education certificate mainly, however, the majority of the employees finished only a few grades of school. Most often, they received the positions of a watchmen or attendants, or wardens in the prison. Staffing of structures, as before, took place by transfers from similar positions from other regions of the USSR, sometimes employees received promotions. It is in the staff lists of 1946 that the tendency to keep the employees who worked last year is observed, this is especially noticeable in the example of the internal prison.

The Conclusion. Hence, at the first stage, according to the two staff lists of 1944, there was a shortage of qualified personnel in the structures of the NKGB in Ternopil region, the departments were formed, and the Russians were predominant mostly. Thus, according to the staff list of May of 1944, thirty-seven positions were vacant, and in six departments out of nine, the Russians prevailed, in one - the Ukrainians, and in two more departments there were no employees. According to the staff list of November of 1944, staffing improved, as there were thirty-five vacancies. The Russians predominated in five out of nine departments, the Ukrainians - in two, and there were no employees in another two departments, i.e. there increased the number of departments in which dominated the Ukrainians. At the second stage, according to the staff list of 1945, the number of vacant positions decreased to twenty-three, the Russians predominated in five out of nine departments, the Ukrainians - in two, and there were no employees in two more departments. At the third stage, after the reform, according to the 1946 staff list, the number of vacant positions increased to thirty-six. In seven departments out of nine, the Russians prevailed, in two - the Ukrainians. The departments appeared that were not in the previous staff lists: the Department of Military and Economic Support, Chortkiv inter-district internal prison and Kremenets inter-district internal prison. During the period under analysis, a gradual improvement in staff list composition was observed, according to staff list of April of 1944, 55% were vacant, and according to the 1946 staff list, 23%.


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