The Representation of Repatriates in Modern Syria
Representation of repatriates in state and opposition Syrian newspapers: Tishreen, al-Baath, Hawar News Agency and Enab Baladi. Analysis of articles from the perspective of critical discourse. A survey revealing attitudes towards returnees among refugees.
ذَلًèêà | ئًَيàëèٌٍèêà, èçنàٍهëüٌêîه نهëî è رجب |
آèن | نèïëîىيàے ًàلîٍà |
كçûê | àيمëèéٌêèé |
ؤàٍà نîلàâëهيèے | 14.07.2020 |
ذàçىهً ôàéëà | 1,3 M |
خٍïًàâèٍü ٌâî ُîًîَّ ًàلîٍَ â لàçَ çيàيèé ïًîٌٍî. بٌïîëüçَéٍه ôîًىَ, ًàٌïîëîوهييَ يèوه
رٍَنهيٍû, àٌïèًàيٍû, ىîëîنûه َ÷هيûه, èٌïîëüçَùèه لàçَ çيàيèé â ٌâîهé َ÷هله è ًàلîٍه, لَنٍَ âàى î÷هيü لëàمîنàًيû.
o Positive
o It doesn't matter to me
9. Do you think that the Syrians who left their country should be punished for that?
o Yes, they must be heavily punished (prison, heavy fines, etc.)
o Yes, a light penalty would be enough (a small fine, a formal reprimand etc.)
o No
o I don't know
10. Do you think that refugees are traitors of their homeland?
o Yes
o No
o I don't know
11. In your opinion, should government agencies facilitate the return of Syrians to their homeland?
o Yes
o No
o I don't know
12. What measures should the state actors take to return the Syrians to the country?
o Provision of cash support/subsidy
o Assistance in employment
o Assistance in the repair / rental of housing
o No measures should be taken
13. Imagine that your refugee neighbor asked you for help, would you help him?
o Yes
o Yes, but with reluctance
o No
o I don't know
14. If you find out that your refugee neighbor receives monetary repatriation assistance, how do you feel about this?
o Positive
o Negative
o It doesn't matter to me
15. Write one sentence about your attitude towards repatriates and the process of repatriation _______
Appendix 2
Results of the survey
1. If you chose newspaper in the previous question, which one are they?
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights |
المرصد السوري |
Sputnik, Al-Arabiya, Al-Jazeera |
سبوتنك ، العربية، الجزيرة نت |
بي بي سي |
Radio Sham |
راديو الشام |
Al-Baath, Tishreen |
البعث، تشرين |
2. Write one sentence about your attitude towards repatriates and the process of repatriation
I support the return of all the sons of Syria to their homeland, especially those who left under duress, since Syria needs its sons. |
أنا مع عودة كل أبناء الوطن إلى سوريا وخاصة الذين هاجروا مرغمين عنهم، لان سوريا بحاجة أبنائها |
I support everything what is in the interests of Syria. |
أؤيد كل شيء لمصلحة سوريا |
Syria is the homeland of the Syrians. |
سوريا وطن السوريين |
I believe that only civilian refugees should return to their homeland, those who did not direct weapons against the Syrian state so that they took part in the reconstruction of Syria. However, my personal opinion is that this process needs real serious international support, putting pressure on Turkey to get rid of the terrorists in Idlib and end the war without continuing the bloodshed, forced population displacement and forced migration. |
أرى من الضروري عودة المهاجريين السوريين المدنيين فقط الذين لم يحملوا سلاحاً بوجه الدولة السورية، إلى وطنهم لكي يساهموا في بناء سوريا، ولكن برأيي الشخصي هذا يحتاج إلى دعم وتكاتف دولي حقيقي والضغط على تركيا لتتخلى عن الإرهابيين في إدلب وإيقاف الحرب هناك تجنباً لمزيد من الدمار والتهجير والنزوح. |
In my opinion, the problem of the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland is a just cause. |
في اعتقادي أن مسألة عودة المهاجرين السوريين إلى أوطانهم قضية عادلة |
Refugees need to be returned to their country to end their suffering. |
يجب عودة المهاجرين إلى بلدهم لإنهاء معاناتهم |
The return of Syrian refugees to their country is an important step for the future benefit of Syria. |
عودة المهاجرين السوريين الى بلدهم تعتبر بادرة ايجابية لصالح البلد |
It is necessary that there would be appropriate conditions for restoring the safety of citizens and society. |
يجب أن يكون هناك ظروف مناسبة للعودة، استتباب الامن والامن الاجتماعي. |
It is necessary to return the refugees to their homeland. A country cannot be built by anyone except its own people. |
يجب العودة للوطن لايبني الاوطان الا اهلها الاصليين |
The return of Syrian refugees should be preceded by the creation of conditions and the elimination of all the reasons that prompted people to leave the country. The Syrian government must bring bitter repentance and create all conditions for the Syrians if they decide to return to the country. |
عودة المهاجرين الي سورية يجب ان تتهيأ الظروف وان تنتفي كل المسببات التي قادتهم ألب الهجرة. |
Welcome to the country |
مرحبا بهم في بلادهم |
Syrians need guarantee of security and that the country should be lifted on economic sanctions so that everything will go smoothly in the country. |
بيحتاجوا لضمانات أمنية ورفع العقوبات الاقتصادية ع البلد ليصير فيها شغل |
I am not at all against the return of the Syrians to their country, because this is their homeland. |
لايوجد لدي أي مانع من عودة السوريين لبلادهم هذا وطننا جميعا |
Because it is a good thing, it proves their belonging to the country. |
انه شيء جيد ويدل على الانتماء للوطن |
I am an architect-planner, I am working on a project to return refugees to their homeland, to provide them with housing, to provide them with assistance so that they can overcome the difficulties that they had to go through before. |
أنا مهندس معماري ومخطط مدن وانا اعمل ضمن خطة لعودة المهجرين الي اوطانهم وتامين مساكن لهم ومساعدتهم لتجاوز الصعوبات اللي مروا بها خلال المراحل السابقة |
I wish that only good people would return. |
اتمنى عودة اللاجئين الإيجابيين فقط |
Welcome |
أهلا وسهلا وعلى الرحب والسعة |
They have the right to return. |
لهم حق العودة |
I believe that the return of Syrian refugees is a very good thing, because everyone needs to protect their homeland and solve problems on its territory. |
اعتقد ان عودة المهاجرين السوريين الامر جيد جدا، لانه يجب على كل شخص حماية وطنه ويحل ازماته داخل حدوده |
I believe that the return of refugees will benefit the economy. This will lead to good results. |
اعتقد ان ستصلح اقتصاد البلد بعد عودة المهاجرين و سيؤدي إلى النتائج الإيجابية |
They must return to help the rest of the citizens. |
عليهم العودة لمساعدة باقي المواطنين |
I have no objection to the return of any Syrian refugees to their homeland |
لا أعارض عودة أي مهاجر لوطنه |
The return of refugees is commendable and respectful. |
عودا حميداً مستطاب |
Yes |
نعم |
The return of refugees is the best thing that can be done. |
عودتهم لبلدهم احسن شيء فعلوه |
This is a very positive thing, because a person, he lives idly or in difficult conditions, he is a refugee. In any country in the world, wherever he comes, he will not find peace of mind, no matter what country he has left, because this country is his outlet, his happiness, everything is for him. I wish not only that they return, I wish that all the governments of the countries from which people leave, take measures at the state level, so that refugees return to their homeland. Be that as it may, all this should be when the activities of the governments of the states from which the refugees leave must be in the legal field, so that the government and official bodies act in accordance with the law. Law is the most important thing; it must govern countries, and not so that people rule the law. |
انه أمر ايجابي جدا بحيث ان الانسان مهما يعيش في رفاهية ولا معيشة صعبة وهو مهاجر في اي بلد ان كان في العالم لا يكون مرتاح نفسيا مهما كان الامر بلد الام هي الحنان والسعادة وهو كل شئ وانا بنظر مش بس عودة السوريين بتمني كل حكومات الدول اللي اتشردد منها مواطنيها ان تجري عمليات رسمية لدي يعود و المهاجرين الي بلدانهم طبعا هذا الكلام وفقا اذا حكومات الدول المتشردة صارت حكومات دولة قانون ومؤسسات وصارت القانون فوق كل شئ يعني القانون يحكم الدول وليس أشخاص يحكمون القانون. |
Good luck |
بالتوفيق |
Good luck to everyone who voluntarily returns to their homeland. God help you! |
موفقين في العودة الطوعية وربنا يصلح الحال |
They better get back |
احسن ليهم يعودوا |
Welcome to homeland! |
مرحب بهم في وطنهم |
It is necessary to treat them with sympathy, because the breadwinners died in the families, there is no one to protect them. The good thing is that they are returning to their homeland, but they need to provide food assistance, help with housing, because so many glorious Syrians stayed in Syria to fight in this war. |
يجب التعاطف معهم لأن هناك عائلات مات أرباب بيوتها و لم يتبقى من يحميهم ، فالايجابي هو ان يترحلو لبلد يمكنه ان يقدم لهم مساعدات غذائية و سكنية ، لأن هناك عدة رجالات تبقت في سوريا للمحاربة من أجل الشرف |
One country |
وطن واحد |
God help them, God forbid that all these wars end |
ربنا يغطيهم وان شاء الله الحروبات تنتهي |
It should be. |
هذا هو مايجب ان يكون |
Everyone who has left the country is being pushed by circumstances. There is a need to encourage people to return |
لكل انسان ظروفه التي دفعته للهجرة، ويجب تشجيع الناس على العودة |
God help |
لله يوفقهن |
Misery |
مأساة |
Homeland for all |
الوطن لجميع |
They need to be treated in the way that suits everyone. |
يجب التعامل معهم بطريقك تناسب كل الأطراف |
Homeland is a mother. Every citizen should feel safe within its borders just as every child should feel protected in the arms of his mother. |
الوطن هو الام ..وكل مواطن لابد ان يشعر بالامان داخل وطنه كما يشعر الطفل بالامان في حضن امه |
Their homeland |
وطنهم |
Syria is a country for everyone. Everyone should try to make her again the same as before, to flourish again and be what it should be. |
سورية بلد للجميع على أن يعمل الجميع لتعود كما كانت وتستمر بالإزدهار لتكون بلداً مهماً كما تستحق |
The way home is better than a house itself |
طريق البيت أجمل من البيت ! |
Refugees need to return to Syria, because the homeland needs them in order for the economy to become viable again. |
يجب عودة المهاجرين السوريين لأنه وطنهم بحاجة لهم حتى يعود الاقتصاد السوري لحيويته |
Every Syrian citizen has the right to live in a safe country. |
من حق كل مواطن العيش في وطن آمن |
the country deserves it |
يستحق |
A person who has left the country is either afraid for his family, or has been affected, or doesn't feel that the country he is protecting provides him decent living conditions, or is he just a traitor. It is good that the refugees return only if they are not traitors, for the betrayer will betray him twice. |
الشخص الذي هاجر إما لأنه خشي على أهله وعرضه أو لأنه لم يشعر بأن الوطن الذي سيدافع عنه يضمن له الحياة الكريمة أو لأنه خائن والعودة مرحب بها إلا للخائن فمن يخون مرة يخون ألف مرة |
Dream |
حلم |
They have the right to return, but I do not recommend |
من حقهم الرجوع ولكن لا انصحهم |
Returning now is not a good idea. |
لا افضل ان يعودو الان |
Syria needs its sons so that it can be reborn again. |
سوريا تحتاج الى ابناء وطنها لكى تنهض من جديد |
Everyone has their own rights, they know what they are doing |
حرية شخصية بالنهاية هنن أعلم بمصلحتهم |
Hope to see you |
على امل اللقاء |
I which refugees to return |
اتمنى عودة المهاجرين |
Stop the war, they will return. All God's land. |
أوقفو الحرب و سيرجعون لوحدهم فكل الأرض لله |
I really support that. Syria is for everyone. |
أرحب بذلك والوطن يسع الجميع |
Syria is waiting for their return to recover. |
سوريا في انتظار عودتكم لتعمر من جديد |
Every effort must be made for this. |
يجب بذل كل الجهود علي هذا |
I support the return of citizens who are interested in rebuilding the country, and against those who destroy Syria, whose goal is discord. |
مع رجعت ابن البلد لي بهمو يساهم ببناء البلد.. وضد عودة المخربين لي هدفن الفتنة |
Everyone's personal choice and interests |
حرية شخصية و مصلحة شخصية |
Welcome |
اهلا بهم |
Appendix 3
Tishreen Articles
1. |
09.10.2019 | |
2. |
29.08.2019 | |
3. |
08.05.2019 | |
4. |
08.11.2018 | |
5. |
31.10.2018 | |
6. |
25.10.2018 | |
7. |
15.10.2018 | |
8. |
26.09.2018 | |
9. |
25.09.2018 | |
10. |
07.09.2018 | |
11. |
24.08.2018 | |
12. |
22.08.2018 | |
13. |
02.06.2018 | |
14. |
19.04.2018 | |
15. |
05.04.2018 | |
16. |
02.12.2017 | |
17. |
16.09.2017 | |
18. |
17.08.2018 | |
19. |
02.04.2017 | |
20. |
07.02.2017 | |
Appendix 4
Al-Baath articles
1. |
15.11.2019 | |
2. |
03.10.2019 | |
3. |
06.01.2019 | |
4. |
12.12.2018 | |
5. |
02.12.2018 | |
6. |
23.07.2018 | |
7. |
02.04.2018 | |
8. |
22.01.2018 | |
9. |
16.01.2018 | |
10. |
09.01.2018 | |
11. |
04.12.2017 | |
12. |
01.12.2017 | |
13. |
16.08.2017 | |
14. |
06.02.2017 | |
15. |
14.07.2016 | |
16. |
26.03.2016 | |
17. |
03.08.2015 | |
18. |
01.04.2014 | |
19. |
22.02.2014 | |
20. |
13.02.2014 | |
Appendix 5
Enab Baladi articles
1. |
30.04.2020 | |
2. |
14.03.2020 | |
3. |
24.02.2020 | |
4. |
28.11.2019 | |
5. |
25.10.2019 | |
6. |
19.09.2019 | |
7. |
10.08.2019 | |
8. |
01.08.2019 | |
9. |
21.02.2019 | |
10. |
23.12.2018 | |
11. |
23.12.2018 | |
12. |
12.09.2018 | |
13. |
02.08.2018 | |
14. |
25.05.2018 | |
15. |
21.05.2017 | |
16. |
18.04.2017 | |
17. |
17.07.2016 | |
18. |
11.02.2016 | |
19. |
13.04.2014 | |
20. |
04.04.2014 | |
Appendix 6
ANHA articles
1. |
08.05.2020 | |
2. |
03.05.2020 | |
3. |
29.03.2020 | |
4. |
09.03.2020 | |
5. |
06.03.2020 | |
6. |
04.03.2020 | |
7. |
26.10.2019 | |
8. |
26.10.2019 | |
9. |
22.10.2019 | |
10. |
24.05.2019 | |
ذàçىهùهيî يà
...دîنîليûه نîêَىهيٍû
The role of mass media in modern life. The influence of newspapers, magazines and television in mind and outlook of the mass of people. Ways to provide information and display the news of dramatic events, natural disasters, plane crash, murders and wars.
ïًهçهيٍàِèے [730,5 K], نîلàâëهي 17.05.2011خٌîلهييîٌٍè ٌلîًà è ïîنمîٍîâêè èيôîًىàِèîييî-àيàëèٍè÷هٌêèُ ىàٍهًèàëîâ â çîيه âîهييûُ نهéٌٍâèé, ïًàâîâîé ٌٍàٌٍَ وًَيàëèٌٍà. ہيàëèç ïîنُîنîâ îٌâهùهيèے َêًàèيٌêèُ ٌîلûٍèé â êًَمëîٌٍَî÷يîى ٍهëهâèçèîييîى âهùàيèè يà ïًèىهًه ٍهëهêàيàëîâ ذîٌٌèے-24 è Life News.
نèïëîىيàے ًàلîٍà [193,3 K], نîلàâëهي 26.02.2015بٌٍîًèے îٌيîâàيèے è ًàçâèٍèے ٍهëهâèçèîييîمî êàيàëà BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). "حîâهéّàے èٌٍîًèے" âٌهىèًيîé ٌëَولû ٍهëهâèنهيèے BBC. خًهîë âهùàيèے BBC Worldwide Television. صàًàêٍهًèٌٍèêà è èٌٍîًèے êàيàëîâ BBC World News è BBC Entertainment.
ًهôهًàٍ [32,7 K], نîلàâëهي 13.02.2011ذهمèîيàëüيîه ٍهëهâèنهيèه â ذîٌٌèè è ىèًه, يàïًàâëهيèے همî نهےٍهëüيîٌٍè è ىهٌٍî يà ًûيêه, àَنèٍîًèے. زهëهêàيàë "جîٌêâà 24" êàê ïًèىهً ٌَïهّيîمî ïًîهêٍà ëîêàëüيîمî ٍهëهâèنهيèے, همî êîيِهïِèے. "News Channel 8" êàê ٍèïè÷يûé àىهًèêàيٌêèé مîًîنٌêîé ٍهëهêàيàë.
نèïëîىيàے ًàلîٍà [431,8 K], نîلàâëهي 07.05.2015خٌâهùهيèه ٌîâًهىهييûُ âîهييî-ïîëèٍè÷هٌêèُ ٌîلûٍèé â رèًèè èيôîًىàِèîييûى ïîًٍàëîى CNN News è BBC. خٌîلهييîٌٍè نèٌêًٌَà لًèٍàيٌêèُ è àىهًèêàيٌêèُ ًٌهنٌٍâ ىàٌٌîâîé èيôîًىàِèè. آâهنهيèه ïîيےٍèے "âôهىèè" يà ًَîêàُ àيمëèéٌêîمî ےçûêà â ٌٍàًّèُ êëàٌٌàُ.
êًٌَîâàے ًàلîٍà [107,7 K], نîلàâëهي 29.07.2017دًîلëهىà àنًهٌàٍà â ىَçûêàëüيîé وًَيàëèٌٍèêه, وàيً ىَçûêàëüيîمî ًهïîًٍàوà. خٌيîâيûه ٍهينهيِèè â ٌهمîنيےّيèُ رجب, يàëè÷èه ÷هًٍ ًهïîًٍàوà è ًهِهيçèè â نàييîى وàيًه. ہيàëèç ىَçûêàëüيûُ ًهïîًٍàوهé â مàçهٍه è يà ٌàéٍàُ يهٌïهِèàëèçèًîâàييûُ èيٍهًيهٍ-èçنàيèé.
êًٌَîâàے ًàلîٍà [46,7 K], نîلàâëهي 12.12.2011Consideration of the mass media as an instrument of influence on human consciousness. The study of the positive and negative aspects of the radio, television, press, magazines, Internet. Advantages and disadvantages of the media in the Great Britain.
نèïëîىيàے ًàلîٍà [2,3 M], نîلàâëهي 14.10.2014Theoretical basics of Internet advertising. The analysis of the media planning process. The establishing media objectives through developing media strategies and tactics. The effectiveness of the media planning in Internet. The example of the media plan.
êًٌَîâàے ًàلîٍà [64,2 K], نîلàâëهي 25.03.2014Influence of television on modern political practice. Nature of media power and its impact on political system of society, its character, practice and institutions. Dangers of new mediated symbolic politics for the democratic political practices.
ًهôهًàٍ [25,0 K], نîلàâëهي 28.05.2012Analysis of the publishing content. Relationship of international relations and the complexity of editorials in periodicals wider audience. The similarity between international relations and newspaper editorials in the western and communist countries.
ٌٍàٍüے [21,3 K], نîلàâëهي 23.02.2010The study of political discourse. Political discourse: representation and transformation. Syntax, translation, and truth. Modern rhetorical studies. Aspects of a communication science, historical building, the social theory and political science.
ëهêِèے [35,9 K], نîلàâëهي 18.05.2011Theories of discourse as theories of gender: discourse analysis in language and gender studies. Belles-letters style as one of the functional styles of literary standard of the English language. Gender discourse in the tales of the three languages.
نèïëîىيàے ًàلîٍà [3,6 M], نîلàâëهي 05.12.2013The ways of expressing evaluation by means of language in English modern press and the role of repetitions in the texts of modern newspaper discourse. Characteristics of the newspaper discourse as the expressive means of influence to mass reader.
êًٌَîâàے ًàلîٍà [31,5 K], نîلàâëهي 17.01.2014The definitions of the metaphors, their role in lingvoculture. History in literature and language. Metaphor as style in speech and writing. More than just a figure of speech. Representation of the concept "Love" metaphorically in english proverbs.
êًٌَîâàے ًàلîٍà [27,7 K], نîلàâëهي 27.06.2011Theoretical aspects of gratitude act and dialogic discourse. Modern English speech features. Practical aspects of gratitude expressions use. Analysis of thank you expression and responses to it in the sentences, selected from the fiction literature.
نèïëîىيàے ًàلîٍà [59,7 K], نîلàâëهي 06.12.2015The results of theoretical analysis and computer simulation of the amplitude and phase errors of the narrowband signal. Vector representation of input and output signals. Standard deviation of the phase. Probability distribution laws of the phase error.
ًهôهًàٍ [469,7 K], نîلàâëهي 06.04.2011Problems of sovereignty in modern political life of the world. Main sides of the conflict. National and cultural environment of secessional conflicts. Mutual relations of the church and the state. The law of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika.
ًهôهًàٍ [20,1 K], نîلàâëهي 10.02.2015The differences between the legal norm and the state institutions. The necessity of overcoming of contradictions between the state and the law, analysis of the problems of state-legal phenomena. Protecting the interests and freedoms of social strata.
ٌٍàٍüے [18,7 K], نîلàâëهي 10.02.2015The term "concept" in various fields of linguistics. Metaphor as a language unit. The problem of defining metaphor. The theory of concept. The notion of concept in Linguistics. Metaphoric representation of the concept "beauty" in English proverbs.
êًٌَîâàے ًàلîٍà [22,2 K], نîلàâëهي 27.06.2011Critical literature review. Apparel industry overview: Porter’s Five Forces framework, PESTLE, competitors analysis, key success factors of the industry. Bershka’s business model. Integration-responsiveness framework. Critical evaluation of chosen issue.
êîيًٍîëüيàے ًàلîٍà [29,1 K], نîلàâëهي 04.10.2014