Advertising and PR methods of promoting Ukrainian children’s publishers

The relationship between the problem of promotion and the communication strategy of children's publishing. Formation of the reputation and image of children's publishing houses. Advertising and PR methods in the complex of promoting children's books.

Рубрика Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ
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Advertising and PR methods of promoting Ukrainian children's publishers

Fisenko T.V.


children's publishing image promoting

The intellectual potential of a nation largely depends on the development of its culture. The book is the main source of spiritual, moral, ethical values of society, it educates a person, a patriot, and a specialist. That is why the level of book publishing can rightly be considered an indicator of the country's development. Unfortunately, Ukrainian book publishing faces several problems that hinder its development. One of them is the low competitiveness of book publishers due to the weak information and advertising strategy of the book market. Foreign publishers are actively using the principles and mechanisms of marketing as an integral part of doing business. Ukrainian children's publishing houses are just beginning to develop in this direction. Today, their promotional activities are often intuitive, without a clear vision of the promotion strategy as a whole. Publishers often do not realize that a well-established relationship with the consumer allows them to succeed in their relationships with authors, illustrators, and partners. To form a reliable reputation and a successful image, children's publishing houses need to build a communicative strategy that will be comprehensive and will allow them not to spend money on random advertising. This justifies the relevance of the study, due to the lack of comprehensive study of different methods of advertising and PR in the complex of promoting children's publishers to increase their commercial success.

Therefore, the object of research is the methods of advertising and PR in the promotion of Ukrainian children's publishing houses, the subject - the characteristics and specifics of the methods of advertising and PR used to promote children's publishing houses.

The theoretical basis of the study are the works of leading foreign and domestic scientists N. Eriashvili [1], P. Forsythe [2], T. Bulakh [3], J. Vlodarchyk [4], V. Teremko [5] and others. In their works, they reveal the principles and patterns of book marketing in general, focusing primarily on the promotion of a particular book and author, but do not emphasize the need to form the image of the publisher. In addition, some thematic articles are analyzed, examining the effectiveness of certain methods of advertising and PR in the publishing industry on the use of innovative technologies (T. Bulakh [3]), publishing brand formation (N. Korolyuk [6]), promotion through book social networks (A. Andriyanova [7]), promotion book editions of publishing houses via the Internet (N. Zelinska [8]), etc.

Thus, the problem of means of promotion in the book publishing business has been raised by many scholars, but the question of the communication strategy of children's publishing remains insufficiently developed. This is primarily due to the lack of comprehensive research on this issue, as well as the fact that approaches and means of advertising have undergone significant changes due to the continuous development of advertising platforms, and therefore previous research is gradually losing relevance.

Presentation of the main material

The development of the book market and the emergence of new competitors are forcing publishing companies to defend their positions in the retail segment. A fairly wide network of children's publishers creates a situation of choice for the consumer not only between products but also between brands. This necessitates the detailed development of measures for positioning the publisher as a brand and its products.

In his work "Publishing Marketing" V. Teremko gives the following definition of the concept of "positioning" - a "marketing action that emphasizes the uniqueness of the publishing house and its products on the market" [5, p. 198]. Promotion is one of the components of the global concept of the "marketing complex". American marketer Jerome McCarthy refers to promotion in the marketing mix, which consists of 4P: Product - product, Price - price, Place - point of sale, Promotion - promotion [9]. Accordingly, promotion includes advertising, events, personal sales, sales promotion, PR, and more.

The following promotion tasks can be distinguished:

- informing and outlining the advantages of own products and differences from competitors' products;

- formation of a positive image of the company;

- establishing a relationship of trust with the consumer;

- organization of demand for goods or services;

- sales promotion;

- creating a culture of consumption of a particular product.

The main goal of the publishing promotion complex is to increase sales and increase visibility. To achieve this goal, the publisher must determine the main directions of communication policy and tactics of its implementation.

The communicative strategy of the publishing house can be divided into the promotion of the company's product, books, and the promotion and positioning of the publishing house itself. After all, the majority of consumers may prefer a particular publication, but at the same time choose a competitor's product. That is, the main purpose of positioning a book publishing company is to form a consumer commitment to the brand. In this case, the important place is occupied by product quality, technical characteristics, etc., but the emphasis is on the values of consumers and the overall image of the company.

In his interview, Rostyslav Semkiv, director of Smoloskyp publishing house, singled out three types of methods for promoting publishing houses: seasonal, planned, and current.

1. Seasonal tools:

- Exhibitions, fairs. Exhibition and fair activities are an effective means of promoting publishing and its products in the publishing industry. The main purpose of this tool is to inform consumers and the organization of retail and wholesale trade. People will learn about many publishing houses at these events. Exhibitions and fairs are chosen to expand the audience of consumers.

- Publishing catalog. His simplest example is a structured list of publications. The catalog should show all the series, after which the buyer should see what books are offered, what their price and terms of sale are.

- Visual advertising. Most often, this is all that is distributed at fairs: posters, flyers, packages, bookmarks, where the publisher's contacts are located. Sometimes such advertisements are placed on the last pages of the book as additional information for the reader.

- Radio advertising. Ukrainian publishing houses are still inactively advertised on central radio stations. But radio spots are often used at exhibitions and fairs to draw attention to a publishing stand or event.

2. Planning tools.

- Presentations. The publishing house must have a plan of presentations, coordinated with the release of new products. The traditional format of the presentation is the speech of the author, translator, publisher, but it should be borne in mind that this format is not able to attract the attention of children. Therefore, theatrical elements are often introduced at book presentations to move away from the typical format. In turn, this makes the presentation more expensive and more popular.

Interaction with the media. To do this, publishers must provide announcements, press releases, post-releases that will be able to draw the attention of journalists to the event. The event is announced either through a personal newsletter or through the creation of an event on Facebook. It is necessary to invite correspondents in a week.

A press release is created for the press, must be written in the past, and contains answers to the following main questions: "What?", "Where?", "When?", "How?". He should be a support for journalists when writing in the media.

Post-release - materials from the presentation itself, one post-release should appear on social networks before the event ends. The expanded material should be posted on the publisher's website. We should also not forget about the photo bank, links to which will be interesting to consumers and useful for journalists when writing informational materials.

3. Current tools.

Publishing branding. This is a special kind of activity that creates an emotional connection between the consumer and the publisher through the use of tools and methods of general branding.

Publishing site. The author of the textbook "Advertising activities of the publishing house" A. Nechitailo notes: "If you are not represented on the Internet - you simply do not exist" [10, p. 11]. The site should help the publisher to establish contact with the target audience, so it should be informative and user-friendly.

- Connecting with your audience through the Internet. These include maintaining pages on social networks, the publishing house's entry into the blogosphere, literary sites, developing your landing pages, and so on. "Thanks to this, the publishing house gets another opportunity to reach the target audience, establish a dialogue with it, respond to needs and requests, form groups of supporters, etc.", - said in the study V. Teremko [5, p. 180].

- Own bulletin. 2-4 pages about the publishing house's activity for a month are a kind of result. It can exist in printed and electronic form, which is issued to subscribers.

- Direct mailing. A form of personal appeal to the client to increase his awareness and meet the need for help. The PR manager must have a database of journalists and potential consumers to immediately provide initial information about the release of the book, a particular event, and so on.

- Special events. An up-to-date tool for children's audiences that can interest and retain the attention of consumers. It can be a festival, a publishing house's birthday, etc.

- Point of sale advertising. These include facade decoration, merchandising, and other elements of the design of points of sale and bookstores in general. Manufacturers of children's products often face the question of who exactly the brand should be aimed at. After all, one audience pays for the product, and another stimulates the purchase and consumption of the product. It is a mistake to work purely with an adult audience that has the financial resources. The main consumer of the book is a child who, according to sociological research, now begins to express his wishes at the age of three. Thus, the advertising of children's

publishers should have a dual address: it directly addresses the parents who will buy the product, and at the same time presents the values of children, their interests, proves that they will be interesting and fun.

When developing an advertising campaign for publishing children's literature, it should be borne in mind that there should be a clear differentiation by age. After all, there is a big difference between the knowledge and skills of a child, for example, at the age of 5 and 7 years.

E. Erikson in his work "Childhood and Society" singled out eight stages of personal life, and each of these periods forms certain qualities in the struggle between the two "poles". For the segmentation of advertising media and appeals, it is advisable to consider only five stages of child development, according to this work [11, p. 336-378]:

0-1.5 years - the age of the baby (trust - distrust). Depending on the care the child receives, he or she develops trust or distrust in the world.

That is, the basic quality of the psyche is laid - hope. During this period, it is very important that the child feels cared for by his parents, and any action is accompanied by an adult's conversational address to the child. That is why it is recommended to read the baby from the first days of life, it promotes faster speech development. During this period, all communications of the publisher should be focused on parents and help raise their awareness of approaches to the development of children.

1.5-4 years - early childhood (independence - indecision). There is an active process of learning about the environment. The child learns to control their behavior. At this time, the main thing is to act with any object that allows you to know it. Gradually, during this period, the child begins to perceive reading as a special pastime. The choice of the book is

made entirely by parents, but they are already paying attention to the child's interest in the cover, the shape, begin to actively attend special children's events with the child from 3 years. Focus on suggestions that allow the child to discover something new, teach and entertain.

4-6 years - preschool age (initiative - guilt). During this period, the child learns how the world works and how it can affect him. If the child's research activity is encouraged, the child develops a sense of initiative. If adults limit her opportunities or criticize her, the child constantly feels a complex of guilt. Therefore, when organizing advertising appeals, it is advisable to use vivid images, workshops, theatrical performances.

6-11 years - primary school age (diligence - feelings of inferiority, conformity). Cognitive and social activity is developing. At the same time, it is important that the child enjoys his activities and feels that he is doing well. During this period, a new attitude to the book is formed, an understanding of the importance of reading should appear. The child is already involved in choosing books for her preferences to be formed. She actively associates herself with a variety of characters.

11-20 years - adolescence (egocentrism - difficulties in finding yourself). The child learns more and more roles. She becomes independent in choosing books. Value categories of friendship and love are becoming more and more important. In interaction with the publisher, the child may have an association with a carefree age and a desire to find answers about the future.

A common feature of the last four age segments of communication is the use of emotional images, rather than rational preferences. The child-consumer always wants to be a participant in communication, and not only to perceive it

remotely, but an important element is also the game. While the second addressee - parents - expect rational benefits from the campaign: educational effect, compliance with hygiene standards, and more. Thus, the promotion strategy should pay attention to the promotion of reading in general, which will educate the consumer who has a stable need for the product. An advertising campaign based on this principle will be socially responsible.

Another feature of advertisers' work with children's audiences is the fact that companies nurture loyal customers for many years. Every child becomes an adult with established consumer habits. With an effective promotion strategy, companies accustom the buyer to the brand from an early age, so that he prefers the brand, even as an adult, when buying goods for their children.

Let's start with a detailed review of promotion methods from current advertising and PR tools, as they underlie the formation and formation of the brand.

Publishing branding. Branding is a process of building a brand image with additional value, emotional or rational "promise", which makes it more attractive to consumers. According to S. Firsova, a publishing brand is a publishing brand that promotes the emergence of stable positive associations among market consumers, forms an active attitude to branded publications [12, p. 263].

Among the prerequisites that justify the use of branding technologies in the publishing industry, the following are distinguished:

- the brand establishes a stable emotional connection with consumers of publishing products;

- with the help of the brand the publishing house identifies itself among competitors;

- a strong publishing brand simplifies the procedure for choosing products, making a purchase decision becomes

more likely;

- the publishing brand not only promotes consumer commitment but also creates favorable conditions for attracting partners;

- the formed brand is more protected from the actions of competitors and crises in the market.

Studying the application of branding technologies requires determining the difference between the concepts of "brand" and "brand". The concept of "brand" is often identified with the concept of "brand". Yes, they are close, but not interchangeable. The appearance of a brand always precedes the formation of a brand and is not a guarantee of the latter. A trademark is a name under which people advertise, promote, sell services, ideas, products. Thus, the brand identifies the product among its competitors. The specificity of the brand is that it contains additional content, must carry the emotional, spiritual and cultural value of the brand, the most significant for the consumer. D. Ogilvy gives the following definition of the brand: "it is an intangible sum of the properties of the product: its name, packaging and price, its history, reputation and method of advertising" [13, p. 53]. So, when we talk about a brand, we primarily mean the intangible values of a product or company. The trademark performs only a nominative function and a function of legal protection.

Creating a strong brand is a complex and timeconsuming process that includes the following steps:

- positioning;

- creation of brand components;

- brand promotion;

- brand management.

D. Aaker and E. Joachimsthaler, American professors, specialists in marketing, advertising, and branding, in their book "Brand Leadership: Building Assets In an Information

Economy" proposed a more detailed mechanism for brand formation [14]:

1. Creating a concept of a new product or service.

At this stage, it is necessary to calculate and formulate new needs that will guarantee the brand's ability to create demand. This determines the target audience of the future product or service.

2. Study of the degree of satisfaction of values and needs of consumers in a competitive environment.

3. Creating a brand concept.

This stage is a kind of basis for creating a brand. To do this, specialists develop key ideas and differences of the future brand.

4. Comprehensive brand identification.

Carried out following the developed concept. This includes a set of measures to ensure the separation of the brand among others.

The brand identity system subordinates the following components:

- communicative identification - name, brand slogan, rules of writing texts for the brand and the general format of oral communication;

- visual component: trademark, corporate style;

- sensory component: jingle, branded music, etc .;

- dynamic identification: key components of sign

animation, principles of interface construction, main components of animation for videos, presentations, etc.

5. Formation of brand documentation.

Contains a reflection of all the above stages. Brand documentation often consists of the following documents:

- A brand book is the most common official document that contains information about the philosophy, mission, and concept of the brand and more. The function of the brand

book is to provide the clearest and most complete information that systematizes the complex picture of the brand. Some companies create more detailed and specialized books, such as a marketer's book and a brand designer's book.

- Book of marketing guidelines (brand marketing guidelines) - contains generalized laws and rules that organize orderly and articulated brand communication throughout its existence. This document consists of the main results of the study, the formed description of the brand concept and techniques of brand promotion, etc.

- The brand design guidelines book is a written collection of standards that describe in detail the process of brand design development. It must contain information about the use of fonts, color palette, features of building layouts of branded products, etc.

6. The strategy of bringing the brand to market is considered. And following it, the process of constant communication between the brand and consumers, fans is formed.

One of the main stages of creating a brand is the development of its concept, which defines the key features, differences, and characteristics of the new brand. When creating a concept, the following components are identified:

- brand essence is the shortest possible expression of the central idea of the brand;

- brand driver - a key motive that is the engine of consumer interaction with the brand;

- the brand mission is a global goal, a brand idea on a global scale. It justifies far-reaching market ambitions in social perception;

- brand legend - may not be available to everyone, used by brands that associate their existence or origin with interesting stories, cases that are often invented by the author of the brand;

brand differentiation - these are the key parameters that distinguish the brand and contribute to its recognition;

brand positioning is a clear position that the brand tries to take in the perception of the consumer, the image that remains in the minds of users;

brand character - these are the characteristics of the brand in its behavior with the audience: consumers, fans, media;

reasons for trust (RTB) - the answer to the question: "Why should a client come to you?" Most often it consists of a combination of rational and emotional reasons.

It is impossible to imagine the process of forming a company's brand separately from the actual product or service offered to the consumer because the brand can not exist in isolation from the company's sales offer. That is why it is necessary to pay enough attention to the basis - the matrix of brand building, which contains:

1) the object of branding - as a supporting component;

2) semiotic attributes - name, sign, number, everything that makes up the social passport of the brand;

3) brand image - components that create interest and commitment of the target audience to the brand;

4) brand program - is all the actions and behavior of the company in the communication space, which contributes to the formation of loyalty and devotion of the target audience to the brand.

Thus, the key components of the brand can be distributed according to such a scheme, when the basis is a product to which added value is added by creating a unique "promise", appeal to the myth, and so on.

Building a publishing brand is a complex and timeconsuming process that involves many stages and components using a variety of tools to promote it. The brand-building matrix proves the expediency of using branding in working with children's target audience, as the basic level of the matrix is addressed to the rational needs and expectations of parents. Here it is important to develop a product that will take into account the important properties for adults and will be embodied in the positioning of the brand, which is the second stage of brand building. At this stage, it is necessary to create a relationship between the brand and the brand by developing semiotic attributes (design, logo, slogan, etc.) that can convey the values and benefits of the brand.

At the same time, the myth design of the brand should be developed, which will be able to attract the attention of children's audiences and gain their support. I. Rozhkov and V. Kismereshkin outline the commercial myth as a virtual foundation of the brand - theorists of the advertising industry emphasize that the desires of consumers are correlated with the myths. Everyone, buying a product, mythologizes it, attributing additional connotations to its qualities [15]. The symbolic feature of the myth in the brand is that the images created in it, which we perceive not literally but symbolically, we not only clearly imagine, but also feel the phenomena as absolutely real. This is due to such features of mythological consciousness as:

- inability to distinguish between natural and supernatural;

- indifference to contradictions;

- sensory-specific nature;

- metaphorical;

- emotionality.

Sociologists note that it is the emotional aspect that becomes the basis for creating a mythological model. To do this, they turn to the values and feelings that go back to the archetypes: love, hope, strength, traditions, self-preservation, desire for a home, comfort. When building a myth for children's audiences often use the formation of a certain character who embodies the spiritual and emotional qualities of the brand. The holistic myth must be supported by informational messages to take a stable position at the rational- logical level of perception. Hence the need to use several tools of advertising and PR in promoting the publishing brand.

Publishing site as an advertising tool. The corporate website is the company's official information page on the Internet, which in combination has a holistic structure and concept. The main purpose of the website is to inform users about the company's activities, products, and other industry information, which can help consumers make choices when meeting their own needs.

Today, the Internet is one of the most effective and profitable advertising platforms. Every year the number of network users increases by 20-30%, and the age of the audience is getting younger. An unconditional advantage is the ability to respond quickly to changes in the external and internal functioning of the firm. The Internet allows you to constantly update information and provide consumers with up- to-date data. Another advantage of the corporate website in the network is the lack of geographical boundaries, especially if the site is integrated with the online store.

The corporate site helps to present the publishing house in the network, allows to increase the number of potential consumers, partners helps to maintain long-term relationships with the client, and forms the image. For this tool to work effectively, you need to pay attention to the usability and design of the site. Usability is a measure that determines the convenience and clarity of the site for the user. All page navigation should be intuitive to consumers, they should achieve their goal in no more than 2-3 transitions. In design, it is important to take into account the basic visual concept of the brand and form a holistic image that will not interfere with the user experience and overload the user.

To achieve the success of the publishing house in the market with the use of the site, the following conditions should be met:

- creation and constant updating of unique content that can attract and retain the attention of the target audience, as well as anticipate its needs for information about the company;

- correctly set up search engine optimization SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This is the setting of the text content of the site in the language of search engines. For each page of the resource, it is necessary to isolate and embed in context keywords that will meet the target needs of consumers. This facilitates the correct indexing of web pages by search engines and their display in the list of possible options at the request of the user;

- the presence of search advertising can be an advantage of the site because it allows the company's web pages to always be in the top positions of search results. And this increases the likelihood of attracting users to the site.

Therefore, the positioning of the publisher's brand should also take into account the basic means of setting up a web resource as an effective advertising platform. In addition, there are many opportunities for online advertising: contextual advertising, banner, remarketing, etc., but the current stage of development of publishing houses in the Ukrainian market does not allow them to invest significant resources for extensive advertising campaigns on the Internet. That is why today the site is a basic element of the publisher's presentation, which allows you to broadcast values and provide detailed information about them.

Promotion of the publishing house through social networks. The use of social networks for doing business is gaining popularity in Ukraine. Most children's publishers have branded pages on social networks. In their area, the company provides up-to-date information about its activities and receives feedback from the target audience. A feature of this channel of communication is the humanization of the image of the company. Using social networks can give hundreds or even thousands of loyal readers. People, being interested, get used to constantly following the news of the company and begin to comment anonymously on its activities, and this allows companies to understand their customers and speak to them "in one language". Constant contact with the client forms his loyalty to the publishing brand. It is important not just to fill the profile pages with content, but also to use targeted advertising on social networks. It allows you to present advertising messages only to clearly defined contacts (by age, gender, place of residence, hobbies, etc.), set up remarketing - repeated advertising appeal to a client who has already visited the site, and more.

The presence of the publishing house on social networks cannot be limited to one's page, as a certain percentage of respondents said that they take information about publications on Facebook about raising children, such as "Reading with Stepanko", "Malecha - family portal" and others. Therefore, publishers should partner with thematic information pages and popular bloggers and try to arouse a wave of interest.

In addition to the profile in social networks, A. Andriyanova emphasizes the effectiveness of the use of specialized (book) social networks to promote publishing houses: "Book social networks are primarily a communication environment focused on promoting the role of books and readers in society through the technical and informational capabilities of the latest social media" [7].

The mass reader rarely focuses on the writings of professional critics and art critics. It is much more important to him that the book meets his tastes and preferences, and readers often rely on the advice of their friends or the recommendations of acquaintances with related interests. Therefore, book social networks are becoming increasingly popular among connoisseurs of reading. The following specialized social platforms are gaining popularity in Ukraine: Knigaza (, (, Findbook ( By cooperating with similar social networks, publishers will receive an additional platform for presenting their new products, will be able to integrate the connection of the social platform with the online store. After all, an independent assessment can encourage the reader to buy a particular publication, and if he has a quick and easy opportunity to make a purchase, its probability increases several times.

Today, this opportunity is implemented in the social network, on its page, there is a "Buy" button that directs the user to the site In addition, on this platform, there is a possibility of placing banner advertising. The advantage of placing banners of publishers on the pages of specialized social networks is that their action is a purposeful appeal to interested consumers. Book social networks are also used for promotions and competitions from the publishing house (review contest, photo contest, etc.), which, in turn, is an unobtrusive advertisement and helps to create a positive image of the publishing house. And interestingly thought-out competitions often spread virally.

Profile Internet resources are industry blogs, forums, websites, portals, the purpose of which is to cover a wide range of literary events and news, provide reviews, and more. Their peculiarity is that, along with professional evaluation, developers often allow the target audience to leave feedback on certain publications and publishers. In this way, publishers can receive both positive comments and constructive criticism. Unlike the publisher's website, which focuses on promoting its publications, the content of specialized Internet resources aims to inform about literary trends and novelties of domestic and international nature. Therefore, publishers can be experts and broadcast their expertise on their pages. Some publisher sites create their blogs on the pages of the corporate site. With quality content, over time, such a blog can position itself as a separate product and be perceived by the target audience as a profile-independent resource.

Our poll showed that 65.8% of respondents read literary Internet resources, the most popular among them to promote children's publishers are the "Old Lion Publishers Readers' Club" - 45.2%, "Yakaboo Blog" - 35.6%, "Chitomo" - 34.2%, "BaraBuka" - 26%.

Thus, specialized Internet resources are a popular channel of communication with consumers, which allows publishers to act as experts in industry news, often a platform for publicity and a source for monitoring the views of the target audience.

The next advertising tool is the publisher's newsletter. This is a small booklet (2-4 pages) that can perform the following functions:

- inform about industry news;

- report on the activities of the publishing house;

- announce events and future projects.

Newsletters can be of any format, they can even be distributed online. Their release is aimed at different groups of stakeholders: consumers, employees, and partners. After all, they reflect a kind of result of the publishing house for a certain stage. This type of advertising should be regular and thus convey the reliability and responsibility of the business structure. Unfortunately, in Ukrainian reality, publishers do not always manage to follow the publishing plan, and therefore this type of advertising is seldom used in their practice.

The method of direct mail is gaining popularity and is being implemented in new forms through the development of technology. Email distribution is an effective and relatively inexpensive channel of communication with the consumer, which is now actively used by various commercial companies. According to a study by GetResponse, today 5% of Internet users have e-mail addresses, 1% of them check their inboxes every day, so you should pay attention to this advertising tool and children's publishers. Email distribution is the dissemination of information to a specific group of customers through e-mail services on the network. Email marketing performs the following tasks:

- sales (formation of special offers in the letter based on customer behavior on the site, reminders about the abandoned basket on the site, etc.);

- receiving leads (readiness of the company to send a bonus for subscribing to its newsletter. For example, the publisher may send a fragment of a book that is just being prepared for printing, or certain collections of children's poems in pdf);

- increase traffic to the site (here the company provides information about what is interesting on its site and what not to miss - this is a kind of news digest);

- formation of consumer loyalty (this includes letters through which the customer will feel the company's care for him, such as birthday greetings and special discounts, reminders of future events for which the consumer has already registered);

- informing customers (confirmation of the consumer's order, notification of the arrival of the new customer expected, etc.).

The main condition for effective mailing is the availability of a quality and effective database of contacts. That is why it is important to think in detail about how to collect addresses for distribution. In practice, there are the following ways:

- registration of loyalty card;

- consumer surveys;

- drawing of prizes at fairs, exhibitions;

- filling in the registration field to enter the personal account on the site;

- form for subscribing to news on the site;

- closed clubs, whose members have additional opportunities;

- the ability to receive catalogs and prices by mail, if you leave the address;

- tests, games that are available purely after entering the address;

- an alternative to the "Buy" button (for example, if there is no product that the consumer needs, he leaves the address, and he then receives a letter about the availability of this item).

Marketing departments can develop a variety of ways to collect customer addresses, but in any case, the email marketer must receive confirmation of the customer's desire to receive letters from the company. Otherwise, the e-mail will turn into spam. The advantage of email marketing is a wide ability to analytically track the effectiveness of the mailing. You can always find out what percentage of recipients opened the letter, who of them made the target action (registered, went to the site). Accordingly, you can further change the strategy of communication with a particular segment of the audience.

The continuous development of digital technologies offers newer, more efficient, and functional communication channels for direct interaction with the client. Today, instant messengers such as Viber and Messenger are in great demand in Ukraine. In 2021, Viber was installed in 97% of smartphones of Ukrainian users. It should be noted that the age of active Messenger users is younger than the owners of email, and therefore children's publishers should focus their efforts on the development of this channel.

In addition to using the messenger platform for personal mailings, publishing companies can create branded sticker packs (a set of illustrations used to instantly respond to messages and convey emotions). Today, this tool is one of the most native (natural) and creative in promoting the company. Sticker packs are already used by brands from various industries: Pepsi, Tic-Tac, Avon, Domestos, Mivina, Svitoch. Their launch allows to increases the company's visibility, supports the brand myth, and hides the effect of virality. After all, when one user downloads a package of stickers and sends them to his interlocutor, he becomes interested and starts looking for and downloading the same set, continuing the chain of communication, sending dozens of branded messages. Every second Viber user uses stickers in communication, which is why the potential coverage of this tool is very large. For example, the sticker pack of the Tic-Tac brand was downloaded by more than 2 million users, and stickers from this set were sent more than 25 million times.

The reason for launching sticker packs may be the release of a new series of books in a children's publishing house or just the appearance of a brand character on the eve of holidays such as New Year, Mother's Day, St. Nicholas Day, and more.

Successful sticker packs have the following features:

- reproduce a clear and coherent history;

- do not contradict the tone of the brand legend;

- are multifunctional in the process of communication - contain popular emotions (joy, sadness, surprise, etc.) and frequently used actions and states (listening, hugging, busy, etc.);

- images of characters are accompanied by phrases typical for them;

- should be easy to understand, as they are designed for quick communication.

This method of advertising can become an indispensable attribute of everyday communication of consumers, which is naturally able to form their loyalty to the brand of the publisher.

Another tool in the arsenal of direct mailings is the chatbot. Chatbots are often used to reduce the actions of customer service managers. But such developments can add interactivity and game content to communication, which will be an advantage in attracting new customers to communicate. A striking example of this is the New Year's project "1+1 Media" with the launch of Santa Bot in Messenger. The company has developed online activities on New Year's themes

- a quest, New Year's predictions, a letter to Santa, and gifts for the Christmas tree. It should be noted that the volume of open messages (open rate) in this case is 0% higher than the usual e-mail.

Such an element of the game with a well-thought-out algorithm allows not only to maintain a relationship with the young target audience but also to study their moods and wishes. The chatbot in promoting publishers can be characters who, together with the consumer, will build their storyline by participating in a quest game.

Thus, direct mail is a promising tool for promoting children's publishers, which has a wide range of features and low cost per contact.

The organization of special events is one of the PR methods of event marketing, which can cause a wave of publicity and form a strong emotional relationship with the consumer. A special event is a bright event organized by the company to promote the brand. These include production tours, company birthday celebrations, festivals, seminars, etc. The format of the event is chosen by the company's marketing department depending on the goal. With the help of event marketing, you can achieve goals such as:

- activating the attention of the target audience;

- distinction against competitors;

- broadcasting one's expertise;

- forming an emotional connection with the audience;

- establishing contacts with journalists, which promotes the appearance of publicity materials in the media and optimizes advertising costs.

Special measures allow forming in the consumer his personal positive experience of interaction with the company. Emotions and feelings experienced during the event are firmly etched in the client's memory and become one of the associations with the company. Such events require detailed planning and finding new creative approaches that can interest different groups of stakeholders. Taking into account the interests of all these groups will achieve highly effective results, saving the publisher money on advertising and events.

Point of sale advertising. Despite the rapid development of e-commerce, the number of visitors to physical outlets in Ukraine is not decreasing. The survey showed that 71.2% of consumers prefer to buy children's books in bookstores and shops. This is large because it is easier for the consumer to make a purchase decision by touching the product, reviewing it, and evaluating it. Publishers usually have two types of physical distribution channels: sales in their stores or cooperation with bookstores. Each of these channels has its advertising opportunities.

Advertising in the publishing house's bookstores should begin with the exterior design of the building. The facade of the store is a unique advertising space that can attract the attention of consumers, distinguish the company from competitors and broadcast the image of the brand. That is why the exterior design of the bookstore should be creative, but at the same time understandable to the target audience, so those potential consumers could not pass by the store. To do this, companies use original wall cladding, create branded installations, develop unique architectural projects. When decorating the facade, it is important to consider the following rules:

- the creation of the project should not harm the overall appearance of the building and the architectural complex of the city as a whole;

- the exterior design should be easy to read for consumers, people should instantly understand what kind of brand it is and what the company offers.

Once a consumer has entered a store, marketing influences cannot be stopped. After all, about 70% of consumer decisions are made at the point of sale. Here, advertising methods are similar for both the publisher's stores and online bookstores. These include the placement of printed POS materials - a variety of branded posters, stickers, wobblers, shelf talkers. They are used to design shelves and attract the audience to a specific group of products. These can be stickers on the floor, leading to a cabinet with a series of books - such a tool can provoke the consumer to make impulsive purchases, and most importantly - to force him to reach the category of goods of a particular brand. Also, to distinguish goods from competitors use jumbo - large designs that mimic the look of the product or brand character in increased size. This original tool is often hung from the ceiling or placed on a shelf.

Thus, the publisher's advertising at the point of sale can be varied and has significant creative potential. In its development, you can rely on the desire of children to interact with the fairy tale and at the same time become an assistant to parents, helping to easily navigate the store.

Exhibition and fair activities of the publishing house. The most important seasonal tool of positioning in the publishing industry is an exhibition and fair activities. The exhibition in the field of book publishing is an event aimed at demonstrating book products to interested market participants. Whereas a fair is a regular event aimed at retail and wholesale trade in a certain place and usually at the same time. The main difference between these measures is the ultimate goal: the first outlines the achievements in the industry, and the second concludes trade agreements. But in practice, these concepts are rarely distinguished in the publishing industry.

Exhibition and fair activities belong to the integrated type of marketing communications, as it can combine the means of PR, direct sales, sales promotion, and a variety of advertising tools. It is here that in close cooperation with a competitor the publishing house needs to stand out and broadcast its advantages. The consumer must notice and start contacting the company. To do this, companies create branded stands that broadcast the image of the organization and attract the attention of consumers. The design of the stand and the convenience of its location are a prerequisite for success.

As part of the fair events, publishing houses hold PR promotions. These can be literary discussions, workshops, exhibitions of illustrations, autograph sessions - all that can interest the target audience. The advantage of event marketing events on the territory of exhibitions is that they can expand the audience of consumers, because someone did not plan to come, but became interested in the spot. Such an impulsive decision can turn a stranger into a potentially loyal customer. In addition, the organization of special events at exhibitions allows children's publishers to share communication with children and parents, creating separate events for each group.

The publishing activities of the publishing house at exhibitions and fairs should be supported by visual and radio advertising. Unfortunately, in Ukrainian reality, these two types of advertising for the publishing industry are often limited to purely exhibition and fair events. Visual advertising includes printed posters of various formats, flyers, etc. - these tools should help consumers navigate where the publisher's stand is located, what literature he presents, and what events will be held. Also at fairs, it is desirable to use branded packages and attach the company's business cards to each purchase. All products must have complete company contact information. Radio commercials include audio spots that usually do not exceed 70 seconds. They perform an informative and image function.

Thus, the fair and exhibition activities can expand the consumer circle of customers through the integration of many marketing efforts, as well as contribute to the recognition and credibility of the brand in its field.

Publishing catalog as an advertising tool. The catalog is a reference and information publication consisting of a systematic list of product descriptions offered by the company. It helps to orient consumers in the range and performs an advertising function. Catalogs should be published at regular intervals - monthly or quarterly. Companies produce physical (printed) and electronic catalogs. The latter save money and are more accessible to a wide audience on the company's website. Publishers produce catalogs to present to the target audience publications that have already been published and those that are planned to be published, indicating the date of their entry into the market. Unfortunately, Ukrainian publishers rarely indicate pre-planned release dates due to the unstable financial situation in the market.

Book catalogs should be the consumer's first acquaintance with the range, so their creation should be given special attention. This publication is designed to be attractive and easy to search. The range of books in it can be structured by series, genres, age orientation, and more. Texts for the catalog should contain the main arguments for buying a particular book, reflect the benefits that the consumer will receive by purchasing it. Here is usually the main information about the publication: author, title, bibliographic information, author of illustrations.

T. Bulakh in the book "Advertising communication in the book industry" emphasizes the following rules of compiling book catalogs [3, p. 87-88]:

- a publication of this type should have a clear place for the most important new publications and old ones that are in demand;

- strict division of space and monotony should be avoided. To draw attention to a particular group of books, you should pay attention to the titles and labels;

- the catalog should be formed so that its structure was intuitively logical and clear;

- it is advisable to place in the catalog the content and index of publications, this will allow the consumer to find the right product at any time;

- the cover of the catalog should be attractive. Here you can place photos of products or illustrations from books that will be presented in it;

- you should use as many illustrations as possible. When displaying thumbnails of covers, their titles must be readable;

- the printed catalog should contain an order form that is easy to fill out and send to the consumer.

Thus, the creation of a catalog is an effective method of promoting publishing products among retail and wholesale consumers. It allows you to inform the target audience about existing and planned products, thus building the reputation of the publisher.


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