Advertising and PR methods of promoting Ukrainian children’s publishers

The relationship between the problem of promotion and the communication strategy of children's publishing. Formation of the reputation and image of children's publishing houses. Advertising and PR methods in the complex of promoting children's books.

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Radio advertising to promote the publishing house. Radio is one of the most popular advertising channels, the cost of radio advertising is much lower than that of television, and the reach of the audience is similar. Therefore, it is advisable to consider its possibilities for promoting publishing houses. Radio advertising can be embodied in various forms: purely advertising messages, speeches by specialists, interviews, dramatization, radio productions.

Advertising messages are short radio spots lasting up to 70 seconds that creatively broadcast the benefits of the publisher or present its products.

The speeches of the publishing house employee as a specialist on a certain issue allow to form and demonstrate the publishing house's expertise to the listeners. This can be a discussion of a particular issue on the problem of education, which can help solve a book published by the publisher, or a discussion of current trends in children's literature, and so on.

An interview is a conversation between a presenter and an author, editor, or illustrator, which reveals the "behind-the- scenes" life of the book and its characters. For such an advertising format, it is very important to carefully prepare the presenter and ease the answers of the recipient. The interview should reveal the most interesting aspects of the author's life or the publisher's activities in answer to non-obvious questions, the advantage is the inclusion in the air of a hotline, where children could ask questions to their favorite author.

The next form is dramatization - a kind of literary readings performed by professional actors. Such radio spots are decorated with music and sound effects. This format of advertising can be a separate program in a clearly defined air time. A small excerpt from one of the published stories will be presented each day.

Thus, the arsenal of radio advertising is large, and its embodiment almost always takes the form of indirect promotion. Therefore, the potential of radio appeals should be taken into account when forming the advertising strategy of a children's publishing house.

The emergence of a new publishing project should become an event in the book market. To cause a wave of publicity, publishers resort to organizing special events - various forms of presentation. They not only advertise specific publications and series but also shape the image of the publishing house as a whole. The organization of special events is an indicator of success, financial stability, and reliability of the publishing house, which actively promotes the development of culture in the country. Researchers note that people remember on average 10% of what they read, 20% of what they heard, 30% of what they saw, 100% of what aroused their lively interest and emotional involvement in the topic. This determines the effectiveness of various presentations for advertising purposes. Our study showed that adults find the most interesting and most often choose for children events of this kind: 68.5% - masterclasses, 44.1% - reading-performance, 27% - meetings with the author, and 18% - literary readings. The greatest preference is given to promotional activities with the active involvement of children, because, according to the laws of psychology, their knowledge of the world is purely through action, not contemplation.

Respondents also noted that such events should be held in bookstores, cafes and children's institutions (5.5%), bookstores (43.2%), libraries (40.5%). Bookstores and cafes are gaining popularity because they can create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, and that is why events for children from publishing in such an area arouse the interest of the whole family.

Presentations are usually held on Wednesday and Thursday after 1:00. But you should pay attention to the fact that on the day of the event there was no other significant event, which is likely to be paid more attention to. Media representatives are often invited to such events. If the publishing house organizes interesting and resonant events, raises important topics for society, then its activities will attract the attention of journalists. But keep in mind that in this case, the publisher will not be able to control the reviews that appear in the press. Therefore, a public relations specialist should usually have a pool of loyal media people who will create high- quality and interesting advertising material. To do this, the publisher must send a press release and timely prepare its speakers to interact with the press, and after the event to send a post-release and quality photos.

Thus, the planned tools in the marketing strategy of the publisher are interconnected. Their goal is to attract the active attention of consumers and the media to the activities of the publishing house. These methods of advertising require significant financial resources and long training, but they can build a positive reputation of the publisher among various groups of stakeholders.

Finding out the theoretical foundations of book publishing and analyzing the practical experience of promoting domestic and Western children's publishers helped to determine effective methods of advertising and PR for publishing companies, as well as to form criteria for their selection.

Before forming a set of methods of interaction with target audiences, the publisher should analyze the following criteria for its activities:

- at what stage of development is the company;

- what is the unique trade offer and mission of the company;

- which categories of the public are key to brand interaction.

The answer to the question about the stage of development of the publishing company allows you to navigate in choosing a positioning model, as well as to determine the need for brand formation. After all, having a strong unique brand allows you to achieve not only the recognition of the company in the market but also forms a close emotional relationship with the target audience.

Successful use of brand technologies by publishers not only accelerates the choice of publication by consumers but also contributes to the formation of long-term cooperation with authors, illustrators, and more. This makes the publishing house more stable even during dynamic changes in the market. Therefore, it is necessary to begin the promotion of publishing by studying the motives, emotional and spiritual values that are embedded in the minds and subconscious of the target audience. To do this, young companies just entering the market must conduct a series of sociological surveys and compare their results with their unique trade offer. This will highlight the characteristics and meanings that should be invested in the brand.

But the analysis of practical experience has shown that the publishing brand does not always emerge from the very beginning of the firm. For example, the history of Andersen Press shows that a strong publishing brand can emerge from a successful series of books, the hero of which has become popular and close to the target audience. The image of a colorful elephant named Elmer was able to embody the desire of children and adults to be unique, broadcast the desire for individual freedom. Realizing this, Andersen Press began to build its brand around it. The company did not change the name, but changed the visual image and program component of the brand: the logo was replaced by the image of the central character, and all communication programs were redesigned to embody and convey the needs and values of the target audience.

Publishers are encouraged to use the commercial myth to build a successful brand. The history search, a legend that contains the archetypes of the target audience, allows you to form a strong connection with it based on trust. This makes the company close to the consumer because everyone seeks to associate themselves with what reflects their values and aspirations. But it should be borne in mind that no myth can function separately from the information field of the publishing company, it must always be supported and embodied in its advertising messages and projects. To do this, you need to develop a strategy for positioning the publisher. It can be in line with the company's life cycle: young companies choose the image of innovators, while a publishing house with significant market experience has the opportunity to broadcast expertise and reliability. In addition, the type of positioning is based on the characteristic advantages of the product, the satisfaction of some specific needs, focus on a certain category of consumers, as well as on the translation of lifestyle.

The publishing company should identify the following segments of the target audience for effective interaction: parents and young children, adolescents and young people, teachers and librarians, industry players and partners (the latter provided that the publisher seeks to play a leading role in the publishing industry in the country only seeks its commercial success). This segmentation is caused by the presence of different motives and needs in each of the categories. Here it is necessary to take into account the dual addressing of advertising appeals, which leads to additional requirements for methods in promoting children's publishers. They should appeal to the rational motives of parents and teachers and at the same time establish emotional contact with the child.

All these methods of promoting children's publishers in the Ukrainian market must contain an interactive component, have the characteristics of viral (viral) content, which is selfdistributed. Advertising and PR appeals should involve children's audience in active participation, and not limit purely passive perception. The methods of advancement in the communication strategy of a children's publishing house should be varied and change frequently to hold the children's attention. When choosing promotion methods, it is necessary to determine what goals they will serve: conversion, image, or reputation, and what indicators will evaluate their effectiveness.


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