Відтворення культурно-маркованих знаків Вікторіанської доби в українських перекладах

Аналіз основних концептів Вікторіанської доби та розбудова соціо-семіотичного підходу до перекладу культурно-маркованих знаків художнього тексту як інструментарію в процесі досягнення динамічної еквівалентності у творах, що зображують Вікторіанську добу.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.10.2013
Размер файла 53,7 K

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Ключові слова: соціо-семіотичний підхід, художній переклад, культурно-маркований знак, “асоціативний шлейф” концепту, внутрішньотекстові пояснення, генералізація, конкретизація, контекстуальний відповідник, вікторіанський.

Чалая Ю.П. Воспроизведение культурно-маркированных знаков Викторианской эпохи в украинских переводах. - Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук по специальности 10.02.16 - переводоведение. - Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко. - Киев, 2006.

Диссертация посвящена исследованию приемов воссоздания культурно-маркированных знаков Викторианской эпохи в Великобритании при переводе прозаических и драматических произведений английских писателей на украинский язык.

Показательные концепты исторической эпохи, определяющие специфику конкретного социума, особенности его материальной культуры, выражаются в художественных произведениях с помощью культурно-маркированных знаков. Культурно-маркированный знак представляет собой более широкое понятие, чем понятие реалия. Они находятся в позиции взаимодополнения.

Для передачи “ассоциативного шлейфа” культурно-маркированных знаков при переводе художественного текста, в котором изображена Викторианская эпоха, целесообразно использовать приемы, воссоздающие как референтное ядро знака, так и его ценностный и образный компоненты. Оптимальными представляются следующие приемы: внутритекстовые объяснения / добавления, генерализация, конкретизация и поиск контекстуального соответствия.

Ключевые слова: социо-семиотический подход, художественный перевод, культурно-маркированный знак, “ассоциативный шлейф” концепта, внутритекстовые объяснения, генерализация, конкретизация, контекстуальное соответствие, викторианский.

Chala Y.P. Recreation of culturally-marked signs of the Victorian era in Ukrainian translations. - Manuscript.

Thesis for the Scholarly Degree of Candidate of Philology, Speciality 10.02.16 - Translation Studies. - The Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. - Kyiv, 2006.

The dissertation highlights the ways and methods of reproducing in Ukrainian culturally-marked signs of the Victorian era in prosaic and dramatic texts of British writers.

The main concepts of an historical era which determine specific features of conduct in the society and characteristic features of its material culture are presented in literary texts by CMS.

To transfer the “associative train” of CMS reflecting the Victorian era in Great Britain, the translator has to resort to specific techniques which help express its referential meaning alongside all other components. The most effective methods are: intratextual explanations / additions, generalization, concretization and contextual correspondence. Hypertextual commentary may prove appropriate in certain cases.

The dissertation is the first comprehensive examination of CMS in the light of translation studies. The submitted thesis contributes to the theory of literary translation.

Various techniques of reproducing Victorian CMS are studied on the material of Ukrainian translations of English prose and drama works written by Ch. Bronte, A.S. Byatt, A. Christie, W. Collins, A. Conan Doyle, Ch. Dickens, J. Fowles, J. Galsworthy, W.S. Maugham, G.B. Shaw, W. Thackeray and O. Wilde done by M. Dmytrenko, R. Dotsenko, Yu. Koretskyi, V. Korobko, O. Mokrovols'kyi, O. Senyuk, O. Slipa, P. Sokolovskyi, L. Suyarko, O. Terekh.

Translation is considered through its correlation with such notions of cognitive linguistics as concept, cultural concept and artistic world picture. These notions are distinct in and relevant for the Victorian era. They are actualized through a variety of culturally and temporally marked signs of material and ideational character, additionally filtered by the authors' artistic perception of the world. All basic Victorian concepts and CMS are multidimensional, each dimension adding a particular nuance to the general picture. The faithful transfer of all these conceptual nuances that help reproduce the fullest possible image of the Victorian world in the Ukrainian culture should become the ultimate goal of any translator. All concepts are studied through their three components: reference, value and image, which are expressed both explicitly and implicitly. The associations, connotations and implications of CMS may become a pitfall for translators. Any noticeable deviation from conceptual meanings may entail the distortion and “asymmetry” of the target world picture in the translation. Quite a few translation techniques can help avoid these distortions, particularly those involving socio-semiotic approach.

The definitions of a CMS and socio-semiotic approach to translation are suggested in Chapter I. CMS are compared with realia and the differences between them are pointed out. The notion of the “associative train” of a Victorian culturally-marked sign is introduced, with the emphasis laid upon the translation aspect. Socio-semiotic approach is aimed at the reproduction in translation of the original world picture, the multiplicity of cultural concepts of the Victorian times together with their “associative train”. The toolkit of effective translation techniques includes intratextual and hypertextual explanations, generalization, specification and contextual correspondence.

The research is centered round the two basic concepts of VICTORIAN HOME and VICTORIAN INDIVIDUAL. They are subdivided into a number of sub-concepts of Victorian reality as presented in the literary works of Victorian writers and later stylizations of Victorianism. Their meticulous representation in Ukrainian translations contributes to the broadening of cultural horizons and enriching the Ukrainian language.

The translation of CMS representing Victoriana - artifacts of the Victorian era is studied in Chapter II. The material objects in the texts of prosaic works, dramatic dialogues and paratexts (stage directions) are broken down into the following groups: the style and furniture of a Victorian home; works of art; clothes; accessories; vehicles. The analysis of suggested alternatives in translations proves that the referential component is the easiest to find a correspondence to, while the image and value components are often underestimated and remain vague. Every element of Victoriana is used in the original text as a means of characterization of a personage and their world, thus becoming a significant part of the whole aesthetic scheme of the author and deserving particular attention on the part of translators. Densely crammed living space of a Victorian individual requires the naming and description of a large variety of material signs which constitute to the unique nature of the Victorian era. Intratextual explanations, particularly, in stage directions due to their pragmatic intention prove to be effective. Manifest successes are achieved by the translators who know thoroughly the works of classical Ukrainian writers of the same period.

Ideational, non-material signs of the Victorian epoch include behaviourial stereotypes, speech etiquette, the symbolic quality of flowers, colours and gems favoured by Victorians, titles and awards, and culturally-marked poetonyms (toponyms and anthroponyms). Behaviourial stereotypes are actualized in the sub-concepts LADY and GENTLEMAN, which are endowed with great social and cultural value and, as such, may find several interpretations in translation.

A special attention is paid to the translation of the pronoun you which can have two alternatives in Ukrainian with the reference to a single person. The choice between the more formal or more intimate / derogatory variant in translation depends not only on the immediate context and interpersonal relations, but also on severe communicative restrictions (“stiff upper lip”) typical for Victorians.

Symbolic connotations of the names of flowers, gems and colours are generally underexpressed, if not lost, in most translations. Clear and transparent for Victorians, they should be explained at least in hypertext.

“Associative train” of titles and ranks, orders and medals is considerably shortened by pure transcoding or translation. The same refers to proper names with transparent or semi-transparent semantics, which are an important element of the “vertical context”.

The reproduction in translation of the sociocultural uniqueness of the Victorian era, with its rich variety of material, non-material and ideational concepts and signs, requires deep knowledge, great erudition, and a lot of conscious efforts on the part of translators. The research proves that the best Ukrainian translators of Victorian authors coped with this complex and challenging task.

Key words: socio-semiotic approach, fiction translation, culturally-marked sign, “associative train” of concept, intratextual explanations, generalization, concretization, contextual substitution, Victorian.

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