Функціональні характеристики некодифікованих графічних утворень у сучасному французькому письмі

Співвідношення прескриптивної орфографічної та функціональної графічної норми сучасної французької мови. Некодифіковані графічні явища у сучасному французькому письмі (на матеріалі друкованих та електронних ЗМІ), визначення особливостей їх функціонування.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 06.11.2013
Размер файла 45,4 K

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Ключевые слова: графическое образование, графика, буквенный знак, небуквенный знак, функциональная норма, прескриптивная норма, кодификация, функциональная нагрузка.


графічне утворення французька мова

Syzenko А. S. Functional Characteristics of Non-Сodified Graphic Formations in Modern French Writing. - Manuscript.

A Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Philology, specialty 10.02.05 - Romanсe Languages. - Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University. - Kyiv, 2008.

The dissertation studies new graphic formations in the French language in relation to the general linguistic concepts of language norm / speech norm and their functional characteristics. It is established that the new functional language norm which is currently being developed reflects the possibilities embedded in the system depending on the participants, area, conditions and objectives of the communication. The same norm is subject to changes in the framework of the system and under the influence of different lingual and extra-lingual factors. The classification of French non-codified graphic formations by their form, method of formation and use is worked out. It is proved that the functional load of non-codified graphic formations is predetermined by the wish to ensure maximal efficiency of written communication, for which purpose different graphic literal and such non-literal characters as numbers, scientific symbols, diacritic signs, apostrophes, hyphens, blank spaces, punctuation marks and pictograms are used. The major functions of non-codified graphic formations - informative, pragmatic, stylistic, expressive and entertaining - are singled out. It is ascertained that new graphic phenomena in French writing are of systematic nature; the prospects of the non-codified graphic formations' transformation into a part of functional and, eventually, the prescriptive language norm are considered.

Key words: graphic formation, graphics, literal character, non-literal character, functional norm, prescriptive norm, codification, functional load.

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