Імплікація в рекламному дискурсі (на матеріалі англомовної комерційної реклами)

Вербальні та невербальні засоби передачі прихованої інформації в дискурсі англомовної комерційної реклами. Сукупність мовленнєво-мисленнєвих засобів в промоушені. Експліцитна та імпліцитна типи інформації. Cпособи вираження адресата та об’єкта розкрути.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 22.04.2014
Размер файла 43,9 K

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The evaluation in the discourse of commercial advertising is polyreferential. Among lexical markers of implicit information are place names, particles such as only, even, finally, at last, dates, the definite article, foreign words, quotations, comparative constructions. Imperative illocutionary force in the discourse of commercial advertising is realized by various grammatical markers, which mitigate the categorical modality of the text, create an impression of the sender's non-engagement.

Among grammatical markers stands out a group of questions, which within the advertising discourse loses its primary function, acquiring the meaning of inducement. Text of advertising is a bilingual unit, in which language and paralanguage fulfill one communicative task. Implicit information is marked by nonverbal means, namely illustrations, pictorial tropes, colour, underlining, kinds and size of type. Besides its attractiveness and psychological effect, colour is a marker of implicit information, which communicates to the addressee information about products and their high quality.

Among paragraphic markers of implicit information underlining is applied to the most important elements of the text. Different styles of types were registered as nonverbal markers if implicit information about products advertised in the text.

Key words: discourse, cognitive model, inducement - motivation, implication, implicit information, verbal / nonverbal markers.

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