Лінгвокультурологічний аспект реалізації концепту дозвілля

Визначення шляхів вербалізації концепту дозвілля засобами англійської мови. Розкриття шляхів змін змісту концепту, його вербалізації в процесі розвитку англійської мови з метою реконструкції відповідного фрагмента в англійській національній картині світу.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 18.07.2015
Размер файла 52,7 K

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Gulivets N. O. Linguocultural aspect of designation of the concept LEISURE in the VIIIth-XXIst centuries English fiction. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Philology. Speciality 10.02.04 - Germanic Languages. - Donetsk National University, Donetsk, 2010.

The thesis focuses on linguocultural study of designation of the concept LEISURE by means of the English language. The above concept is analyzed on the ground of its lexical representation in the English fiction of the VIIIth-XXIst centuries. The structure of the concept LEISURE and general tendencies of its verbalization in the development of the English national worldview have been singled out.

It has been shown that the means of designation of the concept under consideration are grouped within three conceptual structures - active pastime: individual aspect (with the nuclear slots of individuality, intellect and sport), active pastime: collective aspect (with the nuclear slots of social life, meals and physical activity), and passive pastime (with the nuclear slot of passive rest). The concept is represented by means of the actional frame [WHO DOES ((SUCH) WHAT [HOW - WHERE - WHEN - HOW MUCH - FOR WHAT REASON])].

It has been found that the intensity of verbalization of the components of the English national worldview fragment under discussion depends on the frequency of an action in everyday life at certain stages of social development. Fiction enables us to reconstruct the English national language worldview in progress as well as to determine the tendencies of its functioning at the beginning of the XXIst century.

Key words: linguocultural study, national language worldview, concept, verbalization, means of designation, actional frame, slot.

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