Смислотвірні та прагматико-функціональні особливості лексеми "service" в англійських економічних і юридичних текстах

Теорії та погляди на значення слова в контексті мовної картини. Смислова суть лексеми "service" в англійських лексикографічних джерелах. Семантичні розбіжності та подібності лексеми, її смислова варіативність у межах фахової субмови економіки та права.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2015
Размер файла 56,5 K

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У дисертації простежено еволюцію термінологізації лексеми service. Визначено суть та смисловий потенціал термінолексеми service. Визначено синонімічно-антонімічні та гіперо-гіпонімічні (гіпонімічно-смислові) відношення термінолексеми service в парадигматичному плані системи мови. Досліджено функціонування інтеграційної термінолексеми service в Інтернет-просторі.

Ключові слова: домінанта, значення, інваріант, лінгвостатистика, парадигматичні відношення, синонімічний (антонімічний) ряд, смислове мікрополе, статистичні варіації (закономірності), смисл, термін/термінолексема.


Ковалык Н.В. Сысловые, прагматические и функциональные особенности лексемы service в английских экономических и юридических текстах. - Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата филологических наук по специальности 10.02.04 - германские языки. Львовский национальный университет имени Ивана Франко. - Львов, 2010.

Диссертация посвящена комплексному изучению функционально-коммуникативной системы лексемы service в разножанровой языковой среде, а также значению слова в контексте языковой картины мира, инвариантному значению и функционированию интеграционной лексемы service в английских профессиональных текстах по экономике и праву.

В диссертации описана эволюция терминологизации лексемы service. Определенно сущность и смысловой потенциал терминолексемы service. Определено синонимические, антонимические и гиперо-гипонимические (гипонимические смысловые) отношения терминолексемы service в парадигматическом плане системы языка. Исследовано функционирование интеграционной терминолексемы service в Интернет-пространстве экономики и права.

Ключевые слова: доминанта, значение, инвариант, лингвостатистика, парадигматические отношения, синонимический (антонимический) ряд, смысловое микрополе, статистические вариации (закономерности), смысл, термин/терминолексема.


Natalya Kovalyk. The Sense (Semantic), Pragmatic and Functional Features of the Lexeme service in English for Economics and Law. - Manuscript.

Thesis for the Scholarly Degree of Candidate in Philology. Speciality 10.02.04 - Germanic Languages. - L'viv Ivan Franko National University. - L'viv, 2010.

The dissertation research is devoted to the integral studying of the functional - communicative system of the specific terminological unit within the frame of the polygenre linguistic environment. The controversial (arguable) problems of the word meaning in the context of linguistic picture of the world, the invariant meaning and also the functioning of the integrated lexeme service in English professional texts of Economics and Law have been scientifically investigated and motivated. The actuality of the dissertation research is caused by the absence of the generalized systematic description and the absence of complex analysis of linguistic and over/above linguistic features of the lexeme service in English professional texts of Economics and Law, so far as it is impossible to understand the functional-communicative potential of the specific terminological unit in the polygenre linguistic environment.

The dissertation consists of the Terminological Glossary, List of the Conventional Abbreviations and Symbols, Introduction, three Chapters with brief Conclusions, General Conclusion, List of References, Lexicographical Sources, List of the Illustrative Material and the Appendixes. The actuality of the scientific theme, an object and a subject of the research paper have been determined in the Introduction. A main purpose and the tasks of the research, the theoretical and practical value of the research paper have been also formulated here.

Chapter 1 The Word Meaning in the Context of the Linguistic Picture of the World deals with the problems of essence of the linguistic picture of the world and its interaction with the basic aspects of studying semantic and lexical essence of language and linguistic phenomena. The approaches of the word meaning studying, including the evolution, the theoretical aspects and the relationship between word meaning and sense and also the semantic potential between them have been exposed and well-proved.

Special attention has been drawn to the semantic differentiation between word meaning and sense and also to the linguistic mechanism of selection the semantic components of the word meaning. The structural - semantic divergences and similarities of the word meaning and sense have been also analyzed.

Chapter 2 The Invariant Meaning of the Lexeme service and its Paradigmatic Relations tackles theoretical aspects of the terminological studies in its historical development and contemporary status. The main stress has been made on the assumption that one of the peculiar features of the terminological domain consists of the integrity of principles, tendencies and directions of terminological activities regardless of time, communities, schools etc. and that terminology is the field integrating terminologists, professionals and researchers of different times, branches and states. The chapter considers also the problem of differentiation between terms and words which has always been in the focus of terminological discussion and is still requiring updated and improved solutions since it is the core item of terminology in general and lexicography in particular.

Chapter 2 focuses also on a semantic (sense) field of the lexeme service. The investigation in such a direction consists of the next stages:

1) to determine the antonymous relations of the invariant meaning of the term service;

2) to determine the synonymous relations and synonymous row of the terms with a nominal dominant service;

2) to balance the antonymous and synonymous rows of the lexeme service in order to form its semantic field with a nucleus, which consists of the sum of nuclei of the researched rows. The results of integrated analysis (seme analysis, componential analysis etc.) of dictionary entries makes it possible to reveal qualitative and quantitative characteristics of each member of the antonymous and synonymous rows of the lexeme service, their relationships, and the place of each unit in a structure of a semantic field.

Chapter 3 Functioning of the Integrated Lexeme service in the Internet Space examines the regularities of the quantitative usage of the terminological objects in the limited semantic Internet space. This chapter is also devoted to the investigation of the Internet publicism, i. e. the lexical and terminological filling of the hypertexts of “feature article" genre in the sphere of terminological system of Economics and Law. The terminological saturation of the hypertexts of “feature article" genre of the unified economic and law Internet space has been investigated. The segmental stratification of the terminological objects has been also provided.

Chapter 3 analyzes also the basic statistical characteristics of the lexeme service and its semantic (sense) row (act, action, business, delivery, duty, employment, job, organization, serving, work) in the unified economic and law Internet space. The determination of the basic statistical indexes of the row of distribution of the lexemes service and business in the unified economic and law Internet space has been comprehensively exposed. The regularities of the quantitative use of the investigated terminological objects in the limited semantic Internet space with the help of the modern methods, principles and mechanisms of statistical research have been grounded by the author of the thesis. The unified formulas for determinating the average frequency of the using the investigated terminological objects in the limited semantic Internet space have been scientifically deducted and motivated.

The results of the research will be useful in the working out of the theoretical courses in Lexicology, Semasiology, and Lexicography.

Key words: dominant, meaning, invariant, linguo-statistics, рaradigmatic relations, synonymous (antonymous) row, semantic (sense) microfield, statistical indexes, sense, term.

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