Семантика та прагматика фразеологічних біблійних одиниць у сучасному французькому публіцистичному дискурсі

Причини вибору та вживання фразеологічних біблійних одиниць (ФБО) у міні- та макроконтекстах для досягнення прагматичного ефекту. Процес семантичного переосмислення внаслідок метафоризації та метонімізації. Особливості функціонування синонімічних ФБО.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2015
Размер файла 63,4 K

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Due to the individual-creative nature in mass-media expressiveness prevails over the standard. The standardized BPU are used in peculiar language patterns headlines, serving as a pragmatic regulator being marked by the compositional element of the article containing maximally concise expressive and evaluative information. Along with the expressive function the BPU perform the evaluative one dominating in the pragmatics structure of mass-media discourse and is one of its substantial components. It also creates intentional context and is realized in two variants: positive and negative. Since the research was conducted on the basis of the material extracted from Modern French newspapers it provided an opportunity to widen the cognition about the evolution processes of the semantics and pragmatics of French phraseology, as well as it helped to determine the reasons for the selection and appropriate usage of the BPU in mass-media discourse.

In the Third Chapter, "Semantic Peculiarities of the Bible Phraseological Units Functioning", the sources of the BPU structure renewal in mass-media discourse are determined as a result of constant changes of its components and structural-semantic transformations, as well as the factors of the BPU transference to the general phraseological fund of the French Language. The emphasis is laid upon the notion of a Biblical symbol widely represented in onomastic BP in which the symbolization of a Biblical proper name is observed due to semantic transformation. In the mass-media discourse the concept of image and symbol are intertwined. Any mass-media image serves as an indicator of semantic transformation as well as the construction of argumentative presentation of information that is important in terms of expressing the meaning of phraseological units and their prototype. Figurative units undergo the process of metaphorical or metonymical reconsideration. The more "detached" from the BPU an individual image is the more plausible its non-figurative reconsideration proves to be. Therefore those BPU which lost their figurativeness in the process of phraseologization or due to some semantic changes of their components undergo the process of non-figurative reconsideration As a result, the meaning of PBU is widening, its semantic structure is getting loose; there appears a possibility to enter new relevant theme and content relations, to realize own informational potency and thus to create illocutive-perlocutive connection. The phenomenon of de-phraseologization is observed.

It has been determined the character of functioning of synonymic BPU that are divided into two groups of synonyms rows: 1) those with a biblical synonym attribute (internal system biblical synonymy); 2) those in with colloquial words are coined with the biblical word (intersystem language synonymy). Due to the processes of secondary formation of the BPU, usual and occasional variability of PBU were distinguished. Occasional, structural and semantic transformations are motivated by the author's intention and is, therefore, a significant means of illocutive relations. In the course of time, the PBU can potentially become usual, since the biblical phraseological system is open and developing, the functional load of which is to serve as a lexico-phraseological layer as well as an expressive means of the notions of spiritual life.

Key words: the Bible Praseological Units, mass-media discourse, pragmatic-communicative information, evaluative connotation; dephraseologization, biblical proper name, national cultural connotation, mass-media image, occasional transformation.

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