Комунікативно-прагматичні та семантико-стилістичні особливості медіа-жанру "інтерв’ю-монолог" (на матеріалі сучасних англомовних жіночих журналів)

Комунікативно-прагматичні, семантико-стилістичні та жанрові характеристики сучасного медіа-дискурсу. Функціональна роль візуальних елементів у композиції жанру "інтерв’ю-монолог". Провідні мовні стратегії реалізації ідеологічної спрямованості жанру.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.07.2015
Размер файла 63,5 K

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Ключевые слова: жанр, интервью-монолог, женский журнал, структура, композиция, невербальный элемент, оценка.

Kryzhanivs'ka H. T. Communicative, pragmatic, semantic and stylistic features of the “interview-monologue” media-genre (based on modern English women's magazines).- Manuscript.

Thesis for a candidate degree in philology: speciality 10.02.04 - Germanic Languages.- Ivan Franko National University of L'viv. - L'viv, 2011.

The thesis focuses on the complex analysis of communicative, pragmatic, semantic and stylistic features of the interview-monologue genre in such modern English women's magazines as Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Woman & Home and SHE. The investigation is based on the description of pragmatic, semantic and genre characteristics of modern media discourse, as well as on the changes it has undergone under the influence of technological, cultural and gender factors, enabling to model the prototype of the interview genre in current press and to reveal distinctive features of women's magazines discourse - the contextual location of the interview-monologue (ІМ).

The IM, based on a story of woman's personal experience, aims at suggesting a solution of a certain problem as well as at manifesting a definite attitude toward the described situation. The dominant features of the genre are the first person narrative, presence of some event, plot and multimodality.

The dissertation considers the functional role of the genre structure and composition. The study is carried out on the verbal (heading, summary and story) and visual (typeface, punctuation marks and photographs) levels of its organization. The verbal aspect of the IM basically follows the structure of personal stories, suggested by W. Labov. Special attention is paid to the structural and semantic features of headings and summaries. The narrative structure of the IM can be characterized by explicitly identified textual blocks, where sentences function as elementary illocutionary elements, directed at expressing motives, intentions, mental and emotional acts of the storyteller. They have a significant influence on the appropriate evaluation and comprehension of the described situation.

The investigated genre is characterized by strong integration of verbal and visual aspects. The visual design of IM creates a distinct image of this genre. Photos reflecting private moments of women's lives, natural colours and detailed presentation of images create a well-defined visual world of women's existence. They introduce a certain rhythm and dynamics into the text perception and intensify its emotional atmosphere. The combination of different size, colour and form of typeface helps to differentiate the elements of textual composition. Punctuation marks implicate the emotional state of the storyteller; by dividing the textual blocks into parts, they help to reflect their communicative functions.

The lexical resources of the genre in question, particularly the evaluative potential of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, their role in manifesting the ideology of women's magazines have also been analysed. The results of the study reveal the intensive use of emotionally charged words. These words participate in forming the lexico-semantic field which essentially contributes to the dominant meaning of the genre. The emotional power of the narration appears to be a powerful argumentative strategy that aims to convince addressees to accept the point of view suggested in the text. The study allows to claim that the evaluation category can be treated as the semantic core of the IM.

The research elaborated in the dissertation highlights the dialectic nature and manipulative character of the IM media-genre. The simplicity of its organization and the powerful ideological influence, which this genre produces, form an implicit mechanism of implementing and imposing dominant values shared by women nowadays.

Key words: genre, interview-monologue, women's magazine, structure, composition, non-verbal element, evaluation.

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