Функціонально-семантичне поле неозначеної кількості в українському поетичному дискурсі

Основи визначення обсягу і структури функціонально-семантичного поля неозначеної квантитативності. Систематизування мовних засобів репрезентації в українському поетичному дискурсі. Структурні й номінаційні особливості групування конституентів поля.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 13.08.2015
Размер файла 40,5 K

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Ключевые слова: функционально-семантическое поле, неопределённая субстанциальная квантитативность, неопределённо большое количество (мультиплицитность), неопределённо малое количество, оператор функции квантитативной номинации, актуализатор-генитив, интенсификатор, украинский поэтический дискурс.


Semenenko A.Yu. Functional semantic field of the indefinite quantity
in Ukrainian poetical discourse. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Philology. Speciality 10.02.01 - the Ukrainian language. - Odesa Illya Mechnikov National University. - Odesa, 2011.

The thesis analyses the structure of functional semantic field of the indefinite substantional quantity and the system of multy-leveled and multy-structural means of expression of the notion "indefinite quantity" in Ukrainian poetical discourse.

It describes the constructions with dependent actualizator-genitive, systematizes the linguistic means of expression of this meaning and singles out the structure of those linguistic forms which are the basis for metaphorization of quantitative nominative combinations stem lexemes in different thematic groups. Separate lexico-semantic subgroup with common categorical signs are singled out within these groups as well as their internal and external distributive potential. The research also reveals how the structural meaning of the main and dependent components affects the explicative meaning of large indefinite quantity (multiplicity) and small indefinite quantity. It outlines the synonymic potential of structural-semantic models of word combinations with various quantitative nomination function operators in poetical discourse. Syntagmatic limits of metaphoric quantitative variations are defined and multystructural syntactical complexes within simple sentence are determined. Certain types of complex sentences which can transfer, directly or indirectly, the meaning of metaphorical quantity as well as simple sentences of various models are characterized.

Key words: functional semantic field, indefinite quantitative nomination, large indefinite quantity (multiplicity), small indefinite quantity, quantitative nomination function operator, actualizator-genitive, intensifier, Ukrainian poetical discourse.

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