Мотиваційні і структурні типи назв професій в англійській та українській мовах

Виявлення спільних і диференційних ознак мотиваційних і структурних типів назв професій в англійській та українській мовах. Базові сегменти в мотиваційній структурі іменників на позначення професій у мовах, що зіставляються. Сучасна лінгвістична думка.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.09.2015
Размер файла 55,4 K

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Ryzhenko S.S. Motivational and Structural Types of the Profession Names in the English and Ukrainian Languages. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a candidate degree in philology: speciality 10.02.17 - Comparative-Historical and Typological Linguistics. - Donetsk National University. - Donetsk, 2008.

This thesis presents the contrastive analysis of modern English and Ukrainian profession names aimed at revealing their common and distinctive features. The research suggests motivational bases of the units, features of their lexical and structural motivation, the typology of word-forming types, the specificity of quantitative representation of motivational and structural types of profession names in two languages.

The analysis of profession names - 2525 lexical units in Ukrainian and 2463 in English from the point of view of their motivation has permitted to single out lexico-thematic groups in English (16) and in Ukrainian (8) which are based on different motivational features. The peculiarities of structural motivation of such units lie in a vast range of formative elements with additional meaning which help to form profession names (Ukr. -ій, -ист, Eng. -ive, -er).

The consideration of the principal word-forming means for the lexical units of modern English and Ukrainian makes it possible to classify them into the following structural types of profession names: 1) affixational (suffixational, prefixational, prefixational-suffixational), 2) complex (compounds, affixational compounds, abbreviated), 3) word combinations, 4) juxtapositives, 5) root names, 6) conversives. The specific feature of the English names is the absence of juxtapositives, and of the Ukrainian ones - of prefixational names. The most productive way of the profession names formation in both languages is affixation - 1722 units in Ukrainian and 770 - in English.

Key words: profession names, contrastive analysis, lexical and structural motivation, motivational base, word-formation, structural type.

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