The process of teaching foreign languages

Teaching vocabulary as the basis for forming four main skills. Basic steps of building vocabulary. Theoretical background of teaching: principles, audio-lingual method. Types of activities. Presentation of new lexical material. The role of performance.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид курсовая работа
Язык английский
Дата добавления 25.11.2015
Размер файла 32,7 K

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As a conclusion, I offer to use on practice the synthesis of the direct method, communicative approach and use the authentic sources to develop receptive skills. The teacher had better to avoid the translation in the classroom, instead the techniques described above can be applied. The best way to let students communicate on the language is a play. In the Appendix C I would like to demonstrate these methods on practice, presenting a plan of a lesson.


Vocabulary is an important part of the English teaching process. It is supposed to be a very effective communicative device as it carries the highest level of importance within peoplesґ verbal interaction.

However, language itself is not only individual lexemes put together, but it is necessary to follow a set of grammar rules to assure correct comprehension of speaker's intention.

Therefore, vocabulary together with grammar rules acquisition plays significant role in foreign language teaching. The purpose of research paper is to find out the appropriate principles and methods for teaching vocabulary and to apply them in classroom.

The first 2 chapters are devoted to the theory of vocabulary teaching and present the most spread methods of building vocabulary.

In the practical part I chose the most effective methods, in my view, proved their advantages, synthesized them, and showed how to apply them on practice.

I used the method of comparison, studying and analyzing scientific literature, method of processing and interpretation data, observation of the process of teaching and learning foreign languages at school, descriptive method. I investigated and found out the importance, the peculiarities, and the methods of teaching vocabulary.

In conclusion, teachers should be aware of different methods and approaches of teaching foreign language, be able to choose the most appropriate one, taking into consideration the individual features of students, and be able to combine them.


1. Breen, J., and D. Candlin. 1980. The essentials of a communicative curriculum

2. (from 9 April)

3. (from 3 May 2006)

4. (from 11 April 2006)

5. Nunan David: Language Teaching Methodology, a textbook for teachers Longman,2000

6. Allen, V. (1983) Techniques in teaching vocabulary. OUP.

7. Hill, J. (1999) `Collocational competence' English Teaching Professional, 11, pp. 3-6.

8. Gairns, R. Redman, S. (1986) Working with words. CUP.

9. Pressley, M., Levin, J.R. & Miller, G.E. 1981. The keyword method and children's learning of foreign vocabulary with abstract meanings. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 283-87.

10. Richard & Rodgers, 2001, 160, 8





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