The types of transformations in translation
Familiarization with general theoretical issues of translation. Identification and characterization of transcription and transliteration. Research of features lexical transformations in translation. Studying of types of grammatical transformations.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | курсовая работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.01.2016 |
Размер файла | 42,3 K |
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1. Gerund in the function of subject and nominal part of the predicate is rendered as a verbal noun or
infinitive. (making these calculations may be a very difficult and time consuming procedure -выполнение этих расчетов может оказаться очень трудной и длительной процедурой. If the minister wants to avert a dock strike he had better stop attacking the dockers - Если министр хочет избежать забастовки докеров, ему лучше прекратить нападки на них.
2. Gerund as an object (direct and prepositional) is translated by the Infinitive, verbal noun or subordinate clause introduced by the conjunctions то, что. Heavoidedmentioningitforfearofbeingcriticized - он избегал упоминать об этом из-за опасения быть подвергнут критике.
3. The gerund in the function of an adverbial modifier of any type is always preceded by a preposition: A) modifier of time it is used with prepositions on/upon, after, before, in. After prepositions before and in the gerund is translated by a subordinate clause or verbal adverb, after on/upon and after - by verbal adverb or preposition plus noun.
After making this statement the minister said he wasn't going to reconsider the decision - Сделав это заявление, министр сказал, что не собирается пересматривать свое решение. In mooning about molecules make repeated collisions with their neighbors - Перемещаясь с места на место, молекулы всё время сталкиваются с соседними молекулами.
B) modifier of manner and attendant circumstances the gerund is preceded by prepositions by, without. After the preposition by the gerund is translated by verbal adverb or by combination of prepositions путём, при помощи etc. plus noun; after the preposition without - by the negative form of the verbal adverb or preposition без plus noun. This can be achived by making the equipment more durable, mechanically and electrically - Этого можно добиться сделав оборудование механически и электрически более выносливым. This cannot be accomplished without modifying the circuit diagram of the unit -Этого нельзя добиться без изменения схемы блока.
C) modifier of reason with prepositions owing to из-за вследствие, for fear of - из опасения, are translated by the finite form of the verb, noun or verbal adverb. He didn't dare to make public announcement about this plan for fear of being criticized - он не осмелился открыто объявлять об этом плане из опасения, что его подвергнут критике.
4. Gerund in the function of an attribute usually follows the noun with prepositions of, for and is translated by the Infinitive or verbal noun. The designer must evaluate all the means of obtaining the desired system performance - Конструктор должен исследовать все возможности обеспечения желательной работы системы. I that time he intends to see ways for improving cooperation with France - За это время он пытается искать пути для расширения сотрудничества с Францией.
1. Simple forms of gerund in different functions are translated into target Lang by preposition plus noun, Infinitive, verbal adverb, verbal noun or subordinate clause. The manner of translation depends on the function of gerund andlexical meaning and also compatibility (сочетаемость) of words in Rus. Passive and perfect forms of gerund are mainly translated by the subordinate clause.
2. Combination of “there is no plus gerund” in the function of a subject is usually translated into Russian by an indefinite personal sentence (there is no denying that danger may be averted by this move - Нельзя отрицать, что этим шагом можно избежать опасности.
3. Far from plus gerund is translated plus verbal adverb, plus finite form of the verb но и, вместо того чтобы plus Inf. Far from averting the thread this surrender will only bring about still tafer action later - отнюдь не устраняя угрозы его капитуляция приведет в будущем лишь к более жестким мерам.
4. After the verbs need, want, require, deserve and adjective worth active gerund is always used u=in Eng.
Этот контракт нужно подписать - This contract needs signing.
Gerundial constructions subordinate clause introduced by the words то, что, тот факт, что, с тем, чтобы, после того как. The subordinate clause chosen for translation depends on the function of gerund in the source Lang. The gerundial complex can function as a complex subject, attribute, prepositional object, adverbial, modifier.
1.Subject. John's doing it at once is absolutely imperative - Совершенно необходимо, чтобы Джон сделал это немедленно.
2. Complex attribute. The process of one substance mixing with another is called diffusion - процесс смешивания одного вещества с другим называется диффузией.
3. Prepositional object. The designer insisted on the device being tested one more time - Проектировщик настаивал на том, чтобы прибор протестировали ещё один раз.
4. Complex adverbial modifier. By our increasing the pressure we increase the force of friction - Увеличив давление мы увеличиваем силу трения. (Participial)[11.86].
The participial is nonfinite form of the verb which has the propertied of the verb, adjective and adverb.
Like verb the Part in a sentence has tense distinctions. Part I can be simple (active and passive) perfect (active and passive). Part II has only 1 form and has a passive idea. Like adjective Part can perform the functions of an attribute and nominal part of the predicate. E.g. a broken agreement - нарушеннок соглашение. An agreement was broken - было нарушено. Like adverb it can be an adv mod characterizing the action expressed by a predicate. E.g. Compressing gas we turn it into liquid - сжимая газ, мы превращаем его в жидкость.
Participial can function in a sentence as:
1) An attribute. Part I is translated by active part with suffixes ущ, ющ, ащ, ящ. A reading girl - читающая девушка.
A) post positive Part I passive can be translated by passive prepositive Part with suffixes им, ем or by finite form of the verb inside an attributive clause. E.g. The system must control the aircraft, irregardless of the strength of the radio signals Being Received - Эта система должна управлять самолетом независимо от силы принимаемого сигнала. The accuracy of a particular calibration depends on the material Being Tested - Точность конкретной градуировки зависит от материала, который испытывается.
B) Participle II is translated either by passive Part with suffixes им, ем or by finite form of the verb inside the attributive clause. The data Obtained are being carefully analysed and studied - полученные данные анализируются и изучаются.
2) As an Adverbial Modifier Part I and II are translated into Russian by verbal adv, preposition + noun or subord clauses with conjunctions если, при условии что, когда, после того как, поскольку, так как. E.g.
Substituting the dencity (4) into (2) we arrive at the following expression - подставляя плотность 4, плотность 2, получаются следующие выражения. При подстановке плотности 2, 4… Если подставить плотность, то получится.
Part I perfect is translated by verbal adverb of perspective aspect. Having established this data one can compute the approximate result - Установив эти данные можно подсчитать приближенные результаты.
Part I passive is mainly translated by a subord clause or by the equivalent form будучи (but the latter is considered by some of the scholars to be obsalite (архаичной). Being in closed in waterproof cases the operators was able to withstand high humatity - Так как аппаратура была заключена в водонепроницаемые кожухи, она смогла выдержать высокую влажность.
Part can be preceded by prepositions when while in the function of adv mod of time. In this function Part is translated by subord clause, verbal adverb or preposition + noun. Anybody when heated to a sufficiently high temperature becomes a source of light -Любое тело, когда оно нагрето (при нагревании, будучи нагретым) до достаточно высокой температуры, становится источником света.
Part I perfect passive is mainly translated by subord clause. Having been read by the scientists the magazines were returned to the library - После того, как журналы были прочитаны учеными, их вернули в библиотеку.
Part II with different conjunctions can have different meanings. In combination with conjunctions if unlessPart functions as an adverbial modifier of condition. After the conjunction though - as an adverbial modifier of concession.
Participial complexes
1. Objective participial construction is a combination of a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case and participial. When translating this complex into the target Lang we always change the sentence structure. An English simple sentence becomes a complex sentence in the TL. The subordinate clause is introduced by the conjunctions как, что, чтобы. He saw the police struggling with the crowd - Он видел, как полиция сражалась с толпой.
If we compare objective Part construction with object Infinitive construction (complex O) we may say that the former expresses process, duration and the latter expresses completion of the action. I saw him start the engine / I saw him starting the engine - завел, заводил двигатель. The objective Part construction with past part is also used after the verbs of sense perception and expressing volition (желание).
I saw the cases opened - Я видел, как вскрыли ящики. The manager wants the cases counted and weighed - Управляющий хочет, чтобы ящики посчитали и взвесили. The objective Part construction after the verbs to Have and Get forms the so called causative construction (побуждающий к действию). Wemusttreatasaвопрос чрезвычайного значения для страны и должны добиться того, чтобы это решение было изменено.
2. The nominative absolute participial construction
NAPC is a combination of Part and noun in the common case. The noun isn't the subject of the main clause.
The NAPC is an equivalent of an adverb clause of time, cause and attendant circumstances. NAPC is separated by a coma. If this complex is at the beginning of a sentence it is translated into Russian in accordance with its function in a sentence: by a subord clause of cause with conjunctions так как, поскольку; by clause of time когда, после того как. Chromium having been added, strength and hugeness of the steal increase -После того, как добавили хром, повысилась прочность и твердость стали. If this complex stands at the end of a sentence it is rendered by a coordinate clause introduced by the conjunctions а, и при чем. In the Paris region the strike was virtually total, with 3 million workers observing it - В районе Парижа забастовка была фактически всеобщей, и в ней участвовало 3 миллиона человек.
Transformation with which you can make the transition from the original units to units of translation in this meaning is called as translation (interlanguage) transformations.
The main types of lexical transformations used in the translation process involving various source languages and translated languages, include the following translation methods: transcription and translation transliteration, tracing and lexical-semantic replacement. The most common grammatical transformations include: division of the sentence, the union proposals, grammatical replacement (word forms, parts of speech, or of the sentence).
Subject of the theory of translation is one of the most important disciplines in the work of an interpreter. In daily work encounters matter of choice how to provide adequate translation of the communication; stylistic coloring, emotional features of the text. For quality performance of their work, translator needed as deep knowledge in the field of translation theory, and excellent practical skills.
Therefore, in this study was conducted in-depth analysis theoretical issues related to the general theory of translation and its private categories, classifications of translation transformations, proposed various authors. Also carry out practical research Work on the study of each type of transformation on the example of translation of the book J. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye" (JD Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye "), made by R. Wright-Kovaleva.
First chapter of this course work examines the general theoretical issues of translation and related issues. Also present the definition and Classification translational transformations.
The second chapter describes this kind of transformations as lexical.
The third chapter presents a detailed study of grammatical and lexical transformations.
Each chapter is equipped with plenty of examples and has findings as all the work as a whole.
Since the transformation in the translation is an integral part of the interpreter, the study of this question has many positive aspects for me as a future interpreter. I hope that the skills received in writing this work will help me in future translation activities.
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