Idioms with the "food" concept

Dialect language as a phenomenon and call an interpreter. Characteristics of the major stages of translation. Transfer modalities talk phraseology of the "food" component. The main peculiarity of comparison the respective idioms Ukrainian and English.

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Язык английский
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Therefore, faithful translation may be achieved by different methods. Moreover, “translating by means of loans” may refer to any method of rendering phraseologisms or idiomatic expression, which are or may become regular loans in the target language. [10]

Choosing idiomatic analogies in translation of idioms with “Food” component

Very often, the meaning of English idioms with “food” component are overwhelmed. It occurred because they have no exact translation in the target language too.

Sometimes these idioms contain easily perceivable for translator meaning. Actually, such expressions are sometimes very close in their figurative meaning in English and Ukrainian as well. Any common or similar traits of idioms with “food” component are the main proof of their being genuine analogies. It means that in both of two languages are stable or standardized phrases, proverbs or sayings, which will translated with the help of similar stable or standardized phrases, proverbs and sayings in the target language. [5]

E.g. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. -- На мед зловиш більше мух, ніж на оцет.

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. -- Не можна приготувати яєчню, чи не разбив яйця.

Many of such idiomatic expressions may often have two or more analogous by sense variants in the target language.

The choice of an analogous due to translator challenge and contents of the text.

E.g. Tastes differ. Про смаки не сперечаються. The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh [the meat]. Залишки -- солодкі. Біля кості смачніше м'ясо.

In addition, some of these idioms may have the follow substitution. It dues to different contextual environments.

E.g. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. -- Їж яблуко в день і лікар не знадобиться.

Choosing approximate analogies in translation of idioms with “Food” component

This type of translation means using the approximate analogies. It occurred, because each of two languages have peculiar combination of them. It also can have a hidden meaning. That is why it becomes a difficult to understand for the foreigner. language interpreter phraseology idiom

As a result, there exist no genuine phraseological analogies for the units in the target language. So, their lexical meaning can be expressed by means of only approximate analogies or through explication, in a descriptive way. [11]

It must be said, that these analogies, as a rule, have no identical picturesqueness and expressiveness in the target language, such a same idiom in the source language.

E.g. A piece of cake - щось дуже просте, елементарне.

I was afraid of the test, but it was a piece of cake. - Я боявся тесту, але він виявився елементарним.

It is not so easy for translator skills to choose the right approximate analogies. Very often the idioms with “food” component bear some characteristic of a language's traits have no correspondence in the target language. [12]

E.g. (don't) cry over spilled milk. - засмутитись через те, що трапилось, проте змінити це неможливо. The mirror is broken and we can't fix it. There's no need tocry over spilled milk. - Зерало розбилось і ми не можемо зарадити цьом. Проте не варто засмучуватись через це.

Many idioms have obscure origin and choosing some of approximately equivalents, the translator must do some linguistic investigation.

Descriptive translating in idiomatic and set expressions in translation of idioms with “Food” component

Some of idiomatic phrases as well as stable or set expressions can be rendered only in a descriptive way. It depends only on the meaning of the source language idiom. [8] It can be expressed in the target language in some ways:

1) by a single word;

E.g. Cool as a cucumber - розслаблений, спокійний.

I thought I was afraid of flying, but I was cool as a cucumber all the way to England - Я думав, що буду доятися літати літаком, але весь політ до Англії був спокійним.

2) with the help of a free words combination;

E.g. gravy train - хороша плата за мінімальну роботу. - The unionized grocers have been enjoying the gravy train for twenty years. - Об'єднавшись бакалійники вже протягом 20 років отримують непоганий дохід.

3) when the lexical meaning if the idioms with “food” component is based on a nationally specific notion or structural form alien to the target language;

E.g. A bad corn promise is better than a good lawsuit. - Крихкий мира, краще доброї сварки.

Depending on the speech of the passage or work, in which the idiomatic or phraseological expressions are used and taking into account the nature of them (literary, historical, colloquial) some modifications of the above-given methods of translations and even new variants of translation mat be suggested by the translator.

2.2 Transformation of some idioms in the process of translating

Some idioms with “food” component are often of a simple or a composite sentence structure.

Being nationally distinct, the can not have in the target language traditionally established equivalents or loan variants. As a result, most of them may have more than one translator's version in the target language. It be either a regular sense-to-sense variant (an interlinear translation) or an artistic literary version rendering in which alongside the lexical meaning is also the aphoristic nature, the expressiveness, the picturesqueness, the vividness of the source language idioms.

To achieve the aims of the translation, the translator must be acknowledged at least two main levels of translating the national idioms:

1) the level of interlinear rendering - sense-to-sense translation only. It means sufficient faithfully express the lexical meaning of most of these phraseological units.

E.g. spice things up - перетворити щось на більш яскраве. - I wanted to spice things up in the office, so I bought some red and gold paint. - мені хотілось зробити офіс більш вражаючим, тому я придбав декілька червоних і золотих оздоб.

2) the literary or literary artistic level. It means that to translate such type of idioms the translator must take into account the whole text where these types of idioms are used: the expressiveness, the picturesqueness, the mages.

E.g. spill the beans - дізнаватся правду. On Monday, I'm going to spill the beans about my travel plans. - У понеділок, я збираюся дізнатися все стосовно моєї подорожі.

Faithful translation of national idioms or phrases are mostly achieved via deliberate transformations of all kinds performed by the translator. The transformations are aimed at taking the national images, the sense and structure of these phraseological expressions easier for the target language readers or listeners to comprehend.

No need to emphasize that some successful literary artistic translations or variants of specifically national idioms may in the target language.

The translation of idioms, which contain the passive voice structure, are transferred in to the target language with the help of auxiliary verbs.

E.g. Does your mother know you are out? - Молоко на губах ще не висохло/ще не доріс.

However, sometimes transformations may become necessary to make the denotative and connotative meaning of idioms or phraseological easier for the target language bearers to comprehend. So in this case can not be used neither the sense-to-sense nor the literary variant.

E.g. take something with a pinch (grain) of salt - робити щось не на 100%. Take Mandy's advice with a pinch of salt. She doesn't always do her research. - Менді потребує гарної поради щодо її дослідження.

A black hen lays a white egg. - Від чорної корови завжди біле молоко.

More often, the content of the kind of phraseologisms or idioms is clear already at language level, out of context, which enables their literary translation.

E.g. A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound. - Тріщини в дружбі ще можна склеїти, проте такою як раніше вона вже не буде.


Summing the result of the work the author has come to some basic conclusions.

The term “Phraseology” concludes different phrases and phraseological units. Phraseologisms is a collocation, the notion of which is differed from the notion of whole word combination. Sometimes the translator can guess the meaning of phraseological units, but in the most cases do it almost impossible.

Phraseological units are lexical phenomena, which are common to every language and English and Ukrainian are not exceptions. Idioms are characterized by the constancy of the lexical composition and complicated semantics, the meanings of which are not divided into elements corresponding to elements in the external form, and certainly not derived from adding the values of individual elements phraseological units.

The theme of the term paper was “Phraseological units with “food” component”.

The main purpose of this work to study idioms with the “food” component, their specifics and peculiarities, the ways and methods of translation and transformations.

During the Term Paper was investigated how they are translated from English in to Ukrainian. For this aim was used 60 phraseological units.

The author investigated methods, ways and peculiarities of their translation and transformations.

The purpose of the research, which was stated in the introduction, is achieved. The author showed the ways of translation and also investigated some difficulties during the translator's work of idioms with “food” component

Very often the difficulties in translation are based on lexical, semantical, structural, literal and also skills of translator. Translator must know the main general levels in the translation to understand the first meaning of a text.

Author wants to mention the pragmatic aspects of the translation process. The communicants involved in interlingual communication speak different languages, but they also belong to different cultures, have different general knowledge, different social and historical background. This fact has a considerable impact on the translator's strategy since the most truthful rendering of source language contents may sometimes be partially or fully misunderstood by the receptors of the target language or fail to produce a similar effect.

The translator has to take pains to ensure an adequate understanding of the source language text's message by a target language reader. This may involve expanding or modifying of the original message to make it more meaningful to the members of a different language community.


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Annex A

1. To make a mountain out of a molehill - Робити із мухи слона.

2. To play second fiddle - Відігравати другорядну роль.

3. Husband's tea - Дуже слабкий чай

4. To make friends - Потоваришувати.

5. To take into account - Взяти до уваги.

6. A hard not to crack - Міцний горішок.

7. Dead Sea apple - Камінь спотикання.

8. Still life - Подавати ознаки до життя.

9. For dear life - Краще життя.

10. Slow and steady wins the race - Комфорт.

11. Life is not bed of roses - Життя прожити не поле перейти.

12. Like a cat on hot bricks - Як вуж на сковорідці.

13. Life from hand to mouth - Від зарплати до зарплати.

14. Live not to eat, but eat to life - Жити не заради їжі, їсти заради життя.

15. To lead a fast life - Марнувати час.

16. Make love not war - краще любити, ніж воювати.

17. As sure as eggs is eggs - Бути впевненим.

18. Such is life! - О це так життя!

19. Apple of one's eye - Бути чиїмось улуюбленцем.

20. Cool as a cucumber - Бути спокійним, холоднокровний.

21. Hard nut to crack - Міцний горішок.

22. It's another cup of tea (altogether) - Не мати нічого спільного.

23. another kettle of fish (altogether) - Зовсім різні речі.

24. Be like chalk and cheese - Абсолютно різні.

25. Make one's mouth water - Аж слинка тече.

26. Full of beans - Сповнений енергії.

27. Couch potato - Ледачий.

28. Half-baked - Недопрацьований.

29. Big cheese - Великий Бос, директор.

30. Egg head - Розумник.

31. Lemon law - Закон про справність автомобілей.

32. Sour grape - Заздрісний.

33. Top banana - Дуже поважна особа.

34. Though cookie - Без емоційний.

35. Apple of discord - Яблуко розбрату

36. Adam's apple - Адамове яблуко, заборонений плід.

37. The grapes of wrath - «Грона гніву».

38. Caviar to the general - Занадто вишукано.

39. Apple-pie bed - Заплутатись у ліжку.

40. Cream of the crop - Кращий у своєму роді.

41. Make one's mouth water - На смак аж слинка тече.

42. Bread and butter - Основне.

43. Apple of one's eye - Улюбленець

44. Carrot top - Рудий.

45. (don't) cry over spilled milk - Засмутитись, через те, що змінити вже неможливо.

46. Gravy train - непоганий легкий дохід.

47. Spice things up - Покращити, додати забарвлення.

48. Spill the beans - Потужний.

49. Take something with a pinch (grain) of salt - Ввести доцільність

50. A black hen lays a white egg - У чорної корови молоко завжди біле.

51. Birds of a father flock together - Одного поля ягоди.

52. Still water runs deep - Тиха вода греблю рве.

53. Brevity is the soul of wit - Стислість сестра таланту.

Annex B

Mary is full of life and gaiety. She is an apple of my eye. - Мері сповнена життя та радощів. Вона світ очей моїх.

Nick and Tom were very anxious before the interview but Andrew was cool as a cucumber. - Нік та Том були дуже схвильовані перед співбесідо, проте Ендрю залишався непохитним(зберігав непохитний спокій).

I did my best to force him come here, but he is a hard nut to crack. - Я приклав максимальних зусиль, щоб примусити його прийти сюди, проте він виявився «міцним горішком» (непохитним).

This sum is a hard nut to crack for a boy of 10. - Цей приклад надто важкий, щоб його міг розв'язати 10 річний хлопчик.

Web-mastering doesn't relate to programming. It's quite another cup of tea. -- створення веб-сторінок немає нічого спільного із програмуванням. Це дві великі різниці.

I'd driven an automatic for years but learning to handle a car with gears was another kettle of fish altogether. - я багато років водив машину із автоматичною коробкою передач, проте навчитися їздити на машині із механічною коробкою, зовсім інша справа.

I was surprised when I heard they were sisters. They are like chalk and cheese. - Я був здивований дізнатися, що вони сестри. Вони абсолютно не схожі.

The smell of barbecue made my mouth water - від запаху шашлику у мене аж слинки потекли

I've never met anyone so full of beans before breakfast. - я ще ніколи не зустрічав такої людини, яка була б в такому піднесенні з самого ранку.

My husband became a real couch potato - he spends all day long in front of the TV. -- мій чоловік перетворився на справжнього лінюха. Весь свій час він проводить лежачи перед телевізором.

This project can't be accepted, it is half baked. - Цей проект недопрацьований, а тому не може бути прийнятий.

It is unreasonable to entrust this matter to a half-baked specialist. - Недоцільно доручати цю справу спеціалісту без досвіду.

You can find a bad apple in every company. - Капосну людину можна знайти у кожній компанії.

A big cheese will give everyone a bonus at the end of the year. - Бос виплатить бонус кожному в кінці року.

In spite of this love of reading the denied being an egghead. - Навіть через таку любов до читання він не стане батаном.

Automobile lemon law of this state is designed to protect the customers form unsafe and defective new car. -Захисний закон стосовно автомобілей створено, щоб вберегти покупців від небезпечних та несправних машин.

She said, she didn't want to join the club anyway, but I bet it was clearly sour grapes. - Вона сказала, що нізащо не приєднається до нас, проте закладаюсь, що це було не щиро.

Tom is the captain of the handball team. Everyone knows he is the top banana. - Том капітан команди з гандболу. Усі знають, що він головний директор (шишка).

Your son is a tough cookie but I can handle him. - Ваш син беземоційна не пробивна людина, проте я все одно звернуся до нього.

Don't quarrel with your bread and butter. - Не плюй в криницю - прийдеться води напитися.

Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. - В гостях добре, а в дома краще. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. - Їж в волю, а пий в міру.

We were amazed at the number of people who had found out on the grapevine. - Ми були здивовані, що значна кількість людей дізналися про ці чутки.

Some argue that while a coherent system may be disable, it is not що послідовна система залишається мрією, це щось не реальне з тих пір, як ігнорується реальність.

Yesterday his point of view became an apple of discord. - Учора його думка стала приводом до суперечки

Dear old Martha had much of the milk of human kindness about her; she never begrudged sharing whatever she had (From Sharspear's Macbeth, I v)

It may sound like sour grapes, but I assure you I feel no bitterness, just disappointment.

We'll have to butter father up before we tell him the news about the broken car - Ми повинні задобрити тата, перш ніж сповістити йому про поламану машину.

Yesterday Jim bought DVD with the cream of the crop of this season's movies. - Вчора Джим купив DVD з кращими фільмами цього сезону.

The restaurant is supposed to be wonderful and every time that I see the menu it makes my mouth water. - Ресторан повинен бути чудовим, так як кожного разу, коли я його бачу, у мене слинка тече.

Just explain the bread and butter of your report. You don't have to go into details. - Поясни основні пункти твоєї доповіді. Не потрібно вдаватися до деталей.

Baby Jessica is the apple of her father's eye. - Крихітка Джесіка улюблениця свого батька.

Simon is the first carrot top I've ever gone out with. - Саймон найрижіший з усіх, кого я коли-небудь зустрічав.

All bread is not baked in one oven. -- Не весь хліб з однієї печі (Всі люди різні).

To know on which side one's bread is buttered. -- Знати, з якого боку твій хліб намазаний. Too much pudding will choke the dog. -- Від занадто великого шматка пудингу і собака подавиться.

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. -- На мед зловиш більше мух, ніж на оцет.

You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. -- Не можна приготувати яєчню, чи не розбив яйця.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. -- Їж яблуко в день і лікар не знадобиться.

I was afraid of the test, but it was a piece of cake. - Я боявся тесту, але він виявився елементарним.

The mirror is broken and we can't fix it. There's no need to cry over spilled milk. - Дзеркало розбилось і ми не можемо зарадити цьому. Проте не варто засмучуватись через це.

I thought I was afraid of flying, but I was cool as a cucumber all the way to England - Я думав, що буду боятися літати літаком, але весь політ до Англії був спокійним.

The unionized grocers have been enjoying the gravy train for twenty years. - Об'єднавшись бакалійники вже протягом 20 років отримують непоганий дохід.

A bad corn promise is better than a good lawsuit. - Крихкий мира, краще доброї сварки

- I wanted to spice things up in the office, so I bought some red and gold paint. - мені хотілось зробити офіс більш вражаючим, тому я придбав декілька червоних і золотих оздоб.

On Monday, I'm going to spill the beans about my travel plans. - У понеділок, я збираюся дізнатися все стосовно моєї подорожі.

Does your mother know you are out? - Молоко на губах ще не висохло/ще не доріс.

Take Mandy's advice with a pinch of salt. She doesn't always do her research. - Менді потребує гарної поради щодо її дослідження.

A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound. - Тріщини в дружбі ще можна склеїти, проте такою як раніше вона вже не буде

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