Технология разноуровневого обучения иностранного языка

Психологические особенности взрослого возраста при обучении иностранным языкам, определение причин неуспешности. Характеристика методик обеспечения разноуровневого обучения. Анализ учебного комплекса по английскому языку для работы во взрослой аудитории.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид дипломная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 10.02.2017
Размер файла 2,0 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Очевидно, составление такого набора карточек для индивидуальной работы должно рассматриваться по временным затратам как написание учебного пособия, и соответственно оплачиваться. Пока же подобный способ организации занятий держится только на энтузиазме отдельных преподавателей, девиз которых - учить каждого, организуя взаимодействие всех со всеми.


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Литература на иностранном языке

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55. Dooley Jenny-Evans Virginia, Upstream6 Express Publishing, 2006-160p.

56. Forbes Scott H. Values in Holistic Education/paper presented at the Third Annual Conference on Education, Spirituality and the Whole Child, Roehampton Institute, London, 1996. L., 1996

57. Leadership Skills You Never Outgsow. Leadership Project. Book III University of Illinous, Urbana 1987.-131 p.

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59. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File, Oxford, 2005

60. Jenny Dooley-Virginia Evans, Upstream, Express Publishing, 2007

61. Bill Bowler, Sarah Cunningham, Headway Pronunciation, Oxford University Press, 1999

62. John Soars, Liz Soars, Headway beginner /elementary/ pre-intermediate Oxford University Press, 2000

63. Chris Redston & Gillie Cunningham, Face to Face beginner /elementary/ pre-intermediate, Cambridge University Press, 2008

64. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans, Ksenia Baranova, Grammarway Ѕ, Express Publishing, 2010

65. Stuart Redman, English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2011

66. Oxford Word Skills, Oxford University Press, 2012

Приложение 1

A: Phonetics

Card Ph.1A

1. Work in pairs and pronounce the following sounds. Practice them by repeating the given words.

[u:] [?u] [??]

news routine juice lonely soul blow beer fear area

[a?] [?]

style buy crime doctor assertive temper

[?] [?] [?]

jazz judge original operation shy conscious hot dot spot

2. Read the following transcriptions using the coloured prompts over






3. Match these transcriptions with the given words

['k?n(t)??s] [nju?'m?un??] [wu?nd] [?da??'r??] [??nd?'?es?(?)n]

diarrhea pneumonia indigestion conscious wound

Card Ph.2A

Work in pairs. Pronounce the given sounds and drill them

a) [ж] b) [?u] c) [?] d) [?]

A fжt cжt is always glжd to scrжtch а vжndal's bжck.

B?uth friends of mine have sore thr?ut, they have to stay at h?ume.

If you are ?ealous you can't be ?enerous - ?ealousy is an ori?inal sin.

They want to give me an injec?on before the opera?on, I feel so an?ous to lose my con?ousness, so I'm ?ocked.

Read the following words correctly

Back, allergy, rash, asthma, bandage, antibiotic

Throat, nose, swallow, injection, surgeon, infection, operation, unconscious

Write the words from the previous task in the correct column





Card Ph.3A

1. Work in pairs. Study these examples and try to remember what combination of letters give the following sounds



- flower

- key

- phone

- ache

- cough

- neck

- traffic

- chemist

- elephant

- calm

- tough

- queue

2. Work in pairs. Fill in the gaps with a correct sound or letters. Transcribe them, then check your answers with the partner's



Heada[..]e (ch)

Cou[..] (gh)

Ba[..] (ck)

[..]old (c)

Inje[..]tion (c)

O[..]thalmologist (ph)

Heada(..)e [k]

Cou(..) [f ]


(..)old [k]


O(..)thalmologist [f]

Card Ph.1B

1. Work in pairs and pronounce the following sounds. Practice them by repeating the given words.

[u:] [?u] [??]

news routine juice lonely soul blow beer fear area

[a?] [?]

style buy crime doctor assertive temper

[?] [?] [?]

jazz judge original operation shy conscious hot dot spot

2. Read the following transcriptions using the coloured prompts over





3. Work in pairs. Fill in the gaps with a correct sound or letters. Transcribe them, then check your answers with the partner's



fl[..] (u)

[..]rache (ea)

d[..]rection (i)

str[..]ke (o)

Injec[..]on (ti)

Banda[..] (ge)


Fl[u:] (..)

[??]ache (..)

d[a?]rection… …. . (..)

str[?u]ke (..)

Injec[?]on………. . (..)

Banda[?]…… … ..(..)

V[?]mit (..)

Card Ph.2B

1. Work in pairs. Pronounce the given sounds and drill them

a) [и] b) [р] c) [?] d) [?]

a) Boи friends of mine are healиy-that's true. They have no problems with teeи

b) Alрough рe weaрer is fine, I'd raрer consult wiр рe doctor wheрer I can go out tonight.

c) If you are ?ealous you can't be ?enerous - ?ealousy is an ori?inal sin.

d) They want to give me an injec?on before the opera?on, I feel so an?ous to lose my con?ousness, so I'm ?ocked.

2. Work in pairs. Read the following words correctly

Healthy, teeth, asthma, therapist, ophthalmologist, breathe, sore throat, injection, unconscious, operation, blood pressure, rash, specialist

3. Find phonetic mistakes in the following words

['bжnd??], [?n'?ekt?(?)n], [?n'fek?(?)n], [?n'k?n(t)??s]

1. Write the words from the previous task in the correct column





Card Ph.3B

1. Work in pairs. Study these examples and try to remember what combination of letters give the following sounds



- flower

- key

- phone

- ache

- cough

- neck

- traffic

- chemist

- elephant

- calm

- tough

- queue

2. Work in pairs. Fill in the gaps with a correct sound or letters. Transcribe them, then check your answers with the partner's



Heada[..]e (ch)

Cou[..] (gh)

Ba[..] (ck)

[..]old (c)

Inje[..]tion (c)

O[..]thalmologist (ph)

Heada(..)e [k]

Cou(..) [f ]


(..)old [k]


O(..)thalmologist [f]

3. Think up your own examples of words with these sounds. Put them down



Card Ph.2C

1. Work in pairs. Pronounce the given sounds and drill them

a) [и] b) [р] c) [?] d) [?]

a) Boи friends of mine are healиy-that's true. They have no problems with teeи

b) Alрough рe weaрer is fine, I'd raрer consult wiр рe doctor wheрer I can go out tonight.

c) If you are ?ealous you can't be ?enerous - ?ealousy is an ori?inal sin.

d) They want to give me an injec?on before the opera?on, I feel so an?ous to lose my con?ousness, so I'm ?ocked

2. Work in pairs. Ask your partner to pronounce any word with one of these sounds. Write down the transcription of this word after him/her, then change your roles and check results.

3. Make one or two tongue twisters using words from the previous card. Remember to employ the following sounds:

[и] - [р] [?] - [?] [?u] - [?]

B: Lexis

Card Lex.1A

Match the following symptoms and pictures

A person has/has got…

a fever

a cough

an indigestion

a head/stomach/ear/backache

a constipation

a diarrhea

a rash

a bliste

a pain (in one's chest)

a sore throat

He's being sick/vomiting

She's sneezing a lot

His finger is bleeding

His ankle is swollen

Her back hurts

To keep to a diet

Card Lex.2A

Match the sentences

1. He's unconscious

2. She has a sore throat

3. has diarrhea

4. She feels sick

5. He fainted

6. She feels dizzy

A It hurts when she talks or swallows food

B He's breathing but his eyes are closed and he can't hear or feel anything

C She wants to vomit

D It was so stifling in the bus that he lost consciousness

E She feels as if everything is spinning around

F He's been to the toilet six times this morning

Find the correct part of word combinations and fill in the gaps

sore keep off sick laid wrong directions keep to

see X-rayed breathe leave attack breath examine

nervous run an appointment test made up take

1. Have you seen Mike recently?

- No. He is___ up with flu.

2. I have something___ with the lungs. I'm constantly coughing! -You should consult a doctor and have your lungs___.

3. She has a___ throat. It hurts when she talks.

4. If you feel___, you'd better___ a doctor.

5. You're right. I'd rather go and make___ with a doctor.

6. If I take a long walk, I struggle for___.

7. Let me ___ you. Open your mouth and show me your tongue. Now ___ in deeply, through the nose. Ok, now I'm going to___ your blood pressure.

8. There doesn't seem to be radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're____ down. If you don't stop worrying you're sure to have a ___ breakdown.

9. Everything you need is just to follow the doctor's ___.

10. First of all, ____ alcohol,____ a diet of salads and fruit, have this tonic___ and___ two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals.

11. What happened to you? Why are you so unhappy? -I've been on sick___ for seven months with depression, after having a heart___.

Card Lex.1B

Look at the pictures and name the symptoms

Card Lex.2B

Match the diseases/conditions with their causes or symptoms. Discuss with the partner

He has flu

She's caught a cold

She's allergic to dogs

She has asthma

He has high/low blood pressure

He's had a stroke

He's had a heart attack

She has food poisoning

He's twisted his ankle

He's burnt himself

She has a bruise on her toe

They have insomnia

He has a scarlet fever

A She has difficulty breathing

B They can't fall asleep

C It's 160 over 100

D He was overweight, a smoker, and very highly stressed

E She ate yoghurt that wasn't fresh

F This is an infectious disease characterized by the red rash

G He's sneezing a lot and has a cough

H She stumbled over a threshold and now there's a blue mark

I She starts sneezing as soon as she is near a dog

J He's got a fever and his body hurts

K He touched the iron, it was on.

Find the correct part of word combinations and fill in the gaps



Have you seen Mike recently?

-No. He is laid (in/up/down)___ with flu.

Have you seen Mike recently?

-No. He is (layed/laid/laded)___ up with flu.

I have something wrong (on/of/with/in)___ the lungs. I'm constantly coughing!

-You should consult a doctor and have your lungs X(raid/rayed/reign)_

I have something___ with the lungs. I'm constantly coughing! -You should consult a doctor and have your lungs(Y/X/Я)___rayed.

You're right. I'd rather go and make an appointment (for/of/with)___ a doctor.

You're right. I'd rather go and make an (atonement/appointment/attainment)___with a doctor

If I take a long walk, I struggle (of/on/for) breath.

If I take a long walk, I (quarrel/struggle/gargle) for breath.

Open your mouth and show me your tongue. Breathe (on/up/in/down)___deeply, through the nose. Ok, now let me test your blood (treasure/pressure/moisture)

Open your mouth and show me your tongue. (breed/breath/breathe)___ in deeply, through the nose. Ok, now let me test your (head/blood/absolute)__ pressure.

There doesn't seem to be radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're run (off/out/down)___. If you don't stop worrying you're sure to have a nervous break(up/down/on).

There doesn't seem to be radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're (run/gone/worked)___ down. If you don't stop worrying you're sure to have a nervous (break/crack/track)___ down

First of all, keep (on/off/up)___alcohol, keep(on/to/at)___ a diet of salads and fruit, have this tonic made(down/up/off)___ and take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals.

First of all, (keep/take/make)___ off alcohol, (take/make/keep)___ to a diet of salads and fruit, have this tonic(prepared/made/done)___ up and take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals

What happened to you? Why are you so unhappy? -I've been on sick (leaf/leave/blank)___ for seven months with depression, after having a heart(kick/stroke/attack)___.

What happened to you? Why are you so unhappy? -I've been (at/on/in)___ sick leave for seven months with depression, after having a (heart/hard/mind)___ attack

Card Lex.1C

1. Write the missing word in the treatment column

Go to the doctor's. She may tell you to…

· take some___ e.g. antibiotics.

· stay at home and___.

· go to hospital to see a___.

· to___one's throat, e.g. to wash one's mouth and throad with a special liquid

· to have a___made up and take two___three times a day before meals

· to keep to a___of salads and fuit

· to take___.

Go to hospital/to A&E (Accident and Emergency). You may have to…

Размещено на http://www.allbest.ru/

Размещено на http://www.allbest.ru/

8. have an___or scan to see if anything is broken

9. have___if you have a deep cut

10. have an___, when a drug is put into your body through a needle

11. have a___put on to keep the wound clean

12. have an___, when part of your body is cut open to remove or repair a damaged part.

Fill in the gaps

1. Have you seen Mike recently?

- No. He is___ up with flu.

2. I have something___ with the lungs. I'm constantly coughing! -You should consult a doctor and have your lungs___.

3. She has a___ throat. It hurts when she talks.

4. If you feel___, you'd better___ a doctor.

5. You're right. I'd rather go and make___ with a doctor.

6. If I take a long walk, I struggle for___.

7. Let me ___ you. Open your mouth and show me your tongue. Now ___ in deeply, through the nose. Ok, now I'm going to___ your blood pressure.

8. There doesn't seem to be radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're____ down. If you don't stop worrying you're sure to have a ___ breakdown.

9. Everything you need is just to follow the doctor's ___.

10. First of all, ____ alcohol,____ a diet of salads and fruit, have this tonic___ and___ two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals.

11. What happened to you? Why are you so unhappy? -I've been on sick___ for seven months with depression, after having a heart_

Card Lex.2C

Work in pairs. Make up ten sentences (5 in russian, 5 in english), using the phrases listed below. Exchange with your partner and translate

to have a sore throat/to sneeze and cough constantly/to have a headache/to have a fever/to see a doctor/to take medicines/to feel better

to have smth. wrong with one's lungs/heart/ to struggle for breathe/to be run down/to make an appointment with a doctor/to follow the doctor's directions/to keep fit/to keep off alcohol/to give up smoking/to keep to a diet/to take medicines/ to have one's blood pressure tested/to recover

to have pneumonia/to cough constantly/to have a fever/to see a doctor/there's nothing to worry about/to have a prescription made up/to have a mixture made up/ to take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals.

C: Grammar

Card Gr.1A

Read the sentences. Decide what conditions these sentences belong to. Choose and write down

· If you eat too much ice-cream when it's hot outside you're sure to become ill ______________

· If I get better I'll go for a walk _____________

· If there weren't anything radically wrong with me I wouldn't keep to a diet _______________

· If your friend had taken medicines yesterday he wouldn't have had complications ______________

· He would have participated in the conference if he hadn't fallen ill_______

· If she hadn't left the knife on the table the child wouldn't have cut his finger__________

· If I didn't have a headache I could go to the party tonight___________

· If you were more self-disciplined you would have followed the doctor's directions____________

· If you had taken the pills yesterday, you wouldn't be coughing now______

· If you don't keep your feet warm, you will catch a bad cold_________

Fill in the gaps

· If you____(make) an appointment with the doctor yesterday, you____(feel) better

· Don't worry, the child ____(to be) cheerful if he____(to be) seriously ill.

· If I___(to be) you, I____(test) my blood pressure

· If you ____(to be) so absent-minded, you____(forget) to gargle the throat.

· If Mike____ (become) conscious you____(have) a chance to talk.

· If Ann____(eat) more fruit and vegetables, she____(have) a constipation.

· If Mike ____(to be operated) yesterday, he____(die) of bleeding.

· If she____( to have one's lungs X-rayed), she____(know) it was a cancer.

· If you____(follow) my directions, you___(recover) soon.

· If you____(drink) hot milk with honey yesterday, you____(cough) now.

Card Gr.1B

Read the sentences. Decide what conditions these sentences belong to. Choose and write down

· If you eat too much ice-cream when it's hot outside you're sure to become ill ______________

· If I get better I'll go for a walk _____________

· If there weren't anything radically wrong with me I wouldn't keep to a diet _______________

· If your friend had taken medicines yesterday he wouldn't have had complications ______________

· He would have participated in the conference if he hadn't fallen ill_______

· If she hadn't left the knife on the table the child wouldn't have cut his finger__________

· If I didn't have a headache I could go to the party tonight___________

· If you were more self-disciplined you would have followed the doctor's directions____________

· If you had taken the pills yesterday, you wouldn't be coughing now______

· If you don't keep your feet warm, you will catch a bad cold_________

Fill in the gaps

· If you____(make) an appointment with the doctor yesterday, you____(feel) better

· Don't worry, the child ____(to be) cheerful if he____(to be) seriously ill

· If I___(to be) you, I____(test) my blood pressure

· If you ____(to be) so absent-minded, you____(forget) to gargle the throat

· If Mike____ (become) conscious you____(have) a chance to talk

· If Ann____(eat) more fruit and vegetables, she____(have) a constipation

· If Mike ____(to be operated) yesterday, he____(die) of bleeding

· If she____( to have one's lungs X-rayed), she____(know) it was a cancer

· If you____(follow) my directions, you___(recover) soon

· If you____(drink) hot milk with honey yesterday, you____(cough) now

Paraphrase the sentences to make them hypothetic

Example: I have a fever. I can't help you about the house

(If I didn't have a fever, I could help you about the house)

· You eat too much ice-cream. You're sure to become ill.

· Consult the doctor and he will write out a sick leave for you.

· If you don't give up smoking, you will die of cancer

· There's something radically wrong with me. I need to keep to a diet

· I have to take this tonic twice a day before meals. I can't stop coughing

· You will catch a bad cold if you don't keep yourself warm

· If you don't keep off alcohol, you will have a lot of diseases

Card Gr.2A,B

Use `But for' and `If I were you' to complete the sentences (for gr.B only)

· ____I wouldn't attend fitness classes

· ____I wouldn't have eaten junk food when a child

· ____he would never consult the doctor

· ____I would keep fit

· ____she wouldn't have a bad headache

· ____interference, things should have looked very black indeed

· ____I would have gone to see a doctor

Work together. Fill in the gaps. St.A should choose the correct form or the verbs. St.B should complete the sentences. Check your results with your partners'



If she___the doc's advice, all will be fine with her.

If she follows the doc's advice,_____.

If you___so much in your childhood, you wouldn't be so fat now

If you hadn't eaten so much in your childhood,____.

If he___so stupid, he would call for an ambulance

If he weren't so stupid,_____.

But for his wife, he___hospitalised yesterday

___his wife, he wouldn't have been hospitalized yesterday

If I were you, I___have my chest X-rayed

___you, I'd have my chest X-rayed

If you___hot milk yesterday, you___(cough) now

You wouldn't be coughing now if you____yesterday.

Keep on working together. Make questions and answers, give advice using active vocabulary and 2 types of Cond.(real/unreal)

What would you do if… (your best friend has a bad cold or flu/you have a fever/you feel sick/ you have a sore throat/you feel dizzy/you friend has lost his consciousness)

If I were you, I would…But for…

Card Gr.1C

Read the sentences. Decide what conditions these sentences belong to. Choose and write down

· If you eat too much ice-cream when it's hot outside you're sure to become ill _______

· If I get better I'll go for a walk _____________

· If there weren't anything radically wrong with me I wouldn't keep to a diet _______

· If your friend had taken medicines yesterday he wouldn't have had complications ______________

· He would have participated in the conference if he hadn't fallen ill_______

· If she hadn't left the knife on the table the child wouldn't have cut his finger __________

· If I didn't have a headache I could go to the party tonight___________

· If you were more self-disciplined you would have followed the doctor's directions ____________

· If you had taken the pills yesterday, you wouldn't be coughing now__________

· If you don't keep your feet warm, you will catch a bad cold_________

Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences

· If you____ an appointment with the doctor yesterday, you____ better

· Don't worry, the child ____ cheerful if he____ seriously ill

· If I___ you, I____ my blood pressure

· If you ____ so absent-minded, you____ to gargle the throat

· If Mike____ conscious you____ a chance to talk

· If Ann____ more fruit and vegetables, she____ a constipation

· If Mike ____ yesterday, he____ of bleeding

· If she____, she____ it was a cancer

· If you____ my directions, you___soon

· If you____ hot milk with honey yesterday, you____ now

Paraphrase the sentences to make them hypothetic

Example: I have a fever. I can't help you about the house

(If I didn't have a fever, I could help you about the house)

· You eat too much ice-cream. You're sure to become ill.

· Consult the doctor and he will write out a sick leave for you.

· If you don't give up smoking, you will die of cancer

· There's something radically wrong with me. I need to keep to a diet

· I have to take this tonic twice a day before meals. I can't stop coughing

· You will catch a bad cold if you don't keep yourself warm

· If you don't keep off alcohol, you will have a lot of diseases

Card Gr.2C

Make Conditional sentences for each of the following situations.

Example: I felt sick. I went to bed early.

(If I hadn't felt sick, I wouldn't have gone to bed early)

I had a fever. I didn't go to the party

I was ill. I didn't participate in the conference

He didn't follow the doctor's advice. He is still ill

She didn't think the nurse would come. She threw the pills out

It was too stifling in the bus. The young woman lost her consciousness

The doctor wrote out a sick leave for me. I didn't go to school

What would you do if…

(your mother has a high blood pressure/you have insomnia/your sister has a bruise on her toe/you're highly stressed/ you have a diarrhea/a strong headache)

Remember to give a full answer, using all types of Cond.s-ces

Make short stories using constructions `But for', 'If I were you', all types of Cond. S-ces and the following situations

To have a sore throat/to sneeze and cough constantly/to have a headache/to have a fever/to see a doctor/to take medicines/to feel better

To have smth. wrong with one's lungs/heart/ to struggle for breathe/to be run down/to make an appointment with a doctor/to follow the doctor's directions/to keep fit/to keep off alcohol/to give up smoking/to keep to a diet/to take medicines/ to have one's blood pressure tested/to recover

To have pneumonia/to cough constantly/to have a fever/to see a doctor/there's nothing to worry about/to have a prescription made up/to have a mixture made up/ to take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals.

D: Reading

Card R.1(A)

Read the text. Think about the message of this extract. Discuss in pairs.

“ A Visit To The Doctor”

- Well, what's the matter with you, Mr. Walker?

- You'd better ask me what is not the matter with me, doctor. I seem to be laid up with all the illnesses imaginable: insomnia, headaches, backache, indigestion, constipation, and pains in the stomach. To make things still worse, I've caught a cold, I've got a sore throat and I'm constantly sneezing and coughing. To crown it all, I had an accident the other day, hurt my right shoulder, leg and knee, and nearly broke my neck. If I take a long walk, I struggle for breathe. In fact, I feel more dead than alive.

-I'm sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I hope things aren't as bad as you imagine. Let me examine you. Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be all right. Now open your mouth and show me your tongue. Now breath in deeply, through the nose…There's doesn't seem to be anything radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're run down, and if you don't take care of yourself, you may have a nervous breakdown and have to go to hospital. Everything that you need is just to follow my directions. First of all, stop worrying. Take a long rest, I'll write out a sick leave for you. Have regular meals, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and very little meat. Keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. Have this tonic made up and take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals and don't forget to test your blood pressure. If you do this, I can promise you full recovery within two or three months.

Match the highlighted word combinations with the correct definitions

1. To stay in bed because of a disease


2. A common infection


3. When your throat is red and it hurts when you talk or swallow food


4. To make a sudden expulsion of air from the nose and mouth due to irritation of one's nostrils


5. To expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound


6. To catch a breath convulsively


7. To observe a patient


8. To make a deep breath


9. When smth. is incorrect


10. Exhausted


11. a period of mental illness resulting from severe depression, stress, or anxiety


12. to do everything you were told to do


13. leave of absence granted because of illness


14. to eat healthy


15. to give up drinking alcohol


16. to prepare medicines


17. to measure your blood pressure


Card R.2(A)

Think if these statements are true/false. Choose and tick

· Mr. Walker believed he had a lot of diseases___T/F_

· Mr. Walker complained about hurting his left shoulder___T/F__

· Mr. Walker caught a cold and his nose was running___T/F__

· The doctor didn't want to examine him___T/F__

· The doctor didn't find any fatal disease___T/F_

· Mr. Walker had a high risk of having a nervous breakdown___T/F__

· The doctor wasn't mind if the patient would keep on smoking__T/F__

· The doctor prescribed to have tonic 3 times a day after meals__T/F___

Read the text once again. Write down your notes. Discuss with the partner.


Exam. procedure


You are going to read these extracts. Work in pairs. Student 1 reads the 1st extract, student 2 - the 2nd. Take turns to tell each other each other the main idea of your texts

“The Health Service”

The level of medical service both in GB and the US is very high. Every employed citizen is obliged to pay weekly a certain amount of money to the National Health Service. The sum necessary to run medical services is very big and a large part of it comes not from weekly forms payment but from taxes Various forms of Medical Insurance are widespread in these countries.

Everything is paid. For example, in US if you turn to a city hospital, you should pay at least $50. Separately you will pay for a consultation, minimum $50-60 for a visit. A medicine will cost you another minimum $15-20. You should take a prescription for purchase of many drugs in American drugstores.

However you can take medical service free of charge in medical institutions attached to different charity and religious organizations. Thus, the National Health Servise (NHS),UK, provides free medical treatment for visitors from EU and Commonwealth countries and to visitors from other countries with reciprocal health arrangements An NHS prescription costs Ј5.25 at present

Card R.3(A)

“Your Doctor and the Pills You Do not Need”

Britain hypochondriacs are increasing so rapidly that Health Servise prescriptions are rising by huge amount a year and 4,000 million aspirin tablets are being bought over the chemist's countries.

To find out the solution to the above problem, the case record of more than 500 hypochondriacs attending different hospitals have been studied. The commonest symptom of the hypochondriac is not fear of pain, but genuine pain itself, which can be just as unpleasant whether imaginary or touched off by organic disoder

Doctors conclude in this report that though those persons are real enough there's no such disease as hypochondria. Contrary to previous belief, compulsive pill swallowing turned out to be as common among men as with women.

Many hypochondriacs don't want to be deprived of their obsession They know they will miss the sympathy of the doctors, the pleasure of trying out new pill, and the fascination of taking about their fears and ilnesses.

The risk of adverse reactions of any drug was always present but in the past much had been left to chance in the hope that such effects would be reported by people who took the preparation.

There's also a good deal of trouble from injudicious and sometimes excessive prescribing. This includes the taking of drugs prescribed for somebody else. Besides many patients, particularly people overseas, were using drugs many years after they had been made.

After listening your partner's brief summary of his/her extract, make 5 questions to each text and share them with the rest of your subgroup to answer.

Card R.1(B)

Read the text. Answer the following questions

· Describe the way the doc examined Mr. Walker

· What Mr. Walker was suffering from?

· What directions the doc gave him?

“A Visit To The Doctor”

- Well, what's the matter with you, Mr. Walker?

- You'd better ask me what is not the matter with me, doctor. I seem to be laid up with all the illnesses imaginable: insomnia, headaches, backache, indigestion, constipation, and pains in the stomach. To make things still worse, I've caught a cold, I've got a sore throat and I'm constantly sneezing and coughing. To crown it all, I had an accident the other day, hurt my right shoulder, leg and knee, and nearly broke my neck. If I take a long walk, I struggle for breathe. In fact, I feel more dead than alive.

-I'm sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I hope things aren't as bad as you imagine. Let me examine you. Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be all right. Now open your mouth and show me your tongue. Now breath in deeply, through the nose…There's doesn't seem to be anything radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're run down, and if you don't take care of yourself, you may have a nervous breakdown and have to go to hospital. Everything that you need is just to follow my directions. First of all, stop worrying. Take a long rest, I'll write out a sick leave for you. Have regular meals, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and very little meat. Keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. Have this tonic made up and take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals and don't forget to test your blood pressure. If you do this, I can promise you full recovery within two or three months.

Fill in the table


Doc's directions

What would you do…

Use the highlighted word combinations to make your own sentences. Remember to use all types of Conditions, “But for”, “If I were you”

Card R.2(B)

You are going to read these extracts. Work in pairs. Student 1 reads the 1st extract, student 2 - the 2nd. Take turns to tell each other each other the main idea of your texts

“The Health Service”

The level of medical service both in GB and the US is very high. Every employed citizen is obliged to pay weekly a certain amount of money to the National Health Service. The sum necessary to run medical services is very big and a large part of it comes not from weekly forms payment but from taxes Various forms of Medical Insurance are widespread in these countries.

Everything is paid. For example, in US if you turn to a city hospital, you should pay at least $50. Separately you will pay for a consultation, minimum $50-60 for a visit. A medicine will cost you another minimum $15-20. You should take a prescription for purchase of many drugs in American drugstores.

However you can take medical service free of charge in medical institutions attached to different charity and religious organizations. Thus, the National Health Service (NHS),UK, provides free medical treatment for visitors from EU and Commonwealth countries and to visitors from other countries with reciprocal health arrangements An NHS prescription costs Ј5.25 at present

“Your Doctor and the Pills You Do not Need”

Britain hypochondriacs are increasing so rapidly that Health Service prescriptions are rising by huge amount a year and 4,000 million aspirin tablets are being bought over the chemist's countries.

To find out the solution to the above problem, the case record of more than 500 hypochondriacs attending different hospitals have been studied. The commonest symptom of the hypochondriac is not fear of pain, but genuine pain itself, which can be just as unpleasant whether imaginary or touched off by organic disoder

Doctors conclude in this report that though those persons are real enough there's no such disease as hypochondria. Contrary to previous belief, compulsive pill swallowing turned out to be as common among men as with women.

Many hypochondriacs don't want to be deprived of their obsession They know they will miss the sympathy of the doctors, the pleasure of trying out new pill, and the fascination of taking about their fears and illnesses.

The risk of adverse reactions of any drug was always present but in the past much had been left to chance in the hope that such effects would be reported by people who took the preparation.

There's also a good deal of trouble from injudicious and sometimes excessive prescribing. This includes the taking of drugs prescribed for somebody else. Besides many patients, particularly people overseas, were using drugs many years after they had been made.

Answer the following questions:

· Where does the money on Health Service come from?

· How much is a simple visit to a doctor?

· What names of illnesses do you know?

· What is hypochondria?

· What is the danger of taking pills you don't need ?

Explain the meaning of the highlighted words

Card R.1(C)

Read the text. Do tasks below

“A Visit To The Doctor”

-Well, what's the matter with you, Mr. Walker?

- You'd better ask me what is not the matter with me, doctor. I seem to be laid up with all the illnesses imaginable: insomnia, headaches, backache, indigestion, constipation, and pains in the stomach. To make things still worse, I've caught a cold, I've got a sore throat and I'm constantly sneezing and coughing. To crown it all, I had an accident the other day, hurt my right shoulder, leg and knee, and nearly broke my neck. If I take a long walk, I struggle for breathe. In fact, I feel more dead than alive.

-I'm sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I hope things aren't as bad as you imagine. Let me examine you. Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be all right. Now open your mouth and show me your tongue. Now breath in deeply, through the nose…There's doesn't seem to be anything radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're run down, and if you don't take care of yourself, you may have a nervous breakdown and have to go to hospital. Everything that you need is just to follow my directions. First of all, stop worrying. Take a long rest, I'll write out a sick leave for you. Have regular meals, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and very little meat. Keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. Have this tonic made up and take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals and don't forget to test your blood pressure. If you do this, I can promise you full recovery within two or three months.

Choose the correct answer

When Mr. Walker came to see the doctor he was:

A-anxious and bewildered

B-happy and excited

C-indifferent. It was just a common visit

The patient…

A-was drawing things too black

B-was describing the real symptoms he had

C-was lying to get a benefit from the situation

The doctor believed Mr. Walker health problem was connected with:

A-the high level of blood pressure

B-abuse of smoking and drinking alcohol

C-a terrible stress

To be run down means:

A-fatigued and completely exhausted

B-full of energy

C-depressive and sad

Work in pairs. Use the highlighted word combinations to write Conditional sentences

Card R.2(C)

You are going to read these extracts. Work in pairs. Student 1 reads the 1st extract, student 2 - the 2nd. Take turns to tell each other each other the main idea of your texts. Find the synonyms for the highlighted words

“The Health Service”

The level of medical service both in GB and the US is very high. Every employed citizen is obliged to pay weekly a certain amount of money to the National Health Service. The sum necessary to run medical services is very big and a large part of it comes not from weekly forms payment but from taxes Various forms of Medical Insurance are widespread in these countries.

Everything is paid. For example, in US if you turn to a city hospital, you should pay at least $50. Separately you will pay for a consultation, minimum $50-60 for a visit. A medicine will cost you another minimum $15-20. You should take a prescription for purchase of many drugs in American drugstores.

However you can take medical service free of charge in medical institutions attached to different charity and religious organizations. Thus, the National Health Service (NHS),UK, provides free medical treatment for visitors from EU and Commonwealth countries and to visitors from other countries with reciprocal health arrangements An NHS prescription costs Ј5.25 at present

“Your Doctor and the Pills You Do not Need”

Britain hypochondriacs are increasing so rapidly that Health Service prescriptions are rising by huge amount a year and 4,000 million aspirin tablets are being bought over the chemist's countries.

To find out the solution to the above problem, the case record of more than 500 hypochondriacs attending different hospitals have been studied. The commonest symptom of the hypochondriac is not fear of pain, but genuine pain itself, which can be just as unpleasant whether imaginary or touched off by organic disoder

Doctors conclude in this report that though those persons are real enough there's no such disease as hypochondria. Contrary to previous belief, compulsive pill swallowing turned out to be as common among men as with women.

Many hypochondriacs don't want to be deprived of their obsession They know they will miss the sympathy of the doctors, the pleasure of trying out new pill, and the fascination of taking about their fears and illnesses.

The risk of adverse reactions of any drug was always present but in the past much had been left to chance in the hope that such effects would be reported by people who took the preparation.

There's also a good deal of trouble from injudicious and sometimes excessive prescribing. This includes the taking of drugs prescribed for somebody else. Besides many patients, particularly people overseas, were using drugs many years after they had been made.

Work together. Discuss the following:

compare the level of medical service in GB,US and Russia

the difference between free and paid medical services (advantages/disadvantages)

Where does the money on Health Service come from?

How much is a simple visit to a doctor?

What names of illnesses do you know?

What is hypochondria?

What is the danger of taking pills you don't need ?

E: Listening

Card L. 1(A)

Listen to the dialogue “ What is an Acupuncture Treatment Like” and answer the following questions:

· What is an Acupuncture Treatment Like?

· What does the doctor use for curing patients?

· Has Samantha ever tried this method to get rid of her disease before?

· What part of body did the doctor examine first?

· What result did the patient get?

Use these extracts to reconstruct the chronology of the dialogue

Anxiety and depression

It got so bad that it start effect me physically To use sb. as a human being cushion./ I used to be like you /What are you for?


Ok, great. So, could I look at your tongue?

There's nothing to worry about.

We use needles only once

Everything's going to be great

Pay attention and take care

There's nothing to be scary of

How have you been feeling?

When I had a period I felt a little bad.

Back pain, cramping and my mood was really low

Your tongue is pretty pale, your pulse is weak

You have what we call in Chinese medicine `blood deficiency'

It's not terrible, but every time you lose blood your symptoms are getting worse.

Complete the sentences

· Pay _____and take_____.

· I'll be with you in just _______minutes

· It got so bad that it start effect me__________

· So, did she do some ______stuff?

· Just go ahead and stick ____your tongue

· I'm not a _______ but most of people ask me about it

· Take a deep _______in

· There's nothing to be ______of

Card L. 1(B)

Listen to the dialogue “ What is an Acupuncture Treatment Like” and answer the following questions:

What problem did Samantha have?

What did the doctor examine the patient's tongue for?

What things shouldn't you do before going to the Acupuncture session?

How many times can the doctor use the needles?

What diagnosis had the 1st patient?

How was called a special channel the doctor was going to work with?

Discuss in pairs:

How do you understand the phrase `To use sb. as a human being cushion?'

Are you for or against alternative medicine? Why?

If you had an anxiety or depression what would you do?

Complete the sentences

Why is she staring at my__________.

I wonder if she can see____________ I had this morning.

I wonder if ______are clean.

A big thick needle's _________in my body. What the hell my thinking?!

All the needles we use here are__________.

I'm not a mind-reader but most of people ask about it. Take a deep_____.

Just go ahead and _______your tongue___.

Extra task

Make dialogues using the phrases over. Work in mixed groups.

Card L. 1(C)

Listen to the dialogue “ What is an Acupuncture Treatment Like” and answer the following questions:

What problem did the 1st patient have:

anxiety and depression

women's stuff

low blood pressure

The main reason why the doc examined the patient's tongue was:

she was curious

it was the old Chinese tradition

it was the only muscle not covered in skin

You shouldn't do before going to the Acupuncture session:


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