Технология разноуровневого обучения иностранного языка

Психологические особенности взрослого возраста при обучении иностранным языкам, определение причин неуспешности. Характеристика методик обеспечения разноуровневого обучения. Анализ учебного комплекса по английскому языку для работы во взрослой аудитории.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид дипломная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 10.02.2017
Размер файла 2,0 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

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to be worried

drink tea or coffee

The patient was worrying if:

the needles were disposable

the doctor washed her hands

she might be infected

The patient felt well except having:

A headache, fever and cramping in her back

A backache and bad mood

A stomachache, vomiting and cramps

`The Sea of Blood' means:

the exact quantity of donor blood she needs to be ok

a TV channel she has to watch to feel better

energy channel in the human's body

Complete the sentences

Is she gonna use me as a ___________?

What are you for? ______________.

It got so bad that it start effect me__________

So, did she do some ______stuff?

Just go ahead and ______your tongue

I'm not a _______ but most of people ask me about it

Take a deep _______.

There's nothing ________.

In Chinese medicine the reason we look at the tongue is because it's ____________________and we can easily see ___________________.

Card L.2 (C)

The next time you come for Acupuncture if you ________________coffee or tee before your coming that ____________.

All the needles we use here are _________.

You have what we call in Chinese medicine _______________.

We are going to work with a channel called _______________. It's one of the ____________________.

Talk about the patient's inner thoughts and fears using the prompts below

I wonder if/ coffee/ needles/the way she does it/ mouth/to stare at/ to pierce in

Make dialogues using the phrases over. Work in mixed groups.

F: Speaking

Card D. 1A (Карусель)

Play the role game “You are a doc”. Use the following information



Name: Gertruda Zukermann

Age: 50

Symptoms: high blood pressure (150/100)/ headache/sickness/ dizziness

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis________

Give directions using `should': take pills twice a day before meals/ less meat, alcohol and fat/more fruit, vegetables, walks outside

Name: Anna Schneider

Age: 25

Symptoms: headache/ fever/sore throat/constantly sneezing, coughing and sweating/your nose is running

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis__________

Give directions using `should': drink more liquids/stay in bed for few days/ take medicines/ gargle one's throat/ keep to a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables/take vitamins

Name: Vladimir Ivanov

Age: 36

Symptoms: stomachache/vomiting/sickness/

headache/fever/ diarrhea

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis__________

Give directions using `should': have tonic made up and take 2 tablespoonfuls 3 times a day before meals/ stay in bed/ keep to a special diet of rice/exclude dairy products/

Name: Andrey Khabenko

Age: 30

Symptoms: red eyes/ strong headache/ vomiting/ difficult to breathe in/ insomnia

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis__________ (hangover)

Give directions using `should': take aspirin/ drink more liquid/ stay in bed for few days/ keep off alcohol/keep to a diet/take vitamins

Card D. 2А (Карусель)

Name: Olga Ivanovna

Age: 65

Symptoms: pain in one's chest/struggle for breathe/ headache/ backache/

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis_____________

Give directions using `should': test blood pressure/ have one's chest X-rayed/ have a long rest/ stop worrying/ take prescribed medicines

Name: Anton Smirnov

Age: 27

Symptoms: rash/ fever/stomachache/headache/difficult to breathe in

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis________(allergy to..)

Give directions using `should': Take medicines/ have a rest/ drink much liquid/ stop worrying and have one's blood tested

Card D.1B (Карусель )

Play the role game “You are a doc”. Use the following information



Name: Valentin Nechaev

Age: 42

Your diagnosis is flu. Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing/ But for

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis________

Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Name: Marina Pavlova

Age: 17

Your diagnosis is food poisoning. Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis________

Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Name: Anton Talanov

Age: 31

Your diagnosis is cold. Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis________

Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Name: Arina Tarasenko

Age: 33

Your diagnosis is pneumonia. Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis________

Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Name: Maria Koltasheva

Age: 20

Your diagnosis is nervous breakdown. Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis________

Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Name: Ivan Mordvinov

Age: 50

Your diagnosis is diarrhea. Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Set diagnosis________

Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Card D. 1C (Карусель )

Play the role game “You are a doc”. Use the following information



Name: Michael Petrov

Age: 22

Yr disease is pneumonia

Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for, all types of Cond. S-ces

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Fill in the Patient's Card






Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Name: Natalia Sidorova

Age: 39

Yr disease is insomnia

Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for, all types of Cond. S-ces

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Fill in the Patient's Card






Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Card D. 2C (Карусель)



Name: Gleb Romanenko

Age: 24

Yr disease is asthma

Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for, all types of Cond. S-ces

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Fill in the Patient's Card






Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Name: Natalia Didkovskaya

Age: 35

Yr disease is indigestion

Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for, all types of Cond. S-ces

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Fill in the Patient's Card






Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Card D. 3C (Карусель)



Name: Oleg Pasmenko

Age: 29

Yr disease is food poisoning

Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for, all types of Cond. S-ces

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Fill in the Patient's Card






Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

Name: Evgeniy Purtov

Age: 36

Yr disease is flu

Keep it in secret and explain your symptoms using phrases: I seem to be laid down with/I have smth wrong with/I constantly+V+ing, But for, all types of Cond. S-ces

Ask about Name, Age and Complains

Fill in the Patient's Card






Give directions using `should'.

Remember to use phrases: let me examine you/ breathe in deeply through the nose/ there's nothing to worry about/ask if the patient needs a sick leave/ take this pills, tonic 1-3 times a day before or after meals

Remember to use Conditional s-ces

G: Discussion

Card Sp. 1

Speak about the Alternative Medicine

Choose and prove

- Alternative medicine is the safest way to treat diseases

- Alternative medicine is a thing of the past. Nowadays there're more effective ways to treat diseases

- It's wise to use both traditional and alternative medicine to get the better result

- Alternative medicine can lead to fatal consequences when it is used for curing

seriously ill patients

- It's dangerous to trust incompetent people

- Alternative medicine can be the last hope for many people. They catch at a straw by using these methods

- Alternative methods can be used by those who have allergy to syntactic medicines

- Alternative medicine medicine makes life longer

- Alternative medicine is based on herbal stuff-no chemical addings

- Alternative medicine is always an individual approach to each person

- Alternative medicine heals the matter of diseases - not the consequences.

Card Sp.2

Use these word combinations to make utterances

Expressing Yourself

Asking for an Opinion

Giving examples

Giving reasons

In my opinion…

I think…

Personally, I think…

I am opposed to…/I am (not) in favor of…

First of all,


Most importantly…

Above all,

As far as I know

On the one hand… On the other hand

Let me explain why I think that.

The reason I think that is….

Don't you agree that…?

What's your view?

What's your position on…?

What's your opinion about (on)…?

I'd be interested in knowing your thoughts on….

Do you agree? Do you disagree?

For example...

To give a few examples...

A perfect example of this is...

Let me give you an example (anecdote) that perfectly illustrates this (this point /this problem/ this situation).

The reason I say that is…

One reason is that… another is that…

I say that because…

There are several reasons I believe this is this case.



Agreeing Partially


Basically, what I'm trying to say is…

To sum up…

To put it in a nutshell

I agree completely.

I'm in total agreement with that…

I agree a (one) hundred percent.

You're (absolutely) right.

You couldn't be more right about that.

That's right on the money.

I think you nailed it.

Spot on! (British)



That makes (total, complete) sense.

That's (totally, completely) logical.

Good point!

That's an excellent

I agree in part….

That's partially correct…

I think that's right, except for the idea that…

I don't really disagree with your main point, but I would say that…

I don't agree.

I don't agree at all.

I completely disagree.

I respect your opinion, but…

I understand what you are saying, but in my opinion…

That doesn't make any sense (at all).

You're wrong (about that/ on that point).

H: Individual Tasks

Индивидуальная карта по фонетике № 1

Pronounce the following sounds. Practice them by repeating the given words.

[?] [?] [и]

jazz judge original operation shy conscious think health both

Pronounce and drill

e) If you are ?ealous you can't be ?enerous - ?ealousy is an ori?inal sin.

f) They want to give me an injec?on before the opera?on, I feel so an?ous to lose my con?ousness, so I'm ?ocked.

g) Boи friends of mine are healиy-that's true. They have no problems with teeи

Read the following transcriptions

a) [?n'?ek?(?)n]

b) [??nd?'?es?(?)n]

c) ['иer?p?st]

d) ['helи?]

Fill in the gaps

a) In[..]ection (j)

b) Pre[..]ure (ss)

c) Indi[..]estion (g)

d) Too[]……………………..(th)

Индивидуальная карта по фонетике № 2

Pronounce the given sound. Practice it by repeating words below.


Boи Tooи Healи иink иick иunder иree иerapist

Read and drill

a) Boи friends of mine are healиy-that's true. They have no problems with teeи

b) Иink about your healи until it's too late

c) I am obsessed - my иoughts like иree trains are иundering иrough the night..I need to turn to psychoиerapist

Read the following words correctly

Health, teeth, , therapist, ophthalmologist, throat

Find mistakes

[р'?nd?], ['иer?p?st], ['helр?], [р'?nd?]

Think up words with the required sounds, compare them. Fill in the table



Индивидуальная карта по лексике №1

Match the following symptoms and pictures

rash constipation indigestion fever sore throat

Match the sentences

1. She has a sore throa A. He is all covered with red spots

2. He's got an indigestion B. It hurts when she eats or swallows food

3. He's got a constipation C. He ate too much food

4. He's got a fever D. He's spent 2 hours sitting on the toilet sink

5. He's got a rash E. He's got a high temperature

Fill in the gaps

1. She drank too much cold water yesterday, so now she has a __________.

2. He's ill. He's got a chicken-pox. All his body is covered with _________.

3. He ate a cow, he ate a calf, he ate a butcher and a half and now he's complaining about having an _____________.

4. He spent 2 hours sitting on the toilet sink with a hope…He's got a ______.

5. The kid was constantly coughing and sneezing, had a _________, 39,9.

Индивидуальная карта по грамматике №1.

Read the sentences. Decide what conditions these sentences belong to. Choose and write down

· If you eat too much ice-cream when it's hot outside you're sure to become ill _________

· If I get better I'll go for a walk _____________

· If there weren't anything radically wrong with me I wouldn't keep to a diet __________

· If your friend had taken medicines yesterday he wouldn't have had complications _____

· He would have participated in the conference if he hadn't fallen ill_______

· If she hadn't left the knife on the table the child wouldn't have cut his finger__________

Fill in the gaps

· If you____(make) an appointment with the doctor yesterday, you____(feel) better

· Don't worry, the child ____(to be) cheerful if he____(to be) seriously ill

· If I___(to be) you, I____(test) my blood pressure

· If you ____(to be) so absent-minded, you____(forget) to gargle the throat

· If Mike____ (become) conscious you____(have) a chance to talk

· If Ann____(eat) more fruit and vegetables, she____(have) a constipation

· If Mike ____(to be operated) yesterday, he____(die) of bleeding

· If she____( to have one's lungs X-rayed), she____(know) it was a cancer

· If you____(follow) my directions, you___(recover) soon

· If you____(drink) hot milk with honey yesterday, you____(cough) now.

Paraphrase the sentences to make them hypothetic

Example: I have a fever. I can't help you about the house

(If I didn't have a fever, I could help you about the house)

· You eat too much ice-cream. You're sure to become ill.

· Consult the doctor and he will write out a sick leave for you.

· If you don't give up smoking, you will die of cancer

· There's something radically wrong with me. I need to keep to a diet

· I have to take this tonic twice a day before meals. I can't stop coughing

· You will catch a bad cold if you don't keep yourself warm

· If you don't keep off alcohol, you will have a lot of diseases

Use `But for' and `If I were you' to complete the sentences

· I wouldn't attend fitness classes

· ____I wouldn't have eaten junk food when a child

· ____he would never consult the doctor

· ____I would keep fit

· ____she wouldn't have a bad headache

· ____interference, things should have looked very black indeed

· ____I would have gone to see a doctor

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