Features of the use of non-literary language

Definition and types of non-literary vocabulary of the English language. Differences between colloquialism, slang, and jargon. Features of functioning of non-literary language in American, Canadian, Australian, Scottish, Irish and New Zealand English.

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Язык английский
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Very often in Scotland instead of the usual British `'I'm not'' be heard `'I amn't''. Scots like to replace the English to no particle not or, more often, on nae (ne). Such designs as dinnae (do not), cannae (cannot), willnae (will not), typical of the conversation and you can hear them in any part of Scotland (Arango 27, 45).

Many Scottish dialects, as well as in the dialects of Northern Ireland, in the first and second person singular and the third person plural verbs ending s used to say about the action happened in the past, in the present tense.

I goes along the river and I sees this squirrel hiding behind a tree. - I was walking along the river and saw a squirrel was hiding behind a tree.

The pronoun `'those'' in Scotland is often replaced by `'they''.

Look at they shoes! - Look at those shoes!

If we are talking about things that are at a considerable distance from the speaker, `'yon'' can be used instead of `'that''.

Many Scots words and expressions are known worldwide. For example, aye (yes), ken (know), youse (you), greet (cry), kirk (church), breeks (trousers), lassie (girl) bairn (child), flit (permanent change of residence) bonny (beautiful), chap (knock), bide (wait) and pinkie (little finger). Once in Scotland, you can also hear `'How not?'' Instead of `'Why not?'', `'I'm away to my bed'' instead of `'I'm going to bed'', `'I fear that it will rain" instead of "I think it unlikely that it will rain'' (Arango, 27, 122).

Features Scottish English is very often determined by the region in which it is spoken. In Las-Vegas, for example, children do not tell `'bairns'', and `'weans''. In the northern part of the country the word "lassie" replace `'quine'', and the English word `'who'' and `'what'' - `'fa'' and ''it''. In Dundee with `'aye' likely to say `'eh''. In Orkney and Shetland so generally makes itself known Norwegian history, which has become an inexhaustible source of dialectical words and expressions: a snowdrift in Shetland say `'faans'', and the inhabitants of Orkney came up even their names for the two seal species that live in their breadth - `'haaf-fish'' and `'tang-fish''.

Irish English version, for example, has introduced such words as blarney - flattery, bog - bog, shamrock - trefoil and whiskey - whiskey.

2.2.5 Features of functioning of non-literary English language of New Zealand

New Zealand English is often called Kiwi. Kiwi Slang mainly used colloquially New Zealanders and artfully blends European heritage with the Maori language, the language of the indigenous population has long been living on this land. Do not confuse kiwi. Australian slang, but many expressions of the New Zealand dialect has long been included not only an assize, but also in everyday British and American speech - and hardly anyone remembers their true origin. (Axtell Roger 28, 101)

Greet a friend or just a good man in New Zealand can be exclaiming `'Gidday Mate!'' (Gidday - is a short of the good day, mate -. Friend) or absolutely local `'Kira Ora!'' (The equivalent of Hello friend is Maori!). Synonyms of the word `'mate'' in the kiwi are also `'cuz'' or `'bro''. However, if you hear `'Good on ya mate!'', Do not just take it as a compliment to his address, as in New Zealand, this expression can be understood in two ways. And while the first value it truly positive, the second meaning is response to what you have said or done folly.

One of the most common kiwi `'bugger'' ordinary Englishman or an American might seem rude and offensive, but in New Zealand, this word does not mean anything bad. This word in the most different variations used in everyday speech, it can even be heard in the New Zealand Advertising Toyota vehicles. If you are a bit tired or feeling unwell, you can safely say `'I'm buggered''. `'Bugger off'' means `'go away'', `'well, bugger me'' or `'bugger my days'' - a common reaction to something unexpected and `'buggered if I know'' means confusion when confronted with some completely incomprehensible to you the situation or unsolvable dilemma. (Dresser 29, 304)

When the New Zealander in good spirits, he expresses this by saying `'she'll be right, mate'' (everything will be fine!), although in general it is not known who this `'she''. Due to the calm and good-natured character of New Zealand in response to a request for service, you are sure to hear `'no worries'' or `'not a problem'', but a person with unstable mentality kiwis with hostility say `'a sandwich short of a picnic'' or `'a tinny short of a six pack `'.

The kiwi slang there are so many synonyms for a woman - `'sheila'', `'bird'', `'chick'' (in relation to someone's girlfriend), or `'the old lady'' (if we are talking about someone's mother or wife). Male New Zealanders call `'bloke'' or `'the old man'', but about the children say, for sure, `'ankle-biters'' or `'porridge-eaters''.

A typical expression of approval or consent of the kiwi is `'Neat'', and if you want to express your enthusiasm for something better, instead of `'great'' to use `'Sweeet!''. Do not worry if some of the New Zealanders suddenly call you `'you little beauty'' or `'you little ripper'', which means only that you have them with something very impressed or they like. If they find you amusing, they probably call you `'dag'', and if the silly and ridiculous - `'Wally''.(Dresser 29, 78)


Under the culture of verbal communication to understand highly developed ability to communicate respectively standards, historically the language communities, taking into account the psychological mechanisms of influence on the destination, as well as using linguistic tools and methods for the implementation of this communication in order to achieve the greatest planned pragmatic result. The set of language / linguistic competence, communicative and rhetorical competence serves as a prerequisite for a culture of verbal communication.

Throughout history, mankind has been different cultures created a huge amount of a variety of standards of behavior and communication. Different standards have different degrees of influence and importance in people's behavior, and those who have gained the greatest influence, became generally accepted.

Taboo is the prohibition arising in the sphere of public life at different stages of development of society. In a civilized society taboo reason may be censored, so the proper names of countries, cities are replaced by letters or their names. Another source of taboo words in a civilized environment is etiquette, fear of rough or obscene phrases.

Taboo is word - a word that is banned for use in a public place. Most often it is understood as gross, vulgar word such as obscene, but society, as a rule, the whole taboo topic.

Lexical means of ethical and stylistic Reduced usually have an assessment and derogatory use and overall negative expression, but qualitatively different from abusive and obscene: the words are not perceived as vulgar dysphemism and give a speech color familiarity, though, of course, there are borderline cases, when a lot depends on the scope of the use of a particular word, complicated by social values, emotional and stylistic coloring, context, genre works and many extra-linguistic factors.

In English, there is taboo for a number of linguistic forms, which value is related to the excretory function, as well as some forms of which are values of procreation - forms he calls obscene. In a society fluctuates severity of the ban on so-called rules of propriety to the unconditional and complete taboo, which are unlike anything indecent obscene form.

Subject-logical meaning of taboo can be transferred to any medical or legal terms or expressions, partially preserving the character of the term, or literary-standard expression, which is a euphemism, stylistically neutral synonymous with taboo and Deputy professionally determinate term or word -taboo or dysphemism. If the term expression, partially preserving the character of the term, and in the use of euphemism in speech and literature retain their direct subject-logical value, the word taboo - and this is especially important to emphasize - usually loses the direct subject-logical meaning and is used primarily, because of its negative connotations.

In English-speaking countries are now significant parts of the `'non-print'' of lexical formation, so to speak, `'came out in the press.'' Modern novels, short stories, poems dedicated to the present day, is literally awash with words, which only recently has carefully avoided or, at the very least, was designated the first and last letters.

When transferring a non-standard language has to adhere to, basically, two directions - or to look for a similar Russian having approximately the same expressiveness, or follow the path of interpretation and explanation of the values, that is, to use a descriptive reception transfer.

Most important in this case is represent the `'background knowledge'' of slang, that is, information on the situation of use of the corresponding the language. This information, unfortunately, is still very weak reflection in modern bilingual dictionaries. All this somewhat complicates the work of professional translators.


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