Let’s get down to business English

A feature of studying this perfect period. Analysis of the passive voice structures. Characteristics of participles and participial constructions. The essence of complex forms of time. Definition of derivatives and lungs for the confusion of words.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык английский
Дата добавления 10.08.2017
Размер файла 1,3 M

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Let's get down to business English

Овладеваем фоновыми знаниями

Минск «Тесей» 2000

УДК 802.0 (075.32) ББК 81.2Англ-9 М31


зав. филологическим отделением Минского государственного педагогического колледжа № 1 В.А. Тарасевич, преподаватель английского языка Минского государственного педагогического колледжа № 1 Н.Б. Артеменкова, кафедра романо-германских языков филологического факультета Белорусского государственного университета, зав. кафедрой, д-р пед. наук, проф. Н.Н. Нижнева кафедра иностранных языков Барановичского государственного педагогического колледжа


Алексей Бушкин

Маслов Ю.В.

М31 Займемся деловым английским! Учеб. пособие: В 3 ч. Ч. 1. Овладеваем фоновыми знаниями.-- Мн.: Тесей, 2000.-- 128 с.

ISBN 985-6454-28-Х.

Настоящее учебное пособие -- это авторская разработка, которая представляет собой пошаговую систему заданий, позволяющую варьировать уровень трудности. Система упражнений для каждого урока способствует эффективному развитию навыков и умений в рецептивных, репродуктивных и творческих видах иноязычной речевой деятельности. Тестовые задания по аналогии с методикой TOEFL, а также оригинальный иллюстративный материал позволяют вести развивающее обучение на варьируемом уровне трудности.

Предназначено для учащихся средних специальных учебных заведений, учащихся гуманитарно-экономических классов средней школы, студентов вузов экономического профиля, а также для слушателей курсов и читателей, желающих повысить уровень знаний в деловом английском языке.

УДК 802.0 (075.32) ББК 81.2 Англ-9

© Маслов Ю.В., 2()(И) ISBN 985-6454-28-Х © Тесей, 2000


Готовя рукопись, автор не раз задавался вопросами о целях и содержании настоящего пособия. Аналогичные вопросы задаст и учитель, в руки которого попадет данная книга. Поэтому резонно задать их здесь и сейчас.

¦ В чем состоят преимущества данного пособия?

В первую очередь в том, что оно позволяет учителю последовательно совершенствовать основополагающие навыки обучаемых в чтении, говорении, аудировании (в процессе коллективного общения) и грамматике на базе тщательно отобранного, профессионально-ориентированного материала, включающего тексты, задания на основе текстов и тесты.

¦ Кто является "целевой аудиторией"?

Аудитория достаточно широка. Пособие эффективно использовалось в ходе практического преподавания в среднем специальном учебном заведении экономического профиля (при сетке 60 часов в семестр). Данное пособие может использоваться в высших учебных заведениях в процессе подготовки экономистов-менеджеров, специалистов по маркетингу и сходным специальностям (в зависимости от уровня языковой подготовки). Кроме того, пособие подходит для работы в старших классах лицеев, гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка (в особенности, если они занимаются в так называемых классах гуманитарно-экономического профиля). При целостной и последовательной проработке пособия материал изучается в течение не менее 200 учебных часов аудиторной работы.

¦ Но, вероятно, этот материал слишком специализированный ?

Ни в коей мере. Основная часть активного словаря представляет собой такую лексику, которая широко используется и в разговорном английском. Кстати, система упражнений обеспечивает высокий уровень повторяемости лексики, особенно в разделах Conversation и Discussion каждого урока.

¦ А что собой представляют основные тексты уроков?

Это аутентичные тексты из различных источников: от аналитической газетной статьи до солидной монографии. Адаптация осуществлялась автором с целью сохранения живого своеобразия каждого из текстов.

Материалы второй и третьей части пособия имеют более "теоретический" характер и взяты из таких серьезных изданий, как Principles and practice of marketing (David Jobber, 1995) или Consumer Behavior (William L.Wilkie, 1994).

¦ Судя no содержанию, каждый из уроков построен по единой схеме. Почему?

Причина очевидна. Автором предлагается использовать выверенную на практике пошаговую систему проработки каждой единицы материала (текста). Авторская разработка не является чем-то принципиально новым, так как все типы заданий известны. Разработка позволяет учителю использовать авторский алгоритм, обеспечивающий учащемуся с невысокой степенью обучаемости английскому языку минимально приемлемый уровень владения навыками в продуктивных видах речевой деятельности (разделы I-V каждого урока). При этом учащиеся с более высоким уровнем обучаемости смогут проявить свои возможности при выполнении разделов VI-VII. Общая структура работы над каждым регулярным уроком (1-3, 5-7 и т.д.) может выглядеть следующим образом:

Урок 1

Содержание работы

Домашнее задание



Шаг 1

Словарная работа I--II

Чтение 3.1; тест 1 А/В

Перевод текста


Шаг 2

Работа с текстом: 4.1-4.4

Работа на базе текста: 5.1- 5.4



Шаг 3

Общение на базе материала: 6.1-6.7




¦ Упражнения какого типа используются в пособии?

Представлены хорошо известные типы упражнений. В каждом уроке учитель найдет необходимый минимум заданий, позволяющих прямо и косвенно развивать навыки в продуктивных видах речевой деятельности.

Тестовые задания по проверке понимания прочитанного (Reading Comprehension) и грамматике (Structure & Written Expression) составлены с целью подготовить учащихся к выполнению тестов типа TOEFL.

Многочисленные задания раздела VI в каждом уроке открывают широкие возможности для организации различных форм общения на занятиях, а также для проектно-поисковой работы (задания типа Explore...)

¦ Однако акцент на грамматику в пособии представляется довольно слабым. Так ли это ?

Не совсем так. Данное пособие не предусматривает развития грамматических навыков в отрыве от изучаемого материала. Все важнейшие грамматические явления представлены в заданиях, основанных на прочитанном и "проговариваемом" учащимися материале. Нельзя сказать, что автор не делает акцента на определенных грамматических явлениях. Таковыми становятся в данном пособии навыки постановки всех типов вопросов, использования модальных глаголов и временных форм, характерных как для разговорной речи (the Simple Tenses, the Present Perfect Tense), так и для общения в сфере деловых контактов (например, the Passive Tenses). Особое внимание в первой части пособия уделено предупреждению и профилактике ошибок, характерных для русскоязычных обучаемых. Если учитель ощутит необходимость дополнительного грамматического тренинга, для этого легко можно использовать многочисленные грамматические пособия.

Достоинство упражнений и тестов настоящего пособия в том, что они точно увязаны с содержательным аспектом соответствующего урока.

¦ Неужели в пособии нет недостатков ?

Вне всякого сомнения, в нем есть что улучшать и совершенствовать. Это касается, например, более подробной разработки предтекстовых и послетекстовых заданий и др. Однако хотелось бы подчеркнуть, что пособие направлено на решение эвристических задач. Этим, на наш взгляд, объясняются как достоинства, так и недостатки данного издания.

¦ Поэтому возможно продолжение работы?

Именно так. Ввиду ограниченности объема данной книги автором исключен из публикации обширный материал для аудирования. Кстати, известные нам британские аудио- и видеокурсы делового английского языка довольно неплохо сочетаются с настоящим пособием и могут быть легко использованы в качестве существенного дополнения. Очевидно, что творчески работающий учитель внесет подобные дополнения к данному пособию самостоятельно.

На этом можно завершить нашу импровизированную пресс-конференцию. Дальнейшие вопросы могут возникать и успешно разрешаться в ходе практического использования данного пособия. Будем надеяться, что этот материал окажется хорошим подспорьем в работе преподавателей английского языка в самых различных учебных заведениях.

Автор выражает признательность доктору педагогических наук, профессору Н.Н.Нижневой, познакомившейся с пособием в рукописи и сделавшей ряд ценных замечаний;

доктору педагогических наук, профессору Е.И.Пассову, идеи которого стимулировали продолжение работы над пособием;

директору Барановичского негосударственного экономико-юридического техникума Г.Г.Соколу, оказывавшему постоянную поддержку в разработке материала;

студентам 692 и 713 групп БНЭЮТ, общение с которыми заставляло автора искать практические пути совершенствования методического комплекса.


This workbook was designed with several arguments in mind.

Firstly, Business English is becoming increasingly popular these days, yet there is no clear understanding of how to teach it effectively, esecially at intermediate level. There exists a gap between high-brow university menu and the chaff one sometimes might get at lower level.

Secondly, foreign-made (or foreign-borrowed) textbooks and workbooks abound, which can be and are being used in class today. However, seasoned teachers can't help feeling that these books fit a Kenian classroom environment as well as they fit a CIS classroom. That is why here in this country an educator might look forward to getting something home-made, provided that this something is quality stuff.

Thirdly, Business English is sometimes taught is such a way that it makes the subject appear to be different, if not uninviting, to the students who are not majoring in Economics, or Banking, or Management. Yet Business English remains, essentially, English. That is why it is not altogether wrong to start from the basics, both of the language itself and of business life, if one wants to master it.

The present workbook aims, somewhat ambitiously, to bridge these gaps.

The target audience is Intermediate and Upper Intermediate level students at teacher training colleges and schools. This workbook is the first step they can take obtaining some background knowledge of how business is effected. The two other parts of the workbook will follow, both being more specialized in character. The first part can also become helpful for students of Economics, Management or Marketing at schools of Business.

Working with each and every regular Unit (1-3, 5-7, 9-11), the teacher can realise a step-by-step program of classroom and out-of-class activities involving the class in language practice in various forms.

Traditional Language Focus is limited due to the high rate of wordstock repetition throughout the entire workbook.

All the basic texts (3.1) serve as starting points and are 100% authentic. They all are fit for skimming and scanning in class. Reading Comprehension tests are offered on the spot, TOEFL-style (3.2). More profound understanding comes with Exercises 4.1-4.4. This can be follwoed by written translation at home or writing the gist of the text (7.3).

Text-based activities (5.1-5.4) allow the student, without extra effort, to master unit vocabulary thus becoming ready for Discussion. The latter is most prominent (6.1-6.10) and is designed to facilitate the process of linguistic and socio-cultural competence of the students. It includes a plethora of exercises ranging from commonly used retelling to trendy research-and-report activities.

Grammar, many a teacher's hobbyhorse, is everywhere in the workbook. It may be viewed as an advantage that many grammar exercises are concerned with the mistakes generally made by the speakers of Russian. Some of the exercises (7.1 and 7.4) and all the mini-tests are normally independent texts fitting the unit discussion properly.

Revision units (4, 8,12) provide the teacher with an opportunity to expand the students' linguistic awareness by working with derivatives, easy-to-confuse and polysemantic words, as well as with some sayings. The discussion usually covers a wide range of notions and names mentioned in the preceding unit materials.

Some breaks are also served on the main menu. These include two poetical read-ins (Poets'Corner) and one listen-in (Music Box). They are supposed to contribute to the growth of generalist knowledge and can ignite more interest and motivation.

At teacher training colleges the workbook provides for intensive activities throughout one semestre (some 50-60 academic hours).

It was a pleasure to have engaged in this workbook's preparation. It is sincerely hoped that English teachers will share this pleasure and find this workbook helpful in a number of ways.

For the inspiration to improve the present workbook, thank you to Professor Efim PASSOV, who encouraged the author and showed many new approaches.

For support and criticism, thank you to Professor Natalya NIZHNEVA, who took pains to read the material and appreciated it.

For providing the conditions to test the materials in practice, thank you to Georgyi SOKOL, director of Baranovichi-based non-state college of Law and Economics.

Thank you to those students of the college who were so enthusiastic and eager to learn from this workbook: to Yulia PLOTNIKOVA, Elena KOPTEVA, Dina ALKHIMOVICH and many others.




to join joint efforts to sell

to found a company founder to buy

to produce production to drive

to appear appearance to build

to continue continuation to cost

to inspire inspiration to make

to maintain (standards) maintenance

to establish (a reputation) established logo

to innovate innovative spirit

to be proud of pride production line

to design designer product

technique technical quality

technology technological know-how


2.1 Choose according to the definition

h 1) to make various products

2) to form a company

3) to bring new ideas into practice

4) the emblem of a company

5) to make people enthusiastic

6) to look like

7) to put something together

8) an assembly line

9) an established reputation

10) a technique

2.2 Translate paying attention to sentence beginnings

There are many products sold on the local market.

There are businesspeople whom we are proud of.

There is no company established by foreign firms.

There appeared a lot of small sales companies.

There was no spirit of innovation in his work.

They were proud of their efforts to maintain high quality.

There wasn't anybody to continue this work.

There is no logo of the producer on this product.

There were wonderful designs at that display.

They were building the company office block.

There will appear new techniques in the near future, I think.

Their new logo will become as fa mil liar as the old one.


3.1 Read and answer the question

What is the key principle that Chevrolet bases itself upon?


The year 1997 marked Chevrolet's 85th year of building and selling automotive products. Over that time Americans bought more Chevrolets than any other make. When it was first incorporated, the company was the result of joining together the talent of two remarkable individuals. Swiss-born Louis Chevrolet was a race-car driver who loved nothing more than driving at high speed. His partner was William Durant, who was one of the original founders of General Motors. The first product of their efforts was the Chevrolet Classic Six, a large and powerful car for its model year, 1912. The car sold for $ 2.150 and recorded sales of 2.999 in 1912.

The car continued in production for another two years, until 1914, the same year that the famous "Bowtie" Chevrolet logo appeared on cars. According to the legend, the design was inspired by the pattern on wallpaper in a Paris hotel room. Durant spotted the pattern while travelling in France in 1908 and removed a small piece of the paper to carry in his wallet. Whatever the source, the Bowtie proved to be a durable and winning logo.

In 1918, during World War I, Chevrolet was sold to General Motors, making it a major part of a world automotive power. It was in the same year that trucks rolled off a Chevrolet production line. Right through the 1930s, Chevrolet based itself on one key principle -- provide "quality at low cost". When the 25th-millionth General Motors vehicle rolled off the assembly line in Flint, Michigan, on January 11, 1940, it was a Chevrolet. In fact, Chevrolet accounted for more than 15 million of that total.

Chevrolet maintains its principle of quality at low cost. Through this principle, the company successfully established itself as the vehicle of choice for several generations of Americans. Today, with rapid advances in materials, technology, and manufacturing techniques, Chevrolet continues to adhere to the innovative spirit of William Durant and Louis Chevrolet. It has made the Bowtie as familliar as hot dogs and apple pie. Durant and Chevrolet would be proud.

3.2 Reading comprehension test 1a

Choose the correct variant on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text

that you have just read.

1. The Chevrolet Company was the result of

a bancrupcy

efforts made by two individuals

a successful sales operation

ideas from many generations of Americans

2. The founders of the company

both liked to drive at high speed

were different in character and life style

produced the first car in 1914

were Swiss-born engineers

3. The famous Bowtie logo

came into being by chance

proved to be strange-looking and funny

was designed according to some legend

appeared in France

4. Chevrolet bases itself on

building modern assembly lines

rapid advances in technology and manufacturinj techniques

familiar designs

"quality at low cost" principle

5. The company established itself as

the world automotive power

familiar as hot dogs or apple pie

the vehicle of choice for not one generation

a durable and winning logo

6. The word "through" in Line 26 is closest in meaning to

with the idea of





4.1 Choose the right translation

1. Over that time Americans bought more Chevrolets than any other make.

за это время американцы купили больше "шевроле", чем любые другие сделали.

за это время американцы купили больше автомобилей "шевроле", чем машин других марок.

через этот период американцы купили больше автомобилей "шевроле", чем машин других моделей.

2. Whatever the source, the Bowtie proved to be a durable and winning logo.

каким бы ни было происхождение эмблемы, "галстук-бабочка" зарекомендовал себя как знак надежности и успеха.

каким бы ни был источник, "галстук-бабочка" доказал способность быть длительной и побеждающей эмблемой.

откуда бы она ни появилась, эмблема "галстук-бабочка" доказала, что она рассчитана на долгое время и на победу.

3. Through this principle, the company successfully established itself as the vehicle of choice for several generations of Americans.

через этот принцип компания успешно установила себя как автомобиль выбора для нескольких американцев.

благодаря этому принципу, автомобили компании пользовались неизменным успехом у многих поколений американцев.

базируясь на этом принципе, компания успешно установила себя как производитель автомобилей для нескольких поколений американцев.


4.2 Structure and written expression test 1b

Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. The Chevrolet Company by two remarkable individuals in 1912.

was incorporated


be incorporated


2. One of was Louis Chevrolet who was a race-car driver.





3. It was William Durant was also one of the original founders of General Motors





4. The company the innovative spirit of its founders.

was maintained

has maintained

has maintain


5. The Bowtie logo is as as hot dogs or apple pie.



little known


6. rapid advances in technology and materials today.

there is

they are

there take place

theirs are



Two talented people started Chevrolet Company in 1912.

They united their efforts in making automobiles.

The first vehicle was made in 1912.

They used their famous emblem on Chevrolet cars.

The company consolidated its reputation over many years.

The founders of the company were talented people.

Today the firm makes use of the ideas of Durant and Chevrolet.

The Bowtie logo is well-known to every American.

5.2 Complete the following

In 1997, Chevrolet Company

Two remarkable individuals

Chevrolet Classic Six was

The famous Bowtie logo

In 1918, Chevrolet

The company maintains

Chevrolet established itself as

The Bowtie logo became

Durant and Chevrolet would be

The company adheres to the

5.3 Answer the questions

Who founded Chevrolet Company?

In what year did it happen?

What do we learn about the founding fathers?

Louis Chevrolet was a financial genious, wasn't he?

Was the first product of the company expensive?

How much did Chevrolet Classic Six cost in 1912?

The famous logo appeared just by chance, didn't it?

What inspired the famous Bowtie logo design?

Did the company soon begin to expand production?

What is the basic principle of the its activities?

How does the company manage to maintain it?

5.4 Agree or disagree with the following

Chevrolet began as a very small construction business.

The founders of the company were energetic and innovative.

The modern logo is the result of many different changes in the original design.

Chevy cars were the vehicle of one generation of Americans.

The company managed to maintain high quality at high cost.

Today Chevy cars are no less popular than apple pies.

It is difficult to keep the innovative spirit of its founders in modern times.

Chevy cars are durable and enjoy popularity with drivers.


In pairs, RETELL the text (3.1) in short.

DESCRIBE the history of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company using the picture. Refer to Exercise 7.1 for information.

DISCUSS the news: one of your friends has just bought a Harley motorcycle. Speak about the shining possibilities!

SHARE the impressions: someone you know personally has made a travel to Flint, Michigan. You talked to this person and you knew a lot, didn't you?

COMMENT on Chevrolet's main principle of "providing high quality at low cost". Do you think it is a good principle to follow?

STUDY the following company profile. Discuss it with your groupmates. Prepare to transfer the data into a "biography".

XPLORE the history of some other automotive manufacturer. Use alternative sources of information. Prepare to report in class.

ROLEPLAY a conversation between William Harley and Arthur Davidson that took place about one hundred years ago, in 1901. At that time both were probably discussing their plans for the future.

VISIT the office of a newly-established local company. Your visit should give you some information to prepare this firm's profile.

STUDY the ads page of a local paper. Discuss the information one can find there.


7.1 Rewrite using correct tense-forms


William S.Harley (to be born) into a family of British immigrants. At the age of 15, he (to start) working for a bicycle manufacturer. He (to have) a talent for drawing and mechanics. In the factory he (to become) good friends with an old schoolmate named Arthur Davidson who (to employ) as a pattern-maker. From the early 1900s, Harley and Davidson (to have) a desire to join the large family of motorcycle pioneers. They (to try) to put their ideas into practice. In 1903 they (to produce) their first model. In 1904 only eight motorcycles (to sell). But they continued their efforts.On September 17, 1907 the Harley-Davidson Motor Company (to register) officially. It was no longer a small family workshop, but a real factory.

7.2 Put questions to the following answers

Yes, they bought more Chevrolets than other makes. (General)

Chevrolet was a race car driver. (What ) ?

They produced their first car in 1912. (When ).?

Chevrolet Classic Six was large and powerful. (How ) ?

Durant liked the pattern on wall-paper. (Why )?

The logo appeared in 1914. (Disjunctive)

The company began to produce trucks in 1918. (Alternative)

Chevrolet established a good reputation. (What kind of ) ?

The logo is as popular as hot dogs. (General)

10. Chevrolet still adheres to its key principle. (General)

7.3 Give the gist of the text in 10-12 written sentences






to start a business pure to see

to transport booming to grow

to realize variety to bring

to hire employee to find

to provide benefit to become

to improve self-improvement to give

to package packaging to do

to advertise advertisement to light

to display fair *

to prevent label campaign

to eliminate dangerous chemicals company

to trust sign companion



1) to change for the better

2) to understand

3) to employ people

4) to believe

5) a collection of various things

6) to give benefits

7) to exibit at a fair

8) organized series of activities

9) clean,without chemicals

10) an electric advertisement

11) to put an end to using something

12) a worker


Henry Heinz was unlike other sellers of his time.

He organized self-improvement courses like drawing and music.

Like any other company, Heinz & Noble advertised a lot.

The products displayed at the fair look like each other.

Unlike newspaper ads, electric signs attract more people.

All the employees thought that it was very unlike him.

People like to buy things from Heinz Company.

What is this new food company like?

He realized the managers likes and dislikes were important.

These two products are alike both in colour and quality.

The new equipment costs something like $1500.

The improved designs of the building look alike now.


8.1 Read and answer the question

What were Henry Heinz innovative ideas in advertising?



Choose the correct variant on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text.

1. It was at the age of twelve that Henry Heinz

started selling newspapers

bottled his first home-made product

understood the usefulness of horseradish

opened a vegetable store

2. Heinz' business grew fast because he

was an experienced manufacturer

used a wheelbarrow and then a v/agon

provided high quality and purity

wanted to establish a food company

3. Heinz provided unheard-of benefits for employees

to maintain high standards

to give them more free time and entertainment

to realize their artistic potential

to eliminate all dangerous chemicals

4. His secret for success was that he believed in

(A) the power of advertising

(B) the power of electricity

campaign for Pure Foods Law

the importance of displaying goods well

5. In Line 22, the expression "a way out" is closest in meaning to

a decision

a door

a solution

a technique

6. According to the text, the industrialist was, first of all,

a crocodile hunter

a philantropist

an innovative businessman

a public figure



1. Soon Heinz needed a wheelbarrow to transport his bottles, and then a horse and a wagon.

вскоре Хайнцу понадобилась телега, чтобы транспортировать свои бутылки, а потом лошадь и вагон.

вскоре Хайнцу понадобилась тележка для перевозки своих бутылок, а затем лошадь и вагон.

вскоре Хайнц для перевозки своих бутылок уже не мог обходиться без тележки, а затем запряженного фургона.

2. When his company grew, he provided unheard-of benefits for his employees.

когда фирма разрослась, он обеспечил неслыханные выгоды своим рабочим.

когда фирма разрослась, он обеспечил неслыханные привилегии своим рабочим.

когда фирма разрослась, он обеспечил своим рабочим неслыханные по тем временам льготы.

3. The aim was to prevent mislabelling and eliminate dangerous chemicals.

цель была предотвратить плохую маркировку и уничтожить опасные химикаты.

целью являлось предотвращение неправильной маркировки товаров и запрещение использования вредных химикатов.

целью было предотвратить неправильную маркировку и устранить из производства опасные химикаты.




Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1.It was early in his life that Henry Heinz his business.

(А) continued

(B) started

(С) expanded

(D) bottled

2. Heinz and Noble, a food company, quickly became .

(A) a booming business

(B) a zooming flight

(C) a skyscraper

(D) a monolyth

3. The company provided self-improvement courses sewing and drawing.

(A) likely

(B) like

(C) alike

(D) as

4. Heinz believed in proper of superior quality goods.

(A) advertise and package

(B) advertisement and packaging (C) advertising and packaging

(D) advertiser and package

5. The aim his campaign was to prevent the use of dangerous chemicals in production.

(A) at

(B) in

(C) for

(D) of

6. It was not Heinz to care about his employees.

(A) like

(B) unlike

(C) dislike

(D) likes


9.1 Say it differently

Heinz did not look like other sellers of his time.

At first, he carried his home-made products in a wheelbarrow.

He formed a company when he was a young man of 25.

When the company grew, Heinz gave many benefits to employees.

Bottled foods gave many different choices to Americans.

Heinz' business was very quickly a well-established one.

People believed the company's advertising campaigns.

Heinz' activities helped change sanitary conditions at factories for the better.

9.2 Complete the following

Henry sold products in clear bottles

Heinz made good money very quickly

He hired people with high standards

His employees got medical care free

It was necessary to advertise foods because...

At the fair, Heinz placed tickets

He is one of the first advertisers

His idea was to prevent mislabeling

He said "Do common things uncommonly"

Today the company enjoys popularity

9.3 Answer the questions

Why did Henry Heinz start his business at 12?

Why did he sell home-made products in clear bottles?

Why did he soon need a horse and a wagon?

Why did he hire people with high standards?

Why did he put an alligator in the lobby?

Why did Henry Heinz believe in advertising?

Why did lots of people become walking advertisements for Heinz products at at the Chicago Fair?

Why was an electric sign an innovative idea at that time?

Why was Heinz one of the leaders in the campaign for Pure Foods Law in America?

10. Why did the company establish a good reputation?

9.4 Agree or disagree with the following

Henry Heinz started his advertising agency at the age of 12.

He transported home-made clothes in a big wheelbarrow.

Heinz provided a swimming-pool for his best employees.

He did not believe in the potential that advertising has.

Heinz exhibited products at the Chicago World Fair in 1899.

It was expensive enough to use a large electric sign.

The aim of Heinz' political campaigns was self-improvement.

People trusted his company and bought lots of its products.


In pairs, RETELL the text (3.1) in short.

DESCRIBE the history of the Coca-Cola Company using the picture. Refer to Exercise 7.1 for information.

DISCUSS the news: one of your friends has just been to McDonald's for the first time in his(her) life. Can you imagine that?

SHARE the impressions: you are in New York City 100 years ago, and you are looking at the "Heinz 57 Varieties" sign lit by a thousand lamps. Can you believe your eyes?

ROLEPLAY a conversation between a 15-year-old Henry Heinz and a friend of his who would like to start another kind of career in life. Speak about career prospects.

ROLEPLAY a conversation between Heinz and his employees after the first day of the Chicago Fair. They would like to find a way out, wouldn't they?

PROVE that Henry Heinz was an innovative businessman who knew the secret for success in sales.

EXPLORE the history of another food or drink company. Use alternative sources of information. Prepare to report in class.

RESEARCH the variety of food products at your local store. Share your findings with the group.

DISCUSS the graffiti you have seen in some downtown street here in this country. What do you think the idea is? Or is there any idea at all? Share your opinions.


10.1 Rewrite using correct tense-forms


Soft drinks (to be) already an old tradition in America before Coca-Cola. But it was in 1886 that the country (to get) its most famous drink. That year John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist and patent medicine man, (to put) various ingredients together and (to call) the concoction Coca-Cola. His bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, (to draw up) the logo that Coke (to use) to this day. Pemberton himself (to think) Coca-Cola to be just a tonic. It (to take) another Atlanta pharmacist, Asa G.Candler, to capitalize on Coca-Cola's true possibilities as a money-making drink. During World War I Coca-Cola (to become) so popular with American soldiers in Europe that factories (to build) there. Since that time, the Coca-Colonization of the planet (to begin).

10.2 Put questions to the following answers

No, the history of the company is not very long. (General)

It started as a one-boy selling business. (How ?)

At 25, Heinz started a company with a partner. (With whom ?)

He provided unheard-of employee benefits. (What kind of ?)

His products were always packaged properly. (Alternative)

His electric sign was lit by 1200 lights. (How many ?)

Heinz wanted to improve sanitary conditions. (What kind of ?)

The company's reputation was based on trust. (Disjunctive)

Yes, Heinz had many innovative ideas in advertising. (General)

Ketchup Heinz is as familliar as hot dogs. (How ?)







to compete competition to win

to put priority on safety P

t0 rely reliable to sPend

to respond core business to mean

t0 cover destination to understand

to support fleet of aircraft to fly

to enrich experience to bring

to engage in engagement

to expand opportunity net ettect

to renew renewal budget

to prefer customer duty-free

to connect Passenger credit card

effective efficient cost-efficiency



1) to find new markets or opportunities

2) the central part

3) to make richer

4) to provide connections

5) producing the proper result

6) to give help or assistance

7) to be occupied with a project

8) to give an answer, to act in reply

9) top important aim

10) to engage in competition

11) producing an effect


It brought the net effect of more than 5 million customers.

Then the company decided to respond to the changing times.

Those changes were made to expand business opportunities.

Duty-free shops proved to be convenient for these customers.

I'd rather fly a Boeing-747 than some smaller aircraft.

This companys' history is more interesting than that of SAS.

Shops like these appeared in the airport's terminal in 1993.

That was a reliable product winning the hearts of millions.

Those foreign partners appeared to be unreliable.

This way they would like to engage in these new activities.

Does this home-made equipment need to be renewed quickly?

These products are simply not competitive with those ones.



What helps Scandnavian Air win the competition?



Choose the correct variant on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text.

1. SAS is planning to win the competition with the help of

more cost-efficiency and other weapons

massive advertising in the press

organizing the traffic system in Africa

modernizing its computer service systems

2. The text demonstrates that SAS is NOT

able to respond to the changing times

losing time trying to respond to the changing times

likely to respond to the changing times

unlikely to respond to the changing times in the future

3. The company's top priority is on safety and reliablity

providing as many service elements as possible

providing unheard-of benefits for employees

providing customers with best possible office equip ment

providing for enjoyable summer vacations abroad

4. SAS engaged in modernization programs that needed

(A) more passenger routes

a renewal of international airport terminals

an investment of three billion dollars

a freer competition in many areas

5. The company understands

the needs of customers

the needs of pilots

(C) the needs of tourists

(D) the need to respond to the changing weather

6. In Line 28, the expression "made up its corporate mind" is closest in meaning to

made a mistake

made a strategic decision

incorporated another company

established a corporation



1. The company has put top priority on safety and reliability.

компания сделала обеспечение безопасности и надежности своей приоритетной задачей.

компания поставила самый главный приоритет на безопасность и надежность.

компания поставила главным приоритетом безопасность и надежность.

2. It was when the company made up its corporate mind.

это было, когда компания составила свое корпоративное мнение.

именно тогда руководство компании приняло стра теги-ческое решение.

это было, когда компания приняла стратегическое решение.

3. The performance brought the net effect of 5 million customers.

постановка принесла чистый эффект в 5миллионов клиентов.

такая политика принесла чистый эффект в 5 миллионов новых пассажиров.

такая политика была эффективна: у компании появилось 5 миллионов новых пассажиров.

4. Have a pleasant and efficient trip with SAS!

имейте приятное и эффективное путешествие с САС!

имейте приятное и недорогое путешествие с САС!

компания САС желает вам приятного и экономичного путешествия!




Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. SAS competes in Europe and elsewhere.

(A) successively

(B) successfully

(C) succeedingly


2. The company as a good example of a marketing-orientated business.

(A) must look

(B) might serve

(C) should be

(D) may serve

3. Various service elements were added customers.

(A) to support

(B) to maintain

(C) to provide

(D) to enrich

4. People do not always want to fly aircraft.

(A) the late

(B) the last

(C) the latest

(D) the later

5. The fleet of aircraft providing new opportunities.

has renewed

was renewed

will be renewed

had renewed

6. The traffic system was created by Scandinavian Air.

covered every destination

have covered every destination

covering every destination

having covered every destination



SAS is occupied with modernization programs now.

In this way the company acts in reply to the changing times.

Passengers can place trust on the personnel and aircraft.

SAS worked up a system connecting every part of the world.

Duty-free shops and car rentals give assistance to customers.

Today more people like SAS better than other companies.

Cost-effectiveness is the most important thing for SAS.

SAS adheres to its principle of giving comfort to passengers.


In Europe today,

SAS is going to

The company puts top priority on

SAS is trying to

The traffic system

Passenger routes

It also added many service elements

The aim of SAS is

The modernization program needed

10. SAS provides businessmen with


Are there may ways to compete in the free market?

Is SAS using any weapons to win the competition?

What are the company's top priorities nowadays ?

Why did SAS put top priority on its reliability?

How can you describe the system created by SAS?

What are the elements added to support customers?

Is the company engaged in any program today?

How much money was invested in modernization?

How can you prove that the aircraft are new?

Did SAS respond to the changing times in the 80s?

Is SAS an example of a good marketing strategy?


SAS is going to become more efficient in the near future.

Safety and reliability are top priorities for SAS.

The company aims at getting more passengers with the help of bigger aircraft.

Service elements were added to make customers spend as much money as they can.

The company is engaged in building new airports in Belarus.

European passengers prefer nonstop and one-stop connections.

Since the 1980s, SAS has got millions of new customers.

In 1993, SAS had the most backward fleet on the continent.


In pairs, RETELL the text (3.1) in short.

DESCRIBE the history of one modern aircraft using the picture. Refer to Exercise 7.4 for information.

ADVISE a friend who is going to fly to New York to use the services of Scandinavian Air. Give your reasons.

ASK a representative of SAS working in this country to tell the group about the company's activities.

ROLEPLAY a SAS management meeting to discuss new ideas in the company's marketing policy. Offer innovative ways to improve the company's performance in Europe and worldwide.

EXPLORE the history of some other air travel company. Use alternative sources of information. Prepare to report in class.

COMMENT on SAS's slogan: "We are not in the business of flying planes, we are in the business of flying people".

STUDY the following facts taken from the Guinness Book of World Records (1990). Discuss them with your groupmates.

DESCRIBE your own travel abroad (by plane or by travel). What about the service elements on the way?

SHARE your impressions of reading a book about pilots or travel by air written by a modern author.

STUDY the magazine ads featuring the services affered by air travel companies in this country. Discuss them in class.




(to welcome) on board this SAS aircraft, designed with your safety and comfort in mind! Here (to be) some information about the service on board. High quality food and drinks (to serve). We (to offer) you a selection of newspapers and, on our intercontinental flights, magazines as well. You (to have) an opportunity to watch a movie or listen to 10 different channels of music and entertainment. On Channel Five you (to find) a special relaxation program. If you (to be) on an intercontinental flight, alcoholic beverages, except champagne, (to serve) free. On these flights, "an air show" (to allow) you to follow the flight on the map minute by minute. We (to provide) small toys to help the children pass the time. Have a pleasant flight with SAS!


Yes, there are many competitors for SAS in Europe. (General)

Twenty percent rise in efficiency is the aim. (What ?)

Yes, SAS was able to respond to the changing times. (General)

The system of traffic was very effective. (Alternative)

From 80 to 90 percent of their travel budget. (How much ?)

No, the average age was 5.5 years per aircraft. (Disjunctive)

Because a bigger aircraft means more landings. (Why ?)

From Copenhagen, Stockholm and Oslo. (Where from ?)

Yes, the net effect was very big. (General)

Yes, businesspeople prefer to fly SAS. (Disjunctive)







to make products to produce

a technique a founder

to look like to advertise

to form a company to hire

the emblem of a company a display

to bring new ideas a sign

to think highly of to be proud

the person who founded a firm know-how

to make people enthusiastic to provide

full of original ideas innovative

clean, without chemicals pure

to go on doing to continue

to change for the better to improve

an advertisement to innovate

to publish information about a product to appear

a collection of various things a logo

organized series of activities a campaign

to employ personnel to establish

to exhibit goods to display

to give benefits to inspire

successful to renew

to carry from one place to another to connect

to believe to be engaged

not to give a chance to do to prevent

the central part effective

to make richer to enrich

to provide connection to transport

producing the proper result priority

to give an answer to support

top important aim efficient

to engage in competition to compete

producing an effect core

not dangerous budget

a plane destination

to improve with newer technologies booming

a client customer

a place where one wants to get to aircraft

to be occupied with a project to trust

to give help or assistance to respond

to find new markets or opportunities to expand

free from duty duty-free

the money one can spend . safe

to like better than others to prefer


e.g. It is necessary to all our aims. (priority)

It is necessary to prioritize all our aims.

It is necessary to all our aims. (priority)

They did not seem to be partners. (rely)

Does the system every destination (cover)

This campaign was by everybody. (support)

He is known as an engineer. (experience)

Can you describe the possible opportunities? (expand)

The of aircraft is a priority task now. (renew)

Did you study customer question (prefer)

9.1 don't see any between these things. (connect)

What is the most way of doing that? (effect)

He says he has another at this hour. (engage)

There was no to this letter. (respond)

They can't be in this market. (compete)

Who is going to cover costs? (transport)

The of this project will take time. (realize)

16. efficient personnel is very important. (hire)

They are the information on the project. (provide)

Product is necessary in modern conditions. (improve)

Have you seen the new ? (advertise)

The firm organized several in the city. (display)

Heinz stood out for the of mislabelling. (prevent)

There are no people whom he . (trust)

These credits can be very for our business. (benefit)

There is no in products, is there? (vary)

The letter was by the general manager. (sign)

The young man is a good on a travel. (company)

It is the first venture in the area. (join)

Who is the of this famous company? (found)

His work was thanks to good time management. (produce)

The of the film will be shown tomorrow. (continue)

Those words are well remembered today. (inspire)

This car needs good and care. (maintain)

It has an reputation. (establish)

All these ideas must be put into practice. (innovate)

Who is going to be the of this costly machine? (buy)


The boss decided to begin an advertising (campaign/ company).

The work of a manager is (unlike/ alike) other professions.

(There/ their) efforts proved to be effective enough.

They know how to use this (know-how/ technology) better.

The company was (founded/ found) more than a century ago.

How many (employees/ workers) work in the office?

(Advertising/ advertisement) is an important decision area.

What is this equipment (made/produced) of?

Chevrolet (founded/ established) itself as a vehicle of choice for (many/ much) generations of Americans.

Every office worker should be very (effective/ efficient).

You know about the latest advances in (technology/ technique).

Last year, 5 thousand units were (produced/ made) at the plant.

An (efficient/ effective) leader always inspires the staff.

Heinz organized a (show/ display) of his products in Chicago.

How many trucks do you need to (transport/ carry) the goods?

This (company/ campaign) was founded more than a decade ago.


He was continued in office.

My design was to visit the capital.

It's not easy to establish а рriсе in the market.

These goods are difficult to realize.

The contract provides for payment in USD.

It is time for preventative maintenance.

All these are the signs of the times.

They can supply goods on trust.

Have you provided a covering letter?

It looks like a preferable design.

Sorry, but the line is engaged.

That was our golden opportunity!

The salesperson netted $200 on this.

She's pretty, she looks like a real cover girl.

The man is connected with a banking firm.

The producer realized $1300 last month.

He has to provide for a large family.

You'd better trust this to an experienced lawyer]

My insurance policy covered me against fire.

He gave this car make preference over others.

The man is not able to meet his engagements.

To decide everything, let's establish an order of priority.

When abroad, she realized a fortune!

What is the net efficiency of this engine?

They managed to make many innovations in technology.


DESCRIBE the history of the Ford Motor Company as you see it in the picture. By the way, would you like to buy a Ford some day?

THINK OF short illustrative stories for some of the most interesting phrases

from Exercise 1.2.

MAKE DIALOGUES based on the contents of Exercise 1.4. Work in pairs.

STUDY the following English sayings. Do you think that they mean something in connection with the unit 1-3 texts? PROVE that they do.

A good name is better than riches.

It is the first step that costs.

No good building without good foundation.

TELL a story with a "moral". The moral is supposed to be one of the above sayings.

REVISE the information you've got about the following businesses worldwide referring to the exercises in Units 1-3.

PREPARE an imaginary biography of an American company established more than a hundred years ago. What do you think will be the founding fathers like? What were the secrets for success? Work in small groups.

MAKE PRESENTATIONS using the full-page illustrations in Units 1-4.


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  • Business English and its characteristic features. Classification of organization cultures. Advice for job seekers. The Internet, fax, E-mail, memo. Social responsibility of business. Money and methods of payment. Stores and consumers. Business in the USA.

    учебное пособие [106,8 K], добавлен 12.07.2013

  • The structure of words and word-building. The semantic structure of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Word combinations and phraseology in modern English and Ukrainian languages. The Native Element, Borrowed Words, characteristics of the vocabulary.

    курс лекций [95,2 K], добавлен 05.12.2010

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