Ethnophaulism and their usege in the discourse media in the USA

The concept of ethnophaulism and soderzhaniii part of the language of hatred. The significance of hate speech in the high isolation of individual ethnic groups. Ethnophaulism in social networks and their use in the US media to shape public opinion.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид дипломная работа
Язык английский
Дата добавления 04.12.2019
Размер файла 47,2 K

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School of Foreign Languages

Field of study:linguistics

Degree programme: foreign languages and cross-cultural communication


Daria Andreevna Lyashchuk


Professor, Head of the Department

of the English Language for the Humanities

Chironova I. I.


Professor, School of Philology

Bergelson M.B.

Moscow, 2019

Table of Contents

Title page

Table of Contents


Part 1. Ethnophaulism in the system of Exonyms


Hate Speech





Media Discourse

Part 2. Analysis

The ethnophaulism in YouTube Videos



hate speech social network ethnophaulism


In the XXI century, we have seen a great change of attitude towards all types of discrimination, or at least some change in that direction. The world has witnessed a shift of attitudes to people of different ethnicities and their cultures in the USA, mostly to the Black community that is the target group of our research. Their music, style and culture are being promoted and borrowed in almost all spheres of life. This prompted a rise of sensitivity to the language people use. There have already appeared many posts and videos of public figures using ethnophaulisms, or words with negative connotation referring to a particular racial group. This led to people being highly sensitive to the language used in oral and written speech. However, despite this increasing interest in the sphere of hate and tolerance, not enough research in this field has been done, which shows that there is much room for research in this particular field. The aim of this research paper is to study the phenomenon of “ethnophaulism” and trace the influence of its usage on the target group. Therefore, it is essential to clarify the definition of the term `ethnophaulism', some types of classification if they exist, its usage and influence of the group at whom the language is directed. Moreover, we aim to analyze in which context media personas use these terms and the reaction they receive.

The term “ethnophaulism” was firstly introduced by Roback (Roback, 1944) who defined it as an ethnic slur that refers to out-groups. Ethnophaulisms are considered to be a part of hate speech and serve the same functions. Moreover, Rice describes basic important characteristics, such as valence and complexity, to give a clearer idea of how ethnophaulisms influence the targeted groups (Mullen & Rice, 2003). Ethnophaulisms are believed to serve as a marker of stereotype and prejudice directed toward members of the targeted group; they are collective representations which stand as symbols of the groups themselves.

It has been recognized for some time that ethnophaulisms lead to higher exclusion of particular ethnic groups, and even to higher suicide levels (Mullen &Calogero, 2007). Thus, it is very important to understand the influence of the hate speech on the target group.

Hence our research questions are:

* What are ethnophaulisms?

* What is their influence on the target group?

* How and why are they used in speech?

Firstly, we studied the existing theoretical basis concerning the topic of ethnophaulisms. We explored their place in the system of hate speech. Moreover, we studied some ways of classification of ethnophaulisms and their origin. Since we study them in the media discourse we need to examine the term media discourse as well. Our next step was the actual analysis of people using ethnophaulisms targeting the black people in the media discourse - to be precise,we took four videos of popular American YouTubers and a speech of Barack Obama from podcast “WTF”.

To achieve our aim of analyzing the usage of ethnophaulisms in the media discourse we applied a qualitative method - critical discourse analysis. This approach allowed us to not only analyze the given text but also tostudy it in a broader context. We examined pieces of texts themselves, and then focus on discursive practice where ways of text production and consumptionare taken into consideration. The final dimension according to which we finished the analysis was the third level concerned with the general social practice that is being studied - the attitude towards the Black community in the USA.

In order to achieve results we selected four videos that contain ethnophaulisms of four YouTubers: and a part of speech of Barack Obama from podcast of June 2015. We chose those videos because they caused public debate and censure. It is also interesting to later compare 4 videos and a speech of the then president of the USA. They can show us the example of ethnophaulisms usage in everyday life. Moreover, we will observe people's reaction to those incidents. We will conduct a critical discourse analysis of those videos that will help us to study the text, the discourse and general shift of attitudes toward the Black community.

Therefore, we needed to study the critical discourse analysis (CDA) that is used in our paper. Norman Fairclough (Fairclough, 1996) was one of the first linguists who developed this type of analysis. He stated that CDA is just one of many aspects of any social practice. Critical discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of discourse that considers language as a form of social practice. Scientists working in the CDA tradition typically claim that social and linguistic practices are interconnected and focus on exploring how public power relations are established and strengthened with the use of language.

Much of the literature in the field of media discourse tends to focus on the topics of ethnophaulisms, social media and media discourses. Most of them study the language that people use and how the words themselves illustrate social attitudes towards the phenomena (Pond & Lewis, 2019). Some articles examine the injustices towards different minorities and the language which reflects those attitudes (Pitcher, 2018).

The next group of data is connected to media discourse and its specific features. According to M. McLuhan, the media of communication are not only the press, radio, and television, but also a wide variety of things, such as electric light, oral speech, a book, advertising, and much more. The main conclusion that M. McLuhan makes is that the medium is the message (McLuhan, 1967). As a result of Russian and foreign studies in this field, a discipline called media linguistics has emerged (Dobroklonskaya, 2014). The subject of media linguistics is the study of the functioning of the language in the field of mass communication. The main theoretical component of media linguistics is considered a special concept of media text, which is present in all studies of media reading (Dobrosklonskaya, 2014).

Ethnophaulisms appear to be recurrent of social media discourse. For our work, we should define what this term means. Ethnophaulisms are expressive terms that are used against the local population or the peoples with a negative connotation, refers to the pejorative vocabulary of the language (Korobkova, 2009). In literary language ethnophaulisms almost never occur, majority of ethnophaulism accounts for the varieties of colloquial language. Unlike terms with neutral connotation (for example, “French”, “foreigner”), the semantics of ethnophaulism is characterized, firstly, by the opposition “friend-foe”, secondly, by the feeling of alienation. The negativity of the connotation can vary from the ironically disregarding to derogatory, contemptuous and abusive. If we look at the analysis of the content of mass media texts they indicate a considerable use of ethnic nicknames in the cultural space of the English-speaking countries, which often remains without attention.

Part 1. Ethnophaulism in the system of Exonyms

It is important to start from the more general group to which the ethnophaulisms are included. An exonym or xenonym arewords that are not used by the local population or people (natives), including the official level, but which are applied in relation to them by external communities. These words can denote a person, a group of people, a language/dialect or even a place.

An exonym is an antonym for the concepts endonym, auto-ethnonym and self-name.

The exonym can be seen in a broad sense and used as all the names of nations by which other people (outside the community) refer to them and also toponyms, fixed in any language as names of other lands, geographical objects (lakes, rivers, etc.), settlements, except those located in the territory of the modern residence of the people. An exonym can also be understood in a narrow sense - as those words that are entrenched in international practice, as opposed to endonyms (self-names, or endonyms, the name of a nation that it assigns to itself; often, self-designations are fundamentally different from the way an ethnic group is defined in scientific literature or in the surrounding society).

In addition, the nicknames of peoples who eventually had to put up with them can also become exoethnonyms. For example, the exonym `mordovians' is mistaken by many as the self-name of a people.

Also, exonyms are often the historical names of cities and settlements, lands (historical provinces), and occasionally the peoples on whose territory different nations lived at different historical periods and/or whose territories controlled different state formations. For example, the Russian name of the modern French city of Strasburg (sometimes they say The Strasbourg), which dates back to the historical Alsace, has three endonyms, each of which is an exonym with respect to the other, Alsace. Strossburi (Strasbury), him. StraЯburg (Strasburg) and Fr. Strasbourg (Strasbourg).

Latin names of modern cities, villages and peoples - in latin are also referred to as exonyms. Helvetia (Helvetia) - Switzerland, lat. Leopolis (Leopolis) - Lviv and others.

All exonymscan be divided into:

1. Exotonyms - foreign names of toponyms, for example: the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, except (Slovak. Bratislava (Bratislav)) has the historical German and Hungarian names: respectively, the German. The name of the biggest lake - Lake Baikal was adapted to the Russian language [yakutBьkьl (“a rich, generous lake”), while the local peoples (Buryats, Evenks and others) have their own names;

2. Exo-ethnonyms - foreign names of ethnonyms, for example: (Russian. Romanians) is the Romanian romвni (Romani);

3. Ethnophaulisms (“expressive ethnonyms”) are the names of peoples with negative connotations, pejoratives, elements of hate speech (“moskal”, “khokhol”).

In general, the term exonym is more commonly used for exoethnonyms.


If we now turn to the ethnophaulisms we see that they are a part of pejorative. Thus, it is essential to study this group of lexemes. Pejorative or pejorative (from the Latin “do worse”) - words and phrases expressing a negative assessment of something or someone, disapproval, reproach, irony or contempt. Despite the fact that with the help of pejoratives negative emotions are expressed, they should not be confused with curse words, as pejoratives do not contain abusive language and expressions, or profanity.

Vocabulary units with a negative evaluation (pejoratives) make up a much more numerous group than the semantic subgroup of lexical units with a positive-estimated value or ameliorative.

Hate Speech

In fact, there is no generally accepted definition for the term `hate speech'. It is an expression of hatred or aversion to people because of their personal characteristics. Such as nationality, gender, ethnicity or religion.

"Hate speech" (hate speech) -"communication that does not carry no other meaning than the expression of hatred for some group, especially in an environment where communication can provoke violence. This is incitement to hatred in primarily in respect groups of persons determined on the basis of race, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc. “The hate speech” can be any form of expression, regarded as offensive to racial, ethnic, religious and other groups of people.

The most important factor determining the essence of the “hate speech” is that it is based on such phenomena as social stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination, and is part of a broader and more complex phenomenon that in Humanities, studying communication, was called communication based on prejudice and discrimination.

It is therefore, important to analyze the terms themselves. Communication is social interaction through messages. In accordance with the model of R. Jacobson, communication is based on the following scheme. The addressee sends a message to the recipient. The message must relate to something other than itself. It's something Jacobson calls the context or the referent. There are two more elements: this is the contact under which means the physical channel, and a medium messages, and psychological the link between the addressee and the addressee, and the code - general for the addressee and the recipient system of values, through which the message is generated.

Communication based on prejudice and discrimination (CCAS) is a communication based on stereotypical cognitive patterns, negative attitudes (prejudice) and discriminatory intentions towards any groups individuals or individuals as members of these groups.

The term stereotype is understood as a categorization-based cognitive scheme, on the basis of which the members of the group imagine people belonging to outgroups. The attributes that make up the stereotype often reveal themselves as character traits of the members outgroup. It is often argued that there are both negative and positive social stereotypes. However, according to Charles Stangor (Stangor, 1991), "although stereotypes can to be positive, originally they are negative. We generate many more negative stereotypes than positive, when we are asked about it, and even the expression of positive stereotypes does not look positively. Prejudice is a negative attitude to any group.

Finally, discrimination is the unfair treatment of people due to the fact, that they are members of a group. Discrimination is often described as the behavioral side of prejudice. The subject of consideration is communication based on stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination and, in particular, the "hate speech" as its most acute and dangerous form.

Communication based on prejudice and discrimination can manifest itself in two forms. Hate speech is blatant, that is, a screaming, pronounced form of such communication. In most countries of the world "hate speech" is punished by law. But it may also occur in dim, invisible, or rather, not at all visible, implicitly. Communications relating to this form of CCAS are sent by the addressees as if unwittingly.

The term `media' is rather new. Klaus Bruhn Jensen (Jensen, 2012) formulated it as follows: "a set of tools that people use throughout history for communication with each other regarding their common reality". Based on the history of development of communication tools and features of their functioning, Jensen identifies three levels of media.

Media of the first level can be defined as biological on the basis of social formed resources that allow people to express an understanding of reality for a specific purpose and to participate in communication about it with other people. The central example is verbal language or speech as a constitutive element oral cultures and subcultures; additional examples are songs and others musical expressions, dance, theatre, painting and creative art in general; all this often relies on mechanical techniques such as musical instruments and artistic or written supplies.

Not only people belonging to other ethnicities and races, but also other social groups many act as targets of the `hate speech': people with disabilities, the elderly, people of non-traditional sexual orientation, etc. Specific target group form migrants who may be objects of hate speech, do not belong in this to other ethnic groups and races.

Social stereotypes appear in people in the process of socialization, often in childhood, however, the media are able to strengthen some of them and form new ones. Most striking example of medium producing stereotypes, is a caricature. Cartoonist, creating any image, exaggerates some features of the character and hides others. This is the formula of stereotyping, carried out by media.

In general, media are the tools through which people communicate about a common reality. In accordance with the concept ofK. B. Jensen (Jensen, 2012), there are three levels of media. The element of media of the first level is the human body (speech, gestures, movements), and also simple instruments, such as writing instruments, musical instruments, etc. The second-level media include "traditional" mass media: printing, and also "terrestrial" radio and television. The third level media is based on digital technologies, their main element is the Internet.

Communication based on prejudice and discrimination can manifest itself as in open, blatant form (hate speech), and in a hidden, implicit form. At the first level, the media language of enmity is most represented in the form of the so-called domestic racism and domestic social hatred. The most protected from the hate speech is the second level of media, which developed special protective equipment: censorship, norms, ethical requirements for the transmission of messages. The third level of media became means of mediation as communication, for which the usual environment was previously the first-level media, and communication, characteristic of the second-level media.

This has led everyday racism to become a common phenomenon on social networks, blogs, video hosting, etc. Easy access to digital media and their breadth of coverage led to distribution on the Internet "sites of hatred", which tend to look like quite "innocent" Internet resources. Nevertheless, media of all three levels are the tools of implicit communication based on prejudice and discrimination, which is not persecuted by law, too, is capable incite hatred and to express contempt.

It is crucial to study this phenomenon due to several reasons. Firstly, it can affect anyone. All people are vulnerable in their own way - because of gender, age, nationality, preferences and tastes. Even if a person is rich, beautiful, popular and belong to a privileged group, there will always be something people will not like or even disgust.

Secondly, words can create a negative image of a single person or a whole group of people. And then, influence and change the way society sees them. This can evolve into direct threats, incitement, and then violence or even murder.


According to O. S. Korobkova, “ethnophaulism is an exoethnonymwith negative connotation, that can be characterized as pejoratives of common vocabulary. Ethnophaulisms include the negatively noteworthy naming of representatives of various ethnic groups in slang socio-texts and argot, and penetrate there thanks to expressiveness as a means of stylization into a literary language”.

Unlike ethnonyms with neutral connotation (for example, “German”, “Chinese”), the semantics of ethnophaulism is characterized not only by the opposition “friend-foe”, but also by the meaning of alienation called connotation, the negativity of the connotation can vary from the ironically disregarding in relation to the Italians) to derogatory, contemptuous and abusive (“chuchmek”, “chock” in relation to the representatives of the peoples of Central Asia).

In some cases, neutral lexemes of the speaker's language are used as ethnopolysms, acquiring pejorative meaning in the context of a statement or borrowed vocabulary, for example, personal names (Fritz or Hans in relation to Germans).


There are no strict categories of the origin of the ethnophaulisms. However, Chapligina M.A. gave several reasons of appearing of some ethnophaulisms. She states that one of the common ways is the creation of ethnophaulism on the basis of national cuisine and food preferences.

Thus, the French were nicknamed "Froschfresser" ("frog eaters") in German, "froggies"or "frogeater" in the British, and "frogs" in Russian because of their love for frog legs.

Italians are stereotypically associated with their national dish - pasta, so they received such nicknames as "Spaghettifresser" have Germans, “pasta” or “makaronniki” - among Russians. In turn, the French called the British "LesRosbifs" - for the love of baked beef. Also, neighboring countries call the Germans "Krauts" from Sauerkraut (sauerkraut).

As for the second method of formation of ethnophaulisms she gives the shortening of the original word for the country or the nation to facilitate the pronunciation: in German - Цsis (Austrians), Amis (the Americans), Japsen (Japanese), etc.; in Russian the example can be Doug (Dagestan). It should be noted that not all of them are regarded as offensive.

Undoubtedly, historical events have also led to the creation of new national nicknames. For example, the historically formed territory of England, gave rise to the fact that in Germany they were called "Inselaffen" ("monkeys from the island"). The British call the Germans "Squarehead" and "Boxhead" due to the fact that in the First and Second World wars, the German helmets had a rather angular shape.

In relation to the Russian in Norway used ethnophaulism "Russian prisoner" (also used in the sense "goner"). This is due to the fact that during the Second world war in Norway killed several tens of thousands of Russian soldiers, many of them -- in concentration camps.

Another common way of forming ethnophaulisms are the names. For example, the Russians of the Second world war are presented in the German consciousness as something United, powerful and militant - "derIwan". In turn, the Russians at that time called them "Fritz" (abbreviated form of the name "Friedrich"), and now - "Hans". A fifth type of origin of the national nicknames is a reproduction of speech or expression. So, in Portugal from English tourists often hear "comeon", so here they are called "oscamones".

The British, most likely from the time of hostilities, the French phrase "I give up" - Jemerends converted into a similar sounding name own JimmyRound, meaning "Frenchman".


Based on the analysis of materials and sources that give examples of ethnic nicknames of the English language, the most frequent relationship between the cause of the insult and the reference group, as well as three main classes were identified ethnophaulism:

- ethnophaulisms based on physical differences;

- ethnophaulisms based on cultural differences;

- ethnophaulisms based on the degree of assimilation of the referents in the English-speaking culture

Another important classification was proposed by Allen (1983) who devided ethnophaulisms into six mutually exclusive and exhaustive types: physical traits, personal traits, personal names, food habits, group names, and other (miscellaneous).


Among the main reasons for the use of ethnic nicknames or ethnophaulisms are usually given stereotypical thinking, prejudices, hostility, the desire to humiliate and ridicule. However, the analysis of numerous episodes of their mentioning in the modern media, literature and movies shows that ethnophaulisms should be considered not only symbols of the cultural and national tragedy, but also a product of speech culture, which in addition to anger and intolerance has a low comic value.It can become a means of compensating social injustice and "ennobling" the social status of ethnic minorities, which is a kind of conflict resolution.

Analysis of the content of modern information resources suggests that in addition to the above reasons for the use of ethnic nicknames in the cross-cultural space of the English-speaking countries, which often remains without attention, yet perhaps the most common of them is cultural ignorance.

The use of ethnophaulism rightly considered a serious social problem with serious implications for the objects that use them.

Ethnic nicknames, which are the product of the speech culture of interethnic communication, certainly deserve the most attention of researchers, because they are the reflection of the social organization, a marker of its development, which can be used in assessing and preventing the escalation of conflicts, as well as in the formation of cross-cultural competence in the community as the basis for effective interaction of different cultures.

The habit to give other ethnic groups nicknames with emotional and expressive evaluation. In many dictionaries of different languages, including their vocabulary, this layer of language, known in linguistics as ethnophaulism, these words are accompanied by notes some of which are "offensive", "derogatory", "disparaging", "humorous", etc., because they have expressive emotional coloring and are predominantly in the spoken language. The basis of such characteristics is the conceptual division of the world: evil - good, alien - his own, stupid - smart. Categorization we (good) - they (bad) associated with explicit or implicit evaluation is aimed at the elevation of their own ethnic group and humiliation, infringement of another's ethnic group.

Media Discourse

As a result of Russian and foreign studies in this field, a discipline called media linguistics emerged (Dobrosklonskaya, 2008). The subject of media linguistics is the study of the functioning of the language in the field of mass communication. The main theoretical component of media linguistics is considered “a special concept of media text, which is present in all studies of media reading” (Dobrosklonskaya, 2012).

Media is a multidimensional phenomenon that includes social, cultural, ideological, economic, technological and other parameters. In fact, there are a lot of theories describing the phenomenon of media, but they do not yet have not only the final aesthetic touch, but also what makes any theory strong, stable and proportionate to modern people. The experience of understanding the media shows that the scientific community still "can not boast of serious advances either in theoretical depth or in any thorough empirical study of what is happening in the field of media circulation."

Currently, there is a clear tendency to shift the center of research interests to the problems of mass media, to the problems of mass speech influence. The author studies the mechanisms of influence on the audience, identifies and analyzes linguistic and paralinguistic means of influence on the examples of certain types of discourse: insincere, political, ritual, religious, advertising, mass media discourse and others. The works of V. V. Dementiev are devoted to the issues of influence in the discourse.

Language as a sign system exists in the form of discourses. There is no abstract communication, it always occurs in a certain sphere of human activity, in a certain social space. In linguistics, we are faced with the analysis not of discourse in general, but of some specific discourse.

In recent decades, in the field of humanities, there has been an increase in interest in public communication, which is explained by the following factors: the internal needs of linguistic science, which in different periods of development turned to the real spheres of functioning of the language system; the need to develop methods of analysis of political texts and media texts to monitor various trends in the sphere of public consciousness; social order associated with attempts to free public communication from manipulation of public consciousness.

Turning to the field of communication due to the nuclear position of the media discourse in multi discursive space of public communication: it penetrates into all types of institutional and everyday communication thanks to its theme of unbounded, genre identity and aspirations in a rapidly changing world, to catch even the most insignificant of its manifestations. The discourse of mass communication is the most "globalized" and actual, i.e. reflecting the latest trends and phenomena of social reality.

Media discourse is among the interests of many Sciencesrelated to linguistics, which is largely due to the nature of mass communication. Intensive study of the media is conducted in sociology, psychology, communication theory. In the framework of sociology, the research is aimed at identifying the ideological significance, social function of mass communication, its importance for society. The psychological aspect of the study of the media is associated with the study of issues of mediated communication, the perception of information, mechanisms of influence on the audience, manipulation of it.

One of the priorities in the study of media discourse was the cognitive approach: mass media, thanks to its mediating function, not only displays the events of reality, but also, interpreting them (through the properties of media channels, ideological attitudes, cultural specificity), creates a special - journalistic - picture of the world. The most important concepts at the cognitive level of media texts study are information society, language picture of the world, ideology and culture.

Selection of media linguistics as an independent direction is connected with a single object of previously disparate aspects of the study of media texts. The subject of the research is a comprehensive study of the functioning of the language in the field of mass communication. Media text in this case is a dialectical unity of language and media features, represented by three levels of media: verbal text, the level of video or graphic image, the level of sound. Within the framework of media linguistics, all components and levels of mass communication texts are analyzed in combination of linguistic and extralinguistic factors: the influence of media texts creation and distribution methods on their linguistic-format features, issues of functional-genre classification, phonological, syntagmatic and stylistic characteristics, interpretative properties, cultural-specific features, ideological modality, Pragmalinguistic value. The methodological apparatus of media linguistics integrated the achievements of all areas in which the texts of mass information were studied: discourse analysis, content analysis, cognitive linguistics, critical analysis, functional stylistics, linguoculturology.

Media discourse is very heterogeneous, and this fact requires a special study of its varieties. However, in the studies devoted to the language of mass media, primarily print media are used as a material for observing language trends; in recent years, linguists ' attention to television broadcasting has increased, and there are very few studies devoted to radio speech. The observation of V. Prozorovis interesting in terms of assessing the specificity of different types of media discourse. Justifying the deep inner connection of the three literary genres and the three main varieties of modern media, he notes that "radio text with its focus on the fundamental laws of the auditory world, at the present time of empath, with its emotional and expressive orientation is closest to the lyrical genus", the print media, according to the author, "have the most important events of the epic", and television texts in their structure and implementation are akin to the drama. The author points out that the texts of the media not only and not so much passively reflect reality, but actively sculpt, create it. The media together build and actively impose an artistic and figurative illustration of realityon people. The media give us the opportunity to understand the world as an image - through a complex of gradually or directly caused moods, experiences, impressions". This is the main reason why research in the sphere of media communication are so important.

The most important scientific task in the study of media discourse is to identify models of speech interaction and impact. Since media discourse is a kind of oral public speech, it is necessary to differentiate the principles of organization of dialogical speech: coming from public speech as a whole; from the communicative features of the media; from one or another of its varieties. It should be noted that the types and genres of public speech differ in purpose and scope; the description of media discourse as a special mental space, which is realized by peculiar communicative models, is reasonable.

Having identified main terms and studied basic theories we can now turn to the analysis of the material.

Part 2. Analysis

For the analysis of the materials we decided to apply a critical discourse analysis. This approach refers to a scientific trend that focuses mainly on the power-political and ideological nature of discourse and makes the subject of research the relations of subordination, inequality, discrimination realized in discourses. The leading representatives of the CDA are Norman Fairclough, Ruth Wodak, Teun van Dijk, etc. Representatives of the CDA initially viewed their discourse theories as a methodological tool designed to expose the relations of social domination and discrimination encoded in discursive practices.

Discourse in CDA is considered to be a certain way of domination and control in society. An important component of critical discourse analysis is the recognition of the constant change of social norms and regulations, which is a consequence of the transformation of discursive practices.

The growing research and public interest in the CDA in recent years is due to a number of factors. One of them is the emergence in political life of new social movements, which are referred to as "movement for identity", "struggle for recognition", "movement for cultural rights and multicultural citizenship", etc., which received in the United States the common name "identity policy".

The movement for identity formulates the requirements of social, political and legal recognition of subcultures of discriminated social groups, the requirements of racial, ethnic, gender equality. These requirements contain the idea of the need for a radical reevaluation and change of existing socio-cultural and discursive practices of power distribution.

More often, the media, especially television, become the center of public life. Media discourse in the hands of politicians is a powerful resource used to form public opinion, to win the support of the population. At the same time, the use of media language increases the risk of public defamation. An important condition for achieving political success is the reasonableness of the choice of the language of communication with the mass audience through the media (Fairclough & Wodak).

One of the main distinguishing features of the CDA from other theories of discourse is the emphasis on the ideological contexts of the discourse of social communications. The ideologization of discourse is understood as the recognition of the existence of those components in the language that support a certain type of social relations.

The main theoretical and methodological guidelines and features of the CDA in the field of interpretation and analysis of discourse are as follows:

linguistic-oriented approach to discourse analysis;

interpretation of discourse as a communicative action in the form of text and speech;

interpretation of written and spoken discourse as forms of social practice;

dialectical view of the relationship between discourses and social practices, emphasizing their mutual conditionality;

understanding discourse as a verbal representation of relations of ideological domination;

emphasis on criticism and exposure of discriminatory and repressive content of prevailing socio-political discourses;

special attention to the discourses of racism, nationalism, sexism;

consideration of the discourse of elites and media discourse as the main sources of power asymmetry.

Socio-cultural discourse analysis. Leading representatives - Norman Fairclough and Ruth Wodak. The main attention is on the relationship of changes occurring in the structure of language and in the structure of socio-cultural relations. The main goal is to study the relationship between the use of language and socio-cultural practice. For example, Norman Fairclough in the course of discourse analysis of British University job ads demonstrates the relationship between the textual differences of the considered applications and the changes taking place in socio-cultural practice. Fairclough draws attention to the fact that changes in the University discourse related to the dissemination in the public life of consumer culture. Fairclough explores how discourses of promotion and marketing in promoting consumer culture in the universities and other social institutions and spheres that were previously organized according to different principles.

Socio-cultural discourse analysis is based on the idea that discourse and socio-cultural reality are interconnected: discourse forms society and culture, at the same time it is formed by them; their interrelation is dialectical. This means that each fact of the use of language makes a small contribution to the process of reproduction or transformation of society and culture, including power relations. This is the power of discourse.

To determine whether a certain communicative act makes the ideological work, it is not enough just to analyse the texts. It is also necessary to consider how these texts can be interpreted and perceived and what social impact they produce.

The authors note that discourse is not created outside the context and cannot be understood without it. Statements make sense only when we consider them in the context of a certain situation, if we understand the basic conditions and rules of social and linguistic game, if we relate them to a certain culture and ideology. And most importantly, if we know what event in the past and what previous discourses this discourse relates to.

Socio-cognitive discourse analysis. This direction of the CDA is represented primarily by the research of T. A. van Dijk. Most of his works are devoted to the reproduction of national prejudices and racism in media discourses, institutional discourses and discourses of political elites.

Racism is defined by van Dijk as a system of domination and social inequality. Domination is interpreted as an abuse of the power of one group over another, which manifests itself, on the one hand, in various forms of discrimination or exclusion, forms of questioning people's rights, rigidity towards emigrants and minorities, on the other hand, in prejudices and stereotypical beliefs, i.e. in ideological structures.

The discourse of racism, according to van Dijk, is an activity that links the practice of social discrimination with the ideology of racism. In the discourse of racism, action is carried out through texts and oral statements. The discourse of racism is the communicative-cognitive and socio-institutional channels through which racist prejudices are articulated and reproduced in society. Its conductors are educational institutions, educational literature, daily communication in the family, in working groups.

The main and most influential form of institutionalization of the practice and discourse of racism is the media. The choice of headlines, problems, sources and quotations is seriously biased towards the dominance of the "white" group. The daily life and problems of minorities ("non-whites") are rarely covered in the media. On the contrary, their negative actions (crimes, drugs) are exaggerated, and their contribution to the development of culture and society, in addition to sports and entertainment, is ignored.

The main way of speaking out against such racism of elite groups is to practice consistent and critical anti-racist discourses or alternative discourses of a multicultural type. Without such discursive dissent, it is possible to repeat the horrors of ethnic and racial conflicts and the destructive wars of the twentieth century. In today's world, in Europe and other countries, van Dijk believes, there is no alternative to a multicultural and multi-ethnic society without racism.

One of the examples that we would like to analyze is intentional usage of the n-word by Barack Obama on the “WTF” podcast in Los Angeles in June 2015. While discussing the issue of racism with the host Marc Maron, the then president of the United States intentionally uses the derogatory term.

To analyze the actual speech we will approach the discourse in three dimensions. Firstly, we will analyze the text itself. The analysis of texts covers traditional forms of linguistic analysis - analysis of vocabulary and semantics, the grammar of sentences and smaller units, the sound system and writing system. Secondly, we will study the discourse practice. Finally, we will analyze the sociocultural practice of the issue which is touched upon in the particular communicative act. We will take into consideration different aspects and levels of this issue.

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow, and that's still part of our DNA that's passed on. We're not cured of it. And it's not just a matter of it not being polite to say `n*****' in public. That's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It's not just a matter of overt discrimination. … Societies don't overnight completely erase everything that happened 200-300 years prior.”

If we take a look at the grammar structures we can see that there are both active (casts shadow, is not the measure, don't erase) and passive structures (is passed on, are not cured). As an unmarked construction, Active Voice is used in those sentences where subject and verb's agent are the same thing, subject or object. This means that in sentences with Active Voice the actors of the action are held responsible, in our case those subjects are `the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination', `not being polite to say n***** in public', `societies'. Thus, people and events in people's past are in some way the reason of continuing racism and discrimination.

However, we also have some Passive constructions which in turn take off some of the blame from people: `the legacy of slavery is passed on' emphasizes the fact that this legacy might not necessarily be some external pressure that is exerted by community, but also a part of their heritage that still lives in them. By saying `we're not cured of it [racism]', Obama presents racism as an illness that still affects society. So he does not blame racism just on one person or groups of people, but presents it as a parasitic organism.

Now we should look a bit closer at the subjects themselves. `the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination', `we', ` societies' - if we take two latter subjects we can see that they are a plural form of pronoun and a collective noun they play a collectivization role by taking the responsibility off of a specific person or group of people, it may even means societies from past years that went through events connected with racism and oppression.

When we are analyzing a piece of speech we need to bear in mind that all words have their own power and the choice of words means a lot, especially when we talk about president's speech. Despite the fact that his talk was on just a podcast everything he said would have been scrutinized. What is more, the president and his speech are believed to be a representation of the country's opinion. Therefore, it is essential to study some of the words separately.

The legacy of slavery: legacy is something left by a predecessor and is passed to the future generations. The legacy of slavery in this case means that slavery which was previously actually passed on from parents to children is now carried by successors as part of the heritage, as something they should not forget for the sake of future.

Jim Crow is the only proper noun that we could encounter in the speech which means that this allusion has an important role. Jim Crow laws is the widespread informal name of the laws on racial segregation in some US States in the 1890-1964. This is a collective term that carries all the hardships that black population have experienced. This allusion immediately evokes images of segregation in the USA.

Discrimination is another abstract noun that is defined as unfair or unequal treatment of something or somebody. Originally it meant `to distinguish', `to differentiate', however, now this word almost always carries the negative connotation of unfairness.

Racism - is a set of ideological beliefs based on the inequality of human races and the decisive influence of racial differences on history and culture.

Now we will turn to the ethnophaulism itself. To understand why there so much controversy and debates surround this word we need to understand where it came from, and why and how it was originally used.

Now we will look closer at the history of the United States of America, at the history of the black population. Black Americans are former slaves whose ancestors were brought to America on the ships of European traders. The beginning of the importation of slaves into the territory of the modern United States of America coincided with the entry of Britain into the era of colonial conquests. The first permanent settlement of English colonists in America--Jamestown -- was founded in 1607. Twelve years later, in 1619, the first ship that brought black slaves to the shores of North America.

The importation of black people and the introduction of slavery were a consequence of the need for labor in southern North America, where large -- scale farming, such as tobacco, rice and other plantations. In the North, where plantation farming was less common due to different economic and climatic conditions, slavery did not exist to the same extent as in the South. However, in the Northern States there were also slaves, mainly domestic servants, agricultural laborers, etc.

The first black slaves were brought to America as indentured workers, but very soon the contracting system was officially replaced by a more profitable slavery system. In 1641 in Massachusetts, the term of service of slaves was turned into life, and the law of 1661 in Virginia made slavery of parents hereditary for children. Similar laws enshrining slavery were passed in Maryland (1663), New York (1665), South (1682) and North Carolina (1715), etc. Black slaves sent to America were mostly residents of the West coast of Africa, smaller part belonged to the tribes of Central and South Africa, as well as North Africa and Madagascar.

On May 17, 1954, as a result of years of struggle between blacks and all democratic forces of the United States, as well as strong pressure from world public opinion, the U.S. Supreme court decided to ban racial segregation in public schools. However, the implementation of this decision was largely left to the black people themselves.

In Washington and some cities in Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, and others, there have been notable success. But, in the far South, the reactionary local authorities refused to comply with the Supreme court's decision, creating an extremely tense situation in the southern States. In a number of cities there were serious clashes and to restore order, Federal troops were introduced. Nevertheless, the black people are determined to exercise their rights. On May 17, 1954 more than 50,000 black people from all over the country came to Washington to protest against the anti-black terror in the southern States and to express their solidarity with those fighting for civil rights and freedom.

The events that took place in September 1957 became known all over the world. In Little Rock (Arkansas), where racist Governor Orval Faubus tried to force nine black children out of a school that used to only accept whites. The actions of the Faubus and the excesses of the local Ku-Klux-Klan aroused great indignation throughout the country. Federal troops were sent to Little Rock. For three months, black students went to school under the protection of soldiers, courageously making their way through the system of brutalized hooligans, and finally won a difficult victory.

All decent people are on the side of the black population of the United States and around the world, who understand the struggle of American black people for freedom and equality is part of a common struggle against imperialism, racism, segregation and colonial oppression, which goes around the world.

As for the word itself closed communities always have their own language, many words are distorted and come up with some purpose. Thus, it happened with the word “N***.”The n-word is a used among black population and has a deep meaning - buddy, bro, dude. If communication happens between black guys, and if an African American is called a " n*****" by a white man, then it will be considered an insult.

Negro (black), the Portuguese version of the latin word niger (black), was originally not an inclusive term. It was created by slave owners used it to intentionally isolate and subconsciously infuse inferiority, hoping to further break people by keeping physically captive.

With movements like black lives matter people are constantly trying to draw attention to social issues surrounding black population, especially police brutality towards black people. As we can see, the word has derogatory connotation and is not a neutral language.


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