Benchmarking of gender markers in English and Spanish

The peculiarity of ascertaining the significance of gender markers in English and Spanish and their comparative analysis to adapt to a conversation with a native speaker. Analysis of phonetic and grammatical gender markers in English and Spanish.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 09.03.2020
Размер файла 54,9 K

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7) Hombre pъblico - personaje prominente (prominent character); mujer pъblica - puta;

8) Hombrezuelo - hombrecillo, varon mнnimo o pequeсito (little man, minimal or tiny); mujerzuela - puta;

9) Lechuzo - hombre que anda en comisiones, y se envнa a los lugares a ejecutar los despachos de apremios (a man who goes on commissions, and is sent to the places to execute the despatches of constraints); lechuza - persona aficionada al fisgoneo; puta;

10) Ligero - hombre debil y / o sencillo (weak and / or simple man); ligera - puta;

11) Lobo - hombre experimentado y agresivo (experienced and aggressive man); loba - puta;

12) Pбjaro - hombre astuto y sagaz, que suele suscitar recelos (shrewd man, who often provokes misgivings); pбjara - puta;

13) Perro - hombre tenaz, firme y constante en alguna opiniуn o empresa (tenacious man, firm and constant in some opinion or company); perra - puta

14) Pollo - hombre astuto y sagaz (astute and shrewd man), polla - pene.

Wanting to characterize the criminal, vile, nasty personalities, the native Spanish speaker is subconsciously looking for feminine nouns, and not masculine ones, or nouns with feminine endings. canalla, granuja, sinvergьenza, caradura, gilipollas. E.M. Bakusheva explains it this way: «The ancient society, due to exogamy, defined a woman through the notion of a stranger, which was associated with such meanings as hostile, poor and immoral.» [3. P.151]


It can be concluded that initially the situation with gender markers in English and Spanish was similar. As a result of physiology, social status, position in society, profession, and much more, there was a huge difference between women and men in both activity and language. Since initially a man was considered stronger, the main vocabulary associated with strength, power, hard work, physical labor, as well as power was assigned to the male race. While, more often than not, everything weak, beautiful, treacherous, and also dissolute was feminine. As well as words based on the word man or woman strongly depended on their meaning.

For Example in English language:

man - in the meaning of human being; the best man for the job - the best person for the job; manpower - in the meaning of human power or workpower; the common man - in the meaning of common human; man hours - stuff hours; man the desk - stuff the desk; chairman; businessman(woman); foreman; policeman(woman) - police officer

Or a situation where the same words, but of a different gender, have a different meaning. In Spanish, such situations often have a negative meaning regarding the feminine gender.

For Example in Spanish language:

Aventurero - osado, valiente, arriesgado, hombre de mundo; aventurera-puta

Caballo - persona que posee amplios conocimientos o habilidades para hacer algo (Cuba), yegua mujer grosera (Cuba);

Cualquier - cosa persona indeterminada; cualquiera puta

Gallo - hombre fuerte, valiente; hombre que trata de imponerse a los demбs por su agresividad o jactancia; gallina - persona cobarde, pusilбnime y tнmida; puta;

Thanks to this, we can understand that at first the situation with gender markers in English and Spanish was similar. However, with the advent of the feminist movement, the situation has changed.

Since the feminist movement had an incredible influence in America and in Europe, it greatly transformed English. Many words have been changed or removed from the language in order to promote gender equality.

For Example in English language:

man - human being, mankind, man and woman (individual)

the best man for the job - the best person for the job

manpower - workforce and many others

Almost everything has been changed to have equal rights between women and men and still continues to change. Some words are converted, others are deleted, others appear.

However, the situation in Spanish is different in comparison with English. Although they were also stung by the feminist movement, there were very few changes compared to the English language. The Spaniards, as adherents of the traditions, decided not to retreat from this trait and continued to use the familiar language to everyone.

Of course, this depends on the region, as well as on the distance from major cities, but it can be concluded that the feminist movement, as well as the change in gender markers, affected English much more than Spanish.


In general the theoretical sources analysis leads to a number of conclusions that reflect the role and significance of gender markers in humans speech through the history of languages.

- Intonation, timbre, tone, as well as a person's speech behavior can reflect the gender of a given individual. You can also understand that social status, as well as professional affiliation can greatly affect the use of gender markers in speech.

- In Spanish, the correct use of gender markers can greatly affect attitudes towards people. Thus, in the course of the conducted theoretical studies, it was found that the incorrect use of gender markers can be strongly denounced by society, and may also indicate a low status of the speaker. In addition, despite the strong changes in the role of men and women in society in recent years, the importance and position of gender markers in Spanish has almost not been shaken.

- Major changes in English society in relation to the roles of men and women also affected English. Were proposed and introduced new treatment, which should help reduce the various treatment in relation to women and men.

- It was also found that the speech of women of Indo-European countries, in principle, is often more correct, and sometimes even hypercorrect. As it turned out, there are several reasons that can explain this situation. The first reason is that the social status of women throughout history has been lower than men, and she had to obey, while men had power. It also explains the imperative and imperative manner of speech of men. The second reason is that women are educators of the younger generation. At the subconscious level, they try to give their children a higher level of speech, as this can give them support in becoming more successful in modern society.

- Changing the culture of society, as well as large-scale historical events may affect gender markers in languages. In the course of the study, we saw this situation change gender markers before and after the feminist movement. In the course of what we found out that the degree of importance of gender markers in Indo-European languages, can also strongly depend on the society, culture and history of the society to which it belongs.

From all this we can conclude that changes in society can greatly affect the language that this society uses. Depending on the culture, with the language there can be big changes that will adapt to this society. Also, large-scale historical events can greatly influence the development and progress in the language. This was proven by the feminist movement, which initiated the elimination of gender inequalities in the speech of men and women. This affected not only the everyday speech of people, but even professionally. And although it manifested itself in different languages ??in different degrees, various changes were made.

Thus, it can be understood that in Spanish, gender markers are very important. In the absence of the use of correct gender markers, an ambiguous situation may arise, perhaps the person may even find himself in an uncomfortable position. At the moment, Spanish is ruled by tradition. But now, the Spaniards themselves have started to treat them more gently with a gender marker in the speech in Spanish.

In English, in modern society, on the contrary, they are trying to fully adapt to the changes in the role of men and women that have arisen. The English language was shaken by such big changes that at the present time it is difficult to even understand whether there are gender markers in it or not. At the moment, the English language can be described in one word “tolerance”.


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