The problems of translating international words

Acquaintance with the peculiarities and problems of translation of international words. Uzbekistan as a full-fledged participant in the world process of globalization and integration. Consideration of the methodology for translating international words.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 26.06.2021
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Secondary Translation (German Sekundдre Ьbersetzung) A term used by Diller & Kornelius (1978) to refer to one of two modes of translation (see also primary translation). A secondary translation is defned as a translation which has the purpose of “informing a TL receiver about a communication between an SL sender and an SL receiver” (1978:3). In other words, the recipients of a secondary translation are not the group of people for whom ST was originally composed. Instances where this type of translation is favoured include the translation of literary and scientifc works

Ikkinchi tarjima (Germaniya Sekundдre Ьbersetzung) Diller tomonidan ishlatiladigan atama & amp; Kornelius (1978) tarjima qilishning ikkita usulidan biriga murojaat qilish kerak (shuningdek, boshlang'ich tarjimani ko'ring). Ikkilamchi tarjima "SL qabul qiluvchisini SL jo'natuvchisi va SL qabul qiluvchisi o'rtasidagi aloqa to'g'risida xabardor qilish" (1978: 3) maqsadi bo'lgan tarjima deb tarjima qilinadi. Boshqacha qilib aytganda, ikkinchi darajali tarjimani oluvchilar ST dastlab yaratilgan odamlar guruhi emas. Ushbu turdagi tarjimani afzal ko'rgan holatlarga adabiy va ilmiy asarlarning tarjimasi kiradi.

Selective Translation (French Traduction Sйlective or Traduction Documentaire) One of seven types of translation proposed by Gouadec (1989, 1990) to fulfl the various translation needs which can occur in a professional environment. In selective translation only details relating to one specifc aspect of ST are translated, thus eliminating all irrelevant information (1990:334-35). Additional information not in the original document may be added in the form of explanatory notes, tables, graphs and so on, and the TL reader will thus have rapid access to the most important information contained in ST (1989:25).

Tanlanma tarjima (fransuzcha "Traduction Selection" yoki "Savdoga oid hujjatli film") Gouadec (1989, 1990) tomonidan professional muhitda yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo'lgan tarjima ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun taklif etgan ettita tarjimadan biri. Tanlangan tarjimada faqat STning alohida jihatlariga tegishli tafsilotlar tarjima qilinadi, shu bilan barcha ahamiyatsiz ma'lumotlar yo'q qilinadi (1990: 334-35). Dastlabki hujjatda bo'lmagan qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar tushuntirish yozuvlari, jadvallar, grafikalar va boshqalar shaklida qo'shilishi mumkin va shu bilan XL o'quvchisi ST (1989: 25) da mavjud bo'lgan eng muhim ma'lumotlarga tezkor kirish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi.

Semantic Disambiguation (German Monosemierung) A term used to describe a vital stage in the process of translating from a foreign language. Because of the polysemy commonly displayed by the words of any language and the strong dependence of meaning upon precise context, even the simplest text will inevitably include an element of lexical ambiguity; indeed, as asserted by Hцnig (1976:54), it is likely that such ambiguity will be displayed by the majority of lexical words in any one text, at least to some extent. While such polysemic elements are automatically and effortlessly disambiguated by a native speaker on the basis of an intuitive understanding of their precise meanings in the given context, for the non-native translator they present a frequent source of diffculty: “Polysemy may be basically only potential, but for the translator it is often painfully real” (Hцnig & Kussmaul 1982:91, translated). The text can thus be seen as a “chain of monosemically textualized polysemic lexemes” (Hцnig 1976:53, translated), while it is the task of the translator (or reader) to determine the precise meanings of individual words on the basis of the contextual clues which are available. The concept of semantic disambiguation is particularly important in the feld of translator training, as one of the jobs of the trainer is to encourage students to look at the context in which a word is used rather than relying on an automatic association of one particular SL word with one particular TL meaning or accepting without question the TL equivalents suggested by bilingual dictionaries. Further reading: Diller & Kornelius 1978; Hцnig 1976; Hцnig & Kussmaul 1982; Koller 1979/1992.

Semantik disambiguatsiya (Germaniya Monosemierung) Chet tilidan tarjima qilish jarayonida muhim bosqichni tasvirlash uchun ishlatiladigan atama. Odatda har qanday tilning so'zlari tomonidan namoyon bo'ladigan polisemiya va ma'noning aniq kontekstga bog'liqligi tufayli, hatto eng oddiy matnda ham muqarrar ravishda leksik noaniqlik elementi bo'ladi; haqiqatan ham, Xonig ta'kidlaganidek (1976: 54), har xil matndagi ko'pgina leksik so'zlar, hech bo'lmaganda biron bir darajada, bu noaniqlik paydo bo'lishi mumkin. Bunday polememik elementlar o'z ona tilida ushbu kontekstda ularning aniq ma'nolarini intuitiv ravishda tushunish asosida avtomatik va osonlikcha ajratib olinadigan bo'lsa-da, mahalliy bo'lmagan tarjimon uchun ular tez-tez chalg'itadigan manbani taqdim etadilar: “Polememiya asosan faqat potentsial bo'lishi mumkin, lekin tarjimon uchun bu ko'pincha og'riqli haqiqatdir ”(Xonig va Kussmaul 1982: 91, tarjima qilingan). Shunday qilib, matnni "monosematik matnlashtirilgan polememik leksemalar zanjiri" sifatida ko'rish mumkin (Xonig 1976: 53, tarjima qilingan), shu bilan birga tarjimonning (yoki o'quvchining) vazifasi - individual so'zlarning aniq ma'nolarini ularning asosida aniqlash. mavjud bo'lgan kontekstual maslahatlar. Semantik ajratish tushunchasi feldsherda ayniqsa muhimdir. Tarjimon mashg'ulotlari, chunki murabbiyning vazifalaridan biri talabalarni bitta aniq bir SL so'zini bitta aniq TL ma'nosiga avtomatik ravishda biriktirish yoki TL so'rovisiz qabul qilishdan ko'ra, so'z ishlatiladigan kontekstga qarashga undashdir. ikki tilli lug'atlar tomonidan tavsiya etilgan ekvivalentlar. Keyingi o'qish: Diller va Kornelius 1978; Xonig 1976 yil; Xonig va Kussmaul 1982; Koller 1979/1992.

Semantik tarjima Nyumarkga ko'ra, tarjimaning ikkita usulidan biri (shuningdek, kommunikativ tarjimani 2 ga qarang), bunda "tarjimon TLning yalang'och sintaktik va semantik cheklovlari ostida muallifning aniq kontekstual ma'nosini takrorlashga harakat qiladi" (1981) / 1988: 22)


Undoubtedly, translation is a very ancient type of human activity. There is a concept of translation difficulty in its practice. One of the components of this concept is “false friends” that represent a rather studied interlingual phenomenon, which has a particular interest for translators and linguists. Such category of words can mislead even the experienced translators who possess the language at a high level and can also lead to the distortion of meaning during translation.

In this course work we made an investigation concerning the presence of international and pseudo-international lexis in the language and their translation. So in the course of investigation we became convinced that borrowing in the language is one of the most important factors of its development. Borrowing enlarges the language vocabulary, represents a source of new roots, word-building elements and exact terms. Borrowing is also a result of changes in human society and leads to the appearance of international and pseudo-international lexis.

We also discovered the origin of international words. To our surprise, international words are not only of Greek and Latin origin. Having investigated the subject, we came to the conclusion that there are about ten ways which lead to the appearance of pseudo-international and international lexis. It is important to note that we also established the fields where the international lexis is used. Now we know that medicine contains the biggest number of international words. This can be explained by different causes. Unfortunately, many maladies with different names and symptoms appeared in the last two centuries and this negative phenomenon enlarged in its turn the language vocabulary. Scientists and famous doctors did not give in and discovered treatments. The names of various treatments enriched the vocabulary, too. Now we know exactly what Aphasia and Parkinson`s Disease mean, how Infantile Paralysis is translated.

We managed to highlight the issue of benifits and detrimens of international words. On the one hand these words can be similar in orthography, sound and meaning, but on the other hand having appeared in the language, these words changed their meanings, and consequently there appears the danger to make a mistake in their translation.

As for pseudo-international words, we made quite a different research with them. We paid more attention to them, because these words represent “real traps” for translators. Firstly, we devided them into groups, according to their basic features and differences, and after that we showed examples of their correct and wrong translation.

We think that there is room for further investigation of this issue, because the process of borrowing in a language is uninterrupted and different words continue to enter into the language, where they acquire other meanings. We should not rely only on our intuition, because it can deceive us.

We consider that our course work is very useful for the translators, who deal with translation in the field of economics, politics, medicine or science, because there are a lot of international words in these fields. It is their duty to be aware of this part of vocabulary, because international words are very often met in translation. The course work also presents a great interest for those translators, who translate newspaper articles, because they contain lot of pseudo-international lexis. The translator who is not well-informed about “false friends” cannot be proficient in this field.

List of used literature

1. Akulenko, Vladimir et al. Англо-Русский и Русско-Английский словарь “Ложных друзей переводчика”. Moscow: Sovetzkaia entzeklopedia, 1989

2. Algeo, John. The Origins and Development of the English Language. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning, 2005, p.248

3. Arnold, Irina. The English Word. Moscow: Visshaia Shkola, 1973

4. Ahmanova O.S. (2004), Glossary of linguistic terms. Moscow, Russia: [in Russian].

5. Barinov S.M. (1991). Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary. Mocow, Russia: [in Russian].

6. Borisova L.I. (2005), False Translator's friends. Moscow, Russia: [in Russian].

7. Borisova, Liudmila. “Lojnye druzia” perevodchika Nauchno-Tehnicheskoi Literatury.

8. British English Dictionary, 230

9. Condrea, Irina. Comunicare prin Traducere. Chiєinгu: Tehnica-Info, 2001

10. Hornby, Albert. Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press, 2005

11. Kiyosaki R., Sharon L L. (1997), Rich dad,poor dad, Warner Books Ed

12. Longman Dictionary, 250

13. Minaeva, Ludmila. English. Lexicology and Lexicography. St. Petersburg: Astreli, 2007

14. Mirfayziyev M. (2016), Boy ota, kambag'al ota, “Nasaf” nashriyoti.

15. Ogden, Charles Kay.“International Word” List-Alphabetic.Ogden`s Basic English.

16. Venuti, Lawrence. The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge





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