Psycholinguistic Specifics of Understanding by Ukrainian Students the Principles of Nomination of Linguocultural Models "clothing" in English and Ukrainian

To show psycholinguistic peculiarities of understanding by Ukrainian students the principles of nomination of linguocultural models "clothing" in the English and Ukrainian languages. Understanding the features of their motivation, in particular, verbs.

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Psycholinguistic Specifics of Understanding by Ukrainian Students the Principles of Nomination of Linguocultural Models «clothing» in English and Ukrainian

Nataliia Mykhalchuk1

Dr. Sc. in Psychology, Professor

Pavlo Levchuk

Ph.D. in Philology, Adjunct Professor

Ernest Ivashkevych1

Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Lecturer, Translator

Liudmyla Yasnohurska1

Ph.D. in Philology, Assistant Professor

Olena Cherniakova

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor


The purpose of the article is: to show psycholinguistic peculiarities of understanding by Ukrainian students the principles of nomination of linguocultural models «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages.

The methods of the research are: theoretical ones - categorical and structurally- functional analysis of the texts, the methods of systematization, modeling, generalization; empirical methods - the analysis of lexical units, the experiment. For the purpose of studying the motivation of linguocultural units we used «The methods of studying of motivation by linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages» (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2020).

The results of the research. For the understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language the laws of organization of usualized (a priori) and actual (a posteriori) communicative meanings, their interaction, movement, etc. are quite important. For understanding linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English language it is sufficient superficial perception of lexical units that denote the nominations of clothing, understanding the features of their motivation, in particular, verbs, nouns and adjectives, as well as mastering the form of presentation of this or that lexical unit.

Conclusions. As a result of the research psycholinguistic features of students' understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages were established. Productivity of students' understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language is determined by (a) the deep meaning of lexical units; (b) semantics and spatio-temporal meanings of linguocultural units; (c) syntactics of lexical units; (d) verb and noun basis of clothing nomination; (e) various connections between explicit concepts (metaphorical and metonymic transference); (f) assertive content of the nominative unit denoting «clothing»; (g) understanding of inferences, implications, intentions of the expressionm (h) explication of usualized (a priori) communicative meanings.

Key words: linguocourema, thematic group «clothes», nomination principles, lexical units, understanding, inference, implication, intension, explication, meaning.

psycholinguistic linguocultural language


Психолінгвістичні особливості розуміння українськими студентами принципів номінації лінгвокультуреми «одяг» в англійській та українській мовах

Наталія Михальчук, доктор психологічних наук, професор

Павло Левчук, доктор гуманітарних наук в галузі «Мовознавство», ад'юнкт

Ернест Івашкевич, кандидат психологічних наук,старший викладач, перекладач

Людмила Ясногурська, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Олена Чернякова, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент

Мета. Виявити психолінгвістичні особливості розуміння українськими студентами принципів номінації лінгвокультуреми «одяг» в англійській та українській мовах.

Методи і методики. Теоретичні методи (категоріальний та структурно- функціональний аналіз авторських текстів; систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення). Емпіричні методи (аналіз лексичних одиниць, експеримент). З метою вивчення вмотивованості лінгвокультурем було використано «Методику вивчення вмотивованості лінгвокультурем тематичної групи «одяг» в англійській та українській мовах» (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2020). Результати. Доведено, що якщо для розуміння студентами лінгвокультурем тематичної групи «одяг» в українській мові досить важливими є закони організації узуальних (апріорних) і актуальних (апостеріорних) комунікативних смислів, їх взаємодії, руху тощо, то для розуміння таких лінгвокультурем в англійській мові достатнім є поверхове сприймання лексичних одиниць, що позначають номінації одягу, розуміння особливостей їх вмотивованості, зокрема, дієсловами, іменниками та прикметниками, а також опанування формою презентації лексичної одиниці.

Висновки. Встановлено психолінгвістичні особливості розумінням студентами лінгвокультурем тематичної групи «одяг» в англійській та українській мовах. Встановлено, що продуктивність розумінням студентами лінгвокультурем тематичної групи «одяг» в українській мові зумовлюється: (а) глибинним смислом лексичних одиниць; (б) семантикою та просторово-часовими значеннями лінгвокультурем; (в) синтактикою лексичних одиниць; (г) дієслівною та іменниковою основою номінації одягу; (д) перенесенням значення за різними зв'язками між експлікованими поняттями (метафоричним та метонімічним перенесенням); (е) асертивним змістом номінативної одиниці на позначення «одягу»; (є) розумінням інференцій, імплікацій, інтенцій висловлювання; (ж) експлікацією узуалізованих (апріорних) комунікативних смислів.

Ключові слова: лінгвокультурема, тематична група «одяг», принципи номінації, лексичні одиниці, розуміння, інференція, імплікація, інтенція, експлікація, смисли.


Психолингвистические особенности понимания украинскими студентами принципов номинации лингвокультуремы «одежда» в английском и украинском языках Михальчук Наталья, Левчук Павел, Ивашкевич Эрнест, Ясногурская Людмила, Черняковая Елена

Цель. Определить психолингвистические особенности понимания украинскими студентами принципов номинации лингвокультуремы «одежда» в английском и украинском языках.

Методы и методики исследования. Теоретические методы (категориальный и структурно-функциональный анализ авторских текстов; систематизация, моделирование, обобщение). Эмпирические методы (анализ лексических единиц, эксперимент). С целью изучения понимания лингвокультурем мы использовали «Методику изучения мотивированности лингвокультурем тематической группы «одежда» в английском и украинском языках» (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2020).

Результаты. Доказано, что если для понимания студентами лингвокультурем тематической группы «одежда» в украинском языке достаточно важными являются законы организации узуальных (априорных) и актуальных (апостериорных) коммуникативных смыслов, их взаимодействия, движения и т.д., то для понимания таких лингвокультурем в английском языке достаточным является довольно-таки поверхностное восприятия лексических единиц, обозначающих номинации одежды, понимание особенностей их вмотивированности, в частности, глаголами, существительными и прилагательными, а также овладение формой презентации лексической единицы.

Выводы. Установлены психолингвистические особенности понимания студентами лингвокультурем тематической группы «одежда» в английском и украинском языках. Выявлено, що мотивированность понимания студентами лингвокультурем тематической группы «одежда» в украинском языке обусловлена: (а) глубинным смыслом лексических единиц; (б) семантикой и пространственно-временными значениями лингвокультурем; (в) синтактикой лексических единиц; (г) глагольной и именной основой номинации одежды; (д) переносом значения между эксплицироваными понятиями (метафорическим и метонимическим переносом); (е) асертивным содержанием номинативной единицы для обозначения «одежды»; (ё) пониманием инференций, импликаций, интенций высказывания; (ж) экспликацией узуализированных (априорных) коммуникативных смыслов.

Ключевые слова: лингвокультурема, тематическая группа «одежда», принципы номинации, лексическая единица, понимание, инференция, импликация, интенция, экспликация, смысл.

In psycholinguistics, researchers define «nomination» as a combination of generalizing content and speech activity, as well as the person's thinking (Drigas, & Karyotaki, 2017; Gathercole et al, 2004; Koizumi & In'nami, 2013; Rezaei & Mousanezhad Jeddi, 2020). Thus, in the process of its creation the word goes from a mentally significant paradigm to communication, and, that is why, the study of the lexical level of any language should cover all stages of the formation of speech activity in a way from the creation of speech clichйs to their functioning (Alahmadi & Foltz, 2020; Conners, 2009; Ehri et al, 2001;

Heidari, 2019). Since the beginning of psycholinguistics as a science, researchers have not abandoned any attempts to study the process of actualization of mental images and facts of the surrounding reality, their transition to the facts of the language (Arrington et al, 2014; Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019).

The creation of a new word is always influenced by socio- historical experience of native speakers, their subjective and pragmatic assessments (Astle & Scerif, 2011; Engle, 2002; Komol & Sripetpun, 2011; Phani Krishna et al, 2020). The theory of nomination has the aim to provide primarily studying the process of transition from the facts of surrounding us reality to the facts of speech (Alahmadi et al, 2018; de la Garza & Harris, 2017; Hecht et al, 2001; Pimperton & Nation, 2010). In such a way in each individual speech act this process is perceived as specific and unique one (Dale & Duran, 2011; Shiva Ram et al, 2017).

The very word «clothes» is ambiguous in both English and Ukrainian languages. In dictionaries, clothes, for example, is defined in such a way:

«...everything that a person wears, a dress, an outfit; or in addition to hats, gloves and shoes» (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019).

So, «clothes» is: (1) a set of objects (made of fabric, fur, leather, etc.), which cover the body of the person or what a man puts it on; (2) part of such items, excluding underwear, shoes, hats; (3) what is worn by anyone or what anyone is wearing» (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019).

Also clothes is:

«(1) a set of objects that cover and hide the body: winter clothes, men's and women's clothing store. Clothes is something that is covering for the person's body; wearing apparel, dress, raiment, vesture» (Simpson & Weiner: 56).

As it is in all definitions, the first value includes the whole set of objects covering the body; in our research we understand the «clothes» as not only clothes in the form of pants, dresses, etc., but also hats, shoes, underwear, etc.

When we talk about the clothing paradigm, we always mean some classification of objects, building them by a certain hierarchy. This is also true for the thematic group that is «clothing». Each name of this group belongs to one or another thematic subgroup. Based on our definition of «clothing item» in the studied group, we can identify the following different thematic subgroups: (1) clothing; (2) shoes; (3) hats. Knowing the surrounding reality, a person invariably divides it into separate elements. This division is carried out using language units which are characterized by a certain degree of abstraction.

We consider the linguistic cultures of the thematic group «clothing» from the standpoint of the laws of nomination, which are unique for each language, as well as in a view of their associative connections between denotations in English and in Ukrainian. These connections are such kind of reflection of the national-specific perception of surrounding us reality and depend on the degree of significance of the studied lexical sphere in accordance with the culture of a particular social group.

So, the purpose of the article is: to show psycholinguistic peculiarities of understanding by Ukrainian students the principles of nomination of linguocultural models «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages.

So, let us analyze nominative models in the Ukrainian language. All the ways of word formation in both languages, which are compared, can be divided into: (1) grammatical (affix) ways; (2) semantic ones (subjects are changed by their lexical meaning) (Alyami & Mohsen, 2019; Falй et al., 2016; Greco et al., 2020; Knight, 1994; Tran et al., 2020). Among the linguistic cultures in the thematic group we have being studied in the Ukrainian language, we have identified the following affix word-building models, such as suffix linguocultural models. These are linguocultures models motivated by verbs with a general word¬building meaning «a carrier of a procedural feature», which is specified in certain types as «the instrument, means of action», «the object of actions», «the result of actions». Some suffixes (for example, suffix -к) are used in terms of their nomination of the object having been that performs the action or the object intended to perform the action, called by motivating word: плавки, підтяжки.

Linguocultural models formed with the help of this suffix are called an object (a tool, a device). They are designed to perform an action called by a motivating word. In our case it is a linguocultural model купатися - купальник. The suffix is -ник. Nouns with a suffix -ат, -ан are called as the object that is characterized by the action called by a motivating word: шльопати - шльопанець (colloquial). The other suffixes are -инк, -к. Female linguocultures with such suffixes are represented by the meaning «to the item of clothing», which is characterized by the action called by a motivating word: стелитися - устілка, стояти - стійка, ширитися - ширинка (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

Also linguocultural models with suffixes can have the meaning «tools, devices which have been designed to perform the action»: накидати - накидка, підв'язувати - підв'язка. Linguocultural models of the feminine gender which were by suffixation mean the «result of some action». Linguocultural models formed by suffixes called an item of clothing intended to perform the action called by a motivating word: in words плавки (плавати), підтяжки (підтягувати), повзунки (повзати) (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

Linguocultural models having been motivated by adjectives with word-building meaning «a sign of some peculiarity». Names of clothes motivated by relative adjectives are explicitly motivated by the adjective, and implicitly - by a noun, in turn motivating this adjective: теніска (тенісна майка) і (майка для гри в теніс) (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020). Therefore, such linguocultural models usually express the person's hidden attitude to the subject that is called «a noun». Linguocultural models with the meaning «a person who is characterized by a quantitative feature», motivated by numerals or adjectives, call an object that contains as many identical parts as the motivating word does, or an object that is a set of as many objects as was called «a motivating word» (with suffix -к).

Linguocultural models of a feminine gender with suffixes represented by some morphemes have the general meaning «an item of clothing which is characterized by a feature called by a motivating word»: бейсбольний - бейсболка, шкіряний - шкірянка, матроський - матроска, натільний - тільняшка, тенісний - теніска, футбольний - футболка (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020). Morpheme -івк is represented by a linguocultural models «спецівка». Often the following adjectives, in turn, are motivated by surnames, names of countries and cities: Шотландія - шотландскій - шотландка (colloquial version of the name «спідниця - кілт»), Угорщина - угорська - угорка, В'єтнам - в'єтнамський - в'єтнамка, Кубань - кубанський - кубанка, Фінляндія - фінський - фінка, Черкесія - черкеський - черкеска, Польша - польська - полька (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

Further lexical specification of the meaning of such nouns often depends on the fact that from a semantic point of view these words are motivated by specific phrases with a motivating adjective as a defining word: «шкіряна куртка». Linguocultural models with suffixes -к, -нк, -ок call the item of clothing by some characteristic basis, containing some motivating adjective: дублення - дублянка, косою - косинка, фланелевий - фланелька, стьобаний - стьоганка, валяний - валянок. Truncation of the base of the adjective is observed in the following cases: спеціальний - спецівка (colloquial), натільний - тільняшка (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

Linguocultural models motivated by nouns with the word-building meaning «a carrier of the subjective feature» (a peculiarity that consists of the attitude to the subject, by the person or by the phenomenon called by the motivational word). The next is suffix -ник. Linguocultural models with a suffix -ник (-ик) have a general meaning «the subject of clothing, which is characterized by the relation to the object, the phenomenon which is called by the motivating word»: вата - ватник, дощ - дощовик, пісок - пісочник (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020). Many names are also motivated by the adjectives with suffix -н and, as a consequence, simultaneously belong to the type of nouns with a suffix with the meaning «on the body»: пильовик (пил і запорошений), фартух (перед і передній), тільник (тіло і натільний) (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

Female linguistic cultural models with a suffix -ниц called an object that is characterized by a relation to what subject is called by a motivating word. These subjects include the names of parts of clothing: волосся - волосяниця, рука - рукавиця. Suffixes -овк, -івк. The meaning of all words with these suffixes explains the relation to the phenomenon called by the motivating noun: шторм - штормівка, вітер - вітровка, крос - кросівка. The meaning of «a part of the subject - the carrier of the subjective trait» is presented in linguocultural models with the suffix -ілк: гомілка (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

Nouns with suffix -анк are characterized by the attitude to what is called a motivating word. These names include the name of the headdress «вушанка». This group also includes linguocultural models with other suffixes, motivated by proper names and nouns, which have a general meaning «an item of clothing that is characterized by the attitude to the person named by the motivating word»: пілот - пілотка, ковбой - ковбойка (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

In the Ukrainian language there is a large group of words which is formed by prefix-suffix linguocultural models -nominations of clothing.

With the help of prefixes in linguocultural models, which are motivated by nouns (mostly by prefixes and suffixes), there are expressed clarifying meanings that specify the nature of the relationships of the subject with a subjective feature, called by the motivating word. These groups include:

(1) . Spatio-temporal meanings. Different spatial meanings (which specify the location of the object called by the motivating word, according to the object called this motivating word) are expressed in prefix-suffix linguocultural models which are motivated by nouns. Linguocultural models with the prefix на- and the suffix -ник are called an item of clothing that is intended to be on the surface of what is called by a motivating word: груди - нагрудник, коліно - наколінник, чоло - начоловник, рукав - нарукавник (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

(2) . The meaning of the absence of an object called by a motivating word is also expressed in words which are motivated by nouns. Linguocultural models with the prefix без- and the suffix -к are called an object that is characterized by the absence of what is called by a motivating word: рукав - безрукавка, козирьок - безкозирка (the base of the word «козирьок» is truncated). Linguocultural models with the prefix па- and the suffix -ок have the meaning of similarity, name the object that is not fully identify the subject what is called by a motivating word: гомілка - паголенок (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

Linguocultural models with the prefix під- and the suffix -ник call the subject that is below, under what the subject is called by a motivational word: штани - підштанники, спідниця - під'юбник (colloquial) (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020). A small part of the linguocultural models of the studied thematic group in the Ukrainian language does not fit the content under the above classification, as it was formed by truncating the basis of a motivational word. Lexical unit «воріт», belonging to this group, is a truncation of the verb «повернути».

Suffixless linguocultural models were formed directly by truncation «трико» (трикотажний) і «кажан» (colloquial from «шкіряний») (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020). These grammatical ways of word formation are often combined with the term «word formation», in contrast to the following grammatical ways of word building, which are often generalized by the term «word building».

In the Ukrainian language there are also complex linguocultural models -nominations of clothing. Linguocultural models with the interfix are also formed by the method of addition, the word-forming meanings of which are created by combining the meanings of the bases, which motivate the words into one complex general meaning. In their structure, they contain a supporting component - the noun - and a dominant basis with the functions of clarification and concretization. In this model a basic component can be: (1) the basics of verbs; (2) the basics of nouns.

(1) . Let us analyze the addition with the basic component containing the verb base. Linguocultural models of the feminine gender with the suffix -к is called an item of clothing intended to perform the action called the basis of the verb and specified in the first basis: водолазка, фуфайка (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

(2) . The addition with the base component containing the base of a noun. Linguocultural models with the suffix -к have the same general meaning as the previous type.

These are the names of items of clothing and footwear, and in the second case the basic components are the basis of words with the meaning of the body part. They are preceded by the basics: (1) the nouns косоворітка, босоніжки, спецодяг (the truncated form of the adjective «спеціальний» is added to the basic component in the last example); (2) numerals and semi-truncated bases of the word «half» and «interfix», for example, -у-): триуголка, напівчеревики (полуботінки), полусапоги (полусапожок); the same examples include linguocultural model «вушанка» (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020). Linguocultural models with the suffix -ок is called an item of clothing, which is characterized by the fact that it calls the supporting base and specifies the basic dominant basis of the word.

The component appears as the dominant basis напів- (semi- truncated base of the word напів- і інтерфікс -к-): кожушок, полушалок. Linguocultural model «напівпальто» is also formed by adding the basis of the noun «пальто» and a refining component «напів». Among word combinations with a basic component that contains the base of the noun in the Ukrainian language there are linguocultural models with related components of the international nature. «максі» and «міні» in the structure: максі-спідниця (міні-спідниця), максі-пальто (міні- пальто), etc. (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

The first component in compound words does not change, which distinguishes them from compound nouns, which are related combinations of words in which both parts are changed: брюки-кльош, плаття-костюм, спідниця-бочонок, спідниця-сонце, спідниця- олівець, капелюх-дзвін, капелюх-пілюля і т.п. (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

In addition to the first two linguocultural models, which are complex names, all others as one of the components include into the basis of the noun with a modifying meaning of similarity (based on metaphorical transferring) and, therefore, can be attributed to the next group of linguocultural models.

Let us describe linguocultural models with the modification of value of similarity in the Ukrainian language. In the case of word¬building of linguocultural models of the thematic group «clothing» by word-formation modification in the Ukrainian language, to the meaning of the motivational word is added a certain element of content, which was absent in the original basis. However, in the meaning of the created word there is always a component «similar to the object or phenomenon called a motivating word». Word-forming modification is a synthesis of semantic transferring of the meaning and grammatical affixation.

Motivational and motivated words always have the same part of speech (in this case - classified as «a noun»). Linguocultural models with the meaning of similarity are called an item of clothing that contains features of the item called «a motivating word», but it is not such kind of word in the whole. These are the names of clothes represented by nouns with suffixes -ок: носок (напр., черевика), -овин (горловина), -ур (спецура). Linguocultural models with suffixes are called an item of clothing, similar in appearance by various characteristics (for example, the shape of the location) or the transfer of any function to an item called a motivating word: крила - крильця (вид рукава), ліхтар - ліхтарик (вид рукава), цвях - гвоздики (вид каблука), шпилька - шпильки (вид каблука), язик - язичок (у замці, черевиках), стремено - стремешка (на брюках), човен - човник (вид туфель) (Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, 2020).

The grammatical ways of word-building by linguocultural models have been also described by us. In both languages, comparison with the help of semantic methods of word formation refers to all kinds of changes in the meaning of words, the emergence of new meanings and reinterpretation of old ones, but, unlike the word-formation modification described above, the change of meaning under semantic word-formation occurs without inflections. In the Ukrainian language in the thematic group «clothes» we have identified the following cases of semantic affixless word formation:

(1) . The process of transferring meanings by similarity of features (metaphorical transferring of meanings), for example: боа (вид шарфа), труба (головний убір), метелик (тип краватки), банани (вид штанів), казанок (головний убір), циліндр (головний убір), танкетка (вид взуття).

(2) . The process of transferring of meanings by various connections between explicit concepts (metonymic transferring of meanings), for example:

- «material - an object having been made of this material»: хакі, джерсі, джинси;

- «a place - an object having been associated with this place»: панама, бермуди, сланці;

- «the person - the subject of the toilet (a detail of the subject of the toilet)»: султан, боксери;

- «the property of the subject - the subject»: грація;

- «the whole - a part of the whole»: шпильки, гвоздики (in the meaning «взуття на підборах, шпильки або гвоздик»);

- «the action - the result of this action»: комбінація.

(3) . The process of transferring of meanings by similarity of functions, for example: платформа.

Linguocultural models are given in the item «material - a subject from this material» хакі, джерсі, джинси are not perceived by native Ukrainian speakers as borrowed ones, although they were borrowed from English. However, we consider it possible to cite them as the example, as they have all long been assimilated into the Ukrainian language and included in explanatory dictionaries. The difficulty of comparing the studied languages by their morphological aspect lies in their diversity.

The Ukrainian language, which by its nature is synthetic, forms grammatical and semantic categories with the help of a huge number of inflections, while the English language, which is analytical, operates by completely different means. And since the potential of the English language is inflectional, objectively poorer than the Ukrainian language, the classification of word formation methods in the Ukrainian language cannot be applied to the English language in the whole.

That is why let us analyze nominal clothing models in English. The first are linguocultural models having been motivated by a certain part of speech. Let us describe linguocultural models motivated by verbs.

Linguocultural models of the English language, motivated by verbs and formed by suffixes -er, -or, are called or an object intended to perform some action (suspend - suspender, romp - romper, wade - wader, protect - protector, wrap - wrapper, jump - jumper, train - trainer), or are called an object that is characterized by some action having been called a motivating word (sweat - sweater, choke - choker, soak - soaker, slip - slipper, sneak - sneaker) (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019).

Among the linguocultural models of the English language, motivated by verbs, there are isolated models, but they are not under a general linguistic classification of models: combination (the suffix -ation in this case actualizes the meaning «the result of the action»), lounging (the suffix -ins expresses the meaning of «the object having been intended to perform the action»). There are also linguocultural models with the suffix -s: (1) a name of the object having been intended for the action (put - puttees); (2) a name of the object that is characterized by the action called a motivating word (brace - braces, snuggle - snuggles).

Among the linguocultural models having been motivated by the verb in the suffix-prefix way, in the English language only the word unmentionables has been formed. English is characterized by non-affixed way of word-building (a conversion). The following linguocultural models were formed in the studied thematic group by conversion: to shift - a shift, to shrug - a shrug, to slip - a slip (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019), which have the meaning «a subject characterized by reference to some action, called by a motivated word».

Linguocultural models in the English language having been motivated by adjectives are formed with the suffix -s and have the word-building meanings «a sign of a peculiarity»: tight - tights, slack - slacks, short - shorts, scanty - scanties, slip - slips, false - falsies, brief - briefs (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019). In this case there is a combination of conversion and adding the ending of the noun set (by analogy with the form of the lexical unit trousers).

The largest group in the English language is formed by linguocultural models motivated by nouns. These models, above all, include those names of clothing that were formed by separating a plural form of the noun. The peculiarity of this method is that the word-building of a new word in this case is accompanied by the transformation of the grammatical ending (inflection) into a suffix: chap (хлопець) - chaps (кальсони); bottom (нижня частина) - bottoms (брюки), wedge (клин) - wedges (танкетки), tail (хвіст) - tails (фрак); bloomer (батон) - bloomers (брюки); trunk (ствол) - trunks (чоловічі панталони); breech (зад) - breeches (бриджі); heel (каблук) - heels (жіночі туфлі) (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019).

Linguocultural models motivated by nouns and formed with the suffix -er are characterized by the relation to the object or phenomenon called by a motivating word (top - topper, gait - gaiter). Unique models can also include nouns which are formed from prefixes of Greek origin: mахі (спідниця максі), mini (спідниця міні). Also singular it is the linguocultural model of bodice (the suffix -ice in this case means «the attitude to an object or phenomenon having been called by a motivating word»). By word formation in the studied thematic group in the English language a fairly large number of items of clothing were presented.

As in the Ukrainian language nouns are formed by words addition, which combine the meanings of the bases of motivational words into one complex meaning. As the first basis there are: (1) the basics of nouns; (2) the basics of adjectives; (3) the basics of verbs. The largest layer is formed by linguocultural models which are built by adding two basics-nouns: topcoat; envelope-neck; bell-bottoms, playsuit, crew-neck, sundress, turtleneck, sunhat, cowl-collar, raincoat, boat-neck, tailcoat, hoopskirt, straw-hat, broomstick-skirt, mortarboard, oilskin, hobble-skirt, shell-blouse, toecap, pram-suit, peasant dress, housecoat, waistcoat, street-dress, neckband, harem skirt, neckpiece, car coat, elbow sleeve, jungle coat, armband, wristband, opera hat, necktie, court shoe, lumber- jacket, bodysuit, toreador pants, ankle-sock, lounger suit, skullcap, boiler suit, loincloth, bomber jacket, hip boot, hiphuger slacks, boxer shorts, jockey cap, forage cap, mob cap, kneeboot, pea-jacket (peacoat) (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019).

Complex linguocultural models that contain a verb (crop-top, jumpsuit, sweatshirt, slouch hat, crush hat, coverall) or an adjective (greatcoat, petticoat, merry-widow) as a concretizing component are extremely innumerable. As for us it is also interesting the word «plusfours», having been motivated by the numeral four, which is a synthesis of the basics of verbs and numerals, as well as the inflection of -s (because this linguocultural model indicates the type of pants) (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019).

Among studied words denoting clothing in the English language there are those ones that are formed by adding the word base and the preposition. The word base of such type of word-building can be a verb (wrapover, pullover, pinafore, jerkin, slipover, underwear, cutaway) or a noun (overcoat, overskirt, overtop, undershirt, overdress, overall) (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019). In addition to the simple addition of two word bases, one way for word-building is to create clothing names with the aim to combine the base and the derived word with the suffix -er (so-called «word production» way of building lexical units).

In the studied thematic group two linguocultural models are formed by adding the suffix to a word which consists of two nouns (shirt-waister, sou'wester) and three ones by adding a suffix to a linguocultural item, one of the bases of which is represented by a verb (windbreaker, bodyshaper, chinwiper). For English word-building in general is characterized the building of new words by lexicalization of free word combinations. In such a way in the thematic group we studied the names of clothes are formed in a similar way: kiss-me-quick, all-in-one, op-art suit, leg-of-mutton, bib-and-brace, button-through dress (Dictionary «Multitran», 2019).

We did not notice such facts in the Ukrainian language. Semantic ways of word formation include various changes in the meaning of words, the emergence of new meanings and reinterpretation of well-known ones. Among the processes that we can see in the development of word meanings, the most frequent cases in the English language are:

(1) . The process of transferring meanings by similarity of features (metaphorical transfer of meanings), for example: a pillbox (a type of a hat), a barrel (a type of a sweater), a stovepipe (a type of a hat), etc.

(2) . The process of transferring meanings by different connections between expressive concepts (metonymic transferring of meanings), for example:

- «material - an object done of this material»: straw, bearskin, leghorn, gabardine, jersey, denims;

- «a place - an object having been associated with this place»: arctic, bermudas, oxford, rapata, waist;

- «a man - the subject of the toilet»: babushka, bishop, boater, cardinal, knickerbockers.

All these categories can also include linguocultural models having been formed from proper names: jerry, jack, mackintosh, Vandyke, Princess Eugenie; «the characteristics of the object - the object»: stogy, waterproof; «the action - the result of the action»: combination; «a social event - a subject connected with this event»: derby; «a whole - a part of the whole»: zipper heels.

(3) . The process of changing meanings in the connection with the emotionally expressive color that accompanies the subject-logical meaning of the word. For example, in the Middle English period the word mobcap underwent a development of meanings from the derogatory «black headdress» to «home hat» in contemporary English. Some linguistic cultures of the thematic field «clothes» are created in a phonological way (onomatopoeia) unique configurations of sounds: tiit (pajamas), tutu (ballerina's tutu). The example of onomatopoeia (sound imitation) is the linguocultural model of flip-flop. It is also interesting the formation of monokini (women's bathing suit that consists only of swimming trunks) and tankini (women's bathing suit that consists of swimming trunks and T-shirts), which are derived from the word bikini (women's bathing suit that consists of swimming trunks and a bodice).

Research methods and techniques

The methods of the research are: theoretical ones - categorical and structurally-functional analysis of the texts, the methods of systematization, modeling, generalization; empirical methods - the analysis of lexical units, the experiment. For the purpose of studying the motivation of linguocultural units we used

«The methods of studying of motivation by linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages» (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2020).


With the purpose to analyze motivation by linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages we proposed for 453 students of the philological faculty of Rivne State University of the Humanities «The methods of studying of motivation by linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages» (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2020).

The experiment lasted during March-May, 2020. Students had to analyze (for the origin of this lexical unit) the linguocultural units proposed by us from the thematic group «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages. They also had to explain the principles of nomination of these units, as well as to offer their own definition of them. Then this definition students compared with the meaning proposed in a dictionary. We considered that the task was performed perfectly, when the student's justification of the meaning of linguocultural units had been coincided with the dictionary interpretation.

Before organizing our research, respondents proved informed consent to participate in the experiment. The experiment was conducted with the ethical principles of integrity, transparency, tolerance, subjectivity, autonomy. These principles were proposed by us according to the regulations of the Committee of Ethics and Morality.

The results of the research

Here are examples of the analysis by students of motivation by linguistic culture of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language, having been done at a high level.

The analysis of motivational characteristics in the studied thematic group in the Ukrainian language allowed us to combine linguocultural models of clothes into 11 groups having been formed on the basis of principle of nomination (groups are arranged in descending order of their representativeness in speech): (1) «the form» (18.0%); (2) «the purpose of use of the thing (the purpose)» (17.0%); (3) «clothing as a material used» (11.0%); (4) «social, national and professional affiliation» (10.0%); (5) «the image of the action / the attitude to the action» (9.0%); (6) «a way of wearing» (9.0%); (7) «the name of parts of a human body» (9.0%); (8) «the presence / the absence of any detail» (8.0%); (9) «by method of production» (4.0%); (10) «a place» (3.0%); (11) «main characteristics» (2.0%).

(1). The principle of nomination «the form». In the Ukrainian language this principle presents the most numerous group, linguocultural models, the formation of which was based on the motivational feature «the form». This group includes:

- метелик (from «butterfly») - a tie in the form of a bow;

- банани (from «banana») - a kind of women's pants wide up and narrowed down (shaped like a banana);

- боа (from «boa» - a kind of snake) - a kind of a long scarf with feathers;

- гвоздик (from «a nail») - a high thin heel;

- головка (from «a head») - the front of the boots, covering the toes and a part of the foot;

- косоворітка (from «oblique + gate») - a kind of a jacket with an oblique collar;

- косинка (from «oblique») - women's triangular headdress or a neck scarf;

- казанок (from «bowls») - a solid men's hat with a rounded top and small brims;

- крильця (from «wings») - a kind of short gathered sleeves, shaped like wings;

- човники (from «a boat») - open women's shoes with a pointed toe;

- платформа (from «a platform») - a thickened sole of footwear or footwear on such a sole;

- стремешка (it is the same as the strips, from the «stirrup») - a band sewn to the end of the pants, which covers the bottom of the foot;

- таблетка (from «tablet») - a small women's hat, which resembles a tablet in its shape;

- танкетка (from «a wedge» - a small high-speed tank) - shoes with soles that thicken to five;

- трикутівка (from «three + corners») - a shaped hat of a triangular style;

- вушанка (from «three + ear») - the obsolete name of a man's hat with headphones, which is lowered with a backdrop;

- труба (from «a pipe») - a women's knitted headdress (or a collar) in the shape of a pipe;

- ліхтарик (from «a lantern») - a kind of sleeve, shaped like a flashlight;

- шпилька (from «a lantern») - a kind of sleeve, shaped like a flashlight;

- капелюх-дзвін - women's headdress in the form of a bell;

- спідниця-сонце (from «skirt + sun») - women's skirt, in a straightened form it is a circle;

- спідниця-олівець (from «skirt» + «pencil») - a very narrow women's skirt with a straight cut to the knees;

- спідниця-бочонок (from «skirt» + «barrel») - a skirt in a shape of a barrel.

(2). The principle of nomination «the purpose of use of the thing (the purpose)». In this group of linguocultural models, in contrast to the group «form», motivation is expressed indirectly and can have the following meanings: «an object for action/performance of a function», «an object for wearing in a certain situation».

The group includes the following items of clothing:

- вітровка (from «a wind») - the same as a storm;

- гольфи (from the name of the game «golf») - short stockings to the knees on an elastic band (originally intended for golf) or shorts with cuffs that fasten under the knee (originally intended for golf);

- дощовик (from «rain») - a coat made of waterproof fabric;

- душегрійка (from «warm + shower») - a warm women's sleeveless jacket;

- купальник (from «the swim») - a suit, usually women's one, for bathing;

- плавки (from «the swim») - men's short pants (usually for swimming);

- підтяжки (from «pull up») - two fastened, usually rubberized wide straps, thrown over the shoulders and fastened to the pants to pull them up;

- підв'язка (from «tie up») - an elastic band, a ribbon for tying stockings;

- повзунки (from «crawl») - a special suit for infants;

- пильовик (from «dust») - a light summer coat without a lining; overalls/overalls/spetsura (from «special + clothes») - special clothes for work;

- слюнявчик (from «saliva») - children's chest apron to protect clothing from excessive salivation in a case of eating food;

- тілогрійка (from «warm + body») - a short warm jacket (usually sleeveless);

- штормівка (from «storm») - a jacket made of dense water- repellent fabric.

In a group of linguocultural models formed on the basis of the motivating feature «the purpose», we can distinguish the subgroup «sports games» (social event):

- теніска (from the name of the game «tennis») - a light top shirt with short sleeves, usually knitted;

- футболка (from the name of the game «football») - sport knitted shirt with sleeves;

- бейсболка (from the name of the game «baseball») - a cap made of fabric with a long visor;

- кросівки (from the name of the type of cross-country running) - sport running shoes.

(3) . The principle of nomination «clothing as a material used». To the group of linguocultural models formed with the use of the motivational feature «material», in the Ukrainian language we have included the following words:

- ватник (from «cotton wool») - quilted cotton jacket or a tank top;

- волосяниця (from «:hair») - rough hair of a monk;

- кажан (from «leather») - the colloquial name of a waterproof leather or the oilcloth coat;

- шкірянка (from «leather») - a leather jacket or a short leather coat; it is the same as the bat;

- галявина (from «fur») - a fur covering on edges of clothes;

- трико (from «knitwear») - a knitted suit that fits snugly to the body or knitted pants;

- фланелька (from «flannel») - a uniform flannel blouse for sailors.

Also into this group we include linguocultural models: джинси - skinny sports pants made of denim; джерсі - clothes made of fabric jersey and khaki - uniform made of khaki material. Also we have mentioned earlier, despite their «English origin» by contemporary Ukrainian speakers these nominations of clothing are not perceived as borrowings.

(4) . The principle of nomination «social, national and professional affiliation». This group is a combination of three subgroups: «social affiliation», «national affiliation» and «professional affiliation». We consider it expedient to unite these subgroups, as they all have one thing in common - «related to the individual characteristics» and they are characterized by emphasized anthropocentrism.

To linguocultural models formed on the basis of the motivational feature «nationality», we included the following culturally marked units:

- угорка (from «Hungarian») - a hussar jacket;

- в'єтнамки (from «Vietnamese») - light (usually rubber) shoes in a form of a sole with a strap between the first and the second toes;

- кубанка (from «Kuban») - a flat fur smushka hat of the Kuban Cossacks;

- фінка (from «fin») - a round flat hat with a fur trim that falls behind and on the sides;

- черкеска (from «Circassian») - Caucasian mountaineers and Cossacks have a narrow long captan, tightened at the waist, without a gate and with a wedge-shaped neckline on the chest;

- шотландка (from «Scotsman») - a colloquial version of the name of the national Scottish clothing «skirt-kilt».

The second subgroup includes linguocultural models having been formed on the basis of the motivational feature «social status»:

- казакин (from «Cossack») - a half-captan on hooks with a standing collar, with folds behind;

- плаття-селянка (from «dress» + «peasant») - a women's dress, the cut resembles that worn by peasant women in the XIX century;

- султан (from «sultan») - decoration in a form of a bunch of feathers as on the hats of sultans.

Motivating feature «professional affiliation» is represented in the Ukrainian language by linguocultural units:

- боксери (from «:boxer») - men's briefs in a form of shorts (like boxers);

- водолазка (from «diver») - a body-hugging sweater with a high, narrow, usually turning-away collar (firstly it is a sweater worn by divers under a wetsuit for insulation);

- матроска (from «sailor») - a uniform blouse of sailors with a large turn-down collar of a special cut, women's or children's blouse of this style, a headdress resembling a uniform sailor's visor;

- пілотка (from «pilot») - military uniform headdress (originally for pilots);

- кашкет (from «forager») - a hat looks like a goat (a hat of forager).

(5) . The principle of nomination «the image of the action / the attitude to the action». Prior to the group of linguocultural models, the basis for giving names to those ones is laid down by the motive meaning «the action», include such lexical units of the Ukrainian language:

- воріт (from «return») - a piece of clothing around the neck;

- комір (from «the collar») - a piece of clothing, sewn or fastened to the collar, the edges of which «turn» outward;

- комбінація (from «to combine») - lingerie in a form of a shirt, worn directly under the dress;

- комбінізон (from «to combine») - a suit that is a combination of the top of the clothes and pants;

- накидка (from «to sketch») - sleeveless outerwear resembling a cloak or women's headdress in a form of a blanket that descends from the head to the shoulders and the back;

- устілка (from «to be inside») - bedding made of thin leather, a cardboard, a fabric, etc., which is attached from inside to the sole of the shoe or is placed into the shoe;

- стійка (from «to stand») - a standing collar in a form of a narrow strip around the neck;

- ширинка (from «to spread») - the front cut of the pants.

The particular interest displays the linguocultural unit «смокінг». It came from the English phrase «a smoking jacket» (men's home jacket). In the Ukrainian language this linguistic culture means «a black jacket with open chest and long, silk lapels».

However, in the Ukrainian language the lexical unit «смокінг» has acquired the meaning of formal clothes, while in English the reality denoted by this word «smoking jacket» is still perceived as a toilet item to be worn at home. To explain the meaning of the Ukrainian word «смокінг» we often use other linguocultural models (a dinner dress, an evening suit), which are used in English.

(6) . The principle of nomination «a way of wearing». The group of linguocultural models is formed on the basis of the motivational feature «a way of wearing» and it includes the following names of clothes of the Ukrainian language:

- босоніжки (from «barefoot» + «legs») - light summer women's shoes with an open back and sock;

- спіднє (from «with» + «under» + «bottom») - underwear, underwearing, underclothing;

- нагрудник (from «on the chest») - a children's apron, which is worn to protect clothing from contamination when the person is eating food (the same as a bib);

- наколінник (from «on» + «knee») - a bandage, an overlay worn on the knee;

- налобник (from «on» + «forehead») - the ancient women's headdress in a form of a ribbon that is worn over the forehead, as well as a strap to support the hair during work;


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  • Adverbial parts of the sentence are equally common in English and Ukrainian. Types of Adverbial Modifiers. Peculiarities of adverbial modifiers in English and Ukrainian, heir comparative description of similar and features, basic linguistic study.

    контрольная работа [25,3 K], добавлен 17.03.2015

  • Consideration of the problem of the translation of the texts of the maritime industry. An analysis of modern English marine terms, the peculiarities of the use of these techniques in the translation of marine concepts from English into Ukrainian.

    статья [37,5 K], добавлен 24.04.2018

  • The structure of words and word-building. The semantic structure of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Word combinations and phraseology in modern English and Ukrainian languages. The Native Element, Borrowed Words, characteristics of the vocabulary.

    курс лекций [95,2 K], добавлен 05.12.2010

  • Lexicology, as a branch of linguistic study, its connection with phonetics, grammar, stylistics and contrastive linguistics. The synchronic and diachronic approaches to polysemy. The peculiar features of the English and Ukrainian vocabulary systems.

    курсовая работа [44,7 K], добавлен 30.11.2015

  • The lessons of reading and translation of different texts and word-combinations into Ukrainian. The most frequently used expressions with the verbs to be, to have and sentences with them. Reading and translation the dialogue used in the usual speech.

    учебное пособие [89,2 K], добавлен 25.03.2010

  • The concept as the significance and fundamental conception of cognitive linguistics. The problem of the definition between the concept and the significance. The use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English idioms and in Ukrainian phraseological units.

    курсовая работа [42,0 K], добавлен 30.05.2012

  • Comparison of understanding phraseology in English, American and post-Soviet vocabulary. Features classification idiomatic expressions in different languages. The analysis of idiomatic expressions denoting human appearance in the English language.

    курсовая работа [30,9 K], добавлен 01.03.2015

  • The place and role of contrastive analysis in linguistics. Analysis and lexicology, translation studies. Word formation, compounding in Ukrainian and English language. Noun plus adjective, adjective plus adjective, preposition and past participle.

    курсовая работа [34,5 K], добавлен 13.05.2013

  • Taras Shevchenko and a new epoch in the development of the Ukrainian literature and in the social and cultural life of the whole Ukrainian people. Ivan Franko is one of the innovators of all genres of literature. Poems of the great poetess Lesia Ukrainka.

    контрольная работа [19,1 K], добавлен 05.11.2010

  • The Climate of Ukraine. The Capital of Ukraine. Ukraine Traditions, ukrainian Places of Interest. The education System in Ukraine. Ukrainian Youth Nowadays. The problem of Environmental Protection in Ukraine. Ukraine and English-speaking Countries.

    реферат [944,5 K], добавлен 13.11.2010

  • The structure and purpose of the council of Europe. The structural and semantic features of the texts of the Council of Europe official documents. Lexical and grammatical aspects of the translation of a document from English to ukrainian language.

    курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 01.05.2012

  • Peculiarities of asyndetic noun clusters in economic texts. Specific to translation of asyndetic noun clusters as the specific kind of the word from English into Ukrainian. Transformations, applied to asyndetic noun clusters in the process of translation.

    презентация [22,5 K], добавлен 06.12.2015

  • The meaning of the term "phraseological unit" in modern linguistics. Characteristics of the national-cultural specifics of phraseological units. The internal forms of phraseological units with an integral part of the name of clothing in English.

    курсовая работа [50,4 K], добавлен 29.10.2021

  • Concept and features of the Middle English, stages and directions of its formation and development. Primary and Middle English consonants, the basic principles of articles and declination. Personal pronouns, verbs, syntax, semantics and dialects.

    презентация [380,6 K], добавлен 24.04.2014

  • Metonymy: definition, structure and function, types. The relationship of metonymy and phraseology. Metonymy features of the secondary nomination in the system of the contemporary English phraseology in chick-lit novels. Stylistic features of metonymy.

    курсовая работа [40,4 K], добавлен 25.01.2015

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