Psycholinguistic Specifics of Understanding by Ukrainian Students the Principles of Nomination of Linguocultural Models "clothing" in English and Ukrainian

To show psycholinguistic peculiarities of understanding by Ukrainian students the principles of nomination of linguocultural models "clothing" in the English and Ukrainian languages. Understanding the features of their motivation, in particular, verbs.

Ðóáðèêà Èíîñòðàííûå ÿçûêè è ÿçûêîçíàíèå
Âèä ñòàòüÿ
ßçûê ðóññêèé
Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ 31.07.2021
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà 53,8 K

Îòïðàâèòü ñâîþ õîðîøóþ ðàáîòó â áàçó çíàíèé ïðîñòî. Èñïîëüçóéòå ôîðìó, ðàñïîëîæåííóþ íèæå

Ñòóäåíòû, àñïèðàíòû, ìîëîäûå ó÷åíûå, èñïîëüçóþùèå áàçó çíàíèé â ñâîåé ó÷åáå è ðàáîòå, áóäóò âàì î÷åíü áëàãîäàðíû.

- íàðóêàâíèê (from «on the sleeve») - a half-sleeve, which is worn on a top of the sleeves to prevent them from contamination, to wear during the operation;

- ôàðòóõ (from «before») - clothing that protects the dress from being dirty;

- ï³äøòàííèêè (from «under the pants») - the same as the pants;

- ï³ä'þáíèê (from «under the skirt») - the lower skirt, which is worn under the upper. In the semantics of the most linguocultural models of this group it is the indication of the location of the clothing to another object of the surrounding reality.

(7) . The principle of nomination «the name of parts of a human body». This group of linguocultural models in the Ukrainian language is not very numerous and is represented by the following lexical units:

- õàëÿâà (from «a shin») - a part of the boot that covers the shin;

- ïàãîë³íêè (from «a shin») - a part of the shoe or stocking that covers the shin;

- ðóêàâ (from «a hand») - a piece of clothing that covers the hand;

- ðóêàâèöÿ (from «a hand») - a kind of a glove, with a separation only for the thumb;

- ò³ëüíèê (from «the body») - the sailor's bottom knitted shirt with a blue and white stripe;

- âóøàíêà (from «the ear») - a warm hat that covers the ears.

(8) . The principle of nomination «the presence / the absence of any detail». In the Ukrainian language linguocultural models of this group are formed by adding either the prefix without- or semi-:

- áåçðóêàâêà («without» + «sleeve») - a jacket or a sleeveless jacket;

- áåçêîçèðêà («without» + «visor») - a kind of a cap without a visor;

- íàï³â÷åðåâèêè («floor» + «shoes») - closed shoes with laces, buttons that reach the ankles (in contemporary colloquial language ankle boots are of a more common option);

- íàï³âïàëüòî («floor» + «coat») - a short coat that does not reach the knees;

- íàï³â÷îá³òêè («floor» + «boots») - boots with a short freebie;

- êîæóøîê («floor» + «fur coat») - a short fur coat;

- íàï³âøàëîê (from «floor» + «shawl») - a shawl of small sizes.

(9) . The principle of nomination «by method of production». In contrast to the English language, where this category is not represented at all, in the Ukrainian language in the studied thematic group we have identified four linguocultural models, formed on the basis of the motivational feature by «method of production»:

- âàëÿíêè (from «to roll») - winter shoes, boots, pile of wool;

- äóáëÿíêà (from «to tan») - a coat made of leather, made by the method of tanning;

- ìåðåæèâà (from «to circle») - a network woven mesh fabric for processing of linen, clothes;

- ñòüîãàíêà (from «to pull») - a jacket made of quilted material (this linguocultural model can also be attributed to the group «material»).

(10) . The principle of nomination «a place». Among the names of clothes in the Ukrainian language, formed on the basis of the motivational characteristics «a place», we have identified the following linguocultural units:

- ïàíàìà (from the name of the Panama Peninsula) - annual winged straw or a cloth hat;

- ï³ñî÷íèê (from «a sandbox») - children's summer overalls;

- áåðìóäè (from the name of the group of Bermuda islands) - women's short pants in the shape of a trapeze.

(11) . The principle of nomination «main characteristics». This group is also small. It includes three linguocultural units of the studied thematic group:

- ãðàö³ÿ (from «grace» - grace, beauty in movements) - a kind of a corset, a rigid elastic wide belt covering a torso and supporting a breast;

- ñîðî÷å÷êà (from «to dissolve») - a shirt for babies without buttons, with a cut on the back or the chest;

- øëüîïàíö³ (from «to slap») - house shoes, usually without a back (when walking make a sound of slapping).

Now let us describe the motivation by linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English language. In the English language, the division into groups by the principle of nomination is somewhat different (a total of 1040 lexical units have been analyzed). In the process of the analysis of motivational characteristics we identified the following 12 groups (groups were arranged in descending order of their representativeness): (1) «a form» (20.0%); (2) «social and professional affiliation» (19.0%); (3) «a place» (16.0%); (4) «the characteristics» (12.0%); (5) «the purpose of use of the thing (the purpose)» (10.0%); «a way of wearing» (9.0%); (7) «the material having been used» (8.0%); (8) «the name of parts of a human body» (4.0%); (9) «the image of the action / the approach to provide the action» (1.0%); (10) «the presence / the absence of any detail» (1.0%).

(1) . The principle of nomination «a form». The most numerous group is formed by linguocultural units, which are based on the motivational feature «a form»:

- A-line dress - the dress extends downwards in the form of a letter A;

- barrel (from «barrel») - the sweater is shaped like a barrel;

- bell bottoms (from «bell») - flared pants;

- bloomers (from «bloomer») - wide pants with an elastic band in the shin;

- boat neck (from «boat») - a neckline «shuttle»;

- broom-stick skirt (from «broom-stick») - a pencil skirt;

- chamber pot (from «chamber pot») - colloquial headdress bowls;

- cocked hat (from «cocked») - triangle;

- cowl-collar (from «cowl») - a collar-pipe;

- crest (from «crest») - a helmet;

- envelope-neck (from «envelope») - a neckline in a shape of an envelope;

- fishnets (from «fishnet») - mesh tights;

- flats /flatties (from) - sandals; shoes without heels;

- G-suit (from G - the acceleration of free fall of the body, the movement of the spacecraft as a free fall, under the action of gravity) - anti-overload suit of the astronaut;

- hoop-skirt (from «hoop») - a skirt with figs;

- hose (from «hose») - stockings, breeches;

- leg-of-mutton (from «leg of mutton») - the sleeve is wide at the shoulder and narrows are quite strongly to the hand, resembling the shape of a ram's leg;

- mortarboard (from «mortar») - a headdress with a square top for English students and professors;

- mushroom (from «mushroom») - women's straw hat with lowered brims;

- pillbox (from «pillbox») - a tablet hat;

- plusfours (from «plus four») - golf pants; have got their name because they were four inches longer than ordinary breeches;

- pump (from «pump») - flat-soled shoes in the shape of a shuttle;

- ropi (from «ãîðå») - colloquial tie;

- shrug (from «shrug») - a jacket with a trapezoidal neckline;

- stirrup (from «stirrup») - strips;

- stovepipe (from «stovepipe» - çàë³çíà äèìîâà òðóáà) - colloquial cylinder;

- T-shirt - T-shirt with short sleeves in a shape of a letter Ò;

- tailcoat (swallow-tailed coat) (from «swallow tail») - the evening dress;

- trunks (from «trunk») - men's pants;

- turtle-neck (from «turtle») - collar, shaped like a turtle's neck;

- V-neck - a neckline in the shape of a letter V;

- wedgies (from «wedge» - êëèí) - women's shoes with soles, «wedge», wedges.

(2) . The principle of nomination «social and professional affiliation». In contrast to the Ukrainian language, this group is a combination of not three but two subgroups: «social affiliation» and «professional affiliation». The subgroup «nationality» is not represented in the English language. A group of linguistic cultures with a motivating feature «social and professional affiliation» in English consists mainly of complex nominative units containing two words.

The subgroup «social affiliation» includes the following linguocultural units:

- bishop (from «bishop») - the shape of the sleeve as a bishop's cassock;

- cardinal (from «cardinal») - a coat, shaped like a cardinal's cassock;

- mob cap (from «mob» - ÷åðíü, íàòîâï) - at first the headdress of the beggars that now is a cap;

- loafer (from «loafer») - home slippers, light shoes like moccasins;

- peasant dress (from «peasant») - peasant dress.

Linguocultural units having been motivated by the sign of

«professional affiliation» we have included:

- boater (from «fioater») - hat boatmen (â óêð. êàíîòüº, â³ä ôð. - men's, usually a straw hat with a low tulle);

- boiler suit (from «boiler») - overalls, robes;

- bomber jacket (from «bomber») - a type of jacket, in a style and cut is reminiscent of a pilot's jacket;

- boxer shorts (from «boxer») - boxer shorts; cowboy boots/shirts (from «cowboy») - cowboy boots; cowboy shirt (usually in a cage);

- crew-neck (from «crew») - shuttle cut;

- forage cap (from «forager») - a hat, a cap, a forager's hat;

- German sailors cap (Prinz Henrich' cap) - German sailor's hat (in a style of Prince Henry);

- hiphugger-slacks (from «hiphugger») - wrestlers, wrestler pants;

- jockey cap (from «jockey») - headdress in a form of a jockey's hat;

- lumber-jacket (from «lumberman») - milking, «lumberjack jacket», a kind of women's knitted sweater;

- toreador pants (from «toreador») - a type of pants, cut and style of which is reminiscent of a bullfighter's pants;

- workman's cap (from «workman») - working cap.

As in the Ukrainian language, a separate paradigm in this group is occupied by linguocultural units, motivated by proper names:

- jack (the name Jack was used as a general name for the lower class in a derogatory context) - soldier's sleeveless leather jacket;

- jack boots - soldier's boots;

- jerry (from «jerry» - night pot on his own behalf Jerry - a derogatory nickname of the Germans) - the colloquial name of the cauldron;

- long Johns (the same as Jack) - pants;

- Louis Bourbon - a headdress in the style of Louis Bourbon;

- Mackintosh (on behalf of the inventor) - a waterproof cloak;

- Mother Hubbard (on behalf of the character of the children's poem Mother Hubbard, which was depicted in a long shirt without a belt) - nightgown;

- Princess Eugenie - a headdress in a style of Princess Eugene;

- Vandyke - a lace collar with teeth;

- Wellingtons (from the surname «Wellington») - high rubber boots.

The latter can also include the peculiarities of linguocultural units,

in the name of which it is the brand of the company:

- B.V.D.*S (from the name of the brand B.V.D., which produces men's underwear) - men's underwear;

- London fog (from the name of the company London fog, which produces raincoats) - a raincoat;

- plimsolls (from the brand name of Plimsoll line merchant ships supplying canvas) - light canvas shoes with rubber soles;

- reeboks (from the name of the brand Reebok, which produces sportswear) - sneakers.

Very often a brand is used as a definition for any unit of a certain thematic group. In this case this nominative unit acquires an additional, extralinguistic meaning, which is not always clear to a foreigner, but one that is quite well recognized by native speakers. Thus, there is a «coding», a kind of labeling - «good quality product», «poor quality product», etc.

(3) . The principle of nomination «a place». The group of linguocultural units is formed on the basis of the motivating feature «a place» includes:

- bath robe (from «bath») - a bathrobe;

- bed gown (from «bed») - a nighty;

- car coat (from «ñàã») - a jacket for motorists;

- court shoe (from «court») - shoes for the street;

- derby (from «derby») - cauldron;

- harem skirt (from «harem») - a skirt in a style and cut that is reminiscent of the skirts of concubines in the harem;

- house coat (from «house») - a robe;

- jungle coat (from «jungle») - light canvas jacket;

- lounging (from «lounge») - sleepwear;

- opera hat (from «opera») - a cylinder;

- pram suit (from «pram») - children's suit for walks;

- sou'wester (from «south-west») - a fishing hat (southwest);

- street dress (from «street») - outerwear;

- trench coat (from «trench») - half-overcoat or short mac with a belt (military model);

- yachting cap (from «yacht») - a hat with a visor.

In this group there are many linguocultural units having been motivated by toponyms:

- arctic (from Arctic) - Warm boots;

- Bermuda shorts (from Bermuda - the name of the island) - Bermuda shorts;

- Eton tie (from Eton - the name of the university) - a tie;

- Oxford shoe (from Oxford - the name of the university) - low shoes on a lace;

- Panama hat (from Panama - the name of the country) - Panama;

- Tyrolean hat (from Tyrol - a province in Germany) - a soft hat decorated with a pen and a brush;

- Western shirt (from «western» - western) - a shirt in the Western style.

(4) . The principle of nomination «the characteristics». To this category we have referred such linguocultural units:

- blazer (from «blaze») - a light single-breasted sports jacket, usually brightly colored with the emblem of a sports club or in the color stripes of the club;

- choker (from «choke») - colloquial a tie;

- crush hat (from «crush») - a hat (folding hat-cylinder on springs);

- falsies (from «false») - thick padded bra (visually increases breast volume);

- flip-flops (from «flip-flop») - sandals, flip flops;

- hard hat (from «hard») - a helmet;

- hobble-skirt (from «hobble») - a very narrow skirt;

- pink (from «pink») - a red camisole of a fox hunter;

- protector (from «protect») - a cloak;

- scanties (from «scanty») - underwear;

- shorts (from «short») - shorts;

- slacks (from «slack») - wide pants;

- slicker (from «slick») - a cloak;

- slips (from «slip») - swimming trunks;

- sneakers (from «sneak») - shoes with rubber soles;

- snuggles (from «snuggle») - tights;

- soaker (from «soak») - children's waterproof panties;

- stogy (from «stogy») - heavy-duty shoe;

- tights (from «tight») - tights;

- waterproof (from «waterproof») - a rain-coat, windbreaker (from «to break wind») - a cloak.

The shell-blouse (silk blouse) stands out from a general group, because unlike other linguocultural units of this group it was formed not by metonymic transfer «the characteristics - an object endowed with this characteristics», but by metaphorical transfer based on the similarity of the sign «lightness, fragility» with lexical unit «shell» (shell).

(5) . The principle of nomination «the purpose of use of the thing (the purpose)». Motivational sign of «the purpose» is expressed in linguocultural units:

- body-shaper (from «to shape one's body») - knitted grace, tightening the figure;

- chin wiper (from «to wipe a chin») - a bib;

- cutaway (from «cutaway») - a suit for visits;

- joggers (from «jog») - running pants (this word is a neologism, so it has not been included in dictionaries, but it is widely used in colloquial language and in fashion magazines);

- jumper (from «to jump») - a cardigan;

- lounge suit (from «lounge») - a jacket suit;

- play suit (from «play») - sliders;

- romper (from «to romp») - children's overalls, sliders;

- sleeper (from «to sleep») - children's pajamas-overalls;

- sundress (from «sun») - a sundress;

- suspenders (from «to suspend») - suspenders;

- trainers (from «to train») - sneakers;

- wrapper (from «to wrap») - a robe;

- wader (from «to wade») - swamp boots.

(6) . The principle of nomination «a way of wearing». All culturally marked units of the thematic group «clothing» are formed on the basis of the motivational feature «a way of wearing (wearing)» and are based on one or another characteristics:

- coverall (cover + all) - overalls;

- overdress (over + dress) - a coat;

- overcoat (over + coat) - a coat;

- overshoe (over + shoe) - a galosh;

- overall (over + all) - overall;

- overtop (over + top) - a blouse;

- pinafore (pin + afore) - a sundress;

- pullover (pull + over) - a pullover;

- slipover (slip + over) - a sweater;

- underskirt (under + skirt) - underskirt;

- underwear (under + wear) - underwear;

- wrapover vest (wrap + over) - a jacket with a scent;

- wraparound (wrap + around) - a dress with a scent;

- wraparound skirt (wrap + around) - a skirt with a scent.

(7) . The principle of nomination «the material having been used». To this group in the English language we have included the following linguocultural units:

- astrakhan cap (from «astrakhan») - doodle hat;

- bearskin (from «bearskin») - fur carpet of the British Guards;

- corduroys (from «corduroy») - pants made of scarlet pleats;

- dungarees (from «dungaree») - overalls made of cotton fabric;

- gabardine - gabardine cloak;

- jeans (denims) (from «jeans») - denim pants (denim);

- jersey (from «jersey») - knitted sweater (with jersey);

- oilskin - ïëàù (from «oil» - petroleum products derived from petroleum products, including rubber) - a rubber coat;

- leghorn - a hat made of Italian straws «leghorn»;

- straw (from «straw») - straw hat.

(8) . The principle of nomination «the name of parts of a human body». This group of linguocultural units is as numerous as in the Ukrainian language. Here are just a few lexical items in this group:

- breeches (from «breech») - breeches;

- heel (s) (from «heels») - heels, high heels;

- hipboot (from «hip») - high boots, boots;

- neckband (from «neck») - a tie;

- leggings (from «leg») - leggings, tight tights to the ankle;

- loincloth (from «loin») - a bandage on the thighs;

- waistcoat (from «waist») - a vest;

- waist (from «waist») - a corsage.

(9) . The principle of nomination «the image of the action / the approach to provide the action». Linguocultural units of this group in the Ukrainian language are not as pronounced as signs of connection with the action as it is in English:

- sweater (from «to sweat») - a pullover;

- combination (from «to combine») - lingerie in the form of a shirt, worn directly under the dress.

In this case, the linguocultural unit «sweater» basically contains a nominative feature of attribution to the result of the action obtained as a result of the use of the object, and the linguocultural unite combination calls the object as the result of some action.

(10) . The principle of nomination «the presence / the absence of any detail». The smallest group is represented by a linguocultural item with a motivating sign «the presence / the absence of details»:

- button-through-dress (from «button», «through», «dress») - a dress with buttons;

- sleeveless jacket (from «sleeve» + suffix -less in English traditionally explains the meaning of «no sign, no subject») - sleeveless;

- laceboots / lace-ups (from «lace») - shoes with laces.

For the purpose of statistical analysis of obtained results, all the data received by us by using

«The methods of studying of motivation by linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages» (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2020) were processed using a procedure of factor analysis. As a result, analyzing the understanding by students of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language, we obtained three factors (Table 1).

Table 1. The results of skew factorization of data of students of the Philological Faculty according to the analysis of their understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language (in points), Factors

Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3


Semantics of language means





Spatio-temporal meanings





The meaning of the absence of the object or its peculiarities





Syntactics of language means





Verbal basis of nomination of clothing





Addition with basic component





Noun basis of nomination of clothing





Nominative units of clothing with the meaning of similarity





Morphological characteristics of language means





Transfer of meaning from one lexical unit to another one by the similarity of their characteristics (metaphorical transfer)





Transfer of meaning by different connections between explicit concepts (metonymic transfer)





Transfer of meanings by similarity of functions





Assertive content of a nominative unit





Presuppositional content of a nominative unit





Understanding of inferences





Understanding of the implications





Correspondence of the type of nominative unit to clothing designation, to semantic and semantic- pragmatic information





Understanding of the intention of a statement





Understanding of the communicative meaning of a nominative unit





The explication of visualized (a priori) communicative meanings





Pragmatics of lexical unit generation





Pragmatics of perception of nominative units





The specific weight of the factor




Conditions for full understanding of the linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language concern, first of all, the ability of students to select (according to the intentions and ideas) of language means with appropriate semantics and connecting potentials (syntactics) of language means of embodiment of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing». For students of the Ukrainian ethnic group the types of semantic and semantic-pragmatic information of implicit nature are quite important within the linguistic-cultural units of the thematic group «clothing» (by positive and assertive content, inferences, implications, implicatures, etc.), correspondence/inconsistency of speech acts of a specific type of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language.

So, every linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» is a cultural phenomenon. What makes a lexical unit «cultural» is that it is not the speech information itself that describes the «passive and voiceless» object of a particular study, but the fact that the linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» is the text of another, dissimilar to our consciousness. When we are dealing with the linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing», with the author's personal worldview and the meaning that appears in the text is relevant. There is nothing in the culture but meanings and means of their transmission. So, linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» is a phenomenon of a certain culture and, as a result, can be considered as a «meaningful world». During the «meeting» of the person with the linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing», our own understanding of life will be included into the situation of cultural communication with the with the cultural world, the cultural paradigm of the language having been studied. The personal meanings of the recipient and the author's one are always dissimilar, even completely dissimilar, sometimes strikingly different from each other. This, of course, in some a way complicates the process of understanding linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing», but this discrepancy influences on its understanding. We consider linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» to be a piece of another consciousness, the understanding of which inevitably turns into a dialogue, a «meeting in a meaningful world».

From this point of view we'll emphasize that any linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language has a triple meaning: (1) a primary or a common meaning; (2) a secondary one - which arises due to the syntagmatic reorganization of the linguocultural units and the opposition of the primary units; (3) tertiary meaning, which is based on non-textual associations of different levels - from the most general to purely personal, authorial ones (they are fixed at the level of authorial paradigms or the student's dictionary).

Thus, we emphasize on the communicative orientation of any linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language, prefer the communicative approach as a dominant for Ukrainian students one in the analysis and interpretation of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing». The joint activity of understanding the linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language is characterized as a process of communication, dialogic interaction, etc. Psychological and socio¬cultural factors of communication are dominant in the processes of perception and understanding of any linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language, especially when we talk about meaning. This makes students possible to consider any linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language as a full participant in the indirect dialogic communication of other culture with the reader. Linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language organically combine the characteristics associated with the knowledge of individual phenomena, with the communication of information about these phenomena during the verbal interaction of communicators.

We've got a slightly different picture in terms of students' understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English language. In this case, we obtained two factors (Table 2).

Table 2. The results of skew factorization of data of students of the Philological Faculty according to the analysis of their understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language (in points)


Variable name


Factor 1

Factor 2


Nominations of clothes motivated by verbs




Nominations of clothes motivated by nouns




Nominations of clothes motivated by adjectives




Compilation of two bases of nouns




Lexicalization of free word combinations




Metaphorical transfer of meanings




Metonymic transfer of meanings




The process of changing the meanings due to emotionally expressive coloring




The principle of nomination «a form»




The principle of nomination «a purpose of use of a thing (a urpose)»




The principle of nomination «clothing as a material having been used»




The principle of nomination «social, national and professional affiliation»




The principle of nomination «the image of the action / the attitude to the action»




The principle of nomination «the method of wearing»




The principle of nomination «the name of parts of a human body»




The principle of nomination «the presence / the absence of any detail»




The principle of nomination «by method of production»




The principle of nomination «a place»




The principle of nomination «the characteristics»




The specific weight of the factor



To understand by the students of the Philological Faculty the linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English language, it is important to master the principles of nomination of lexical units, such as the principle of nomination «a form», the principle of nomination «a purpose of use of a thing (a purpose)» or «clothing as a material having been used», the principle of nomination «social, national and professional affiliation», etc. That is, if for the understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language the laws of organization of usual (a priori) and actual (a posteriori) communicative meanings, their interaction, movement, etc. are quite important, then for understanding linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English language is sufficient superficial perception of lexical units that denote the nominations of clothing, understanding the features of their motivation, in particular, verbs, nouns and adjectives, as well as mastering the form of presentation of this or that lexical unit.

The discussion of the research results

Based on the peculiarities of motivation, the names of clothes of the secondary nomination of the thematic group «clothes», which are compared, from the semantic point of view can be divided into two groups: 1) names of clothes formed on the basis of adjacency of objects in a space of clothes formed on the basis of associative-semantic principle and metaphorical transferring of meanings. Metonymic connections in the studied group of lexical units are carried out according to the following models: material - a product, the place - the object, characteristics - the object, the action - the result, the author - the activity, a social event - the object, a whole - a part (a part - a whole).

Metaphorical connections are not so diverse, they are represented by such models as: similarity of a form (a significant number of linguocultural units), similarity of functions (single cases), the nature of the feature (also single cases). Quantitative analysis of the content of groups of principles of nomination of clothing items in the languages shows that, despite the relative homogeneity of the distribution of English and Ukrainian names of clothing by semantic features, each of the languages has being compared its own characteristics. A distinctive feature of the Ukrainian language is the tendency to reflect in the names of clothes the method of production having been used in the process of their manufacture.

This motivating feature, although represented in the Ukrainian language by only 5.0% of the linguistic cultures of the studied thematic group, is completely absent in the English language. The Ukrainian language also shows a greater desire to reflect in the names of clothes the motivational feature «the purpose of the thing», while in English we have identified several groups that have the same percentage of representativeness in the studied thematic paradigm.

These are groups formed on the basis of motivational features «social and professional affiliation», «a place» and «a characteristics». In the minds of English and Ukrainian speakers, clothing is less associated with the names of parts of a human body. Such categories, as «material», the method of wearing and «a shape» are represented in these languages equally. The latter is also the most voluminous in terms of the number of linguocultural units represented in it in both languages.

In contrast to the Ukrainian language, in the English names of clothes, which were marked by the national-cultural component, there are proper names (mackintosh (from the name of the inventor Mackintosh) - waterproof cloak; jack (from Jack's own name) - soldier's leather sleeveless jacket). The results of ethnolinguistic analysis indicated a high degree of anthropomorphism of the vocabulary of the languages having been compared, where the largest number of linguocultural units are associated with the physical characteristics of a man, his character and activities. In addition, in the thematic group «clothing» in English, compared with the Ukrainian language, there is a very large proportion of names of places (Oxford shoe (from Oxford - the name of the university) - low shoes on a shoelace; Bermuda shorts (from Bermuda - the name of the island) - shorts- Bermuda), which probably indicates the scrupulousness of the English language mentality, which seeks to reflect accurately all the realities of the world.

All motivational features that formed the basis for lexical items of clothing in English and Ukrainian can be divided into parametric (external features of items perceived by all senses) and pragmatic ones (the attitude to clothing in terms of their functionality and usefulness). In percentage terms, parametric features in the study group in both Ukrainian and English are more than 90.0% of the total number of motivational features found in the group of lexical items. Such a clear predominance of parametric features over pragmatic ones indicates that for the thematic group «clothing» it is the appearance of the object that is dominant and the most significant one. The most representative of the features that reflected the appearance of clothing in both languages was the feature «a shape».

This is due to the fact that most of the information perceived by a human brain are visual images that catch the eye. In the thematic group «clothing» in both English and Ukrainian languages the transfer of the name is often carried out on the basis of metonymic reinterpretation. Metonymization is observed in 73.0% of cases in Ukrainian and in 66.0% of cases - in English. Metaphorical rethinking was recorded by us in 27.0% by the Ukrainian linguocultural units and in 34.0% by the English lexical units denoting «clothing».

In general, based on the results of our research of the degree of motivation of the thematic group «clothing» in English and Ukrainian languages, a number of basic provisions can be identified, which, in our opinion, are of great importance when considering this problem. Firstly, it is significant that the thematic group of clothing items in English is more voluminous and diverse compared to a similar group in Ukrainian (ratio ~ 2:1).

Secondly, of the lexical units of the thematic group «clothing» having been studied by us in the Ukrainian language, 44.0% are formed by secondary nomination and are motivated and, consequently, culturally marked, while in English the thematic group «clothing» is represented by more than 50.0% of linguocultural units. The obtained data indicates that in the studied thematic paradigm the English language to a lesser extent than the Ukrainian language, means the reality. This, in turn, is an indicator that any language has its own self-sufficiency and can denote any part of objective reality, but the results of the language

actualization, as a rule, differ in quantitative and qualitative terms. Thirdly, the difference having been found in the English and Ukrainian languages in the dominance of some motivating features over others indicates a difference in the attitude of native speakers to the world, and this confirms our assumption that language is an integral part of national mentality, a lifestyle and national history. As a result of our research we came to the conclusion that the cultural component finds its expression in the specifics of both the reader of each language in general and its individual world paradigms in particular.


Thus, correlation analysis made it possible to obtain the largest number of positive correlations between:

- students ' understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language and: semantics of language means (r= 0.578, p<0.01), spatio-temporal meanings of linguocultural units (r= 0.564, p<0.01), syntax of language means (r= 0.554, p<0.01), verb basis of clothing nomination (r= 0.445, p<0.05), addition with basic component (r= 0.413, p<0.05), noun basis of clothing nomination (r= 0.408, p<0.05);

- students' understanding of the metaphorical and metonymic content of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language and: transfer of the meaning from one lexical unit to another one by the similarity of features (metaphorical transfer) (r= 0.486, p<0.05), transfer of values by different connections between explicit concepts (metonymic transfer) (r= 0.442, p<0.05), transfer of values by similarity of functions (r= 0.430, p<0.05), assertive content of the nominative unit (r= 0.397, p<0.05), understanding of inferences (r= 0.387, p<0.05), understanding of implications (r= 0.351, p<0.05), understanding of intention of a statement (r= 0.340, p<0.05), explication of visualized (a priori) communicative meanings (r= 0.323, p<0.05);

- students' understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English language and: clothing nominations motivated by verbs, adjectives and nouns (r= 0.693, p<0.01), understanding of the meaning of two basic nouns (r= 0.676, p<0.01), lexicalization of free combination of words (r= 0.650, p<0.01) and also change of values in the connection with emotionally-expressive coloring (r= 0.631, p<0.01), understanding the principle of nomination «a form» (r= 0.604, p<0.01), understanding the principle of nomination «a purpose of use of the thing (a purpose)» (r= 0.561, p<0.01), understanding the principle of nomination «clothing as a material having been used» (r= 0.544, p<0.01), understanding the principle of nomination «social, national and professional affiliation» (r= 0.530, p<0.05), understanding the principle of nomination «the image of the action / the attitude to the action» (r= 0.478, p<0.05), understanding the principle of nomination «a way of wearing» (r= 0.463, p<0.05), understanding the principle of nomination «the name of parts of a human body» (r= 0.437, p<0.05).

As a result of the research psycholinguistic features of students' understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English and Ukrainian languages were established:

- productivity of students' understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language is determined by the deep meaning of lexical units, semantics and spatio-temporal meanings of linguocultural units, syntactics of lexical units, verb and noun basis of clothing nomination, as well as various connections between explicit concepts (metaphorical and metonymic transference), assertive content of the nominative unit denoting «clothing», understanding of inferences, implications, intentions of the expression, explication of visualized (a priori) communicative meanings, etc.;

- the laws of the organization of usual (a priori) and actual (a posteriori) communicative meanings, their interaction, movement, intersection are quite important for understanding by students of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the Ukrainian language;

- productivity of students' understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group «clothing» in the English language is determined by the peculiarity of the presentation of clothing nominations motivated by verbs, adjectives and nouns, understanding the meaning of two noun bases, as well as changing meanings due to emotionally the color of the lexical unit, which depends on a certain principle of nomination («a form», «a purpose of use of the thing (a purpose)», «social, national and professional affiliation», etc.).


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  • À complex comparison of morphological characteristics of English and Ukrainian verbs. Typological characteristics, classes and morphological categories of the English and Ukrainian verbs. The categories of person and number, tenses, aspect, voice, mood.

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  • The great diversity of opinion among the well-known domestic and foreign phoneticists in question on allocation of the main components of intonation. Functions and lexico-grammatical structure of intonation in English and in Ukrainian languages.

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  • Concept as a linguo-cultural phenomenon. Metaphor as a means of concept actualization, his general characteristics and classification. Semantic parameters and comparative analysis of the concept "Knowledge" metaphorization in English and Ukrainian.

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  • Adverbial parts of the sentence are equally common in English and Ukrainian. Types of Adverbial Modifiers. Peculiarities of adverbial modifiers in English and Ukrainian, heir comparative description of similar and features, basic linguistic study.

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  • Consideration of the problem of the translation of the texts of the maritime industry. An analysis of modern English marine terms, the peculiarities of the use of these techniques in the translation of marine concepts from English into Ukrainian.

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  • The structure of words and word-building. The semantic structure of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Word combinations and phraseology in modern English and Ukrainian languages. The Native Element, Borrowed Words, characteristics of the vocabulary.

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  • Lexicology, as a branch of linguistic study, its connection with phonetics, grammar, stylistics and contrastive linguistics. The synchronic and diachronic approaches to polysemy. The peculiar features of the English and Ukrainian vocabulary systems.

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  • The lessons of reading and translation of different texts and word-combinations into Ukrainian. The most frequently used expressions with the verbs to be, to have and sentences with them. Reading and translation the dialogue used in the usual speech.

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  • The concept as the significance and fundamental conception of cognitive linguistics. The problem of the definition between the concept and the significance. The use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English idioms and in Ukrainian phraseological units.

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  • Comparison of understanding phraseology in English, American and post-Soviet vocabulary. Features classification idiomatic expressions in different languages. The analysis of idiomatic expressions denoting human appearance in the English language.

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  • The place and role of contrastive analysis in linguistics. Analysis and lexicology, translation studies. Word formation, compounding in Ukrainian and English language. Noun plus adjective, adjective plus adjective, preposition and past participle.

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  • The Climate of Ukraine. The Capital of Ukraine. Ukraine Traditions, ukrainian Places of Interest. The education System in Ukraine. Ukrainian Youth Nowadays. The problem of Environmental Protection in Ukraine. Ukraine and English-speaking Countries.

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  • Taras Shevchenko and a new epoch in the development of the Ukrainian literature and in the social and cultural life of the whole Ukrainian people. Ivan Franko is one of the innovators of all genres of literature. Poems of the great poetess Lesia Ukrainka.

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  • The structure and purpose of the council of Europe. The structural and semantic features of the texts of the Council of Europe official documents. Lexical and grammatical aspects of the translation of a document from English to ukrainian language.

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  • Peculiarities of asyndetic noun clusters in economic texts. Specific to translation of asyndetic noun clusters as the specific kind of the word from English into Ukrainian. Transformations, applied to asyndetic noun clusters in the process of translation.

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  • The meaning of the term "phraseological unit" in modern linguistics. Characteristics of the national-cultural specifics of phraseological units. The internal forms of phraseological units with an integral part of the name of clothing in English.

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  • Concept and features of the Middle English, stages and directions of its formation and development. Primary and Middle English consonants, the basic principles of articles and declination. Personal pronouns, verbs, syntax, semantics and dialects.

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  • Metonymy: definition, structure and function, types. The relationship of metonymy and phraseology. Metonymy features of the secondary nomination in the system of the contemporary English phraseology in chick-lit novels. Stylistic features of metonymy.

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