The peculiarities of the representation of simile in a literary translation from English into Russian (on the base of the novel Hatter's Castle by A.J.Cronin)

The concept of "simile" as a stylistic device in modern linguistics. Types in English, Russian languages. Archibald J. Cronin, his life way, works and masterpieces. The ways of translation from English into Russian (on the base of the "Hatter’s Castle").

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Literary critic N.A. Yegunova admits, «by reading the history of Brody, you are amazed at the organic and psychological persuasiveness of this image. Brody is consistent in all his thoughts and actions; watching his actions, you are convinced that it is so a man like Brody should behave in this situation [N.A. Yegunova, M. 1960, p. 8].

N.I. Weisman: «The actions of James Brody - completely logical within a given social type. Cronin primarily proceeds from understanding of the social nature of the character of his hero, emphasizing attention of readers mainly not on biological, but on social side.

Brody does not embody in the novel some age-old evil, he is a typical figure engendered by English bourgeois life «[3, p. 31].

In her foreword to the novel N.P. Mikhalskaya expresses the point of view domestic literature on the nature of Brody: «Turning at Brody's description of the methods of hyperbolization.

Cronin identified the social essence of the character of his hero, far from reducing his features to biological factors. This selfish owner is completely formed a certain way of life, all roots of his nature, he is connected with the place Livenford and the laws and morals that reign here «[7, p. 11-12].

N.I. Weismann supports this interpretation: «The very appearance and existence of a character, similar Brody, is due to the world around him, in which they worship only brute force and wealth «[N.I. Weismann, p. 32] and adds, Brody's moral ugliness can not be attributed to his individual deficiencies, but is a product of of its environment «[N.I. Weismann, p. 32].

While Russian literary criticism (mainly Soviet period) notes the realism of the image of Brody and the consistency of his acts, considering them socially conditioned, foreign researchers perceive the hero quite differently.

So, for example, Dale Salvac in his book on creative way A.J. Cronin writes (our translation is TB): «The immoderate selfishness of Brody - the driving force of both his life and the book itself - is described with clinical thoroughness: its effect on own life and the lives of other characters. However, its aberration is insufficiently explained or motivated, and this inadequacy deprives a book of meaning.

Why is Brody so terrible? Did he become a victim of violence as a child?

What was his relationship with his father? Should I take it seriously?

Cronin's reasoning about illegitimacy? Without answering these questions the book is similar to the anamnesis.

The lack of motivation in the character - the most serious flaw in the novel proprietorship reaching pathology, used as a catalyst for conflict and action.

In fact, a novel can be viewed not only in a social manner, but also as a magnificent clinical example of psychopathology. In other words, this book is a story of one insanity.

Clearly, the influence of the author's medical profession on his style is traced.

According to N.I. Vaisman, Cronin «Uses his knowledge of the doctor, often reaching precisely because of this striking accuracy of descriptions, which does not remove the great artistic expressiveness «[N.I. Vaisman, p. 30].

The researcher talks about «professional thoroughness». Cronin in his other work on a later, the writer's work notes: «Interest in pathological distortions the human mental breaks out at the writer's later in the period of his decline creativity explaining this interest in long-term medical work of a writer in a psychiatric clinic. It is obvious, however, that unrelenting interest in psychopathology, the writer discovers in almost all their creative periods, starting just with the «Castle Brody».

At the autobiographical, book «Adventures in Two Worlds» by Cronin, his experience of working with the mentally ill, writes much of what is written about the inmates of institutions for mental, is not only an amazing bad taste, but also it's all nonsense. This, for example, is the traditional image of the mentally sick people as very entertaining individuals who often imagine themselves.

Important historical figures like Napoleon, Julius Caesar or the lady

Godiva, and their antics in these roles become the subject of a piquant fun.

There is nothing farther from reality. The sobering truth is that mental disorders are always regrettable. They, however, are attractive to those who study them, who are fighting over the grandiose task of investigating the mysteries of the human mind.

Having conceived of writing a novel, A.J. Cronin labeled it as «tragic description of human narcissism and evil pride. However, this phrase can be translated and, for example, «a sad document on human egotism (namely, egotism, not egoism) and cruel pride.

«Among many meaning of the word «record» is as follows: «tragic characteristic», as well as»,» medical record».

Egotism is self-deception, the highest form of selfishness, hypertrophy of the ego-function, which enhances narcissism. Thus, Cronin the doctor was manifested in the novel is still at the stage of his design by Cronin the writer, and Dale Salvak very close to the truth: «Castle Brody» - an anamnesis, but an anamnesis virtuoso olitaturated.

As for the opinion of Russian literary critics about logical behavior Brody in the surrounding society («The bourgeois world»), then we can hardly agree with this. As we shall see further, the society recognized the strangeness of Brody's personality and his actions were puzzled and condemned. Moreover, the novel does not emphasize social, namely biological factors of influence on personality and character (heredity, temperament, makings; subsequently joins the alcoholic defeat of the mental).

The title of the novel is «Hatter's Castle» (literally «The Hatter's Castle») - on Russian language is referred to as «Замок Броуди». The castle was a house where the seller of hats lived with his family. The basis of building a house Brody was «rough drawings drawn by himself» in spite of warnings of contractors about the result («the house would be good if it were ten times more «a parody of the castle»

The house turned out of such dimensions that there could be no more than seven rooms in it… amazed heaviness and extraordinary architecture. In which there was something deeply hidden, perverted, it seemed… an ugliness-embodied violation of harmony. Description of the house indicates a clear «violation harmony «in the personality of its master.

According to the well-known observation of NA. Yegunova, «in the title of the novel has an important meaning. The rapprochement of such various concepts, as a «castle» and a «hatter», relating to various spheres public life, underscores the absurdity of Brody's claims on aristocratism, reveals his exorbitant vanity and pride.

Indeed, in the English-speaking culture hatter is associated with insanity (for example, the phraseology «mad as a hatter» - «completely crazy» or, literally, Lewis Carroll superbly beats «crazy as a hatter» in the fairy tale «Alice in Wonderland». Speaking about the emerged associations with the sayings «mad as a hatter» and «to build castles in the air» («build air locks»).

N.A. Yegunova emphasizes: «they reinforce the idea of insane and unjustified pride of Brody, the illusory nature of his greatness.

The researcher mentions the third proverb - «my house is my castle»(«My house is my fortress», or literally «my house is my castle»), seeing in association «to the arbitrariness and despotism of the owner of the» castle, «the human - owner who feels in his house unlimited ruler».

The image of James Brody is created, first of all, through a portrait, speech, the author's characteristics, the hero's self-characterization, his characteristics other characters, an abundance of artistic details.

Linear narrative allows us, advancing in the text, to collect anamnesis for five years (the plot of the book covers this period, beginning in the spring 1879).

So, James Brody, age about 50 years. Lived with his family of six people: James's mother, James, his wife Margaret, son of Matthew, daughter Mary and Nessie. At the time of the end of the narrative, James remained only with his mother, suffering from senile dementia:»… the event was lost in the wilds weak-minded brain remembering nothing but their own needs from giggled… senseless old laughter.

Margaret, James's wife, died of cancer. James «experienced first of all a sense of relief, because he finally got rid of this useless burden, which exhausted both his purse, and patience. He did not remember anything that was in her good, did not appreciate all her merits and remembered only one thing - about her weakness, the total lack of physical attractiveness in the past years. After the death of his wife James for a while cohabited with his mistress Nancy and intended to marry her.

However, Nancy left James and, after becoming the wife of Matthew, left with him.

Difficultly experiencing the departure of Nancy, James, according to his younger daughter, «a little with he has not lost his mind, and now he only does what he drinks from morning till night and when he is not drunk, he walks like in a dream.

Seventeen-year-old Mary, the eldest daughter, secretly met with Denis because the father was against their marriage, motivating it by saying that «Mary Brody - lady, there is blood in her veins, which the duchess could be proud of, she is my daughter. And you - from the Irish scum, nothingness from the nonentities.

Pregnant from Denis, Mary was exposed by her father in the eighth month pregnancy, beaten and expelled from the house. Mary settled in London as a maid, but returned home for her sister Nessie in five years, no longer finding her mother alive.

By Nessie James treated better than all other family members and others. The presence of Nessy invariably mitigated him. Nessie was the only being with whom he talked more or less at ease, but he intimidates her.

He always loved her, but now he has changed so much that even his love has turned into something strange and eerie. Brody demanded from Nessie to be the best student of the school and set before her the goal to get a prestigious scholarship: «Remember that you are Brody, and, clenching your teeth, achieve victory» [N.A. Yegunova, p. 690].

In the event of a failure, James threatened his daughter with reprisals:»… if you do not, I… I will grab you for this your thin neck and strangle»

Not having received a scholarship, being in a state of complete nervous - mental exhaustion, fearing his father's anger, Nessie ends up with herself through hanging. The chosen method of suicide is indicative: the father threatened to suffocate daughter and she seems to fulfill his sentence.

After the suicide of Nessie Mary leaves with Dr. Renwick, who previously left her in a severe postpartum period. James is shocked by Nessie's suicide. «He covered his eyes with his hands, as if unable to bear this sight. A heavy moan escaped from his breasts.

Rocking, like a drunk, he blindly backed away from the dead body and, unconscious of nothing, fell on a chair. An explosion of sobs without tears shook him, ripping his chest sharp pain «[N.A. Yegunova, p. 764].

Experiences of sense-loss seem to evoke Brody stupor: «did not answer and still, like a petrified, looked out the window» [N.A. Yegunova, p. 765].

James has a hereditary burden: judging by the memories of Brody's mother, his father suffered a delirium of greatness. «your father's temper was like yours, like two drops of water. The same arrogant, and really hot-tempered - this powder! Oh, and he was proud, proud, like the devil himself!

He played out of himself a noble lord - then give it to him, bring it-and dress like some other, and the duke, and all talked about his ancestors and about the rights that he could have. Many times I heard from him about his old relationship with the Wintons… but I often doubt whether he believed in it himself.

There is a relationship… and I think me, that his ancestors were related to the Wantons not in the wards, but in the backyard you probably know, like me.

This whole story began very, very long ago, when Janet Dreghorn, the daughter of the senior gardener, was confused with the young Robert Brody, who inherited the title of duke only many years later and they were never connected at all by at least similar to marriage «[NA. Yegunova, p. 575-576].

Like his father, Brody is obsessed with the idea of ??the importance of his own person in view of the alleged noble origin. He was «proud of this name more than all of its other benefits, together taken. James Brody! Nothing could be more impressive than these words, simple, but full of secret meaning «[NA. Yegunova, p. 172].

Delirium grandeur, however, in this case is not inspired, since James's father is long gone.

About the actual origin of Brody and related makings it is known that «from ancestors on the part of the mother, Lumsden, who during several generations were farmers in the estates of the Winton barons.

He inherited a deeply rooted love for the earth, to the fact that it gives birth to animals. His body yearned for heavy rural labor, because in his youth he went for his harness to the clay fields of Winton and experienced the delight of touching the cheek of a rifle butt.

From the father of the same his, James Brody, a morose, cruel, indomitable man, he, the only son, inherited pride, nurtured by the desire to own land. Only the change of circumstances after the death of an impoverished father, who crashed, having fallen from a horse, forced James already in his early youth to engage in a disgusted trade that inspired him «[NA. Yegunova, p. 127].

It should be noted, that a long (for twenty years) occupation of business in spite of inclinations did not frustrate James: «He, Brody, is nothing more than a trader of hats! The surprising absurdity of this position has always been his thought, invariably amazed him. Now, when he went into the shop to begin his working day, he laughed inwardly over this «[NA. Yegunova, p. 71].

This is how Mary explains the reason for Brody's pride:»… he thinks that we somehow we are relatives of Wintons. You see, the surname of the Winton Dukes, - Brody, well, he and…» [NA. Yegunova p. 118].

So, James does not have any good reasons for claiming a kinship with Dukes, except for the coincidence of their surname with their surname and rumors about extramarital affair of someone from distant ancestors with one of the noble persons.

«Brody» (Brodie) - a local Scottish surname. In addition, the probability of a simple coincidence increases in view of the existence of variants of the origin of the surname (from the Gaelic «crest /ledges»,» precipice»; from the Irish «broth» - «ditch, ditch»; from Gaelic «Brothach» - «dirty / cloudy / unclean place»; from the Gaelic «brodha» - «point», «Spot», «plain area»; from the Pict name «Brude / Bruid /

Bridei «-» Brude»)

Brody «has acquired the reputation of being rude but honest and rectilinear» but, in addition, was perceived surrounding as «the original subject»] with «baronial manners «[Вайсман Н.И, p. 77].

«A devilish, sullen pride that grows and grows… like a disease» [6, p. 503], «obstinacy overpowers any mules» [6, p. 300], «unbridled disposition»

«vanity… has turned into a real mania» [6, p. 322], «crazy», «strange man «[6, p. 542]. How cruelly he treated his daughter, caused condemnation, undermining his authority in the city [6, p. 263] and even the refusal of an influential faces serviced in Brody's shop:»… to drive out of the house a native child, like a dog, on a night like this?

That's why the newborn died. And Mary is almost killed, if you believe what people say: both pneumonia and maternity fever… a disgrace on the part of the father so to do with his daughter! «[6, p. 262],

«…I learned about one of your actions, which I consider unjust, and cruel. We do not consider it possible to deal with you while you are lyingthis is a shameful spot «[6, p. 539].

The novel presents in detail the symptoms of a mental illness of Brody, but within the framework of the article we confine ourselves to a few quotes for describing the symptoms and creating a general picture of the disease.

Self-admiration, inadequate self-perception: «he with ever growing complacency looked at himself in the mirror «[6, p. 128], «I felt that his blood, noble, like the blood of the emperor, flowed through the veins more rapidly than liquid, watery blood of all these people «[6, p. 330].

«A noble victim insidious fate «[6, p. 534], «I am much higher than such a service, and any service in general «[6, p. 627], «I have always been a prominent man, well folded, and my skin was clean, like a child «[6, p. 629].

Brody «cherished the reputation of an honest and decent man» and, ruining, laid the house, so as not to remain due «no one penny «[6, p. 388]. Although in this case, scrupulousness in matters decency is not dictated by an inner need, but «to support honor of the name «[6, p. 388].

«Embraced by an unusual need for him, a sudden need introspection «[6, p. 307], «a weakly developed intellect, so not proportional to the huge body «[6, p. 370-371], «as soon as he wanted to concentrate on something, they scattered, switched to the most distant and unexpected objects «[6, p. 506], «stubborn and heavy-handed mind «[6, p. 580].

Emotional deafness in relation to others:»… his life went without change… in the same haughty indifference «[6, p. 195], «He had everything equally, that a hundred other people died. The whole collapse was in his eyes an act of just retribution. Denis is dead. Sweet consolation! «[6, p. from. 263],

«He was not thinking of his wife, but of himself, he was sorry for himself, James Brody, who had so many troubles «[6, p. 495].

The accusation of other people in his own problems, the lack of self-criticism:

«Whatever happens in the house, the entire burden of guilt is invariably was assigned to the weak shoulders of his wife «[6, p. 125], «he with great approval sanctioned all his previous actions «[6, p. 270].

Manic contraction of consciousness, the formation of an overvalued idea, obsession, briefly formulated by Brody himself: «I'll show them!» [6, p. 174] (he repeats this phrase throughout the entire novel), «he mentally struggled against the possibility that someone would dare raise his hand to his sacred authority; he was always obsessed with this mania, but until now she was hiding somewhere under the mind, now it has become stronger and ingrained in his brain «[6, p. 271],

«Full of proud pride of the importance of his mission» [6, p. 534], «he already completely at the mercy of his own idea, he has Nessi, a tool of his ideas «[6, p. 534].

Fantasy, withdrawal into himself: «He gave vent to fantasy. He did not notice that the tube went out and cooled. He kept saying to himself that he would achieve universal recognition that everyone will look at it from the bottom up… Thought of Nessie gradually evaporated, he no longer thought about its future, and the central the figure in his dreams was already now himself. He prettied glory in advance, whose daughter will illuminate his name! «[6, p. 28], «thoughts flew away from trials present in the realm of an ecstatic dream… he has all gone into a blessed contemplation of the day when he can unhindered to release from the chain all unbridled whims of their pride «[6, p. 313].

He did not realize who it was enemies, but in this category, vast and vague, included all who, like he imagined, was against him, treated him with due respect or did not recognize in him what he was. [6, p. 271]. «Such a noble, such a worthy person as he must suffer from the tragedy of traitors «[6, p. 328], «refused to believe in his wife's illness.

In his opinion, everything was just a conspiracy against him, an invention to spite him». [6, p. 483]. «Went and felt that «they», these people who were always watching him, were watching him and now «[6, p. 502]

Treat them to parting with such a spectacle that all spies blink their eyes «[6, p. 507], «even birds - both those against him, and those it is dirty «[6, p. 682], «in this city there is a conspiracy against me. All resolutely against me. I am hated because I am what I am.

They know that I am above them, that if I took the proper position, I would wipe my dirty boots on their put out faces «[6, p. 687], «It's you who set me on fire. He was at the same time persecuting me! «[6, from. 744].

Aggressiveness, «bestial rage boiled in him «[6, p. 216], «angrily kicked Mary with his foot, and again rudely kicked her with a boot «[6, p. 218], «grabbed Mary by the throat and squeezed… Feeling soft, but unyielding throat under his fingers Brodie intoxicated. I wanted to squeeze this throat, like a stalk, until it crunches «[6, p. 219].

«in some rapture of rabies «mock gaiety evaporated, yielding a place of former gloominess «[6, p. 275].

«Stammered, so he was strangled by anger, and with a contorted face looked at his mother «[6, p. 576], «full of wild enthusiasm, he longed for action to give a way out of energy; he was engulfed desire to crush something «[6, p. 332].

Conflict: «His social significance grew, and with it, loneliness. It gradually became an increasingly prominent figure in the city, he now had many friends, but not a single friend [6, p. 68], «walked through the streets, with no one speaking, and only with dignity, greeting those who, in his opinion,

Deserved such honor a man like him is very easy makes enemies for themselves [6, p. 320-321].

«He, then hurriedly threw hats and hats of all kinds styles. He was overcome by a wild exaltation. Once the hats lie with him without benefit, he will distribute them all in vain, annoy so to his neighbors, competitors. He was in his element - the center of the crowd that caught every his word, every gesture that looked at him in all eyes and, as it seemed to him, with admiration «[6, p. 507-509], «continued to smoke with an air of defiance, noisily puffing with a pipe and casually throwing a burnt match on the floor «[6, p. 627],

«With a sly mischief again pulled out the bottle and in front of the amazed clerks long pulled from it. Instead of hiding it back in his pocket, he put it in front of him on the very top of the desk «[6, p. 629].

Alcohol addiction: «he suddenly seized a wild, unchecked desire to get drunk «[6, p. 268], «felt… such an immense need of pleasures that seemed to be able to drink a huge pool of vodka «[6, p. 269], «returning to the office, he continued to drink» [6, p. 270].

Sanitary neglect, neglect of hygiene: «Do not pay attention to the dirt, he sat in a chair and hardly noticed the risen cloud of dust, did not notice that she was sitting on his clothes. Nails were broken off and bitten to meat, shoes are unclean «[6, p. 505], «dried up an old man with a unkempt head, in an untidy, greasy clothes, gloomy, unshaven, with a wild, malicious and together sad look «[6, p. 655].

The presented symptomatology clearly fits into the picture of paranoia (to the same aggravated alcohol dependence). The main link in this case mental disorders - the overvalued ideas that are at the basis of delusions (greatness, attitude, persecution); process of realization of an overvalued idea can change the way of life and social status of the patient. In a living, plausible account of Brody's thoroughly studied psyche there is a strong confidence of an experienced doctor. In other words, Cronin masterfully managed to generalize the medical history and present it in the form of fascinating and strong in the artistic sense of the novel. According to our opinion, a remarkably well designed image of the protagonist of the book is worthy of places among the most striking characters in world literature, and serve as a clinical example of paranoia as a representative of the «syndrome of James Brody».

2.3 The ways of translation simile used in the novel «Hatter's Castle» by A.J Cronin from English into Russian

Cronin's strengths were in his narrative skill and his powers of acute observation and graphic description. Though labeled a successful middlebrow novelist, he managed to create Hatter's castle a classic work of 20th-century British fiction.

The story of James Brodie, a Scottish hat maker obsessed with and ultimately ruined by the idea of his noble birth. The first publisher to whom Cronin submitted it and became an immediate best-seller in England accepted the novel. Although some faulted Cronin's style as too dependent on nineteenth century novelistic techniques, critics on both sides of the Atlantic hailed him as an important new novelist.

Hatter's Castle was in many ways a happy accident, securing for its author laudatory reviews and substantial earnings and establishing him as a writer of great promise. In its hero, readers found an outstanding personality: a hatter in Leve ford, in strongly characterized surroundings, who lived through a destiny of suffering and tragedy. Readers were also treated to a return to the English novel in the grand tradition. Its themes of the rejected family, the struggle against poverty, the desire for wealth, the illusion of limitless opportunity, and the conflict between personal desire and conventional restraint were recurring ones throughout Cronin's fiction. [9, p. 120]

To develop the plot of Hatter's Castle, Cronin used the familiar Victorian conventions available to all aspiring writers of the time: a straightforward linear chronology unfolded through the agency of the omniscient third-person narrator, with an emphasis on melodrama and horror. Added to these conventions is one of the most familiar themes of Greek tragedy, the retribution that attends overweening pride. James Brodie is a man whose inordinate self-love and unusually strong physique have made him the most feared person in town as well as the tyrant of a trembling household. He has deluded himself into believing that his hat shop is a thriving business, that his house is a romantic castle, and that he himself is related to the aristocracy. The novel proceeds almost consecutively from its beginning, with the hero at the «peak» of his power, to his decline into futility, frustration, and finally, alienation. [9, p87]

Woven through the book are patterns of developing images and symbols that serve important structural functions: They relate and unify the individual lives presented in the book; they support and embody its themes; and they are the means by which the texture of an event or feeling is conveyed. One cluster of these images grows out of the title, which refers, of course, literally to the house, and also to James Brodie himself and his career. The «castle,» at once a physical structure and symbol of the Brodie family, is pictured early in the novel in terms that both symbolize the owner's pride and prophesy the dreadful environment and outcome of the story. It is a place of gloom and solitude, «more fitted for a prison than a home,» «veiled, forbidding, sinister; its purpose likewise'hidden and obscure.'» The pompous dignity of the gables greets the visitor with «cold severity.» The parapet embraces the body of the house like a «manacle.» Its windows are «secret, close-set eyes [which] grudgingly admitted light.» Its doorway is «a thin repellent mouth.» This description not only provides a haunting counterpoint to the action of Hatter's Castle but also establishes the essential character of Brodie well before he appears, before he is even named.

The members of the Brodie family share with the house a condition of imminent collapse. Typical of so many novelists, Cronin's device-here and elsewhere-is to put his minor characters in dire straits at the outset of the action so that they can be tested against the hardships life has to offer. This strategy he accomplishes by introducing the family members as they wait for Brodie, moving from grandmother to elder daughter, from younger daughter to mother, and each picture is presented as a miniature scene in a continuous drama of frustration. All along, the reader notes a strange absence of the usual signs of domesticity in a large country household. [17, p56]

The driving force of the book, however, is the portrayal of the successive disasters that Brodie brings upon himself and his family. Margaret, his feeble, downtrodden wife, is reduced to abjection and dies horribly of cancer. Mary, his elder daughter, is a lovely, gentle girl not quite able to cope with her father. She becomes pregnant, is thrown out of the house into a raging storm, and eventually marries the young doctor whom Brodie hates. Nessie, the younger daughter, is driven to insanity and suicide by Brodie's morbid determination that she shall win a scholarship and go to college. Matthew, Brodie's weakling son, robs his mother, lies to both of his parents, and runs off with his father's mistress. By the end of the novel, therefore, any manifestations of Brodie's supposed supremacy have vanished. Not only has he lost his family, but he has lost his business and has become a drunkard. He is left shattered, with no companion but his tragic, greedy old mother, and with no hope but death. [16, p48]

Although Hatter's Castle is in many ways a conventional novel, there are ideas, themes, and techniques in it that reappear in Cronin's later, more mature work. The characters are typical of Cronin: paradoxical mixtures of good and bad, weak and strong. Possessiveness, to the point of the pathological, is used as a catalyst to introduce a conflict and action, and, as in his later novels, it is always expressly condemned. The unrequited love theme that appears so often in Cronin's writing is present in the form of Mary's plight. Also, the central idea of rebellion against social pressures anticipates the kinds of revolt that motivate so many Cronin characters, including artists, seekers, and criminals. [7, p. 98]

Perhaps a legitimate criticism of the plot is that the sheer number of misfortunes suffered by Brodie and his family seems excessive and implausible. Possibly, but it seems to be a part of Cronin's philosophy that troubles never come singly, and, certainly, all of Brodie's misfortunes can be convincingly traced to his character and actions. «Character is Fate,» quotes Thomas Hardy in The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), and his nemesis works unerringly through Brodie's own glaring defects. Imaginative belief in Brodie compels belief in what happens to him. As one critic observed, «The plot may creak, but Brodie lives.»

Passages with similes taken from English text provided with their version in Russian. [Cronin A.J. Hatter's Castle. - M.: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1960.]

1. The whole structure seemed to sustain itself like an animal upon its deep-dug paws.

Стены поднимались не прямо от земли, а стояли на каменном цоколе, который был на целый фут длиннее и шире их основания, так что все здание опиралось на него, как животное - на глубоко врытые в землю лапы.

2. Leven with its parent stream, and which stood, a landmark, outlined clearly against the opal sky like the inert body of a gigantic elephant.

Первое, что он встретил на пути, была высокая историческая скала, которая стояла, словно маяк, на месте слияния реки Клайд с ее притоком Ливеном и четко рисовалась на опаловом небе, напоминая неподвижную тушу громадного слона.

3. - forming thus a heavy stone-linked chain which embraced the body of the house like a manacle.

Они соединялись между собой парапетом, который своими правильно чередовавшимися острыми зубцами образовал как бы тяжелую цепь из каменных звеньев, кандалами сковывавшую все здание.

4. The heaviness of its upper dimensions made the tower squat, deformed, and gave to it the appearance of a broad frowning forehead disfigured by a deep grooved stigma; while the two small embrasured windows, which pierced it, brooded from beneath the brow like secret, close-set eyes.

Тяжеловесные пропорции ее верхней части делали башню приземистой и уродливой, придавая ей сходство с широким нахмуренным лбом, обезображенным глубоким шрамом, а из-под этого лба угрюмо и загадочно глядели два глубоко посаженных глаза - прорезанные в башне узкие оконца.

5. Immediately below this tower stood the narrow doorway of the house, the lesser proportion of its width giving it a meagre, inhospitable look, like a thin repellent mouth.

Как раз под башней был вход - невзрачная узкая дверь, весьма негостеприимная на вид, похожая на враждебно сжатый тонкий рот отверстиями, которые неохотно пропускали свет, но скрывали от посторонних глаз внутренность жилища.

6. She was a large-boned, angular woman shrunken but not withered by her seventy-two years, shriveled and knotted like the bole of a sapless tree.

Это была ширококостная угловатая старуха, сморщенная, но не дряхлая, несмотря на свои семьдесят два года, высохшая, похожая на сучковатый ствол старого дерева, лишенного соков, но еще крепкого и выносливого, закаленного временем и непогодами.

7. Some coarse short straggling hairs sprouted erratically like weeds from her chin and upper lip.

Жесткие редкие волоски, подобно сорным травам, пробивались на подбородке и верхней губе.

8. She sat as straight as a wand and she was beautiful with the dark serene beauty of a deep tranquil pool where waving wands might grow.

Она сидела прямо, как стебель тростника, прекрасная задумчивой и безмятежной красотой глубокого, спокойного озера, где качаются тростники.

9. This was Mary's mother, but now they seemed as alien and unrelated as an old sheep and a young fawn.

Такова была мать Мэри, и дочь так же мало походила на нее, как молодая лань на старую овцу.

10. «Are you a sow to eat like that, woman?» Startled, she looked up, blinking at him. «Eh, what', James? What for, what way?» «What way a sow would eat, slushing and soaking its meat in the trough? Do ye not have the sense to know when you Ye eating like a greedy pig?

- Ведь ты же не свинья, чтобы так есть, старая! Она испуганно уставилась на него, моргая глазами. - А? Что такое, Джемс? Как я ем? - Да совсем так, как свинья, которая непременно вываляет или размажет свою еду по всему корыту. Неужто у тебя не хватает ума понять, что ты ешь, как жадная свинья?

11. A transient unexpected gleam of feeling, which was partly affection, but to a far greater extent pride, lit up Brodie's harsh features like a sudden quiver of light upon a bleak rock.

Необъятное тщеславие промелькнуло как внезапный дрожащий луч света на мрачной скале.

12. Her breath was like a new milk.

Ее дыхание благоухало парным молоком.

13. They were so close together that the sense of intimacy filled her with inexpressible yearning, an unfathomable longing, which found its only ease in the firm clasp upon her, arm that linked her pulsating body to his and soothed her like a divine balm.

14. Her head lay back on his arm, and between her parted lips her teeth shone in the moonlight like small white seeds.

Голова Мэри лежала на плече Дениса, и меж ее полуоткрытых губ зубы блестели в лунном свете, как белые зернышки.

15. Again he saw in the arch of her neck the small vein threaded under the smooth skin, like a tiny rivulet through virgin snow, and caressingly he stroked it, gently tracing with his fingertips its lovely downward passage. How firm and round her breasts were, each like a smooth and perfect unplucked fruit enclosed within his palm for him to fondle!

Снова Денису бросилась в глаза у изгиба шеи голубая жилка под белой кожей, напомнив ему ручеек, бегущий среди девственного снега, и он нежно погладил ее, осторожно проследив кончиками пальцев от шеи вниз. Как округлы и крепки были ее груди - каждая, как несорванное чудесное яблоко с гладкой кожурой, пряталась в его ладони, ожидая его ласки.

16. Her spirit rushed to meet his swifter than a swallow's flight and together uniting, leaving their bodies upon the earth; they soared into the rarer air. Together they floated upwards as lightly as the two moths and as soundlessly as the river.

Душа ее быстрее ласточки устремилась к нему навстречу, ей казалось, что их души встретились, взлетели, оставив тела на земле, и несутся в вышине так легко, как те две бабочки, которых она видела сегодня, так же неслышно, как течет река, и никакие земные узы больше не сдерживают их упоительного полета.

17. The lights in the fair-ground went out one by one; an old frog, its large, sad eyes jeweled in the moonlight, broke through the grasses beside them, then noiselessly departed; a dim white mist sheathed the radiance of the river like breath upon a mirror.

Один за другим угасали огни ярмарки; старая лягушка с выпученными печальными глазами, которые светились в лунном свете, как драгоценные камни, выскочила из травы подле них и бесшумно ускакала; сверкающая гладь реки заволоклась серовато-белым туманом, потускнев, как тускнеет зеркало от дыхания

18. Becoming aware that he had another quarter of an hour in bed, he put his head down, rolled over on his side, and dived beneath the blankets like a gigantic porpoise.

Убедившись, что можно еще с четверть часа полежать, он зарылся головой в подушку, повернулся на другой бок и барахтался под одеялами, как громадный дельфин.

19. His naked torso gleamed sleekly and the muscles of his shoulders and back undulated like pliant knotted ropes under the white skin, which shone like smooth satin, except where the thick brown hair was felted on the chest, dense and adherent as lichen upon a rock.

Его обнаженный торс блестел, мускулы плеч и спины, как гибкие узловатые веревки, ходили под белой кожей, лоснившейся как шелк, и только на груди густо росли темные волосы, как мох на скале.

20. I came more or less to ask your advice and to put a small suggestion before you.» «What is it, then? Don't stand there like a hen on a hot griddle.»

Я пришел, так сказать, за советом и для того, чтобы сделать вам одно маленькое предложение.

- Ну, в чем же дело? Да не вертитесь вы, как курица на горячей сковороде!

21. Shaking his body like a huge dog, he recollected himself, observed the paper in front of him, and, with a visage once more composed and tranquil, began again to read.

Потом резко мотнул головой, как будто могучим усилием воли освобождаясь от настроения, которого опасался, встряхнулся всем телом, как громадный пес, и, снова овладев. Потом резко мотнул головой, как будто могучим усилием воли освобождаясь от настроения, которого опасался, встряхнулся всем телом, как громадный пес, и, снова овладев

22. She clicked her teeth hopefully, scenting like a harpy the nearness of sustenance.

Она с надеждой щелкнула зубами, чуя, как хищник, близость пищи.

23. She envisaged the figure of her father, bestriding, like a formidable colossus, the destiny of the Brodies and directing her life tyrannically with an ever watchful, relentless eye.

Отец вставал в ее мыслях как грозный колосс, правивший судьбами всех Броуди, тиранически распоряжавшийся ее жизнью, всегда следивший за ней недремлющим, безжалостным оком.

24. They kissed quickly, when her lips swept his like the brush of a butterfly's wing.

Они торопливо поцеловались, и губы Мэри на мгновение затрепетали на губах Дениса, как крылья бабочки.

25. Brodie got up, lowering, his rage like that of an angry bull.

Броуди встал, разъяренный, как бешеный бык.

26. «Will I not, touch,» he cried, his breath coming in quick noisy gusts. «I've got ye like a rat in a trap and I'll smash you like a rat.»

- Вот как, не прикасаться? - закричал он, и дыхание шумными порывами вылетало у него из груди. - Я поймал тебя, как крысу в западню, и раздавлю тебя, как крысу!

27. «What are you going on about? Are you gone silly?» bawled Brodie. «Has the thunder turned your reason to make ye stand like a drunken fishwife?»

Что ты ходишь туда-сюда? Ты с ума сошла? Заревел Броуди. Тебя, наверное, разразил гром что стоишь как пьяная жена рыбака.

Passages with similes taken from Russian text and their versions in English translation [Кронин А. Замок Броуди: Пер. с англ. М. Абкиной. М.: Эксмо, 2011].

1. Он глубже уселся в кресло; его голова высилась на широких плечах так же прямо, как утес на вершине холма.

He sat deeper in his chair; his head rose on his broad shoulders as straight as a cliff at the top of a hill.

2. Несси была прямая противоположность Мэри. Волосы у нее были светлые, как лен, почти бесцветные и заплетены в две аккуратные косички; она унаследовала от матери ее кроткие глаза с поволокой, нежно-голубые, как цветы вероники, испещренные едва заметными белыми крапинками, - глаза с тем неизменно ласковым и умильным выражением, которое заставляло думать, что она постоянно стремится всех задобрить. Личико у нее было узкое, с высоким белым лбом, розовыми, как у восковой куклы, щеками, острым подбородком и маленьким ртом, всегда полуоткрытым благодаря несколько отвисающей нижней губе; все это, так же как и мягкая, неопределенная улыбка, с которой она в эту минуту вошла в кухню, свидетельствовало о природной слабости этого еще не сложившегося характера.

Nessie was the opposite of Mary. Her hair was light-lye, like flax, almost colorless and braided in two neat braids; she inherited from her mother her meek eyes with the pasture, gently-blue, like flowers Veronica, strewn with barely noticeable white edge-kicks-eyes with the invariably affectionate and sweet expression that made me think that she is constantly striving to appease all. Her face was narrow, with a high white forehead, pink, like the wax-doll howl, cheeks, sharp chin and small mouth, always load rite due to slightly drooping lower lip; all this, as well as the soft, uncertain smile with which she at this moment entered the kitchen, testified to the natural weakness this is still not the prevailing character.

3.И, излив таким образом свое бессмысленное раздражение, сразу осела и затихла, бормоча что-то себе под нос. Голова у нее тряслась, как у паралитика.

And, pouring thus its senseless irritation, immediately settled down and calmed down, muttering something under his nose. Her head shook like the paralytic.

4. Агнес была брюнетка с глазами маленькими и черными, как две дикие сливы,

Agnes was a brunette with small and black eyes as two wild plums.

4. Должны быть, - крикнул он, - потому что ты мой сын! Я хочу, чтоб ты это доказал! Смотри людям прямо в глаза и не вешай голову, как трусливая собака. Я предоставил тебе все, что нужно, - продолжал он.

You are my son! I want you to prove it! Look people straight in the eye and don't hang your head like a coward. I have provided you with everything you need, " he continued.

5. Пароход показался им огромным, лопасти у него были широкие, как летучая мышь с распростертыми крыльями, а по сравнению с его трубой мачты всех остальных судов казались низкими.

The ship seemed to them huge, its blades were as wide as a bat with outstretched wings, and compared to its pipe the masts of all other ships seemed low.

6. Руки у тебя - как подснежники, такие нежные, и белые, и слабые. Они кажутся прохладными, как снег, когда я прижимаюсь к ним лицом. Я люблю твои руки, Мэри, и люблю тебя.

The hands of you - as the snowdrops are delicate and white, and weak. They seem as cool as snow when I touch my face against them. I love your hands, Mary, and I love you.

7. - Знаешь, ты обленилась, дочь моя, вот в чем вся беда. Я замечаю, что ты растолстела, как бочка!

- You know, you are lazy, my daughter, that is the trouble. I notice you become fat as a barrel!

8. Ее мать, как страус, нервно прятала голову при малейшем намеке на некоторые вопросы, если они всплывали на их домашнем горизонте, и не сочла возможным просветить дочь даже насчет самых элементарных физиологических явлений.

Her mother, like the ostrich, nervously sticking her head at the slightest hint of some questions if they pop up on the horizon, and did not consider it possible to educate the daughter about even the most basic biological phenomena.

9. - Присосалась к книге, как пьяница к бутылке! Кажется, если бы дом загорелся у тебя над головой, ты бы все так же сидела и читала!

- stuck on the book like a drunk on a bottle! It seems that if the house was burning over your head, you would still be sitting and reading!

10. Он зажал его под мышкой и, развив бешеную скорость из боязни, что странная леди опомнится от своего безумия, бросился бежать и исчез вдали, как дым.

He clutched it under his arm and, having developed a furious speed out of fear that the strange lady will come to her senses from his madness, ran and disappeared away like smoke.

11. Наступило молчание, потом Мэри сказала медленно, невнятно, с мучительным усилием, и каждое слово падало с ее губ, как свинцовый груз:

There was silence, then Mary said slowly, inaudible, with a great effort, and every word fell from her lips like a leaden weight.

12. Броуди был ошеломлен неожиданностью его появления и его дерзостью, но ничем себя не выдал. Он глубже уселся в кресло; его голова высилась на широких плечах так же прямо, как утес на вершине холма.

Brody was stunned by the surprise of his appearance and his audacity, but did not give himself. He sat deeper in his chair; his head rose on his broad shoulders as straight as a cliff at the top of a hill.

13. Мост сломался. Стальные брусья надломились с треском, как сучья, цемент искрошился в песок, железные столбы согнулись, как ивовые прутья. Средний пролет растаял, как воск.

The bridge broke. The steel bars cracked like twigs, the grout crumbled into the sand, the iron pillars bent like willow bars. The middle passage melted like wax.


simile linguistics language translation

The primary objective of this Graduate qualification paper was to make a study of the peculiarities of the representation of simile in a literary translation from English into Russian (on the base of the novel Hatter's Castle by A.J. Cronin)». It is evident that we cannot plunge into such a rich and complex subject without a thorough knowledge of the background of the matter. In this regard, the introductory chapter included background information about simile. In the 1 chapter, I made an attempt to study the Simile as one of the stylistic devices in literature.

The next step of my qualification paper was presenting one of the great novelists of the nineteenth century - Archibald Joseph Cronin and his works. Having read and analyzed some of Cronin's works I have come to the following conclusion;

ь Many of Cronin's books were bestsellers in their days and have been translated into many languages.

ь Some of his stories influenced on his medical career, dramatically mixing realism, romance and social criticism.

ь Cronin's works examine moral conflicts between the individual and society, as his idealistic heroes pursue justice for the common person.

Speaking about stylistic devices in Cronin's works, I can state that he was good at using them in his novels. The great part of my attention was given to the study of similes in his works. So, here I would like to illustrate some examples of simile taken from his novel «Hatter's castle».

ь This was Mary's mother, but now they seemed as alien and unrelated as an old sheep and a young fawn.

ь Такова была мать Мэри, и дочь так же мало походила на нее, как молодая лань на старую овцу.

ь They kissed quickly, when her lips swept his like the brush of a butterfly's wing.

ь Они торопливо поцеловались, и губы Мэри на мгновение затрепетали на губах Дениса, как крылья бабочки.

The Chapter II deals with the ways of translation Simile from English into Russian (on the base of the novel «Hatter's Castle» by A.J. Cronin) This second chapter gives a summary of the novel. Here I gave Stylistic and literary analysis of the novel «Hatter's Castle» by A.J. Cronin. The Chapter is finalized with the providing examples of translation simile used in the novel «Hatter's Castle» by A.J Cronin from English into Russian and from Russian into English.

Sticking around this chapter I would like to share with my conclusion about the novel under my study.

In all my life of all the books that seems to me the most dark and cruel story.

The novel is written in the spirit of exclusively English literature, the scene-England of the late 19th century. In the storyline a large number of characters, and they all play a major role in the events. All the characters are linked by strong relations or blood relationship, or friendship, or commitment.

The novel consists of three parts. The protagonist of the book - James Brody, a type of truly cruel, greedy, completely soulless, evil, mean and vengeful. It is not easy to read some moments of the novel about despotism in the family of James, about the suffering of his wife, who gave her life to the family and work at home, and died in terrible agony from cancer. But even here he had not experienced even a second of sympathy and pity for the suffering from terrible the disease to his wife.

James Brody's children have basically one single feeling for their father-hatred from childhood for beatings and humiliation. And against this family tragedy unfolds the fate of every member of the Brody family. Someone achieves success only after leaving the hated father's house, who lives a quiet and modest life because forever in his heart dwelt self-doubt as a real person, worthy of respect. A very deep, emotional novel that leaves a mark on the soul after reading.

The examples of similes given in this chapter and the analysis of the novel can be used by students in their study, mainly in writing course and research papers. Also this my paper can be used by teachers in their work and by translators in interpreting English texts.

In my qualification paper, I tried to fulfil almost all the tasks set before and have revealed all the questions aroused while researching this paper.

Different linguists and scientists made attempts and succeed in translating similes in literary texts. So all their works are interesting and contributed the development of the translation study.

It should be also pointed out that the ways of similes translation as the object of study arouse great interest not only with linguists but also with philosophers, historians, pedagogues and other specialists due to their inexhaustible philosophical, ethical, aesthetical, pedagogical and moral potentiality.


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  • In the world there are thousands of different languages. How indeed modern English is optimum mean for intercourse of people of different nationalities. Knowledge of English is needed for the effective teaching subsequent work and improvement of our life.

    сочинение [13,7 K], добавлен 11.02.2009

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