The peculiarities of the representation of simile in a literary translation from English into Russian (on the base of the novel Hatter's Castle by A.J.Cronin)
The concept of "simile" as a stylistic device in modern linguistics. Types in English, Russian languages. Archibald J. Cronin, his life way, works and masterpieces. The ways of translation from English into Russian (on the base of the "Hatter’s Castle").
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | курсовая работа |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 05.05.2022 |
Размер файла | 87,3 K |
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Due to the frequent use and almost of impossibility not to use the similes in our speech and literary texts we cannot refuse to use them. They make our speech more expressive, vivid and metaphorical. Some of them seem us funny, others insulting. Therefore, to understand our world, our speech and culture we should consider similes. To conclude I can assume that lexical meaning itself cannot reveal all the richness and colours of the word, we need stylistic devices. For this purpose, we can refer to concept, which is complicated by the structure, consisting of at least three parts: content, image and value. Such phenomenon can serve the purpose of understanding the English language worldview better, to penetrate into the culture through language and be a helpful tool in recognizing the world diversity.
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