Occasional word formation in the expressiveness of a text
Analyzes the contribution of occasional word formation to the expressiveness of the text. Focuses on a detailed description of the non-normative interaction of common creative bases and forms within the main parts of speech and word formation methods.
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Дата добавления | 28.09.2022 |
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Occasional word formation in the expressiveness of a text
Vasyl Hreschuk
The article analyzes the contribution of occasional word formation to the expressiveness of the text. Making the text more expressive by means of an occasional word-formation takes place when the process of text creation involves a coining of a new word which violates the norms of lexical derivation in its structural and semantic parameters. Due to its optional, new, nonnormative, functional one-time nature, occasional derivatives (coinages) have become one of the major linguistic means of forming the connotative component of the semantics of the text or its segment. An occasionally derived word appears as a result of a combination of common wordforming components, characteristic for a particular linguistic system, i.e. a creative basis and a derivational formant, but their interaction in a particular derivative may result in the expansion of internal valence and pushes it beyond the language norm. The article focuses on a detailed description of the non-normative interaction of common creative bases and forms within the main parts of speech and word formation methods as well as their role in the expressiveness of the text. The article also describes less common ways of forming the linguistic expression of the text by means of occasional coinages. The latter methods include the use of word-forming formats stylized according to the derivational means of another language present in the text, permutation of formative bases which are the components of a word-forming structure, the amalgamation of several prefixes, which either strengthen the meaning of the first one or neutralize the value of the following prefix. Emotionally colored occasional derivatives (coinages) constitute an important component of text creation as they are responsible for the pragmatic sphere of the text which is connected with the subjective modality of the text and its realization.
Keywords: occasionalism, word formation, text, linguistic expression, pragmatics of the text.
Ґрещук Василь. Оказіональний словотвір в експресивізації тексту.
У статті проаналізовано оказіональний словотвір в експресивізації тексту. Оказіональна експресивізація тексту словотворчими засобами має місце тоді, коли процес породження тексту включає появу нового слова, яке за своїми структурно-семантичними параметрами порушує норми лексичної деривації. Завдяки факультативності, новизні, позанормативності, функційній одноразовості оказіональних дериватів вони стали одним із провідних мовних засобів формування конотативного компонента семантики тексту або його сегмента. Оказіональність похідного слова виникає в результаті поєднання узуальних у системі мови словотворчих компонентів - твірної основи й дериваційного форманта, але саме їх взаємодія в конкретному дериваті завдяки розширенню внутрішньої валентності виходить за межі мовної норми. У статті детально охарактеризовано позанормативну взаємодію узуальних твірних основ та формантів у межах основних частин мови та способів словотворення та їх роль у експресивізації тексту. Описано й менш поширені способи формування мовної експресії тексту оказіональними утвореннями, зокрема використання словотворчих форматів, стилізованих відповідно до зображуваного в тексті під форму дериваційний засобів іншої мови, перестановка компонентів словотвірної структури - твірних основ, нагнітання у словотвірний структурі деривата кількох префіксів, які послідовно посилюють значення першого або нейтралізують значення наступного префікса. Емоційно забарвлені оказіональні деривати є чинником текстотворення, формуючи ту частину прагматичної сфери тексту, яка пов'язана з передачею суб'єктивної модальності тексту.
Ключові слова: оказіоналізм, словотвір, текст, мовна експресія, прагматика тексту.
According to H. Vokalchuk[4, p. 13], the comprehensive analysis of occasional words has been drawing a particular interest on the part of experts in recent decades. This tendency can be explained by several factor including the expert desire to study vocabulary in its structural and systemic manifestations, on the one hand, and to pay attention to the functioning of occasionalisms in a discourse or in a text [1; 2; 5; 8; 10; 11; 15; 16] on the other one. The analyses of the role of occasional word-forming units in the formation of the connotative component of text semantics creates an additional problem under study [3; 7; 16].
Creating occasional expressiveness of the text by means of word-formation has its specific features. It takes place when the process of text creation includes a coinage (a new word) which violates the norms of lexical derivation in its structural and semantic parameters. Nominative optionality and novelty of such a derivative, its non-normative nature and functional disposability [9, p. 11] are accountable for the fact that word-forming occasionalisms have become one of the leading linguistic means of achieving expressiveness of the text or its segment. Appearing in the text structure, an occasionalism goes hand-in-hand with the formation of subjective modality, even when the appearance of that newly formed word has been called for by the nominative needs of language.
Theoretical background
Under normal circumstances, occasional word building is a result of a combination of typical for the language system word-forming quantities - a creative basis and a derivational formant, but it is their interaction in a particular derivative that goes beyond the language norm due to the expansion of internal valence.
Most word-forming models are characterized by normative restrictions on the compatibility of creative bases and formants. Thus, derivatives with the feminizing suffix -иц(я) in the Ukrainian language are formed from the corresponding masculine names. The norm also allows the derivation of female names from the respective names of male animals. The use of an inanimate object noun as a creative basis violates the norms of word-formation compatibility, and thus creates the effect of occasional derivative, which adds expressiveness to the text, e.g .: На міднім небі вечір почорнів. / Малі, без голосу у ніч летіли птиці. / Згори гора дивилась у черлінь. / І хилитався човен до човниці (М.Вінграновський. На міднім небі вечір почорнів) / (Against the copper sky the evening blackened. / Small, voiceless birds flew into the night. / From tops the mountain looked into the darkness. / And the boat [he- boat] swayed to the boat [she-boat] (M. Vingranovsky. Against the copper sky the evening blackened).
The Ukrainian language system allows creating filial words denoting "somebody's son" from a limited range of male titles by means of the suffix -ич ; the examples being попович, цісаревич, княжич (popovych [a son of a clergyman], tsarevich [a son of a tsar], kniazhych [a son of a prince]). The expansion of the base of creative words at the expense of proper female names has led to the creation of an original word, highly emotional and evaluative, a sign of an individual author's expressiveness: Інші з батьком і в перукарню, й на риболовлю, за іншого батько і в школу піде довідатись, а цей усе сам та сам, одиначчин син! Оксанич! (O. Honchar. Bryhantyna)) / (All kinds would go with their fathers to the barber's, and to fish; and a father would come to school to check on them, but not for this boy: he is always alone, always doing thing by himself, the son of a single mother! Oksanych! [Oksana's son].
Since the basis of the formation of an occasionalism (occasional newly created word) is mostly the implementation of non-normative derivational compatibility, such derivatives can be created with the help of any word-forming formant. These coinages will also belong to different linguistic parts of speech. Therefore, these properties determine the constructiveness and the range of use of occasional formations (words and word-combinations) in the role of the expressive means of the text. occasional text speech
The names of people, doers of some actions, take a special place among the occasional noun derivatives, serving to convey the necessary connotative component of a statement. These contextual occasional nominations of people are marked with irony, they are often derogatory in their pragmatic meaning, and it is how the necessary subjective modality of the micro-text is achieved, e.g.: "Вихідці (чи вилізці) з окопів" занепокоїлися, зашамоталися" (newspaper "Literaturna Ukraina", 03.10.1991)/ ''Vykhidsi [those who exit] (or vyliztsi [those who crawl out]) from the trenches" got agitated, got worried". The creative coinage effect of the first derivative is explained by the use of the creative base which meaning is close to the normative one [the Ukrainian word "vyhidtsi" coming from the word "to come out" had a normative meaning "representatives", but not in the given example] (in the context of the quotation the newly-coined word vyhidtsi is formed on the basis of situational statement "communists are coming out of the trenches,” in which they have been forced by the national- democratic forces after the renowned coup in August 1991). The second example in the quotation is formed by analogy, it also uses the creative basis, the lexical meaning of which has the negative emotional and expressive colouring in itself, thus the occasionalism "вилізці" strengthened the evaluative modality of the micro-text even more. The coinages hetkalo and hanbist in the following example perform the same text-focused functions conveying the disapproving and neglecting attitude of the speaker to the subject/object in question: Не гетькали й ганьбісти сьогодні можуть порятувати Україну (I. Dziuba. From the salutary speech at the event celebrating the 179 birth anniversary of T.H.Shevchenko; from the radio broadcast on March 9, 1993) / It is not hetkaly [those one who cry "Het"' (meaning "Go away")] and hanbisty [those one who cry "Han'ba" (meaning "Shame on you")] who are able to rescue Ukraine now. The derivatives hetkalo and hanbist acquire their status of occasionalisms (occasional coinages) as their creation is the result of violation of the norms of the Ukrainian word formation system: exclamations do not normally serve as creative bases for the names of people. The additional connotative component in the word ганьбіст comes from the combination of a colloquial creative basis and a bookish suffix. The гетівець as the derivative with a similar creative basis also serves as a means of expressiveness in the micro-text: Сьогодні люди в камуфляжах розігнали наметове містечко гетівців (From the TV news presented by the news programme TSN, March, 20, 2009) / Today, people in camouflage dispersed the tent camp of the hetivtsiv.
The occasionalism moiahataskraets which is derived from the whole phrase moia hata skraiu [meaning "my home is on the edge" = "I don't want to have anything to do with it"], introduced into the microtext, serves as a means of forming a connotative component of its semantics: ''Коли аж занадто набридали своїми попередженнями-повчаннями, я переходила в наступ і запитувала, що ж будуть чинити вони, якщо таки переможе Ющенко, у відповідь чула: «А нам нічого не буде». Справді, нічого не було. Й не тільки вичікувальникам, зловтішникам і «мояхатаскрайцям»'' (O.Sloniovska. Upoliovane pokolinnia. (The hunted generation) / "And when they bothered me with their nagging precautions too much, I chose to attack and asked what they would do if Yuschenko did win, and they would answer: "That won't change anything for us". And it really didn't change anything, and not only for those who waited and lingered, or malicious ones, or for "moiahataskraivtsiv”.
Some derivatives gain themselves status of occasionalisms due to the deliberate change of a word building structure, while the word base of the stylistically neutral derivative is replaced by another one e.g. більшовик > бувшовик / bilshovyk > buvshovyk, or there happens an interchange of some phonetic or morphemic components in the word structure e.g. українець > українець./ukrainets > okrainets,дисидент>відсидент/ dissident > vidsydent . Coinages like these form the corresponding connotative component of the semantics of the text segment, where they function: Їх дехто зве «більшовиками». / Насправді ж це - бувшовики. / ... Ми станем вільними, збагнувши, / Що нам їх слухать не з руки. / Бо всі вони колишні, "бувші", / А ще точніш - бувшовики (P.Rebro. Buvshovyky) / Some call them "bilshovyky". / In fact, they are buvshovyky [the former]. /... We will be free, realizing, / that we do not have to listen to them. / Because they are all previous, "former", / And to be even more precise - they are buvshovyky; Справжня Україна тоді настане, коли серед українців буде більше серединців, ніж окраїнців (the newspaper "Literaturna Ukraina", №44, 2004) / There will be real Ukraine when amidst Ukrainians there will be more seredyntsiv [middlemen] than okraintsiv [those ones on the outskirts and edges]; Поселилася в "дисидентській столиці" Тарусі Калузької області. Там, на 101 кілометрі від Москви, мали осідок багато "відсидентів" (the newspaper "Literaturna Ukraina" №23, 2006) / She settled down in the "dissident capital" Tarusa, Kaluga region. There, 101 kilometers from Moscow, many vidsydentiv [ex- prisoners] settled.
Among the names for people in the Ukrainian language there are common non-substantive derivatives, coming from the names of famous political, state, party, and religious figures; they usually denote a kind of a follower, an advocate, or a supporter of the ideas that the person in question professed. However, in cases when a derivative comes from the surname of a person whose views and concepts are criticized rather than supported in the society, these occasional coinages, introduced into the text, serve as a forming factor of the subjective modality, though, usually in combination with other means of expressiveness, e.g. Дивна все-таки економічна система, породжена більшовиками. Коли бородатий "класик" створив умови для пожвавлення капіталізму на засадах відомої нової економічної політики, то вже за кілька років було нагодоване населення і почала відроджуватись економіка, а в Україні «найпередовішу» економіку, створену за рецептами «найпередовішої» науки, якась групка «нашоукраїнців» і рухівців (тільки, борони Боже, не спеціалістів, не комуністів, не ніноандреєвців і не єгорлігачовців) розвалила за два роки і 16 днів після «першогрудневого референдуму» (newspaper "Molod' Ukrainy", 04.10.1994) / The economic system created by Bolsheviks is strange, nonetheless. After the bearded "classic" worked out the conditions for the revival of capitalism on the basis of the well-known new economic policy, in just a few years the population was well-fed and the economy began to revive, while in Ukraine, the "most advanced" economy, based on the "most advanced" scientific principles, given into the hands of a group of "nashoukraintsiv" [members of the party "Our Ukraine"] and "rukhivtsiv" [members of the party "Movement"] (only, God forbid, not specialists, not communists, not ninoandreievtsiv or yegorligachovtsiv), was ruined in two years and 16 days after the" 1st of December- referendum". Occasionalisms ninoandreievtsi and yegorligachovtsi come from the names of Russian political retrogrades Nina Andreeva and Yegor Ligachev; in combination with the ridiculous nomination "bearded classic”, the ironic expression "the most advanced", they and other stylistic devices are responsible for a strong disapproving connotation of this text.
The occasional nature of a derivative word can be the result of simple collision of stylistically incompatible components within one coinage, i.e. a bookish word formant and a colloquial creative basis, or vice versa, e.g . ''Ой, як побачить наш вірний собака, що Піратом звався, як гукає Мина коваля Захарка, як торохкотять відра, кудкудачуть кури, батько труну робить, із стріх вода капле, та як возгавкає" (O. Dovzhenko. Enchanted Desna) / Alas, when our faithful dog, under the name of Pirate, would see Myna of Zakharko, the blacksmith, and when he would hear buckets clanging, and chicken clucking, and the father working on a coffin, and the rooftop water dripping down, and he himself would vozhavkaie [bark out ceremoniously].
The occasional nature of the derivative may also be the result of the interaction of the formant with diminutive and pet-name-forming semantics or a creative basis with a contrasting, negatively colored meaning: ... поштиво відчиняє передні дверцята "Мерса", і звідти вивалюється старий досвідчений бандюк. Бандюченята неохоче закидають біти в салон авта (Narodne slovo. Special issue, February 2006) / ... [he] respectfully opens the car door of a "Mers" [a Mercedes-Benz car], and a seasoned, experienced bandit steps out. Bandiucheniata [petty and young bandits] reluctantly throw bats into the car.
Occasional names of persons are also used to convey the subjective modality of the text with an aim of showing the favorable attitude to the described. This effect is achieved with the help of nonnormative words ending in -ич, created on the basics of qualitative adjectives: Білоперса Леда, снігоперса Ладо, / Ой чорнявич (chorniavych ) чи білявич (bilyavych), зі мною ізвлада?! (I. Drach. The ballad of two swans).
Occasional nominations of specific subjects also offer lots of possibilities of forming the subjective modality of the text. Creative bases, restricted by the linguistic norms, undergoing the expansion of the compatibility of suffixes with the meaning of immaturity -ен-, -ят-, -енят- , accompanied by a shade of affection, turned into to extraordinary derivatives capable of creating an approving connotative component of micro-text: Цвіте при хмарі хмареня, / І зірка недалечко (М.Вінграновський.Сон) / [there] Blooms in the cloud hmarenya [baby cloud], / Not far from a star (M.Vinhranovskyy. The Dream); Лапенятам шпарко на бетоні. / Оченятам курявно в бігу. / А назустріч МАЗ летить в розгоні. / Стелить-розсіває пилюгу (М. Bratan. Meeting on concrete) / Lapeniata [little paws] are quick on the concrete. / Ocheniata [little eyes are] smoky on the run. / Towards them MAZ flies in dispersal. / Spreading and scattering dust ; А ті клаптенята паперу - то смертельні плацдарми самотньої битви з державами, з часом, з самим собою (L. Kostenko. Great poets do not know how to write poetry)/ And those klapteniata [small pieces of] paper are the deadly bridgeheads of a lonely battle with states, time, and oneself; Сміється заєць з морквою за вухом: / Мокреньким носом ловить сніженя (М.Вінграновський. Вже ночі під листопадом ночують...) / A hare laughs tucking a carrots behind his ear: / His wet nose catches snizhenia [baby snowflakes]; (M. Vingranovsky . The nights are getting sleepy nearing November ...); Димко дихають в сивих снігах / Сосеняточка і сосенята (М.Вінграновський. Сива стомлена сутінь снігів) / Smoke breathes in the gray snow / Soseniatochka [little pines] and soseniata [baby pines] (M. Vingranovsky . Tired gray essence of snow); І падають річенята з їхніх очей в Дніпро (І.Драч. Діти ходять по Києву). / And the richeniata [rivulets] fall from their eyes into the Dnieper (I. Drach. Children walk around Kyiv). What is characteristic for these examples is the fact that there already exist co-rooted words with diminutive or affectionate meaning (клаптик, сніжок, річечка), used along them the newly-coined formations with other suffixes make their connotative-creative function in the text more expressive.
This becomes even more prominent concerning the word-forming co-functional formant - енятк(о). In the Ukrainian language the basis for the formation of affectionate diminutives with the help of the complex suffix -енятк(о) is traditionally represented by nouns denoting domesticated living things. Thus, deliberate violation of this pattern, the expansion of the above-mentioned creative noun basis by means of adding non-living things, such as non-beings, such as шовковиця, стежка, хмара, зоря (mulberry, path, cloud, star), led to the emergence of a number of occasionalisms in the poetic text, which became a powerful means of expression, e.g.: У ластівки -- ластовенятко. / В шовковиці -- шовковенятко. / В гаю у стежки -- стеженятко. / У хмари в небі -- хмаренятко. / В зорі над садом -- зоренятко: / Вже народилися (М.Вінграновський. У ластівки -- ластовенятко)/ Swallows [got] lastoveniatko [baby swallows] / In mulberry [got] shovkoveniatko [baby mulberry]. / In the grove by the path [got] stezheniatko [a little path] . / In the clouds in the sky [got] a hmareniatko [baby cloud]. / At dawn over the garden [got] zoreniatko [a starlet]: / Already born (M. Vingranovsky. Swallows [got] baby swallows). Also: Моє життя було колись початком / Усіх зачать в космічній глибині. / Було тоді ще небо небенятком (М.Вінграновський. Вогненна людина) / My life was once the beginning / All conceived in the depths of space. / Then the sky was still a nebeniatko [baby sky] (M. Vingranovsky . Fiery man).
An even greater degree of expressiveness is inherent to the occasionalism with another wordforming diminutive-hypocoristic component of the specified suffix-енятоньк(о): Мій Києве, гайда до неї. / Гайда, мій Києве-листопад... / В багряно-сизому інеї, / У сизо-збурену небопадь / Здійми мені хоча б якесь / Літатенятонько нещасне. / Мій Києве, надія гасне. / У тремі серця я увесь (М.Вінграновський. Мій Києве, гайда до неї)// My Kyiv, lets go to her. / Let's go, my Kyiv-November... / In the crimson-bluish hoarfrost, / In the bluish-disturbed sky / Take away from me at least some / Litateniatonko [a short year, a little one] / My Kyiv, hope fades. /1 am all in heart thrills (M. Vingranovsky. My Kyiv, let's go to her).
The function of making the text more expressive is also performed by occasional derivatives with abstract meaning, mostly they are adjective nouns ending with -ість, verb formations ending with on - ння, -ття, as well as adjective- and verb-derived nouns with cut bases. Normative restrictions for the creation of abstract nouns ending with -ість are connected with the semantic features of the creative bases: they are represented only by qualitative adjectives [6]. If the creative basis of nouns ending with - ість is expanded by means of comparative adjectives and other parts of speech, it leads to the appearance of occasional derivatives capable of performing the text expressive function. Thus, there come into being occasional derivatives formed directly from nouns to denote the abstracted quality and these qualities are considered creative characteristics of the nouns; these coinages fill the poetic text with warm, lyrical, poignant-impressionist colouring: У присмеркові доброї дібровості, / пшеничний присмак скошеного дня. / На крутосхилах срібної дніпровості / сідлає вічність чорного коня (Л.Костенко. У присмеркові доброї дібровості). // In the twilight of good diprovosti [copse-ness] oak , / the wheat flavor of the mown day. / On the steep slopes of the silver Dniprovosti [Dnipro-ness] / saddles the eternity of the black horse (L. Kostenko. In the twilight of good copse). However, such non-normative derivative words can also serves as a means of a contemptuously ironic, satirical effect creation, e.g.: Інтелігентною дамою слід уважати кожну даму, яка усвідомлює, що вона не просто жінка, а саме дама, тобто порядна дама з пристойної інтелігентної родини, тобто дама з високим порогом розуміння своєї дамості (Ю.Івакін) [12, р. 84]. // A well-mannered lady is every lady who realizes that she is not just a woman, but a lady, that is a decent lady from a decent intelligent family, that is a lady with a high level of understanding of her damosti [lady-ness] (Yu. Ivakin).
In the Ukrainian linguistic-stylistic practice semantic-derivational occasionalisms, formed with the help of affectionate-diminutive suffixes from those words that do not normally undergo affectionate- diminutive suffixation, are quite common [16, p. 166]; such coinages appear when dealing with abstract nouns, terms, anthroponyms, toponyms, certain pronouns, adverbs and exclamations.
Abstract coinaged derived from verbs and ending in -ння, -ття in their noun categories express the same action as their creative verbs. As a result of the combination diminutive-endearing suffixes with such kind of creative bases there comes into being linguistic expression, as the diminutive- endearing element incorporated in word-building formants refers not to the subject, but to the action: e.g. Відтворили ворітоньки, пустили раденько: Малим дітям на побіганнячко, красним дівкам на співаннячко, старим бабам посіданнячко, а господарям на робіттячко (І.Драч. Балада про весноньку) // [They] opened the gates and let in gladly: for the small kids for pobihannyachko [diminutive for "running"], for beautiful girls for spivannyachko [diminutive for "singing"], for elderly grandmothers for posidanniachko [diminutive for "sitting"], and for the masters for robittiachko [diminutive for "work"] (I. Drach. Ballad about spring).
A similar expressive effect is achieved by means of adding diminutive-endearing suffixes to the lexical and grammatical words, which exclude the concepts of having diminutive or affectionate forms: e.g. Ходять хмари нехмарним небом, / По воді сон зорі повивсь / Біля тебенько, коло тебе / Коло тебенько я - дивись (М.Вінграновський. Коло тебенько я...) // Clouds walk in the cloudless sky, / Star's dreams longer in water/ Near tebenko [affectionate "you"] am I, round you am I/ Round tebenko [affectionate "you"] am I - look and see ( M. Vingranovsky, I am near you ...); Піввітру пахло, пахло ще й теплом, Йогенька ж половина / Ішла вже з білим рюкзаком (М.Вінграновський. То дощ, то сніг, то знову дощ) // Half the wind was fragrant, it also smelled like warmth, yogenka [affectionate diminutive "his"] half / was already walking with a white backpack (M. Vingranovsky. And rain, and snow, and then rain again); Пішов мій прадід - камінь у ріку, / Навік мені застрягнувши у серці, / І завждоньки на стукіт у вікно / Я припадаю: чи не прадід кличе (І.Гнатюк. Пішов мій прадід) // My great-grandfather left - like a stone in the river, / Stuck in my heart forever, / And zavzhdonky [diminutive "always"] knocking on the window / starts me, I check it: if the great-grandfather calls (I. Hnatyuk. My greatgrandfather left); Сумні без батька двоє діток цих / <...> Вони собі обоєнько удвох / Тихенько граються та сваряться тихенько (М.Вінграновський. Сумні без батька двоє діток цих). //Sad without a father are these two children / <...> They are oboienko [affectionate "both"] together / Quietly playing and arguing quietly (M. Vingranovsky. Sad without a father, two of these children). One cannot but agree with the statement that the quality of being occasional of such coinages is "to some extent relative, as it makes sense only against the background of the strictly standardized modern literary language. Historically, it is based on the spoken (vernacular) language, as well as folklore tradition" [16, p. 166]. On the contrary, the folklore tradition of the widespread use of endearing-diminutive forms, the spoken variant, can testify to the stability of the language norm, which imposes certain restrictions on their derivation. The occasional nature of such formations compared to the regular patterns of word formation in colloquial and folklore speech is beyond doubt.
To create the necessary subjective modality of the text, one can use occasional derivatives formed by analogy with collective nouns. The occasional nature of these derivatives shows itself as these coinages are formed from the words, the semantics of which cannot make them collective, for instance, they are created from abstract adjectives or nouns: Свою труну розбивши опівночі, / Навпомацки в зеленім темновинні / Він вирушив до тебе (М.Вінграновський. Повернення Хікмета); [Having broken his coffin at midnight / groping in the green temnovynni [darkness]/ He went to you (M.Vinhranovskyy. Return of Hikmet)]; І в світанковім сумовинні / Прощально пестить шию, ніс... (М.Вінграновський. На лист, на сніг, на квіт, на тіні...).// And in the dawn symovynni [sadness] / the farewell caresses the neck, nose ... (M. Vingranovsky. On the leaf, on the snow, on the flower, in the shade ...).
There exists an opinion that occasional formations are used only in poetic texts. However, to a certain extent, they also appear in texts that represent different styles, except for official business style. Even scientific style texts include occasional derivatives, although their occasionally serves not as a means of expressiveness of the text, but rather as a means of intensifying the expression, visualization of differential features of the phenomenon under study, etc. e.g.: Як можна кваліфікувати роботу дослідника, що уважно вивчає футляр, мало зачіпаючи своєю увагою чарівну скрипку, що лежить у такому футлярі ? Зовсім не хочу цим сказати, що фонетика є футляром для фонології. Але кожен звук мовлення, зокрема таки є футляром для фонеми, яка в цьому звуці втілена. Ця “футлярна функція" є, власне, основою для звуків (Ю.Карпенко. Фонетика і фонологія сучасної української літературної мови). // How can we qualify the work of a researcher who studies a violin case without paying an ounce of attention to the beautiful violin lying in this case? I do not mean by this that phonetics is a case for phonology. Still, every speech sound in particular is a case for the phoneme, which is embodied in this sound. This " futliarna [case] function" is, in fact, the basis for sounds (Yu. Karpenko. Phonetics and phonology of modern Ukrainian literary language).
However, the natural surrounding where occasional formations serve as a means of expressing the subjective modality of the text, closely connected with making it expressive, is for the most part poetic speech, in general, it also includes fiction (belle-letter style), colloquial speech, and journalism. It is worth mentioning that noun occasionalisms created by means of suffixation are used in texts of different styles, while the derivatives representing other parts of speech are used mostly in poetic texts. Yet, modern poetry makes use of different verb occasionalisms formed with the help of suffixation in order to serve a distinct expressive function: Куди не підеш Україною - / Сонце
кларнетить навкруг (І.Драч. Плугатар)// Wherever you go in Ukraine - / the Sun klarnetyt [clarinets - used as a verb] around (I.Drach. Ploughman); На сизих пагорбах рясне село горіє / І сірі вітряки докрилюють свій вік (М.Вінграновський. І є народ...) // On the bluish hills the abundant village horiie [mounts and hovers] / And the gray windmills dokryliuiut [wing to the end - as a verb] their age (M. Vinhranovsky. And then there is a nation.); Зорі летіли в очі молодо і черлено /1 сон оксамитив непрочумане тіло (І.Драч. Останній міст полковника) // Stars flew into the eyes young and golden-reddish / and the sleep oksamytyv [velveted - as a verb] a drowsy body (I.Drach. The Last Bridge of the Colonel); Привіт тобі, ріко моєї долі... / Ні, я себе не можу уявить / Без тебе, Дніпре, як і без тополі, / Що в серці моїм змалку тополить (М.Вінграновський. Привіт тобі, ріко моєї долі!..) // I greet thee, the river of my destiny... / No, I cannot imagine myself / Without you, Dniepro, as well as without a poplar, / that topolyt [poplars - as a verb] in my heart from an early age (M. Vinhranovsky . I greet thee, the river of my destiny!); Копитила втеча копитом твердим, / Воля сурмила у сурми бездомності (І.Драч. Балада двох коней) // The escape kopytyla [hoofed - as a verb] with a hard hoof, / Freedom trumpeted in the trumpets of homelessness (I. Drach. Ballad of two horses); «Я, люди, зорі... зорі продаю!..» /1 враз ікони інеєм затерпли, / Осиротіла на вогонь свіча, / І зник звіздар, збеззоріла кишеня (О.Ткачук. Сьогодні зорі спродував звіздар) // Good people, I am selling stars ... the stars! .." / And suddenly the icons numbed with frost, / and candle became fireless, thus orphaned, / And the astrologer vanished, and a pocket zbezzorila [became starless - as a verb] (O.Tkachuk. Today the astrologer was selling stars); Віддаленіла так від мене, / Що обезтебіли і сни... (П.Мовчан. Зб. «Оріон золотий») // She distanced so far away from me, / That dreams obeztebily [lost of the trace of you - as a verb].... ( P.Movchan . Coll. "Golden Orion"); Хрещатик сивий, Київ - теж красиві, / бо ти в цей світ державити прийшла (В.Стус. Хрещатиком вечірнім) // Khreschatyk is gray, Kyiv is also beautiful, / because you came to this world to derzhavyty [to rule, to govern] (V.Stus. Along the evening Khreschatyk); Горіли очі, вечорішав, світлішав негр (В.Стус. Кольоровий образок) // Eyes were burning, a Negro vechorishav [was getting more like evening - as a verb], was getting lighter (V. Stus. Color image); Не руш мене. Я сам самую. / Собі у руки сам дивлюсь (М.Вінграновський. Не руш мене. Я сам самую) // Don't bother me. I samuiu [spend time of my own - as a verb] on my own. /1 look into my own hands (M. Vingranovsky. Don't bother me. I spend time on my own); Ні вікна, ані зорі, - комарюють комарі (Л.Костенко. Десь-не-десь в якомусь царстві) // No windows, no stars - mosquitoes komaryuyut [are mosquitoing - as a verb] (L.Kostenko. Once upon in some realm). In journalistic texts one can also stumble upon verbal occasional formations, e.g.: На третій день цих подій у Львові постало багато героїв, але, на жаль, не було барикад. А як можна було б розгулятись, «побарикадувати» (г. "За вільну Україну", 21.03.1991) // On the third day of these events, there appeared many heroes in Lviv, but, unfortunately, there were no barricades. And one could really go for a full mode, "pobarykaduvaty" [to barricade - to protest on barricades as a verb] (newspaper "Za vilnu Ukrainu", March, 21, 1991); Звідси і любов до краси світу і людей, бажання все онімбити й опоетизувати (П.Сорока. Власниця і крила) // Hence the love for the beauty of the world and people, the desire onimbyty [to halo - as a verb] and poetize everything (P. Soroka. The owner and wings).
The occasionally of these derivatives is based on a combination of generally accepted verb suffixes with unexpected, non-normative for verb nomination creative bases, and this introduces into the text the unusual semantics of occasionalisms with the corresponding connotative component.
The given verb occasionalisms, similarly to all the occasionalisms of non-noun nature, which due their general categorical meaning don't possess that prominent nominal quality like nouns do, in particular when concerning a subject menaning, create complex figurative connotations in the text. This complexity is caused, on the one hand, by means of deliberate, purposeful deviation from the norm in word formation, occasionality, and on the other hand by the metaphorical use of such an occasional derivative. Here are some examples of a figurative connotation creation by means of adverbial word-forming occasionalisms: Було нам важко і було нам зле. І західно і східно. / Було безвихідно. Але нам не було негідно (Л.Костенко. Було нам важко) // It was difficult for us and it was hard. Both zakhidno [western + -ly] and shidno [eastern+-ly]. / It was hopeless. Yet it was worth it. (L. Kostenko. It was difficult for us); Снігами вітровінь поля відволочила, / Прижовклено збіліла далина -- / Дніпровими високими очима / Дитинносіро глянула весна (М.Вінграновський. Снігами вітровінь поля відволочила). // The winds have ploughed the fields with snow, / The distance whitened pryzhovkleno [yellowish+-ly] - / With the high eyes of the Dnipro / Spring looked dytynnosiro [childishly-grayish+- ly] (M.Vinhranovsky. The winds have ploughed the fields with snow).
In the occasional word formation used to create figurative connotations prefixation and confixation are less common than suffixation. The appearance of prefixational occasionalisms in the text is often preceded by normative derivatives with the same prefix: Ця любов була схожа на таїнство перших причасть. / Кожен ранок був ніччю. Кожна ніч була передоднем. / Кожен день був жагучим чуттям передщасть (Л.Костенко. І знову пролог) // This love was like the sacrament of the first communion. / Every morning was night. Every night was the peredoden' [a before day = an eve]. / Every day was a passionate anticipation of peredschast' [before-happiness] (L. Kostenko. And there's another prologue); Коли ридали сосни янтарем і динозаври ніжились в щириці, / коли ще жив у пралісі пралев, коли у небі глибали праптиці, / коли льоди зсувалися із гір, і ще була не ящірка, а ящір, - / який він був, мій особистий пращур, неандерталець, вертикальний звір? / А він же був, той дикий, той праперший, / котрий жарину виглядів од хвищ, на стійбища людинячі приперши / ведмедя пралютих сукровищ (Л.Костенко. Пращур) // When pines shed amber and dinosaurs snuggled in the amaranth, / when there stills was a pralev [pre-lion] in the pralis [pre-forest], when the sky was full of praptytsi [pre-birds], / when ices shifted from the mountains, and yet there was not a lizard, but a reptile, - / what was he like, my own praschur [ meaning ancestor and it is a real word] , Neanderthal, a vertical beast? / And there he was, the wild one, the prapershyi [pre-first] one, / who saw an amber among the pralutykh [pre/anciently-violent] bloodshed of the bear /brought to the human nomad camp (L. Kostenko. Ancestor). The contrasting use of standard and non-normative co-formant derivatives in the same context emphasizes the occasional nature of the latter and enhances their expressiveness.
In modern poetic texts, there is a special place among the derivational expressive means occupied by various structural confixal occasionalisms; they are used as figurative attributes and vary in both the force of their impact and rate of their use. Their occasional character is based on the fact that their structure resembles suffix participles derived from the corresponding verbs with certain prefixes, yet, in fact, they use nouns as their creative basis: Сколінені мужі і нині пахолки / німотні руки перед себе рвуть (В.Стус. Накликання дощу) // Skolineni [made to kneel] men and now servants / reach out with their numb hands (V. Stus. Summoning rain); Нога трави в багряне відійшла, / Ззозулена зоря останню росу гонить (М.Вінграновський. У лісі вже нічого не цвіте) // The zzozulena [abandoned and forsaken; particle created after the noun "cuckoo"] star chases the last dew (M. Vingranovsky. Nothing blossoms in the forest any more); Ти - не з конвалій, ти не з рулад зачеремшиненого солов'я, / Що пазухи виплакочує, припадаючи на срібні свої колінця (І.Драч. Розмова з товаришем Маяковським) // You are not from the lilies of the valley, you are not from the roulads of a zacheremshenogo [a particle created from 'bird cherry tree'] nightingale, / That weeps its eyes out, falling on its silver knees (I. Drach.
Conversation with Comrade Maiakovsky); Вдарить скерцо висонценим сяйвом, / Лихо в лантух зсипеться пшоном, - / і ряхтять мелодії русяво, / Мерехтять шафранним полотном (І.Драч. Соната Прокоф'єва) // [He] will strike the scherzo with a vysontsenym [sun-lightened and whitened] radiance, / Disaster will pour down like millet into a bag, - / and the melodies will simmer lightly / and shimmer like a saffron canvas (I. Drach. Prokofiev's Sonata); І літ розстеблені гаї, твої розстеблені - під ноги (В.Стус. Літа! Між вас...) // And rozstebleni [stemmed into several parts] groves of years, your rozstebleni one lay under your feet (V. Stus. Years! Among you ...); О очі матері - олітнені ставки! (В.Стус. Матері) // Oh mother's eyes - olitneni [burdened with years] ponds! (V. Stus. Mother);Далеко овогнене місто на сон голубий мостилось (І.Драч. Балада про випрані штани) // In the distance the ovohnene [fire-lit, burning] city was falling into a deep blue sleep (I. Drach. A ballad about the washed trousers); Ходімо, розпачу мій підосінений, в високу рань (В.Стус. Ходімо, друже мій, дивачний хлопчику...) // Let's go, my pidosinenyi [autumn-saddened] despair, my darling, into the high and early morning (V. Stus. Let's go, my friend, weird boy ...); Моя думка така: напівпримітивне лопатизоване фермерське господарство не зробить прориву в аграрній галузі (г. "Тижневик Галичини", 20.03.1997) // In my opinion: a semiprimitive lopatyzovane [shovel-ized] farming will not make a breakthrough in the agricultural sector (the weekly newspaper "Tyzhnevyk Halychyny", March 20, 1997), etc. The expansion of the creative base of the above-given examples by means of nouns contributed to the connotative-creative features of the new derivatives in the text. The expressiveness of the internal form of the derivatives сколінені, ззозулена, зачеремшинений, висонцений, розстеблені, олітнені, овогнені, підосінені, лопатизоване resulted from their derivational motivation and it became the basis for text expressiveness in these microtexts.
Occasional derivatives created by means of contamination (blending) grant texts some visible expressiveness. The expressiveness effect of such derivatives is based on the combination of contrasting components of two original words in their semantics, for example катастрофа, перестройка > катастройка [catastrophe+perestroika > catastroika]; стагнація, інфляція > стагфляція
[stagnation+inflation > stagfliatsia]; сперматозоїд,динозавр>сперматозавр[sperm+dinosaur > spermatozavr]. C ontaminated [blended] derivatives introduced into the text serve as an effective means of expressiveness in the text segment, e.g.: Так, перестройка закінчилася. Починається катастройка. Починається розвал Совєтської імперії (г. "За вільну Україну", 27.04.1991) // Yes, perestroika is over. The catastroika begins. The collapse of the Soviet Empire begins (newspaper "Za vilnu Ukrainu", April 27, 1991); Те, що відбувається в нашій країні, можна назвати дуже гарним словом - стагфляція (г. "Літературна Україна", 20.09.1990) // There is a very nice word to characterize what is happening in our country - stagfliatsia (newspaper "Literaturna Ukraina", September 20, 1990); «Листи повернеш», - розпоряднулася наостанці, шорстко й діловито,.. - а він з місця замкнувся, виставивши насторч оте своє небезпечно розвинене, куди там псевдомужнім голлівудівським сперматозаврам, підборіддя: «І не подумаю. Це - моє» (О.Забужко. Польові дослідження з українського сексу) // ''You'll return the letters," she ordered in the end, crudely and businesslike, "and he stood his ground, exposing his dangerously developed chin the pseudo-masculine Hollywood spermatozavrs would be envious of:" The hell I will. This is mine" (O. Zabuzhko. Field research on Ukrainian sex). Recently, there has been a significant increase in the productivity of such derivatives in their text-forming functions. The dictionary "Word-formation in Independent Ukraine. 1991-2011" [13] alone includes records of the following: бомжетутка/ bomzhetutka [bomzhyha+prostytka//a hobo + a prostitute] (от і працюють вони бомжетутками, заробляючи собі на хліб // that's why they work as bomzhetutky, earning their living); лохляндія/lohlandia [loh(sucker, loser)+land] (Несила зупинити лоха: Що вдієш, як його епоха? Тож недарма (у цьому суть) Той край Лохляндією звуть // The is no stopping for the loh: What can you do if it is his epoch? So there's no surprise (and that's the point) That region is called Lohlandia); лохотрон/Llohotron [scam] (in 1986 there appeared thimbles, later - lohotrons/ scams , afterwards there started the cooperative activity: some people earned money, others took it away, and the third part would cover it all and engage in protectionism); лохторат/lohtorat [loh+electorate] (А поняття «Україна» складається не тільки з сорока з гаком мільйонів лохторату, який можна безкарно дурити й експлуатувати// And the concept "Ukraine" is not only about more than forty million lohtoratu that can be fooled and exploited without being punished); патріотизм/partiotysm [party+patriotism] (Найбільша вада українських демократів - замало патріотизму і забагато патріотизму// The biggest flaw of Ukrainian democrats is not enough patriotism and too much partiotysm ); хахлуй/hahlui (...famous Ukrainian writer Viktor Minyailo once introduced the word "hahlui" - a hybrid of 'hohok[pejorative and derogatory for "a Ukrainian"] and 'holuy' [a servant, errand-boy, slave] - and it became popular, apparently having fallen into a welcoming ground);
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контрольная работа [24,3 K], добавлен 30.12.2011The general outline of word formation in English: information about word formation as a means of the language development - appearance of a great number of new words, the growth of the vocabulary. The blending as a type of modern English word formation.
курсовая работа [54,6 K], добавлен 18.04.2014Word-building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary and the affixation is one of the most productive ways. Studying of affixation, which play important role in word-formation, classifying of affixes according to its structure and semantics.
дипломная работа [62,2 K], добавлен 21.07.2009Word as one of the basic units of language, dialect unity of form and content. Grammatical and a lexical word meaning, Parf-of-Speech meaning, Denotational and Connotational meaning of the word. Word meaning and motivation, meaning in morphemes.
курсовая работа [29,6 K], добавлен 02.03.2011How important is vocabulary. How are words selected. Conveying the meaning. Presenting vocabulary. How to illustrate meaning. Decision - making tasks. Teaching word formation and word combination. Teaching lexical chunks. Teaching phrasal verbs.
дипломная работа [2,4 M], добавлен 05.06.2010Grammar in the Systemic Conception of Language. Morphemic Structure of the Word. Communicative Types of Sentences. Categorial Structure of the Word. Composite Sentence as a Polypredicative Construction. Grammatical Classes of Words. Sentence in the Text.
учебное пособие [546,3 K], добавлен 03.10.2012The description of neologisms: definition, diachronic analysis, cultural acceptance factor. The manor and major word building types, presents latest top 50 neologisms, analyzed and arranged in table according to their word building type, sphere of usage.
курсовая работа [43,5 K], добавлен 19.04.2011Definition and general characteristics of the word-group. Study of classification and semantic properties of the data units of speech. Characteristics of motivated and unmotivated word-groups; as well as the characteristics of idiomatic phrases.
реферат [49,3 K], добавлен 30.11.2015The nature of English word stress. Consideration of the degree of stress as the force which gives an idea of the volume, pitch change in voice quality and quantity accented sounds. Examine the extent, trends and features of the English word stress.
презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 18.10.2015Finding the basic word order. Sentence word orders. Word order in different sentences: statements; questions; commands. Compound and complex sentences. Functions of sentence word order. Phrase word orders and branching. Normal atmospheric conditions.
реферат [24,2 K], добавлен 11.01.2011Text and its grammatical characteristics. Analyzing the structure of the text. Internal and external functions, according to the principals of text linguistics. Grammatical analysis of the text (practical part based on the novel "One day" by D. Nicholls).
курсовая работа [23,7 K], добавлен 06.03.2015General guidelines on word stress: one word has only one stress; stress vowels, not consonants. Origins of the word stress and the notion of accent. English accentuation tendencies. Typical patterns of stress of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
курсовая работа [275,8 K], добавлен 12.04.2014All children, who live in the United Kingdom, according to law, are obligated to learn and to obtain formation. System of management and financing of schools. Elementary, secondary, specialized, private schools. Training program in the British schools.
реферат [25,1 K], добавлен 18.10.2010The usage of the Perfect Tenses in different original texts. Investigation of the functioning of the Perfect Tenses in the works of English and American writers. The formation and application of the Perfect Tenses. Analyze the Perfect Continuous forms.
курсовая работа [262,9 K], добавлен 14.10.2014The nature of English word stress - the key to excellent pronunciation and understanding of English. English speakers use word stress to communicate rapidly and accurately, even in difficult conditions. Word stress tendencies and functions, variation.
реферат [22,6 K], добавлен 06.02.2010Study of different looks of linguists on an accentual structure in English. Analysis of nature of pressure of the English word as the phonetic phenomenon. Description of rhythmic tendency and functional aspect of types of pressure of the English word.
курсовая работа [25,7 K], добавлен 05.01.2011The word "family" is connected with warm relations between members. Family relations. Both the husband and the wife create their future together. Children should love and respect the parents. A family role in children's formation of individuality.
топик [11,2 K], добавлен 04.02.2009Definitiоn and features, linguistic peculiarities оf wоrd-fоrmatiоn. Types оf wоrd-fоrmatiоn: prоductive and secоndary ways. Analysis оf the bооk "Bridget Jоnes’ Diary" by Helen Fielding оn the subject оf wоrd-fоrmatiоn, results оf the analysis.
курсовая работа [106,8 K], добавлен 17.03.2014Shortening of spoken words. Graphical abbreviations and acronyms. Abbreviations as the major type of shortenings. Secondary ways of shortening: sound interchange and sound imitating. Blendening of words. Back formation as a source for shortening of words.
дипломная работа [90,2 K], добавлен 10.07.2009Modern methods of training of the letter. Improvement of skills of the letter of students. Constructing sentences from words and phrases. Drawing up of paragraphs of words, phrases, and offers. The methods of developing creative writing skills.
курсовая работа [240,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2011