Phrasemics of Myroslav Dochynets’ works of art

Studying the phrasemics of works of art by the well-known Ukrainian writer at the beginning of the 21st century Myroslav Dochynets,’ being-born in the Transcarpathia. Distinguishing national, transformed and individual author's phraseology in his prose.

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Дата добавления 07.09.2023
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1. Banoi V, Petruliak N. (2020) Somatyzmy u skladi frazeolohizmiv zakarpatskoi hovirky sela Ruski Kom- arivtsi Uzhhorodskoho raionu: etnolinhvistychnyi aspekt [Somatisms in the Phraseological Units of Transcarpa- thian Dialects in Ruski Komarivtsi Village of Uzhhorod District: Ethnolinguistic Aspect]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho universytetu. Seriia: Filolohiia. Vyp. 1(43). S. 39-48 [in Ukrainian].

2. Venzhynovych N.F. (2009) Tematychna stratyfikatsiia frazeolohizmiv ukrainskoi movy [Thematic Stratification of Phraseologisms of the Ukrainian Language]. Mova i kultura: naukovyi shchorichnyi zhurnal. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi dim Dmytra Buraho. T. IX (121). Vyp. 11. S. 112-120 [in Ukrainian].

3. Venzhynovych N.F. (2018) Frazemika ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy v konteksti kohnitolohii ta linhvokul- turolohii [Phrasemics of the Ukrainian Literary Language in the Context of Cognitology and Linguoculturology]: monohrafiia. Uzhhorod: FOP Sabov A.M. 463 s. [in Ukrainian].

4. Venzhynovych N., Yatskiv M. (2019) Frazeolohizmy na poznachennia movlennievoi diialnosti u romani M. Dochyntsia «Vichnyk» [Phraseologisms Denoting Speech Activity in M. Dochynets' Novel “Vichnyk”]. Slavianskiye lingvokultury vprostranstvennom i vremennom kontiniume: sbornyk nauchnykh statey. Homel: GGU im. F. Skoriny. S. 173-176 [in Russian].

5. Dochynets M.I. (2011) Doroha v nebo - do liudei. Istorii cholovikiv, yaki vytrymaly [The Road to Heaven is up to the People. Stories of Men Who Survived]. Mukachevo: Karpatska vezha. 276 s. [in Ukrainian].

6. Dochynets M.I. (2012) Bulava i sertse: velyki romany velykykh liudei [Mace and Heart: Great Novels of Great People]. Mukachevo: Karpatska vezha, 2012. 128 s. [in Ukrainian].

7. Dochynets M.I. (2013a) Vichnyk. Spovid na perevali dukhu [Eternal. Confession on the Pass of the Spirit]. Mukachevo: Karpatska vezha. 280 s. [in Ukrainian].

8. Dochynets M.I. (2013b) Horianyn. Vody Hospodnikh rusel [Mountaineer. Waters of the Lord's Channels]: roman. Mukachevo: Karpatska vezha. 312 s. [in Ukrainian].

9. Dochynets M.I. (2013v) Lys. Vidnaidennia zahublenykh slidiv [Fox. Recovery of Lost Traces]: roman. Mukachevo: Karpatska vezha. 288 s. [in Ukrainian].

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11. Dochynets M.I. (2014) Ruky i Dusha. Istorii zhinok, yaki peremohly [Hands and Soul. Stories of Women Who Won]. Mukachevo: Karpatska vezha. 172 s. [in Ukrainian].

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16. Kulbabska O.V, Shatilova N.O. (2016) «Pyshu, yak sertse dyktuie...» (Idiostyl Sydora Vorobkevycha) [“I write as my heart dictates...” (Idiostyle of Sydir Vorobkevych)]: monohrafiia. Chernivtsi: Chernivetskyi nats. un-t. 456 s. [in Ukrainian].

17. Maslova VA. (2001) Lingvokulturologiya [Linguistic Culturology]. Moskva: Izdatelskyi tsentr «Akadem- iya». 208 s. [in Russian].

18. Morarash H.V. (2018) Idiolekt Yevhenii Yaroshynskoi [Idiolect of Euhenia Yaroshynska]: monohrafiia. Chernivtsi: Druk Art. 304 s. [in Ukrainian].

19. Solohub N. M. (1991) Movnyi svit Olesia Honchara [Oles Honchar's Language Space]: monohrafiia. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. 140 s. [in Ukrainian].

20. SFUM - Slovnyk frazeolohizmiv ukrainskoi movy (2003) [Phraseological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language] / uklad.: V.M. Bilonozhenko ta in. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. 1104 s. [in Ukrainian].

21. Poluzhyn M., Poluzhyn I. (2020) Anhliiski animalistychni frazemy diieslivnoi semantyky ta yikh ukrain- ski ekvivalenty [English Animalistic Set Phrases of Verbal Semantics and their Ukrainian Equivalents]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho universytetu. Seriia: Filolohiia. Vyp. 1(43). S. 269-275 [in Ukrainian].

22. Uzhchenko VD., Uzhchenko D.V. (1998) [Phraseological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language]. Kyiv: Osvita. 224 s. [in Ukrainian].

23. FSUM - Frazeolohichnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy (1993) [Phraseological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language] / uklad.: V.M. Bilonozhenko ta in. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. 984 s. [in Ukrainian].

24. Kharkivska O. (2020) Narodni porivniannia u Slovnyku zakarpatskoi hovirky sela Sokyrnytsia Khust- skoho raionu I. Sabadosha [Folk Comparisons in the Dictionary of the Sokyrnytsia Village Transcarpathian Dialect, Khust District by I. Sabadosh]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho universytetu. Seriia: Filolohiia. Vyp. 1(43). S. 271-276 [in Ukrainian].

25. Khoma N. (2011) Onomastychnyi prostir v ukrainskykh frazeolohizmakh (prysliviakh, prykazkakh) [Onomastic Space in Ukrainian Phraseology (Proverbs, Sayings)]. VisnykPrykarpatskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Filolohiia. Ivano-Frankivsk. Vyp. 29/31. S. 411-413 [in Ukrainian].

26. Yatskiv M. (2020) Frazemy na poznachennia movlennievoi ta myslennievoi diialnosti v khudozhnikh tvorakh Myroslava Dochyntsia [Phrases Denoting Speech and Thinking Activity in the Works of Myroslav Dochy- nets']. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho universytetu. Seriia: Filolohiia. Vyp. 1(43). S. 313-317 [in Ukrainian].

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