The specifity of floristic phraseology with the component "flower name" (based on the material of English, French and Ukrainian)

Consideration of the specifics of floristic phraseology with the component "flower name". The inventory of flower names in the phraseological corpora and universal and specific trends in the choice of florolexemes as components of stable phrases.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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In each of the languages we studied, there are certain tendencies in the choice of flower names as components. In particular, in English and Ukrainian, we have found the use of synonyms for Flos, cf. In French and Ukrainian, there is the use of derivatives or diminutives of Flos, in particular: French: fleur, fleurette, fleuron; Ukrainian: квіт, квітка, квіточка; цвіт, цвіток, цвіточок.

So, when blue, blue bunnies decorate the fields); furze - grasshopper - whining Genista (it is better to stay under the old fence than to crawl under a new furze bush; when the grasshopper blooms, it is not fashionable to kiss; when the weeping flower blooms, it is not fashionable to kiss); lily - lilium Lilium (as sweet as a lily in May; white as a lily); French belis - marguerite - paquerette Bellis (la rybergere et blanche fleur are le belis du gay pasteur; a la franche marguerite; au ras de paquerettes); ajonc - genet Genista (quand l'ajonc fleurit, la brebis palit; le jeune homme qui aime et manie le genet est sur d'etre cocu quand il sera marie); bouton d'or - renoncule Ranunculus (a Saint-Theodore fleurit chaque bouton d'or; les enfants sont comme la renoncule, ils se trouvent partout); lis - lys Lilium (pur comme le lis; les Lys ne filent point); Ukrainian. kryn - lily Lilium (village kryn; sometimes a lily grows between nettles); vasylok - cornflower Centaurea (you sow rye - cornflowers will grow on their own; where there are cornflowers, there is a little bread); lord's face - rose - rose - rose - rose Rosa (like a lord's face; there is no face without thorns and thorns without thorns; there is no rose without thorns; a good husband has a wife like a rose; there is no bee without a sting and a rose without thorns).

As can be seen from the above examples, this trend is also uniform in the languages under study. The differential use of different names for the same flower is explained by the presence of both common and dialectal, obsolete or synonymous nominations in the structure of phrases.

In addition, the Ukrainian language is characterised by the presence in phrases of a number of derivatives of the name of the flower Papaver: mak - makivka - makovyna - makivka (as in Kuzma made of poppies; a beautiful girl like a poppy; build a house of poppies for any girl; a head like a poppy, but she has a lot of sense).

If we systematise all the names of flowers by their nomenclature names, we can state that for three languages the universal components are the names of flowers Lilium (English: as white as a lily; French: sieger sur les lis; Ukrainian: sometimes between nettles; Russian: между nettles); Matricaria (English: the chamomile, the more it is trodden on the faster it grows; French: the lily grows). sometimes a lily grows between nettles); Matricaria (English: the chamomile, the more it is trodden on the faster it grows; French: bois de l'infusion de camomille et tu n'auras pas mal au ventre; Ukrainian: to tell fortunes on chamomile petals); Papaver (English: red as a poppy; French: rosy comme un quinceanera). rouge comme un coquelicot; Ukr. the hen clucks under the lilacs and lays her eggs in the nettles); Viola (to play the shrinking violet; French: faire sa violette; Ukrainian: the first woman is like a violet, and the second like a rake) and the hyperonym Flos (English: in full flower; French: a la fleur des ans; Ukrainian: nailed on the flower).

There are also partial coincidences in the phraseological corpora of the two languages. For example, the names of the following flowers are common to both English and French: sauge et lavande, je te dis, guerissent toute maladie); Ranunculus (while on the day of the Holy Cross, the crowfoot gilds the flowerie grasse; French: les enfants are comme la renoncule, ils se trouvent partout); Taraxacum (English: God's dandelion; French: the flower of the earth; French: the flower of the earth). God's dandelion; French: bouffer les pissenlits par la racine); Tulipa (English: What does the blind man know of the beauty of the tulip?) As for coincidences in French and Ukrainian, we have the following common components: Malva (French: fumer les mauves par la racine; Ukrainian: blooms like a face); Paeonia (French: rouge comme une pivoine; Ukrainian: red like a peony); Ruta (French: fenouil et rue rendent la vue percante; Ukrainian: with or without ruta, an old woman cannot be a girl). We note that we have not found any coincidence between English and Ukrainian.

The analysis of the studied phraseological units has shown that stable phrases with the hyperonym Flos and the name of the flower Rosa prevail in English: their share is 34.5% and 33.3% of all studied ones, respectively. A similar trend is typical for French: Flos (44.1%) and Rosa (28.0%). As for the Ukrainian language, it is in its phrase corpus that the tendency to dominance of phraseological units with the name of a specific flower, in this case the name of the poppy flower Papaver, is most clearly observed. Almost half of the stable phrases (47.5 per cent) contain the name of this plant. As in English and French, phrases with the hyperonym Flos also occupy a significant place (37.3%).

As can be seen from the data, there is a common tendency to a significant number of phraseological units with the name of a hyperonym, but in English and French, stable phrases with this component outnumber others.

The analysis of the distinctive features in the choice of flower names as a component of phraseological units shows that the ethnospecificity is most clearly manifested in the English phrase corpus: 40.5% of the total number of recorded florolexemes are inherent only in this language. We recorded approximately the same figure in French - 38.5%. As for the Ukrainian language, the specificity in the choice of the name of the flower is less pronounced in its phrase corpus - 20.0%.

The prospect of our further research is to study the influence of the name of the flower on the semantics of phraseological units in English, French and Ukrainian. By a phraseological unit with a flower component, we mean phraseological units whose main or dependent component is a word denoting the reproductive part of a plant, or a plant that has a reproductive organ, as well as a flowering plant grown for beauty, aroma, decoration, etc. The systemic relations of the studied group of phraseological units can be traced through the phenomena of polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and variation, as well as at the level of their structural and grammatical organisation. Due to the fact that the object of the study is the phraseological fund of three languages: English, French, and Ukrainian, the consideration of systemic relations of phraseological units was carried out taking into account the principles of interlingual synchronic and comparative analysis: systematic selection of material from each language; primacy of intralinguistic description in relation to interlingual description; prevalence of identities over differences in the study; comparability of intralinguistic descriptions. From the point of view of linguistic and cultural studies, phraseological units are micro-contexts in which connotative information is transmitted at the level of individual semes of the general phraseological meaning and correlates it with a certain system of symbols, ethno-cultural standards and worldview stereotypes that reproduce the national and cultural mentality inherent in a certain community. The analysis of the gender component of the phraseological meaning, which is a carrier of ethno-cultural ideas and stereotypes, has revealed the tendencies of gender marking of phraseological units specific to each language.


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2. Алексахіна Т. О. Методика розроблення ідеографічної класифікації фразеологізмів. Нова філологія: зб. наук. праць. Запоріжжя, 2014. № 63. С. 6-10.

3. Алексахіна Т. О. Специфіка флористичної фразеології із компонентом «назва квітки» (на матеріалі англійської, французької та української мов). Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філологічна»: зб. наук. праць. Острог: Вид-во Нац. ун-ту «Острозька академія», 2013. Вип. 38. С. 267-269.

4. Dictionary of the Ukrainian language: [in 11 volumes] / [edited by I. K. Bilodid] K.: Naukova Dumka, 1970-1980.

5. Larousse P Grand Larousse de la langue francaise. [en 6 vol.]. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1971-1978. Vol. 1-7.

6. Oxford advanced American dictionary URL:].

7. Oxford advanced American dictionary URL:

8. Oxford advanced American dictionary URL:].

9. Robert P Dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de la langue francaise: [en 9 tomes]. Paris: Le Robert, 1986. Tomes 1-9.

10. The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (5 ed.) Edited by John Simpson, Jennifer Speake. Publisher: Oxford University Press; Print Publication Date: 2008; Print ISBN-13:9780199539536; Published to Oxford Reference: 2009; Current Online Version: 2009; eISBN: 9780191727740. URL: acref-9780199539536.

11. Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 3210. vol. 1-1016 p. vol. 2 1993 p. vol. 3-3135 p.


1. Barannik D.H. (1968). Phraseology in oral and written speech. Issues of linguistic culture. K.: Naukova Dumka. Issue 2. P. 34-38.

2. Aleksakhina T. O. (2014). Metodyka rozroblennia ideohrafichnoi klasyfikatsii frazeolohizmiv. [Methodology for developing the ideographic classification of phraseological units] Nova filolohiia: zb. nauk. prats. Zaporizhzhia, № 63. 6-10. [in Ukrainian].

3. Aleksakhina T. O. (2013). Spetsyfika florystychnoi frazeolohii iz komponentom «nazva kvitky» (na materiali anhliiskoi, frantsuzkoi ta ukrainskoi mov). [The specifics of floristic phraseology with the «name of a flower» component (based on English, French, and Ukrainian materials).] Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia». Seriia «Filolohichna»: zb. nauk. prats. Ostroh: Vyd-vo Nats. un-tu «Ostrozka akademiia». Vyp. 38. 267-269. [in Ukrainian].

4. Dictionary of the Ukrainian language: [in 11 volumes] / [edited by I. K. Bilodid] K.: Naukova Dumka, 1970-1980.

5. Larousse P Grand Larousse de la langue francaise. [en 6 vol.]. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1971-1978. Vol. 1-7.

6. Oxford advanced American dictionary URL:].

7. Oxford advanced American dictionary URL:

8. Oxford advanced American dictionary URL:

9. Robert P Dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de la langue francaise: [en 9 tomes]. Paris: Le Robert, 1986. Tomes 1-9.

10. The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (5 ed.) Edited by John Simpson, Jennifer Speake. Publisher: Oxford University Press; Print Publication Date: 2008; Print ISBN-13:9780199539536; Published to Oxford Reference: 2009; Current Online Version: 2009; eISBN: 9780191727740. URL: acref-9780199539536.

11. Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 3210. vol. 1-1016 p. vol. 2 1993 p. vol. 3-3135p.

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