Translation text analysis as an essential part of future translator’s training
The demand for interlingual and intercultural mediation has grown significantly in the contemporary globalized world. To address the former, educational systems in Ukraine have adapted to train specialists as mediators in intercultural communication.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 20,5 K |
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Translation text analysis as an essential part of future translator's training
Перекладацький аналіз тексту як важлива складова підготовки майбутнього перекладача
Onyshchak H.V.,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology State University “Uzhhorod National University "
Popovych Y.V.,
Lecturer at the Department of English Philology State University “UzhhorodNational University "
Pochepetska T.M.,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of English Philology State University “UzhhorodNational University "
The demand for interlingual and intercultural mediation has grown significantly in the contemporary globalized world. To address the former, educational systems in Ukraine have adapted to train specialists as mediators in intercultural communication. The current research delves into the significance of incorporating translation text analysis into the curriculum for the training of future translators. The study reviews recent research in translator training, emphasizing the need for viable methodological approaches. The paper also explores the role of translation text analysis in enhancing translation competence, focusing on the stages of pre-translation analysis, translation analysis proper, and post-translation analysis. The analysis involves linguistic and pragmatic aspects, addressing challenges in comprehending and reproducing the original context.
Through systematic analysis of translation strategies, transformations, and quality assessment procedures, future translators enhance their comprehension and critical assessment of translated texts. These skills, in turn, contribute to their overall proficiency as translators. Translation analysis instills in future translators the ability to critically evaluate choices made by other translators, fostering the development of analytical skills essential for making informed decisions in their work. This process necessitates delving into diverse resources and reference materials, cultivating research skills that aid in locating and utilizing pertinent information to address translation challenges.
Moreover, translation text analysis trains future translators to pay meticulous attention to details such as grammar, syntax, and word usage, which is crucial for producing high-quality, error-free translations. Exposure to various translation styles and approaches through analysis enhances adaptability, enabling future translators to tailor their strategies based on the specific requirements of diverse projects, genres, or subject matters.
Key words: translation text analysis, translator training, translation competence, translation strategies and transformations, translator's skills.
У сучасному глобалізованому світі попит на міжмовне та міжкультурне посередництво значно зріс. Для того, щоб відповідати цьому запиту, освітні системи в Україні адаптувалися для підготовки фахівців-посередників, які здатні забезпечити якісну міжкультурну комунікацію. Проведене дослідження детально розглядає значущість перекладацького аналізу тексту у підготовці майбутніх перекладачів, зокрема в формуванні їхньої перекладацької компетенції, зосереджуючись на особливостях доперекладацького, власне перекладацького та післяперекладацького аналізу тексту. Усі етапи здійснення останного охоплюють розгляд лінгвістичних та прагматичних аспектів перекладу, які впливають на сприйняття та відтворення оригінального тексту. intercultural educational translation
Майбутні перекладачі поглиблюють своє розуміння зіставлюваних текстів та розвивають критичне мислення через послідовний аналіз перекладацьких стратегій і трансформацій та оцінку якості перекладу. Ці навички, в свою чергу, сприяють розвитку їхньої перекладацької компетенції. Перекладацький аналіз тексту передбачає розвиток у майбутніх перекладачів вміння критично оцінювати вибір еквівалентів іншими перекладачами, сприяючи розвитку аналітичних навичок, необхідних для вирішення проблем перекладу у власній роботі. Цей процес включає ознайомлення з різноманітними ресурсами та довідковими матеріалами, що сприяє розвитку дослідницьких навичок студентів.
Крім того, перекладацький аналіз тексту спрямовує майбутніх перекладачів ретельно приділяти увагу деталям, таким як граматиці, синтаксичним структурам і вживанню лексичнних одиниць, що є важливими для створення високоякісних перекладів та уникнення помилок. Ознайомлення з різними стилями та підходами до перекладу через перекладацький аналіз тексту дозволяє майбутнім перекладачам пристосовувати свої стратегії відповідно до конкретних вимог різноманітних проєктів, жанрів чи тем.
Ключові слова: перекладацький аналіз тексту, підготовка перекладачів, перекладацька компетенція, перекладацькі стратегії та трансформації, навички перекладача.
Problem statement. In the contemporary globalized world, many international interactions occur daily across various spheres of life, necessitating interlingual and intercultural mediation, whether in face-to-face or remote modes. The latter is believed to be “central to the processes of interpreting, creating and exchanging meanings across languages and cultures” [7, p. 44]. In this respect, it has become decisive to prepare specialists capable of serving as “mediators” in intercultural communication. Consequently, educational systems worldwide, including Ukraine, have confronted this challenge in the 21st century, endeavoring to adapt expeditiously and effectively to the evolving landscape.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The development of translator training in higher educational establishments has stimulated the emergence of new translation didactics. Many domestic and foreign scholars have contributed to establishing this diverse pedagogical field. For instance, N. Zinukova described the pedagogical system for instructing master students in interpreting within the external economic sphere. S. Panov provided a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and methodological foundations for developing professional technical interpreters in university settings.
Robinson, J. Xiu Yan J., J. Pan and H. Wang articulated general principles for the training of written and oral translators. Likewise, D. Gile examined the most prevalent models and methodological approaches in the field. D. Salamah addressed the issues of translator training and translation competence, presenting some plausible translation competence models. S. Timarova and H. Salaets, for instance, considered the problems of learning styles, motivation, and cognitive flexibility in interpreter training. Despite extensive research in the field, the issue of viable methodological approaches and tools for training prospective translators remains unresolved and merits further investigation. In this regard, examining the role of translation text analysis in enhancing translation competence and preparing future specialists emerges as both relevant and promising.
Setting objectives. The proposed paper aims to explore and establish the significance of incorporating translation text analysis into the curriculum to develop essential skills and competencies among future translators. In addition, the objectives encompass outlining the stages involved in conducting translation text analysis, along with an elucidation of the fundamental activities undertaken by a translator.
Presentation of the main findings. Translation competence is cultivated through proficiency in at least two languages and cultures, mastery of stylistic and pragmatic aspects, command of translation strategies and transformations, comprehension of text-typological features at various levels, and the ability to generate texts of different genres based on communicative purpose and situational context. Thus, the former enables the translator to navigate through subsequent stages of analytical and interpretative activities in the translation process. However, since translation competence encompasses the ability to assess challenges in comprehending a text [13, p. 53], producing an adequate translation lies in deep translation text analysis.
Selecting a proper text for analysis is “really demanding, and it has a crucial role in the success or failure of the instruction in translation skills” [8, p. 97]. Firstly, the choice of a text influences the complexity and diversity of linguistic structures, styles, and cultural aspects that students encounter, providing a rich learning experience. A well-chosen text enables future translators to develop a broad range of skills, from linguistic proficiency to cultural sensitivity and awareness, as they grapple with various text types and subject matters. Moreover, carefully selecting texts allows educators to tailor the curriculum to address specific competencies, ensuring that students engage with materials that align with their proficiency levels and progressively challenge them. Additionally, exposure to a diverse range of texts equips future translators with the adaptability to handle different genres and subject domains in their professional careers. Ultimately, choosing the proper texts for the analysis fosters a comprehensive and profound understanding of translation principles.
Translation text analysis is conducted in several subsequent stages: 1) pre-translation analysis,
translation analysis proper, and 3) post-translation analysis. The pre-translation analysis focuses primarily on the essential characteristics of the source language text. In the seminal work, C. Nord claims that “the factors of the communicative situation in which the source text is used are of decisive importance for text analysis because they determine its communicative function” [4, p. 43]. Regarding extralinguistic parameters of a text, considerations encompass elements such as the author of the original text and the addressee of the translation, the context in which the source text was conceived, including deictic markers of space, time, and participants, as well as the author's communicative intent. The pre-translation analysis incorporates the original text's linguistic and pragmatic aspects and the interplay between non-verbal and verbal elements.
On the one hand, it indicates that the author presupposes the presence of a distinct author's style in the text, which needs to be faithfully reproduced in translation at the level of genre-specific invariance. However, on the other hand, its manifestation is inherently determined by the genre of a text or at least the style to which the text belongs. For instance, in literary translation, transmitting the original style is “a requirement for the study of the unity and diversity of the author's or work's ideological content and linguistic flair” [12, p. 98]. As highlighted by A. Scarino, “students learn to become intercultural mediators, analysing the meanings of others, which are constructed within particular cultural framings” [7, p. 44]. Thus, the intricate interplay between the author's style and genre-specific demands underlines the complexity inherent in the art of translation, wherein the translator must navigate the delicate balance between fidelity and adaptation to faithfully capture the essence and cultural aspects of the source text.
Future translators stand to benefit significantly from engaging in pre-translation text analysis, an initial stage in the overall translation process that contributes to developing essential skills. The former facilitates a profound understanding of the source text's nuances, cultural references, and contextual cues. This heightened awareness enables them to make informed decisions regarding lexical choices, stylistic elements, and overall tone in the target language. Moreover, this analytical approach enhances their problem-solving abilities, allowing them to tackle further linguistic and pragmatic challenges effectively. Additionally, future translators cultivate critical thinking skills, enabling them to assess the impact of linguistic and extralinguistic means on the intended audience. Overall, engaging in the pretranslation text analysis is a valuable training practice for future translators, fostering linguistic proficiency, cultural sensitivity, and strategic decision-making skills essential for success in the field.
A.H. Albir maintains that “translation problems can be located in the various phases of the translation process and are closely linked to the strategies used to solve them and with decision-making processes: solving translation problems involves different cognitive operations within the translation process, and requires constant decision-making on the part of the translator” [1, p. 10]. Thus, the subsequent translation analysis phase, often referred to as translation analysis proper, involves the translators' decisionmaking regarding the interlingual transformations necessary to reproduce the original context in the target language adequately.
J. Munday and M. Zhang maintain that “the outcomes of this analysis dictate the selection of translational strategies and tactics for reproducing the original text, establishing its framework through text- typological characteristics” [3, p. 3]. Thus, the process of translating a text is accompanied by selecting plausible translation strategies and transformations and choosing the proper equivalents for lexical units.
Additionally, it is essential to remember that the selection of translation strategies is always affected by factors collectively shaping the translational situation. Hence, the translation process is not a onedimensional endeavor but rather a dynamic interplay of multifaceted elements encompassing the text's purpose, the translator's intent, the linguistic and artistic aspects inherent in the original work, and the intended recipients' characteristics. Regarding the latter, J. Munday and M. Zhang claim that “the resultant translation is directed towards the audience's comprehensive understanding, aligning with their perceptual expectations” [3, p. 3]. Recognizing the audience's expectations and cognitive framework becomes pivotal in shaping the translation strategies employed by the translator.
Describing a skillful translator's work,
Robinson points out that “a sensitive and versatile translator will recognize when a given task requires something besides straight “accuracy” - various forms of summary or commentary or adaptation, various kinds of imaginative re-creation” [5, p. 9]. The statement aligns with the broader perspective that effective translation extends beyond linguistic fidelity to encompass a harmonious adaptation resonating with the intended audience, ensuring a culturally sensitive rendering of the source text.
Translation analysis proper involves grappling with various linguistic and cultural challenges. Future translators develop problem-solving skills by identifying and addressing issues related to ambiguity, idiomatic expressions, and cultural mismatches in the source and target texts. The analysis of translation transformations promotes cultural competence as it requires understanding cultural aspects and how they affect linguistic choices. Students learn to navigate cultural differences and adapt content to effectively resonate with the target audience.
Tropes and figures of speech analyzed in the subsequent translation analysis stage contribute significantly to a text's stylistic richness. Analyzing them helps translators understand the unique ways in which meaning is conveyed. The former can then strive to preserve these stylistic aspects in the target language, ensuring the translated text maintains a similar rhetorical impact. Moreover, tropes and figures of speech often have cultural connotations and may not have direct equivalents in another language. Their analysis helps translators identify culturally specific expressions, find suitable equivalents, or adapt them appropriately. Therefore, understanding the cultural context of figurative language is crucial for producing translations that are not only linguistically accurate but also culturally sensitive.
Finally, tropes and figures of speech often serve pragmatic functions, influencing how the reader or audience interprets the text. Analyzing these elements helps translators maintain the intended pragmatic effects, ensuring the translated text communicates the same persuasive, emotive, or rhetorical impact. Analyzing these rhetorical elements allows translators to understand the author's intent and replicate or adapt the strategies in the target language.
The quality of translated texts is the critical focus in post-translation text analysis. In their seminal article on the quality and integrity of official documents translation, M. Taibi and U. Ozolins define a quality translation as “an accurate, precise and transparent translation” [9, p. 889]. Consequently, the posttranslation text analysis serves as a critical evaluative mechanism to assess the fidelity, coherence, and overall effectiveness of the translation process.
Considering the intricacies of the translated output, future translators can identify potential discrepancies, deviations, or aspects that may impact the accuracy and communicative efficacy of the target text. They gain insights into the translational choices made by the translator through a meticulous examination of linguistic fidelity, cultural appropriateness, and stylistic congruence. This evaluative lens enables the identification of strengths and areas for improvement, contributing not only to the refinement of specific translations but also to the advancement of theoretical and practical dimensions within the field of translation studies. The post-translation text analysis, thus, stands as an indispensable tool for enhancing the precision and quality of translated works, fostering a continuous dialogue on best practices, and elevating the standards of cross-cultural communication.
Translation text analysis is a valuable tool for the ongoing development of multifaceted skills that contribute to the success of future translators in a constantly evolving linguistic and cross-cultural landscape. The latter can develop a range of valuable skills through the systematic analysis of translation strategies and transformations as well as translation quality assessment procedures. These skills not only enhance their ability to comprehend and critically assess translated texts but also contribute to their overall proficiency as translators.
Translation analysis encourages future translators to evaluate choices made by other translators critically. The latter fosters the development of analytical skills, enabling them to assess the effectiveness of different translation strategies and make informed decisions in their own work. To conduct thorough translation analysis, they often need to delve into various resources and reference materials, cultivating their research skills and helping them locate and utilize relevant information to address translation challenges.
Through translation analysis, future translators learn to pay meticulous attention to details such as grammar, syntax, and word usage. This attention to detail is crucial for producing high-quality, error-free translations. Exposure to various translation styles and approaches through analysis helps future translators become more adaptable. They can learn to tailor their strategies based on the specific requirements of different projects, genres, or subject matters.
The prospects for future research lie in the deep analysis of implementing effective instructional practices and new models for developing students' linguistic and sociocultural competence in both oral and written translation.
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