Адміністративно-правові засади діяльності органів внутрішніх справ України по протидії злочинам, пов’язаним з тероризмом

Зміст функцій, принципів та методів діяльності органів внутрішніх справ по протидії злочинам, пов’язаним з тероризмом. Аналіз напрямів прогнозування та планування роботи правозахисних систем України із протиборства злочинств, зведеним до бандитизму.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 12.07.2015
Размер файла 47,9 K

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The thesis examines the administrative-lawful basis of internal affairs' activity of counteraction to crimes related to terrorism. It is identified general theoretical position of organs of internal affairs' organization as direct subject of combating against terrorism. The author provided a definition of «operative-service activity of organs of internal affairs on counteraction to crimes related to terrorism».

It is examined the content of criminal-lawful characteristics of criminal activity connected with terrorism, and identified the operational-search activities using methods of forecasting and planning of organs of internal affairs' activity.

The value of information and operational support of organs of internal affairs' activity of counteraction to crimes related to terrorism is determined.

The research examined mutuality of terrorist activities and organized criminality, features of their prevention, its detection and suppression. It is established that providing of legitimacy in organs of internal affairs' activity of counteraction to crimes related to terrorism leads to strengthening of law enforcement in general and the effectiveness of crime prevention on national and international level. Experience of foreign law enforcement agencies in fighting against terrorism is studied. It is analyzed the international legal acts devoted to counteraction to terrorism. Based on study and synthesis of application of anti-terrorism legislation and practices of law enforcement organs it is suggested the further improvement of legal provision and organization of operational and search activities in fighting against combating terrorism.

Key words: administrative-lawful basis, legality, legal security, forecasting, planning, activity, methods, principles, functions.

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