Механізми формування водоефективної політики з Урахуванням вимог екологічної безпеки

Визначення пріоритетних напрямків та розроблення механізмів підвищення ефективності водозабезпечення в Україні на найближчу та віддалену перспективи з урахуванням вимог екологічної безпеки держави. Роль та місце державної політики водозабезпечення.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 19.07.2015
Размер файла 56,9 K

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The spend formalization has given the chance out at higher level taking into account the basic destructive factors scientific and technical maintenance of realization with enforcement authorities and local government of “The primary goals of the central and local enforcement authorities and local governments on performance of the Nation-wide program “Potable water of Ukraine for 2006-2020”.

The model and technique of estimation of efficiency of water delivery are developed allows not only to analyze efficiency of different variants of administrative decisions, but also choose the most comprehensible on several indicators into account their influence on an integrated indicator of efficiency of a policy of water delivery of a megacity - degree of satisfaction of requirements of consumers in qualitative potable water.

It is recommended to enforcement authorities and local government to work constantly over maintenance of ecologically steady functioning of water objects of settlements and introduction of mechanisms of economic regulation of protection and use of water resources, maintenance of reliable protection of superficial and underground waters from pollution.

It is proved expediency of increase of a management efficiency by processes of water supply by working out and introduction of information system of water safety.

Key words: the government control, water supply system, the water affective policy, ecological safety, model of estimation of efficiency of water supply.

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