Features of transferring the meaning of non-equivalent units of language on the example of stories by R. Kipling

The study of the translation of non-equivalent vocabulary based on the stories of Kipling. Analysis of English and Russian vocabulary and the patterns of its translation, compilation of an appropriate dictionary. Causes of lexical non-equivalence.

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Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.




Kimball O'Hara refers to proper names, which in turn refer to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. When transmitting proper names, the only translation strategy is transcription ortransliterationand here Repina A.P. uses the transcriptionmethod for translationand Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. translates using the method of transliteration. Both adapt this non-equivalent word for Russian readers.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated byKlyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

Behind the Museum in the big blue-and-white Jadoo-Gher-theMagic House, as we name the Masonic Lodge.

За музеем, в большом белом с синим доме «Джаду-Гер», Волшебном доме.

За музеем, в большом синем с белым - Джаду-Гхарe - Волшебном Доме, как мы называем масонскуюложу.

A Masonic lodge is a place, a room where Masons gather to hold their meetings. This non-equivalent word can be attributed to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. Repina A.P. used the methodof omission. Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I., you can notice the use of the transcription method.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

`Thy father was a pastry-cook, Thy mother stole the ghi, 'sang Kim.

Твой отец был пирожник, твоя мать украла ги - распевал Ким.

Отец твой был пирожник, а мать украла гхи, - пел Ким.

Ghi is an Indian word meaning melted milk. This word refers to cultural realia, more precisely according to Ivanov's A.O. classification to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. Repina A.P. used the transcription method in the translation of this realia, and Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. used the transliteration method for translation.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

`Pahari, 'said little Chota Lal.

Пахари, - сказал маленький ЧотаЛаль.

Пахари, - промолвил маленький Чхота-Лал.

Pahari are people who live in the mountains. Translators used the transliteration method and transcription to fully immerse the reader in the history and culture of India. According to Ivanov's A.O. classification, the given word can be attributed to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translatedby Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

`A guru from Tibet, 'said Kim.

Гуру из Тибета, - сказал Ким.

Гуру из Тибета, - промолвил Ким.

Guru is an Indian word that means spiritual mentor, teacher. This word refers to cultural realia and, according to Ivanov's A.O. classification, to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. And both translators used the same method to translate this word, which is called transliteration.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.



Слышал ты о Бод-юм?

Ты слыхал о Бхотияле?

Bhotiyal is a name that unites several Tibetan-speaking groups of the Himalayan population. This refers to geographical names, which in turn is part of an alternative non-equivalent lexical group. Repina A.P. used the type of translation-transcription, and Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. translated this geographical name using the method of transliteration.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

That had encrusted the brick walls of the Buddhist stupas and viharas of the North Country.

Которые украшали в былое время кирпичные стены буддистских мавзолеев и памятников Северной страны.

Которые некогда покрывали кирпичные стены буддийских ступ и вихар Северной Страны.

Stupa is a memorial structure for Buddhists, built at the place where some important event took place. It often serves as the gravestone of the saint. it has the shape of a dome placed on a quadrangular base. Vihara is a Buddhist monastery. As you can see, Repina A.P. used the addition method to make it clear enough to Russian-speaking readers. And Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. translated using the transliteration method, so that the reader would fully immerse himself in history and culture and get maximum pleasure from reading.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

It is a far cry to Delhi.

До Дели далеко.

До Дели далеко.

It is a far cry to Delhi… an Indian proverb that means that a long time must pass before any event, or that it is still a very long time to go to a certain place. This proverb refers to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. And in both cases, a literal translation is used.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

A stolen plantain hanging out of his mouth.

Ветвьсмоковницы, которую он только что стащил, свешивалась у него изо рта.

С украденным пизангом, свисающим у него изо рта.

Plantain is an Indian word, is one of 70 types of banana. Repina A.P. translated into Russian with the help of an adaptation to make it clear to Russian-speaking readerKlyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. translated by the approximation method.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

`Thy man is rather yagi than yogi.

Твой муж скорее «иаги», чем «иоги».

Твой муж скорей яги, чем йоги.

Yagi is a person with a bad temper, character. Yogi is a person with a conscientious character and good intentions. The translators used transcription and transliteration to convey the meaning in the target language. Repina A.P. used transcription, and Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I. translated by transliteration.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

Yes, and some vegetable curry.

Да еще какого-нибудь варева.

А также немножко овощной кари.

Curry is an Indian condiment. It exists in the form of sauce, powder or porridge-like mass. This refers to cultural realia, more precisely to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. Repina A.P. translated this word by adding, adapting it for the Russian-speaking reader. Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. translated by transcription in order to fully immerse herself in history when reading the novel.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

Ohe, bhisti!

Эй, ты!

Эй, бхишти!

Bhishti is a Muslim water carrier. Translators here use different types of translation. Repina A.P. uses the adaptation method in order to make it clear to Russian-speaking readers, but when translating this word, Indian culture is lost. And the translation by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. immerses people in the culture and being in the novel, she uses transcription.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

And once as much as eight annas in money.

А один раз дал даже восемь монет.

А один раз даже выдал ему восемь анденьгами.

Anna is a copper coin of one sixteenth of a rupee. This word is included in the alternative-equivalent vocabulary according to Ivanov's A.O. classification. Repina A.P. translated using the modulation method. Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I used transliteration.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

`Thy chela, 'said Kim simply.

Твой ученик, - просто сказал Ким.

Твой чела, - просто ответил Ким.

Chela is a disciple. Translators used different methods of transferring meaning into the translating language. For example: Repina A.P. translates this word as «ученик», which refers to the modulation method. Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. uses the transliteration type for translation.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

`Maharaj, ' whinedKim.

Магараджа, - захныкал Ким.

Махараджа, - провизжал Ким.

Maharaj - «great Raja» is the title of princes in India. Ihere, we are dealing with cultural realia. The translators transmitted using the same technique, known as transliteration.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

Pulling lazily at an immense silver hookah.

Курил огромную серебряную трубку.

Покуривал огромную серебряную хукку.

An apparatus for smoking in which tobacco smoke mixed with molasses travels through water is called a hookah. Here, we encounter facts pertaining to alternative, non-equivalent terminology. Different translation techniques were employed by each translator. The compensating translation approach is used here by Repina A.P. Transliteration is used in Klyagina-Kondratyeva's M.I. translation.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

Was a particular friend of a smooth-faced Kashmiri pundit.

В особенно близких отношениях с одним безбородым кашмирским ученым-брамином.

Была близкой приятельницей безбородого кашмирского бандита.

In India, a scholar who is well educated in the topic of traditional Indian literature written in Sanskrit is given the honorific title of «pandit.» Different methods are used to translate. Repina A.P. uses the adaption strategy when translating. The transcription method was used for the translation by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

It was cleverly done, Babu.

Ловко было сделано, бабу.

Ловко придумал, бабу.

Babu is a gentleman, an educated Indian; when addressed, «babu Ji» is also used. As defined by Ivanov A.O., this term relates to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. Thesametranscriptionaltechniquewasemployedbythetranslators.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

The Sikh and the cultivator's wife chewed pan.

Сейк и жена земледельца что-то жевали.

Сикх и жена земледельца жевали пан.

Betel leaves, or pan, are a member of the pepper family. Both translators used transliteration to render this word in the same way. Sikh is a formal name. As is common knowledge, proper names are either transliterated or transcriptionally translated. Repina A.P. employed transcription. Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. used the method of transliteration.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

At even, we shall enter Umballa.

И скоро приедем в Умбаллу.

Вечером приедем в Амбалу.

Umballa is a city in the north of India, in the state of Haryana. This example relates to geographical realia. The first translator Repina A P. translated using transliteration, Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. by transcription.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

`And the Sahib of the Wonder House talked to him-yes, this is truth as brother.

И сахиб в Доме Чудес говорил с ним. Как брат, это правда.

И сахиб из Дома Чудес говорил с ним, - да, это истинная правда, - как с братом.

Locals in India at the period when it was an English colony referred to high-ranking Englishmen and members of noble families as «sahibs.» In this instance, the translator used the transcription method to translate this word.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

He saw-Indian bungalows are open through and through.

Он увидел - индийские бунгало открыты со всех сторон.

Он увидел - индийские бунгало открыты со всех сторон.

The bungalow is a one-story home with a veranda around it. In this instance, alternative-non-equivalent terminology is discussed. Transcription was utilized by translators.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

Through patches ofsugar-cane, tobacco, long white radishes, and nol-kol.

Среди плантаций сахарного тростника, табаку, длинных белых растений «ноль-коль» они бродили целый день.

Бродили по плантациям сахарного тростника, табака, длинной белой редиски и нольколя.

One variety of cabbage is the nol-kol. In both instances, the transliteration method was used to translate, they tried to save culture of people in this novel.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

Three koss [six miles] to the westward runs the great road to Calcutta.

В трех косах (шести милях) отсюда к западу проходит большая дорога в Калькутту.

В трех косах (шести милях) к западу отсюда пролегает большая дорога в Калькутту.

The koss is a measure of length. In different provinces it varied from two to three English miles. In both cases, the transcription method was used to carry out the translation.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

Then take the road' (it was the Grand Trunk Road he meant).

Потом пойди по этой дороге (он говорил про большую, главную ветвь дороги).

Он имел в виду Великий Колесный Путь.

The Grand Trunk Road is a road from Calcutta to the Khyber Pass connecting Pakistan with Afghanistan (before the country's division - India with Afghanistan). Here we are faced with a different type of translation. In the first case, when translating, Repina A.P. used the method of descriptive translation, for full understanding. In the second, Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. used a literal translation.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

For the sake of a few pice, he pretended toknow more than he knew.

Ради нескольких мелких монет, представлялся, что знает больше, чем знал на самом деле.

Бывало, ради нескольких пайс притворялся, что знает больше, чем знал на самом деле.

A pice is a little copper coin that is one hundredth of a rupee and was one-sixty-fourth of a rupee. And you can see how several translation techniques are used in this example. The transcription approach is used by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I., and the compensation method is used by Repina A.P.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

Brahmins and chumars, bankers and tinkers, barbers and bunnias, pilgrims and potters-all the world going and coming.

Взгляни: брамины, банкиры, медники, цирюльники, пилигримы и горшечники - все движутся взад и вперед.

Брахманы и чамары, банкиры и медники, цирюльники и банья, паломники и горшечники - весь мир приходит и уходит.

A chumar is a member of the caste of tanners and furriers. Bunnia is a grain and food merchant, sometimes a moneylender. Brahmins are religious servants. These words can be attributed to cultural realia, which in turn refers to alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. The word «brahmins» was translated by Repina A.P. using the transcription method, and also used the method of omission. Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.translatedusingthetransliterationmethod.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

They met a troop of long-haired, strong-scented Sansis with baskets of lizards.

Они встретили группу длинноволосых, омытых благовониями сансисов с корзинами ящериц.

Они встретили толпу длинноволосых, остро пахнущих санси, несущих на спине корзины полные ящериц.

The Sansis are a wandering pastoral tribe from northern India. Inthiscase, bothtranslatorstranslatedbytransliteration.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

And so afterwards I go to Buddh Gaya, to make shraddha for the fatherof my children.

А потом я поеду в Буддах-Гайя, чтобы принести жертву за отца моих детей.

Поэтому я потомотправлюсь в Будх-Гаю, чтобы совершитьшраддху за отца моих детей.

Shraddha is a religious ceremony in Hinduism held in honor of a deceased ancestor and is an integral part of the ancestor cult. This word is part of an alternativenon-equivalent vocabulary. The compensation approach was employed byRepina A.P., and transliteration was utilized by Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. to translate it.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

`O mother, ' he cried, `do they do this in the zenanas?

О, матушка, - крикнул он, - разве так делают у вас в стране?!

Эй, матушка, - крикнул он, - разве в зенанах так водится?

Zenana is the female half of the house. This word refers to cultural realia or rather alternative-non-equivalent vocabulary. Since this word has no equivalent, the translators used different methods to convey the meaning of the original text in the target language. RepinaA.P. uses the method of omission and addition. Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I. translatedusingthetransliterationtechnique.

Original text written by Kipling R.

Translated by Repina A.P.

Translated by Klyagina-KondratyevaM.I.

First come two-ferashes-to make all things ready…

Сначала придут двое людей, чтобы приготовить все…

Сначала придут два фарраша, чтобы все подготовить…

Ferashes are domestic servants. Refer to alternative-equivalent vocabulary according to Ivanov's A.O. classification. RepinaA.P. omitted this word and translated this sentence by adding itKlyagina-Kondratyeva M.I. used the transliteration technique.


Rudyard Kipling is a famous writer, poet, short story writer. The author of the work «The Jungle Book», which brought him world fame. The first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize

Since Kipling Rudyard lived for a long time in India. He loved Indian culture. Also in his novel we are talking about the boy Kimball O'Hara, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier and an Indian woman, who after the death of his father grows up on the streets of an Indian city. He basically added a lot of Indian non-equivalent vocabulary, which is very difficult to translate.

«Kim» is the most popular novel by the English writer Rudyard Kipling. Published in Cassell's Magazine from January to November 1901. In October of the same year, it was published as a separate book. It belongs to the genre of adventure «stories for boys» typical of Edwardian literature.

It should be noted that a characteristic feature of non-equivalent words is their untranslatability into other languages by means of constant correspondence, their inconsistency with some word of another language. But this does not mean that they are completely untranslatable.

Non-equivalent vocabulary simultaneously belongs to both language and culture, that is, it simultaneously reflects the features of a given language and the specifics of a given culture.

Comparative analysis of the translationof English non-equivalent vocabulary into Russian. To do this, we chose the translation by Repina A.P. andKlyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

Based on the material of the novel by Kipling R. «Kim», the following groups of non-equivalent vocabulary were identified: realia, with the most frequent realia being cultural, proper names, geographical names, phraseological units, occasional vocabulary.

The main ways of transferring non-equivalent vocabulary are calcification, transliteration, description, combination of calcification and descriptive method is often used, while the choice of the method of translating non-equivalent vocabulary depends on the context.

According to the frequency of use of various methods of transmitting non-equivalent vocabulary, transcription transliteration is most often used, followed by compensation, then modulation, followed by adaptation, omissions and the method of addition.

Every translation transformation and every way of translating non-equivalent vocabulary has its advantages and disadvantages. Such translation methods as transcription and calcification are characterized by brevity and conciseness, but do not contribute to a clear perception of the culturally marked unit, unlike translation transformations, which fully convey the meaning of realia, but, unfortunately, often lose the cultural and historical originality of the original. Therefore, it is necessary to use combined methods of translating culturally marked units, for example transliteration and translation commentary.

In the course of the work, various approaches to understanding such «non-equivalent vocabulary», «realia» were identified, theoretical aspects of the problem of transferring the author's style in translation were studied, approaches to the translation of non-equivalent vocabulary were generalized. A special place is given to translation transformations and methods of translation of non-equivalent vocabulary on the material of a work of art.

The uniqueness and uniqueness of any human language is largely determined by its non-equivalent vocabulary, by the units of which we understand such words that do not have a one-word correspondence in the translation language, and therefore can be transmitted in another language only through description.

Ivanov A.O. divides all non-equivalent vocabulary into three large groups: referential-non-equivalent, which includes terms, author's neologisms, semantic lacunae; pragmatically-non-equivalent, combining deviations from the general linguistic norm, foreign language inclusions, abbreviations, interjections, onomatopoeia; and alternatively-non-equivalent vocabulary, which includes proper names, addresses, realias and phraseological units.

The key concepts in the study of the problem of the transfer of lexical units from one language to another are the concepts of «equivalence» and «adequacy». Some scientists considered them as synonyms, others as different phenomena. The definition of Komissarov V.N., who considers these concepts to be non-identical, but having common features, seems to us to be the most accurate.

Since the translator must constantly decide between approximate and explanatory or descriptive translation, the translation of all forms of non-equivalent language is generally seen as being an incredibly challenging subject. In pragmatics, maintaining the internal form might result in a violation, while maintaining the pragmatic meaning can be accompanied with a loss of reference, or a portion of the meaning. The level of competence and taste of the translator alone determines this choice, not any universal translation standard.

Such a book as «Kim» presents great difficulties for the translator. Kipling R. writes a lot about the realia of India, with which the average Russian reader is poorly acquainted; and his English contemporary very often recognized them without any explanation, since the fate of many English families was somehow connected with India, as Kipling's R. own life was connected with this country.

The main ways of transferring non-equivalent vocabulary are calcification, transliteration, description, a combination of calcification and descriptive method is often used, while the choice of the method of translating non-equivalent vocabulary depends on the context.

Comparative analysis of the translation of English non-equivalent vocabulary into Russian. To do this, we chose the translation by Repina A.P. and and Klyagina-Kondratyeva M.I.

According to the frequency of use of various methods of transmitting non-equivalent vocabulary, transcription transliteration is most often used, followed by compensation, then modulation, followed by adaptation, omissions and the method of addition.

Non-equivalent vocabulary is a very peculiar and at the same time quite complex and ambiguous category of the lexical system of any language. A novel written by Kipling R. was chosen for analysis, which is a vivid example of non-equivalent vocabulary: realia, occasional words, phraseological units.


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20. Kopylenko M.M., Popova Z.D. Essays on general phraseology: Phraseological combinations in the language system. M.: Librocom, 2010. - 192 p.

21. Krupnov V.N. Practical course on translation from English into Russian. M.: Higher School, 2005. - 279 p.

22. Latyshev L.K. Translation technology. M.: NVI-Thesaurus, 2000. - 287 p.

23. Latyshev L.K., Semenov A.L. Translation: theory, practice and Teaching methods. M.: ACADEMA, 2003. - 190 p.

24. Muller V.K. English-Russian dictionary. M.: Onyx, 2007. - 976 p.

25. Retsker Ya.I. Theory of translation and translation practice. M., 2007. -224 p.

26. Schweitzer A.D. Translation and linguistics. M., 1973. - 251c

27. Schweitzer A.D. Theory of translation: Status, problems, aspects. M.: Nauka, 1988. - 206 p.

28. Terekhova G.V. Theory and practice of translation. Orenburg: GO OSU, 2004. -103 p.

29. Tyulenev S.V. Theory of translation. M.: Gardariki, 2004. - 336 p.

30. Vereshchagin E.M., Kostomarov V.G. Linguistic theory of the word. Moscow: Russian language, 1980 -320 p.

31. Vinogradov V.S. Introduction to translation studies (general and lexical issues). Moscow: Publishing House of the Institute of General Secondary Education RAO, 2001. - 224 p.

32. Vinogradov V.S. Translation: general and lexical questions. M.: Book House, 2006. - 240 p.

33. Vlakhov S. Florin S. Untranslatable in translation. M.: International Relations, 2009. - 328 p.

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